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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - A1t - 03-02-2011

Just bid the profit of trading by 25%

The future of mining? - Not Espi - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:i dont play on the server much, if at all. but i know that cannon doesnt like this decision, because it potentially harms the activity of certain factions tied in heavily to mining. so here is what i want to know- i want to know what makes people believe that nerfing or shutting off mining would have a positive effect on the server in any way, given that its not the mining that has caused as many problems but the horrible attitude players have towards each others, but in RP and oorp (alot of the hate is oorp which spills into inRP, which is wierd, given that this is a game and is meant to be enjoyed as such).

' Wrote:how come, when it comes to balancing anything, people want to nerf stuff? (responding to the first few replies in the thread)

dont nerf mining prices, just increase profits from regular trade, what alvin said.

the mining mod killed the regular trade. the intention was good, but the great experiment failed in the long run by forcing people to stay in a handful of systems to actually interact with anyone. before that, it was 20% of server pop in NY. nowadays, its 40-50% of server population in NY, dublin, tau 23 and omegas 11 and 7.

pirates need to go to these systems to interact with commercial ships, and the lawfuls follow, ending up with even more people racked up in one system.

dont nerf mining. buff regular trading. increase all regular goods prices by the same multiplyer and it's done.

edit: unless ofc its intentional to keep people grinding.

' Wrote:this is not about trader roleplay. trader roleplay as it is - remains unchanged. you go and do a run. this is all fine, important is the effect on pirate rp. the situation now forces (yes, FORCES) pirates to enter a system that is already filled up. i dont like the developement at all. and i think its harming rpleplay. the pirate groups can sit 1-2 systems away from their bases, but nothing will pass by if you arent sitting on one of the mining routes. im speaking as the leader of the black sails here. if we are to keep up our faction activity, we are forced to pvp with hessians, outcasts, rm, baf ... anything. i dont like it. i dont complain about amount of pvp. some of you know i like shooting stuff. but the black sails are primarily a pirate faction - not a pvp one. sadly, we are forced to shoot others to keep activity up. alternatives are to pirate people in dublin - which leads to bretonian lawful factions entering the system and attempting to drive us out - more pvp. its a downward spiral keeping people in one place - i dont want disco to become 5 new york systems. call me an idealist - i like it too much to see it degrade to something like this.

thus didnt vote. tldr version: buff regular trading to keep it competitive with mining.

with the step of turning off mining, we'll see how it goes. hopefully people will get out of dublin, for a change.

all of you complaining about mining factions - interestingly enough, mining factions were existent before the mining mod - remember? i do. as cannon put it - 'consider this a trial'. hopefully we will experience a rise in numbers of standard traders and a change in saturation of server population.

oh btw - 7 hours ago - quarter (no kidding - a whole quarter) of the server was in dublin.

The future of mining? - Tommeh - 03-02-2011

This is not the solution in my opinion, there are factions that rely majority on mining.
Kruger Minerals's best trading route takes about hour and half for some profit of 15 milions.
Make some decent trading routes for such factions and mining can stay closed as far is my concern.

Face it people, folks don't join trading/mining faction cause of RP, at least not majority of them. They are there for profit, while RP is the positive side of it.

I agree with Montezuma, there is a lot of problems in current situation cause there is only 3 spots where mining is profitable, spread it around on about 5,6 places, there will be a lot less crowded places, and people will be scattered around on more places, where will be more space for interactions.

And I agree with Spazzy aswell, those who want to get their caps they will get it one way or another, before it took them 2 weeks of powermining, now it will take 3 weeks of trading. You didn't stoped anyone from getting their favorite cap, nor you decreased lolwut numbers.

But ohh well, let's see what happens, but this surely does represent problem for several mining factions, and I am hoping you will take that into consideration and find other solution for those.

I don't mine or trade at all lately, as I don't have interest anymore, nor will.

Edit: @ vlko above
Kruger Minerals didn't existed before mining, not the official player faction Kruger|.
And originaly we started off as group of players who were mining in Omega 7, back in times when omegas were much less crowded, and I know 90 % of that faction now relays on mining. As that is the place of faction origins.

The future of mining? - Backo - 03-02-2011

Cool, does that mean that now IMG has to mine Outcasts instead of ore in the taus? : )))))

On a more serious note - I'd like to see how it goes, might even pass around Dublin. Last time I went there with an unlawful things were so bad I never went there again. Wish me luck!

The future of mining? - Ceoran - 03-02-2011

I don't really mind mining being turned off, probably just like most others who have been here before. However, the poll itself will be dominated by greed and shouldn't be representative. Read through the numerous opinions and suggestions but ignore the actual poll.

As for the future of mining I'd suggest to change it and make it more trade-alike. I know mining was intended to be sitting around in the field for ages and get your stuff carried off every now and then, but how about increasing the drop-rates and cutting down the prices? That way more people had to ship ore which would result in more traffic, which again would result in spreading the activity and making piracy "on the road" profitable again even if you are not a Kusari semi-lawful. That's my opinion at least. Give the miners their rocks back, but make them move more.

The future of mining? - Reacher - 03-02-2011

Like Usher said: "Let it burn"

Things were much more pleasant before it. As for factions that based themselves around mining.... I suppose they will have to get creative.

The future of mining? - ace5Exo - 03-02-2011

If dropping the prices of mining is the solution more money needs to be given to new characters. Its enough to make anyone insane trying to make money trading in a Starflier, and less profit from mining is like the same thing. How are noobs like me supposed to buy a big enough transport and haul loads of whatever to someplace to get some cash for a cap ship when we can't line our virtual metaphorical pockets with a little gold first.

And banning mining will just hurt those trying to scrape enough money to get themselves a decent fighter, none of that light ****. The people with cap ships are fine because they have got them already; but the new guy, who hasn't even heard of the restart command, is suffering. Trying to afford even a Patriot with guns is a little tricky without mining.

Like all the posts before mine humble one there needs to be more spots to mine that are equally good and prices need to be worked out. If helium could be sold for the same profit as gold or diamond, albiet in a place that requires helium, then problem solved. No concentration of people in one area and things are more fair for the common noob.

The future of mining? - nunchakus - 03-02-2011

Rather than turn off mining why not just do this? :

Since most of the lolminers I've encountered are hegemons. Just my 2 cents.

The future of mining? - Hielor - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Even more for those people, who got their mining barges. Now that is a bish. 500mil down the drain.
lol, mining barge. must be fun filling a 40000-unit hold when you're not getting a mining bonus, not to mention the "joy" of moving that thing through an asteroid field...

The future of mining? - Backo - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:lol, mining barge. must be fun filling a 40000-unit hold when you're not getting a mining bonus, not to mention the "joy" of moving that thing through an asteroid field...

It's actually camping the quickdock of a station while a few hegemons run around from the field to it over and over. Then transports pick the goods from the Barge and transport it to the selling point. That's how it's used to it's optimum, I believe.