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BHG| recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-08-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
---Harold Mudd, Guild Recruiting---
---Sheffield Station, Manchester---

[Image: max02.jpg]

Clark - Sounds like you're trying to get out of a bad situation that you yourself have created. I may have heard that story a time or two (thousand) from people who have twisted, torn, bent, or even outright broken certain laws in the past.

One good thing is that you get a clean slate when you start working for the Guild. One bad thing that you might keep in mind is that if you pull the same sort of stuff you did before ON us - you won't live long enough to regret it. Do I make myself clear?

Report to Sheffield Station for training.

---End Transmission---

RE: BHG| recruitment - Giggle Snort - 08-04-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Ginevra Blyton--

[Image: 5D40kYQ.jpg?1]
-Ship Details:
--AP-14458 "Sea Serpent" Bounty Hunter Light Fighter
--AP-18100 "Manta" Bounty Hunter Very Heavy Fighter
--AP-12400 Bounty Hunter Bomber
--AP-200039 "Bottlenose" Bounty Hunter Gunship

*Plops down in a shabby chair with an audible thump. Places one leg on the table infront of her in the same lazy and careless attitude. Takes out something wrapped in aluminum foil from her pocket and opens it to reveal a questionable looking piece of meat. Proceeds to hungrily tear at it with her teeth and starts speaking inelegantly at the same time with a womanly, but strong voice.*
So, pretty much this you need to know: I've been born and raised on stew made of rats that were better fed than my entire family of 8. I lost two of my brothers to hunger. Had to burn their bodies.. no land nor money for a proper burial. Never knew burning humans could smell so appetizing. *shows no sign of slowing down on her meat piece*
Well, despite his poverty, me dad was a proud chap. Aye, I’ll give him that. He taught me all he knew and then some. Taught us kids how to speak and read properly. Ever since he died to some god knows what disease, me mum and the rest of us moved out of the crowded city and hitched a ride on a transport. The captain of that ship was none too good at treating ladies and tried to make a few moves.. ya know. Me being a scrawny little girl and couldn’t fight back for nothing ‘cept a few scratches. Thankfully the crew of that transport knew of that man’s perversions and stopped ‘im and time and turned ‘im in. One of those kinder folks “lent” us a few of them creds and dropped us of in New London. This place’s been good to us. Lately I’ve been hearing about you folks who do away with folks that put people like my dad in the situation he was in. Not to mention earn a little dough doin’ it *grins to reveal teeth stained with the meat she had finished ravishing*
So whatya say? Could use another mate among ye ranks?


Ginevra Blyton

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

// I also own an AP-43000 "Thresher" Bounty Hunter Destroyer but I didn't mention that in the original application as it really wouldn't fit the RP.
I also know you don't use capships but Imma put this here for the sake of completion.
EDIT: Added new ships

RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 08-06-2013

-=Incoming message=-
-=ID: Guild Secretary Ron Roberts=-

Greetings Ginevra Blyton, Your application seems to be in order and im happy to welcome to the guild. We are gonna need for you to report to planet Houston for orientation and indoctrinat.... cookies and punch. We will also need your S.K.Y.P.3 protocols for further instructions.

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - Giggle Snort - 08-07-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Ginevra Blyton--

Aye.. I've sent you the requested codes on a private channel. B'lieve it or not I've made a few enemies that would love to get their hands on that piece of information .. I trust you'll handle it with the discretion hunters are famous for.

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

RE: BHG| recruitment - Luke. - 08-13-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Thriving.Shikari--
-Ship Details: Manta. Might one day try other things but I like fast things. Much like my women.
-Age: 21

My history...good question.

Basically, I like money. Don't we all? Obviously. Here's the thing though, I like my family unlike a lot of wannabe rejects in Sirius these days. I make money for myself but for them as well. Especially my sister who aspires to be a pilot. Ain't that cute!? Anyway, she means the world to me and therefore my funds go into her interests as well. Mum and Dad...yeah they're traders. I guess i'm almost like their protection. I don't see 'em often though but we keep Comms contact, good enough for now I guess. So basically I learnt my combat skills off of my own steam.

I don't know, I've always liked money for a young age. Goes without saying I know but more than usual. Y'know, selling "goods" at school for a bit of extra cash and what-not. Teachers didn't approve, god damn killjoys. They don't appreciate our will to learn economics at such an early age. Takin' away their business of expensive lunches and all.

Anyway, joining you guys seems like a lot of explosive fun given the contact i've had with a few of your guys already. Would be nice to be a bit more official 'round here. Seem to get myself into challenging situations a lot but...hey, only way is up. You got my escape pod, I got yours, right?


Liam Wilde

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

// Skype - ministryke

RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 08-13-2013

-=Incoming message=-
-=ID: Guild Secretary Ron Roberts=-

Greetings Thriving.Shikari, You seem to check out. You are hereby accepted into the bounty hunters, report to planet Houston for orientation and complimentary hat.

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - Claymore - 08-14-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: IDENT: Morgan Falkner
-Ship Preference: MANTA, GRIZZLY, MAFIC,

-Current ship: Mammoth (Weaponised)
Gunship preference: Bottlenose Liberty Gunship or Conference

NAME: Morgan Falkner
[Image: Graven_Hill_SC2_Game1.jpg]

Birthplace Nuremburg, Munich
Age 36
Height 5'9
Weight 140lbs
Blood Type B

Pilot History:
> 799-801 Rihneland Military Academy [Pass Rating 87.2: Class 1]
> 801-810 Rhineland Military Border Control. [Dishonorable Discharge]
> 811-814 <File Missing>
> 814-819 <File Missing>

CRIMINAL RECORD: <File Corrupted>

"I'm a merc, it's one of the oldest professions in the galaxy, ever since mankind invented the spear tribes have been paying other tribes to fight for them. Thats why I call my ship the Claymore - a sword for hire.

Why the hell do you want to know about me anyway? I don't care for this this "gettin' chummy with your employer" crap. Listen, all you need to know is I'm good at what I do, and I don't ask questions. If you want someone dead, maimed, captured, or whatever, the only thing i want to know is 'how much'. Now, do we have business to discuss, or are you wasting my time?"

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

Greetings guys! Don't mistake my in character for my actual cheerful helpful self - id love to be a part of the gang.
Was it unpleasant enough? I could add a bit about that time I sold a cargo hold full of orphans into indentured servitude if you like?

RE: BHG| recruitment - Zayne Carrick - 08-18-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Aurra Sing
-Ship Details: All of Guild’s ships, but two should be noted: Aurra’s Song – Orca-class gunboat, equipped with bretonian turrets and Challenger bomber.

[Image: thumb.png]
Greetings, Guild members, some of you should know me, but for those who’re not, I should introduce myself. I am Aurra Sing, hunter well-known in Bretonia and Tau sector. Few months ago I was heavy injured in fight with one especially tough outcast.

Time I’ve spent in hospital on my homeplanet Cambridge forced me to think about many things. As a result I’m placing this application into Guild. Reasons are quite simple:
1) Guild’s members have a bit more contracts than simple hunter.
2) It’s better to fight alongside with your fellow guildsmen, people you know(and sometimes trust), rather than random local law enforces or traders escorts.
Also, I hope that Guild gives some support to its members in case of being captured by hostiles, governmental greed and so on.

Guess you want to know little more about me, ye?
As I said, I was born on planet Cambridge. Year? All you need to know that I’m above 18. My father was a member of local parliament and mother’ housewife. Daddy always wanted a son, but later he decided that his daughter may act like him by choosing career in Armed Forces. Netherless to say that I was fired from academy… due to lack of subordinance. Two weeks later I was in Manchester system, on Sheffield station, bying my first ship and signing on my first contract. Last part is wrote by sparks of my guns and blood of my enemies, so you won't find it interesting.


[Image: CngvyLi.png]

//SKYPE: dtanana
//I won't be online much for next week, so you better sent test into PM

RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 08-18-2013

-=Incoming message=-
-=ID: guild secretary Ronald Roberts=-

Greetings, Aurra Sing, Morgan Falkner, The both of you are being accepted into the the guild. you both need to report to planet Texas for orientation.

Morgan Falkner, I need for you to send me your S.K.Y.P.3 contact info.

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - Claymore - 08-18-2013

Thakyou, S.K.Y.P.3. Protocol: Morgan.Falkner
Just got back from holiday, good timing!