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Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - globalplayer-svk - 01-21-2008

keepers always attack all who have something from nomad equipment without mercy.i was attacked by them in my trader,only because i have nomad thruster and i have nothign again it.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Eppy - 01-21-2008

You people are just sad. This thread is twelve pages long! For god's sake, all I did was post pictures of a freaking Gunboat! I leave for two days and I come back to this!? Why do you think every week somebody noticeable leaves? It's things like this that are destroying us.

As for the matter of the [202nd]MNS-Suikodan, the Blood Dragon Battleship, to my knowledge that ship has been scrapped. It managed to find its way onto the roster in the few days of chaos after I took over, trying to take stock of things, raise a viable navy and get all the papers in one pile on my desk. The owner got sick of it, and I formed policy on our capship force sizes, and she would have had to go anyway to make room for Requiem (which has not been created yet, due to time constraints to acquire the funding...:dry:).

As for the matter of our technological superiority, why the hell not? There are usually upwards of eight people in Gamma, and it isn't rare to see twelve or more. I almost NEVER see more than six Outcasts at a time. Do you know how often we go on offensive operations? Almost NEVER! We're busy holding off a swarm of ravenous cannibals from the South AND the hordes of BSG/CR who like to invade Alpha for kicks, often at the same time as the Corsairs. So, we have better ships, you have hordes upon hordes of slow, dimwitted thugs and minions. Everything balances out, good? Good.

Now that my piece is said, after spending an hour-and-a-freaking-half reading through that mess of politics and pointless crap, I'm going to ask the Admins/Mods to lock this twelve-page baby, because this is, to be blunt, BS. And that doesn't mean Battleship, for those of you like me who still haven't woken up all the way because we've been sitting at a desk for two hours in our underwear because we've been busy reading through a mountain of junk somebody dropped on top of our computer so we can make a half-page post defending our honor.

Oh, and since some are suggesting me forcing the other Outcasts to go exclusively Outcast-ship, I'd like to remind them that I ain't Jesus here, and the others don't have to listen to me. I can only try to set precedents, I will NOT strong-arm the Reapers and Blue Lotus into any form of action more than I already have.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - globalplayer-svk - 01-21-2008

yesterday when i was in alpha,was there 9 people...
and why the hell not?why the hell you must always have something better?better fighter,better gb,better cruiser,better bs?why?when we can learn how to fly with not the best fighter,try to learn how to fly with not the bes gb....

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Eppy - 01-21-2008

Because, your brilliance, there aren't enough of us.

Nine people? DAMNIT! Why wasn't I there? We could have gone on an actual raid for once instead of just covering our ass! DAMN that would have been a nice change of pace!

Oh, and if the pilot knows what he's doing, an Osiris can still destroy just about anything with less than base 450000 armor. Just thought I'd drop that one in there.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - McNeo - 01-21-2008

Of course an Osiris can, but equally it takes more skill to fly an Osiris than any other battleship, because of its limitations.

Numbers dont matter Eppy, you know this. As I said, would you give up your advantage if the numbers were more balanced, or perhaps even in your favour? - No one has given me an answer to this

Why should we be penalised because we have more players than you? Surely they made their choice, and they shouldn't be penalised because you cant defend yourself to an adequate degree. I remember when TBH was just starting. Instead of wallowing in my grief at how many Outcasts there were compared to us (or their level of skill, which concerned me much more at the time...), I got out there and attacked solo, every time I could, to get a feel of the Titan, and to get ideas of how to counter Sabres, both in numbers and one on one. I dont appreciate it when my training is deteriorated artificially by a little "rebalance" of things on either side. With Corsair vs Outcast equipment, as well as the fuss that was made about the bomber rebalance.

Just because there are less of you, doesn't mean you should automatically get the better stuff. Otherwise, where would America be with their war tech?

And I know you want it locked, because you want to keep your advantage to the best of your ability. I dont blame you, perhaps I would in the same situation. But we level these arguements at you, and you reply saying its bull****, threatening admin intervention to sweep this under the carpet YET AGAIN. It will keep happening until both sides are satisfied with the end result, and that appears not to be the case, si?

I haven't had a reason for why the Outcasts have the resources for two battleship designs, when its Crete that holds all the metals.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Dopamino - 01-21-2008

Eppy misspoke. We don't have better stats because there are less of us, we have them because it's part of our RP. Outcasts are in to techie things. Our cardamine makes us smarter and live longer. Why does living longer matter? Well if a weapons tech has a concept for a new gun, he has 50 extra years to think about how to make it work.
We have lots of allies that get us our materials in exchange for cardamine.
See a pattern here? It all comes down to cardamine. No one wants to trade ship materials for a transport full of trinkets, but if you get them addicted to your drug, then they'll be begging you to trade some for whatever they have.

Sorry, it's how the game was made.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Eppy - 01-21-2008

...did anybody ASK? I didn't see. The answer: WE BUY THE METALS. We're filthy rich. We haz teh Cardamine. We can pay for a few Battleships here and there. Besides, WHY was the Outcast Battleship constructed? It's lighter, faster and CHEAPER than the Dreadnought, which is way too big and hence expensive.

...because you're SWARMING us? It's not any fun when you don't have a chance of winning. Besides, we're filthy rich, we can PAY for better stuff. Corsairs get by on Artifacts, but we can at least feed our people. They can't.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Equinox - 01-21-2008

' Wrote:...did anybody ASK? I didn't see. The answer: WE BUY THE METALS. We're filthy rich. We haz teh Cardamine. We can pay for a few Battleships here and there. Besides, WHY was the Outcast Battleship constructed? It's lighter, faster and CHEAPER than the Dreadnought, which is way too big and hence expensive.

...because you're SWARMING us? It's not any fun when you don't have a chance of winning. Besides, we're filthy rich, we can PAY for better stuff. Corsairs get by on Artifacts, but we can at least feed our people. They can't.

Thats not really a sound argument eppy. Corsairs can feed there people, the Corsairs used to have a problem but theres nothing ingame that says they still do, its only carried on through RP of the corsair factions.

Theres nothing ingame that says that the Outcasts are more advanced, theres nothing ingame that says the Artifact trade is only just keeping the food on the table, there is stuff ingame that says the Corsairs are the biggest pirate faction ingame and that they got very rich from the artifact trade (not just getting by).

What reason are you going to give when 91 in constructed with a base with biodomes?.

And your smaller numbers (which are not that smaller) are made up by your shed load of allies, its not the Corsairs fault that you cant get together with them to formulate an attack like its been done in the past to great success.

You expect every ship of the Outcasts to be superior to the Corsairs on the premise of arguments that don't add up.

Please explain to me why you need every ship to be better? explain to me how it would be if the tables where turned?.

Im sorry but this has been brushed under the carpet to many times, and when we question it where called whiners and are threatened with admin intervention?

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Dopamino - 01-21-2008

The reason it's not seen in the game is because the serious RP happens in the forums.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Equinox - 01-21-2008

' Wrote:The reason it's not seen in the game is because the serious RP happens in the forums.

So if the Corsairs start RPing on the forums that the Outcasts are all flying starflyers will it become the truth?.

Its only the Outcast that are saying such things, and just because they do it does not make it real.

Im sorry but is that not powerplaying? its really quite laughable.