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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Printable Version

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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 05-02-2009

---------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------
To: The Benitez Familia
Comm ID: Commandante Don Carlos Benitez
Source: The Battleship Talos, Crete Orbit, Omicron Gamma.

Amigos, we have a problem.
At approximately 21:30 tonight, the Talos picked up alert telemetry from the emergency transmitter planted on the Abundantia, my old smuggler ship.
The transmitter was programmed to activate in the event that the ship sustained severe or possibly terminal damage. The transmitter then sent data pertaining to the last signals that passed through the comm array.

##### ## ###### ###### ######|#####|#####///~###
(unknown voice) -One last chance, Ashcroft. Hand over the artefacts.

Ashcroft- ....Ok...ok!


The transmitter suggests the last known location was in the Magellan system.
This news is worrying; not only is my ship probably in a thousand pieces, Ashcroft or technology from the Abundantia could have fallen into the hands of the Hackers.
We know the Hackers are intolerant of us, and of the artefact trade, but the prospect of detailed and sensitive information about our trade falling into the hands of the Outcasts is disturbing. I have little faith that Ashcroft would be loyal enough to us to resist torture.

For this reason, it is imperative that a wing be dispatched to investigate his disappearance. The fate of the empire could hang in the balance.

Commandante Don Carlos Benitez.

-----------------Transmission Ends-----------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Ximen_Benitez - 05-03-2009

Comm ID: Ximen Benitez
To: Don Carlos

***Transmission Begins***

Don, I will assemble a task force as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will get out there and check it out ASAP. We will find him, Commandante

Ximen out.

***Transmission Ends***

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Jose Benitez - 05-13-2009

**Incoming transmission**

Comm ID ;- Jose Benitez
To ;- Don Carlos

Report detailing recent supplier shipments to our Allies.

Recently the Benitez family made another successful supply run to the =CR=.

It initially started fairly routinely with Zavier Benitez coming out of retirement to fly the Benitez(CF)-Lucrii.

Aurelio and I agreed to fly escort for what was expected to be a fairly straight forward supply mission to our worthy allies in the Tau systems.

We rendezvoused at Cadiz and loaded up the Lucrii with Basic Alloy before heading off to the Omega 3 jump hole.

The route we planned was one that we hoped would avoid the attentions of the Bretonian forces, and so from Omega 3 we progressed to Cambridge and then onto Leeds.

[Image: screen2.jpg]

Passing through Leeds and into Edinburgh we stopped at Islay to rearm and for a temporary rest, before heading onto the Tau 31 via the jump hole located in the Edinburgh system. The trip through Tau 31 was comparitively uneventful, although a wide berth was given to the Holman Outpost and the battleship that can occasionally be found there.

Arriving in Tau 23, we met up with members of the =CR= who were to escort us for the final part of our journey.

[Image: screen6.jpg]

They informed us that we were to be escorted to a base called Java where we would be able to deliver the much needed supplies.

Upon arrival at Java we were greeted by a number of =CR= who it seems were pleased to see us and to receive the supplies we had brought.

The transfer was facilitated by means of a =CR= vessel called the Blackdragon. The goods were offloaded from the Lucrii and onto the Blackdragon that then docked and unloaded them on the base.

[Image: screen8.jpg]

Aurelio and I stood in attendance to the transfer whilst a number of the =CR= flew patrols around the base to sweep for any possible enemy activity.

In exchange for the shipment of basic alloys the =CR= gave us a significant amount of Niobium which we can use at the Syros shipyard to continue the ongoing ship building program.

The continual sweeps by the =CR= discovered an Outcast ship that was in the Tau 23 and presented a possible threat, and it was therefore decided that whilst some of the =CR= made efforts to hunt down and destroy the Outcasts we would begin our trip back again.

[Image: screen15.jpg]

It was our intention to return via the same route as that which we had taken to the Tau systems, and it was therefore not long at all before we where heading back through Tau 31 with our escort, toward a rendezvous with Ronaldo Benitez.

[Image: screen17.jpg]

Whilst travelling through Tau 31 our long range scanners picked up the worrying signals of a large Outcast vessel, but we continued toward the JH back to Edinburgh and the RV point with Ronaldo.

Meeting up with Ronaldo, we jumped through to Edinburgh, and began to say our good byes to our =CR= escorts. As we were doing this the Outcast we had been picking up in Tau 31, came through the jump hole to Edinburgh.

Zavier, in the Lucrii immediately left the scene heading for Islay, which was a predetermined rendezvous site should any problems occur, whilst the rest of us set about the destruction of the Outcast.

I can only assume that the Outcast must have had a major weapons failure (or the cardi fuelled fools made a mistake of some sort) because the vessel seemed unable to fire and as a result was destroyed in a very short space of time. Either way, we parted company with the =CR= and headed for Islay.

The trip back to Cambridge proceeded very smoothly; we had made contact with Diego who had been having engineering problems with his ship but was now heading toward us as quickly as he could, and we jumped through from Leeds into Cambridge with out any further incident.

Much to our surprise, there was a nice fat trader sitting on the other side of the jump hole, with a cargo hold full of military vehicles (I suspect he might have been a bit surprised as well to find a small flotilla of Corsairs landing in his lap!).

[Image: screen20.jpg]

It was decided that the price for this traders continued well being was to be 30 of the military vehicles that he had in his hold. He seemed very reluctant to part with any of them, and seemed to be stalling for time and trying our patience.

It wasnt long before we realised that this had been exactly what he had been trying to do as the BAF and their associates turned up.

The escorts turned to face the incoming BAF whilst the Lucrii set course for Omega 3 and thence to Cadiz. In addition to this Diego had entered Cambridge and was making full speed toward our location.

The fight was long and protracted and we found ourselves up against an even number of BAF and their irregulars. An OTC ([OTC]Andre Coruum) vessel came to our assistance, and lent some fairly heavy duty fire support to the situation.

During the ensuing melee the Benitez gave a good account of themselves ;-

[Image: screen22.jpg]
[Image: screen21.jpg]

and notched up 2 kills to the BAFs none.

Once we received a report that the Lucrii had managed to safely get away we then decided that we would make a tactical retreat, and started to break away from the combat.

Unfortunately by this time, the OTC vessel had been sadly destroyed and whilst we picked up a number of the survivors we believe that there may have been some casualties amongst its crew. We are attempting to confirm whether this is the case.

All in all a very successful mission, with absolutely no Benitez losses.

**Transmission ends**

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Enrico_B - 05-17-2009

Comm ID: Enrico_Benitez

Today i was down in the Hangar inspecting my Titan when i got a Distress signal that a Merc Freelancer was flying
Around in Gamma system. I jumped in my flight suit and startet my Titan up, scrambled a emergency code to the docking
Control and hit my atmoferic trusters and then i was on my way, It did not take me long so get to escape velocity
and start the undocking routine.

When i was in space i got word that Arsenio was also powering his ship up and would follow me.

I tryed several times to get the Location of the Mandalore, But it was as the unindependent Corsair ships would
not broadcast Her location.
But after some time i locatet her at Skiros station.
She was huntet by a Gunboat, she wantet a Honorable Opponment,
I got a com to Mandalore Diana Blane and we decided that we would do a 1 VS 1 pretty gutzy of her since there was 3-5 fellow corsairs hanging around
Watching the fight.

We startet the fight and i think that we soon realiced that we were pretty close in skills.
It was a long fight, Sadly OPG Karolis shoved his impatientce by broadcasting his annoyance over system chat
As he was thinkig that the fight was too long. I will thank Arsenio_Benitez for his work in keeping that OPG on place.
Well the Match ended when we both were down on shields and i hit my own mine.

A rescue Ship picked up my Escape pod and i was returned to Planet Crete.
I have later heard that her ship was destroyed, The fate of the pilot is unknown.

// oorp Good fight Diana Blane was fun

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-16-2010

------------------------Incoming Transmission---------------------
To: The Benitez Familia
CC: Corsairs and Allies
Source: Mytros Villa/Benitez HQ. Planet Crete

Amigos, today has been a busy day. Thisafternoon it was decided that, for the first time in many months (following political unrest within the CR) that we should send a shipment of Superconductors and Alloys to the Colonial Remnent in Tau space, as a show of good faith, and to reaffirm our support to their on-going war against the detestable Outcast scourge.

An armada of trade ships and escort vessels amassed in Gamma, and we prepared to leave. Amongst the fleet; Elder Adam of the HAF escorting in a bomber, and Magistrate Ivan flying "Corsair.Shipping", surrounded by Benitez.Logistix pirate transport, Rosendo and Leon flying escort fighters, and myself piloting the Corerro class "Lucrii".

We sent a transmission to CR warning them that we were on our way, and then left through Omega-3 and Cambridge.
[Image: 2ewd5b8.jpg]

En route, we recieved word that the CR were engaged in a fierce battle with Outcasts, and that if we ran into trouble in Bretonia we might be on our own. We tread carefully and made it to Leeds, then Dublin, heading for Edinburgh.
[Image: iqa07q.jpg]

BAF were detected by our long-range scanners in a nearby system as we passed through, but we reached the safety of Gaian territory soon enough, then passed into Tau-31.
Avoiding the gaze of the Bretonian warship stationed not far from the Edinburgh Hole, we headed for the 29 hole and rendezvoused with Colonial Remnant fighters of Blue Squadron. They escorted us to the CR home system, where our cargo was accepted with much gratitude. We stopped for a short break, then assessed the situation.
[Image: 2luey37.jpg]
The battle with the Outcasts continued to rage, but we were advised by the CR not to offer assistance, as they had the situation under control. Blue Squadron escorted us to Kagoshima Depot in Kyushu, where we met with a pilot of the Farmers Alliance, and a very warm welcome. Ivan enjoyed their hospitality so much, he decided to stay the night!
Blue Squadron bade us fairwell at Kagoshima, and the rest of us loaded up with a cargo of food, alongside a Farmers Alliance freighter which came back to Crete with us, brining food.

I was delayed on the return trip by phase-alignment malfunctions with the jumphole, but returned to Cete to find our new AFA friend in a drinking competition with one of my veteran Jose! Nevertheless, a great time was had, and enough food shipped to Crete to ensure our people will not see hunger again for many weeks. The Colonial Remnant have also been supplied with enough raw materials to ensure they remain fighting strong in Tau space for many years to come. Relations with AFA and CR have been strengthened, and I am sure this will have a beneficial impact upon our on-going struggle against the Outcasts and Bretonia.

Viva los Corsairs. Viva nuestros aliados! (long live our allies)

Commandante Don Carlos Benitez [Image: 19px-Flag-corsairs.png]

------------------------Transmission Ends------------------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - aerelm - 01-17-2010

----Incoming Transmission----
----Comm. ID: Rodrigo Benitez----
----Redirected From: Benitez Secure Channel----

Hola Amigos,
Today was an Eventful day, As always, I've already uploaded a full report to Secure Benitez Familia Frequency,
but as Don Carlos asked me to, I will upload the log to this channel also, so it would be accessible to less private contacts too.

Report Log is Attached to this message.

- Rodrigo Benitez

----Downloading Attached file----
----Download Complete----
----Opening Attachment----

Today one of our new hermanos - Xisco Benitez - finished his training, Most of the Familia were with him in few last hours,
helping him finish his training. Group of Legionnaires roaming through Bretonia proved even least equipped Corsair Ships
can be a nightmare to any forces trying to encounter them.

[Image: MD-Post-1_1.png]

After Xisco finishing his training, I escorted him back to Crete so he can grab his Corsair Identification and new Ship.

[Image: MD-Post-1_2.png]
[Image: MD-Post-1_3.png]

I supplied him with some credits from family money so he can get his ship equipped and ready to protect Crete.
Then I showed him Primary Corsair Space and guided him through Omicron 91 and 94, where he got his ship set up.
We met Enrico in 94, and after a while I left them to practice and returned to Gamma to enjoy a drink.

----End of Log File----
----Closing Attachment----

Viva Los Corsairs, Viva Los Benitez.

----Comm. Channel Closed----
----Transmission Terminated----

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-17-2010

--------------Uploading file to Benitez neural net----------------------

[Image: etfg4i.jpg]

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - aerelm - 01-18-2010

----Incoming Transmission----
----Comm. ID: Rodrigo Benitez----
----Redirected From: Benitez Secure Channel----

Hola Amigos,
Today we achieved another Victory against foolish Outcasts, Those Dirt Sniffers dared to come close to our Home Planet yet again, And Again, we sent them back to their dirty home - In their Pods!

I attached the Log I originally filled for Benitez Secure Channel to this Message,

- Rodrigo Benitez

----Downloading Attached file----
----Download Complete----
----Opening Attachment----

Today I extended my Daily Patrol a bit, After Patrolling around Gamma and Making sure it's safe and quiet, I continued to Omega-41 and Omega-5, after resting a bit on Cadiz, I headed back to Gamma, and was enjoying beauties of Omegas meanwhile.

[Image: MD-Post-2_1.png]

As I entered Gamma, I decided to head to Omicron-91 so the Technicians on Prox can run a fast Check Up on my Equipment. After making sure It's all in good shape, I returned to Crete and After around 15 minutes, we received a Transmission about an Outcast Fleet somewhere in the System. So we started searching for them in possible Perimeters, but the Search didnt take long as they soon appeared on our Scanners.
They had 5 Fighters, 3 Bombers and 1 Gunship in their fleet, and those foolish kids were trying to Bombard Crete with their Fighter Torpedos!!
They Engaged us as soon as they realized their cheap Weapons cant do anything to our Home Planet, but they managed to scratch my hull a bit, because I was the first one to be engaged and they failed my shield and a bit of my hull, but them being nothing but Rookies, They didn't manage to even scratch my shield after that. The Fight was really short, and Seems the Gunship Navigation Systems were malfunctioning, because He ran directly into Crete atmosphere as soon as he was engaged!
So we took care of the other Outcast Ships - And there were three Cruisers and a Legate around, whom were ordered to stand down and keep their weapons offline - and as the last of the outcast ships was destroyed, we returned to Crete to celebrate yet another victory against those dirt sniffers.

[Image: MD-Post-2_2.png]

----End of Log File----
----Closing Attachment----

Viva Los Corsairs, Viva Los Benitez.

----Comm. Channel Closed----
----Transmission Terminated----

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Domjan - 01-19-2010

-Establishing connections with all Benitez-
-Securing connection...-
-Connection secured!-

Hola hermanos and hermanas, this is Cruz Benitez reporting I am back and running in my old Titan, yes as most of you thought I was gone for ever I was not, well it certainly was nice on beaches of Crete but now I remembered how was it when adrenaline is pumping and you are just an inch from death! So if Don Carlos agrees and gives me back my old Benitez Familia certificate I would be glad to re-join you all soon! As most of you are wondering why I left and why suddenly I want to go back, the answer is pretty simple: I missed my Familia and althought it was fun on the Beaches of Crete and going around doing nothing it was too boring, its simple really, and now all I want is getting back into Familia.

-Ending connection-

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - aerelm - 01-21-2010

----Incoming Transmission----
----Comm. ID: Rodrigo Benitez----
----Redirected From: Benitez Secure Channel----

Hola Amigos,

Today was a quiet day, not much activity. Still, I did my usual patrol to make sure Gamma is Clear.
Here is the report I uploaded to Benitez Private Channel, as usual, a copy is uploaded on this frequency too.

- Rodrigo Benitez

----Downloading Attached file----
----Download Complete----
----Opening Attachment----

Today as I undocked Crete, I saw a Freelancer Trader arguing with Captain of Corsair Cruiser '[Murderers]DeathAvenger', It seems that the New amigo did not know how things work around here, So we told him to Go to Freeport 9 and bring food, so we will permit him to Dock.
[Image: MD-Post-3_1.png]

After that I started my usual Patrol, Going to Tripoli, Then entering Gredos Cloud, Going around Sun, passing Skiros and Entering Malvada cloud. Throughout the Patrol I just ran into some Bounty Hunters who had probably lost their ways ... So I helped them go exit Gamma, in their Pods.
[Image: MD-Post-3_2.png]

After that I returned to Crete to upload this Message.

----End of Log File----
----Closing Attachment----

Viva Los Corsairs, Viva Los Benitez.

----Comm. Channel Closed----
----Transmission Terminated----