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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Printable Version

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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Liamgly - 03-30-2012

Name: Jack Frost

Callsign: The.thief

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:


Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-30-2012

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]
Good day, applicants.
Cody Carson, Kohaku Ueda, Aya Tollah, and Jack Frost, your paperwork has cleared. Good hunting!


Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Tic - 04-01-2012

Name: Chase Deckard

Callsign: Chase.Deckard

On behalf of company (if applicable): N/A

Visual evidence of affiliation:

'€¢ <>

Visual evidence of loadout:

'€¢ <>

Visual evidence of reputation:

'€¢ <>

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Reaper - 04-02-2012

Name :Rome's.Finest

Callsign: Rome

Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:


Currently my ship is not bounded by a any corparation nor the IFF or any,

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 04-06-2012

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]
Good day, applicants.
Bounty Hunter Chase Deckard, your paperwork has cleared. Good hunting!

Freelancer "Rome's Finest", we require your actual name for the Board Registration. Additionally, we strongly suggest that since you are a Freelancer, you should acquire a Freelancer IFF.


Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Reaper - 04-07-2012

Rome Edward Stailer.

that is i do not like to share full names if you cath my emphesis.

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Liamgly - 04-14-2012

>>> Incoming transmission <<<
>> Transmission location: Riverside station, California <<
> Comm ID: Jack Frost <

I was wondering if you could add my other ship under the call sign Kevin.Johnson to the board. The ship's Named after a good friend of Mine and I'd hate to have to change it's call sign to some variation of The.Thief.

Quote:Name: Jack Frost

Callsign: The.thief

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:


As you can see you already have My paperwork.
>>> Transmission Terminated <<<

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 04-14-2012

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]
Good day, applicants.
Jack Frost, your ship named as Kevin Johnson is cleared. Good hunting!

Rome Edward Stailer, you have not yet provided us with a full reputation sheet as detailed in the application instructions. We recommend you review the requirements and submit a new application.


Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Arclight - 04-15-2012

Name: Gabriel Knight

Callsign: Gabriel.Knight

Visual evidence of affiliation:

'€¢ Affiliation

Visual evidence of loadout:

'€¢ Loadout 1
'€¢ Loadout 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

'€¢ Reputation 1
'€¢ Reputation 2
'€¢ Reputation 3

Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Fifty. - 04-15-2012

Name: Terrance Watson

Callsign: Terrance.Watson

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:


I am looking forward to hearing from you.