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Experiment Successful - Printable Version

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Experiment Successful - farmerman - 01-01-2011

I think you have the right idea but wrong implementation. I don't think the Admins really affect things all that much in the grand scheme of things. Additions and tweaking of moderators would be good, though it seems to be on somewhat of an upswing.

I think it's more the community as a whole. I remember the exact same thing happening before 4.85 was released. When it was released, there was a lot of new people who joined (remember the in game population suddenly spiking to being full constantly?) which brought a lot of change and subsequent improvements. 4.86 may have the exact result. Not to say it's a panacea, but all the major changes have resulted in major shifts - mining and bounty hunting being a couple other examples.

I also think that's part of where the drama comes from. People who join at different times when there's an influx seem to have similar ideas and they're not always the same as others. I recall with 4.85, what people wanted with RP seemed to change. It seemed well before, factions were the driving force around. They could fully enforce their own RP, etc, but it's since become much more administrative-centered. This changed how a lot of people approached things. In both of these cases the old days types and the embracers of change butted heads. But it seems as long as things seem to be going forward, they work through it, with notable examples (eg Akuma (was that it, wow that was a long time ago) and all that broken-record stuff). It just seems things are getting much too stationary.

So, in conclusion, things are settling into a position that leads to drama and confrontation and subsequently need to be stirred up in some way. Or such is my view.

Experiment Successful - Boss - 01-01-2011

' Wrote::laugh:

Yeah, just about the right timing, Boss. Problem ain't the game. It ain't the authorities leading it (though they are by their very nature part of the actual problem, just with more power). Problem is...

[1:06:46 PM] Denelo: People are jerks, so just do lulz and ignore them.
[1:07:05 PM] Denelo: And he forgot the second part and is attributing it to Disco dying.
[1:07:07 PM] Denelo: When, in fact.
[1:07:10 PM] Denelo: Disco's ALWAYS been like this.
[1:07:15 PM] Denelo: Long as I can remember.
[1:07:45 PM] Denelo: Just the Big Wave of '07-'08 is finally noticing it.
[1:07:49 PM] Denelo: >.>

Three keys to enjoying Disco: Do stuff 'cause it's fun/funny/win, ignore people, and don't lead factions. Fourth one's don't play all the time. Don't even hang around Skype all the time. Elsewise the annoyingness'll get to you. Just walk away for a week and you'll see what I mean.

If people try to drag you into politics, tell them you're not interested. They keep it up, block them for a week. They still keep it up, keep them blocked.

Don't Q_Q if you get ganked, just laugh and shrug it off. Don't Q_Q if you get Q_Q'd at, just laugh and shrug it off. Don't worry about this game, or anything related to it in any way. If you're not enjoying it, just log off.

Also, bomberswarm moar.:D

That's surprisingly refreshing to hear. Thank you.

' Wrote:I am just trying to figure out why I was on the bad list, but the things that were said about me were good.

* Boss is confuzzled

I am keeping a close eye on this thread. Lets be civil and not insult each other. I would obviously rather leave threads open than locking them.

Ohhhh, but I'll lock it if I need to.

* Boss shakes fist
Thank you

Clearly, my plan is working.

' Wrote:Boss, you bitch about PvPwhoring, but you and I got two fighters and payed a visit to Minor.

We killed a couple of Cruisers, couple of Gunboats, a bomber and half a dozen bombers before we decided to leave.

We wiped out a fleet with dimished numbers, without taking casualties.

It was a balanced fight throughout though.

' Wrote:I am not saying your opinions are to be run over, on the contrary... I am saying let's look at your problems and figure out how to address them in a way that fits with the current framework.

I have my issues, yes. Hard to work in IT without some quirks, which unfortunately spill over into internet spaceboats forum.

tl;dr Thanks for keeping this thread civil, folks.

Experiment Successful - Zukeenee - 01-01-2011

Well this seems to be another Big Deal'„¢. So many of them here. But hey! This one involves a guy that I enjoyed talkin' with, for the relatively short time that we talked 'n stuff.

So you wanna leave. 'Kay. You're certainly not the first person to get fed up with the Disco-drama. People get too caught up in things and just can't take any more. Maybe that's part of the reason that I'm still here*. I generally stay disconnected. On my fourth Disoc Day, I made a topic (which I'm really pretty embarassed about now) that was something of a lament for my disconnected-ness. But while that means I don't find as many freinds in the Disco community, it also means I don't find as many... bad things. Or something.

I still have fun here. And while I sometimes have even more fun here when I'm part of some group doing something, I can have just as much fun flying around New York in a Starblazer, confusing people as best as I can.

So maybe Discovery is dead or dying. Maybe those people on your "Bad" list really are bad. You may be right about everything here. But why would I know? I'm just here to play spaceboats. You don't need to pay attention to the crap here to play here.

*not counting the months when I'm "not here" beause I've found some other interesting thing to do for a bit.

Experiment Successful - Divine - 01-01-2011

' Wrote:...
[1:06:46 PM] Denelo: People are jerks, so just do lulz and ignore them.
[1:07:10 PM] Denelo: Disco's ALWAYS been like this.
[1:07:15 PM] Denelo: Long as I can remember.
[1:07:45 PM] Denelo: Just the Big Wave of '07-'08 is finally noticing it.

Also, bomberswarm moar. ...

Meh, it's the truth what he said.
Also, bombers used to be epic, nowadays they just seem to be sucky.

Is it time for random kittens already?
Happy New Year.

Experiment Successful - Zelot - 01-01-2011

Flamey posts removed.
Keep it civil.
Thank you

Experiment Successful - Cond0r - 01-01-2011

Well shucks, I was just about to start being civil. The original post was my inspiration...

Edit: Also, sometimes thoughts occur to me right after I post. Quite an annoying habit actually.

Experiment Successful - Denelo - 01-01-2011

' Wrote:Because someone else fun, for example, involves preventing you from playing for 4 hours (as in, scoring a kill). How sad. It's like in a base camper in FPS. It happens, it may suck for some, but hey, it's predictable that in one game, you may encounter a base camper guy.

I pretty much agree with everything you posted except this.

Don't see how getting pewpew'd is that big an issue. You aren't prevented from playing for four hours, just from playing that character. 'Sides, you can go do something else. Only time I see it being an issue is if there's some kind of special event or whatever that it messed up badly.

But yeah, you talk some, you pew some, you've had your fun. Winning's nice, but it's not the main attraction here.

Experiment Successful - Eppy - 01-01-2011

Just because the original post kind of stank doesn't mean he isn't right (did I mention the Dev team?). No, I don't play the game. At all. Sorry, Mike. If I wanted to be huge about it I would have written a tl;dr. Consider that last and this current post me succinctly voicing my approval in a concise and clear manner.

TL;DR: His post is undirected and confusing but his premise is true and we should do something about it (but won't because that's the way things work here).

Experiment Successful - Dab - 01-01-2011

' Wrote:I don't think Dab is a mod anymore.
Bad rumors are bad. I'm still a mod.

Onto the main topic.

Boss, you want to go around pointing fingers at people and listing as "bad" and "good". You claim the admin and mod team is the bane of Discovery. How we're bad at what we do, need new people (well this one is true, and we know already, and working on that already, but thanks for your concern), and should take a break.

These claims aren't new. They've been said for years about every admin or mod we've had.

In fact, you are example number one. Zelot. He's a brand new moderator. You want brand new people, a new team. Yet you're already bashing on him.

The problem here isn't the admin and mod team. Sure, everyone on those teams has issues of their own, as does every member of this community. But you can't expect us to listen to your criticism when you contradict it in your own post.

Everyone in this community contributes to the problems it faces. Stop trying to throw the blame on others and instead look at what you can do to make it better.

Experiment Successful - Virus - 01-01-2011

' Wrote:Bad rumors are bad. I'm still a mod.

My apologies, I simply remember Zelot Q_Qing about being the only mod. Must have been that you were away.