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Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Linkus - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:Totally agreed with Darkxy on that one.

You have to actually be in-game first to know what would help people and what won't. Everyone's getting tech from others to have better combat loadout. Why would I, for example, request a Barghest from Mollys with my 101st if I knew I would get a nerf?

Devs do play the game oddly enough.
I don't play it as much as I want to but I avoid balance for that reason, and that I don't enjoy 500 message arguments that are irrelevent if 2 players arrive in a situation instead of 1.

Wait and see how it plays out.
It isn't perfect but neither is the current system.
Consider it a more RP orientated mechanic. Sure you might have an Osiris but unless you are experts at maintaining it, you're screwed. Unless the Order does it for you, which is where this sorta has holes.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Rodriguez - 12-17-2011

No more %100 effective Hammer shotgun for me? np, I'll learn to balance the power issue.

Like everytime something new is added, there are people against and people agreeing on it.

And as everytime people complained at the changes and claimed it will run people out of the server, I strongly disagree, because through all the changes this place has been put on, we are still here, playing a 10 years old game.

You can say some changes drove people off the server, but I think that even without those changes, we would be having the same amount of players, it's just how it goes, at some point in time, Disco will not have any more players.

On the other hand, every faction should be able to match against their enemy factions. Taking Rheinland as an example, LWB and the bunchshumshururushum should have something good, if they have nothing encouraging people to choose them, apart of the RP of course.

If we go to Liberty, and watch the Liberty Rogues, their ships are crap for PvP, I know, I love fighting them, so huge and easy to hit. But, their ships are also excellent for pirating, and that's why I believe no one complains about it.

Perhaps, these Rheinland factions could use something different in that way, I'm not saying they should get black wraiths with pink firekisses, just to make them good against RM, they have Hessians for that, yeah, we have to live with Hessians being the major unlawful group in Rheinland and being the ones capable of fighting the lawfuls in 1on1.

Like Blood Dragons and KNF ships being better than GC and Hogosha/FA.

They need something to make them worth using their IDs.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Not Espi - 12-17-2011

pf. give official factions id and null the nerf on them. done. it will even force indie groups to step up and go for officialdom.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Hades - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:pf. give official factions id and null the nerf on them. done. it will even force indie groups to step up and go for officialdom.
Why? Why should indies have to be factionalized?

There's a reason the game's called Freelancer, not Factionlancer.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Tachyon - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:pf. give official factions id and null the nerf on them. done. it will even force indie groups to step up and go for officialdom.

That would buff official factions a little bit too much.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - McNeo - 12-17-2011

And hence remove the reason this is being done in the first place: equality.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Not Espi - 12-17-2011

so - let's see.

people complain about the current system...
people complain when something is being done about it...
people complain when that something is being brainstormed in an attempt to enhance it...

i love disco:)

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Blodo - 12-17-2011

Well... you can also see as equality giving the HF the means to stand up to the LN in battles like they can right now, rather than take away that ability. The thing is, while the techmix nerf does indeed make everyone equal in regards to tech mixing, it rather misses the point when it comes to the capabilities of each faction. Taking into account how much the current balance favours combined fleet tactics (to the point where a good composition combined fleet can defeat opponents far more skilled than them in equal numbers - by simple virtue of counters) denying the HF - a faction whose primary (and arguably only) goal is to fight with the LN (unlike the pirate factions who don't have capital access, those can also pirate, smuggle, etc.) seems like denying them the means to conduct their battles and roleplay effectively.

While I support the new system going into place, I also think we should start off far more liberally with it than it is planned to, restricting as we go along rather than have everything restricted from the get go and then unrestrict as we go. It's very much a question of methods as much as it is a question of means. It also lets factions like HF prove that this particular thing is needed for their RP.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - darkxy - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:@Stefz: That's exactly what this kind of tech chart is meant to do. Stop you from requesting things for their PvP advantage.

Unless of course, you like seeing Corsairs in Black Dragons...

why dont u stop approving the tech then?

"There's a reason the game's called Freelancer, not Factionlancer."


Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Hades - 12-17-2011

' Wrote:so - let's see.

people complain about the current system...
people complain when something is being done about it...
people complain when that something is being brainstormed in an attempt to enhance it...

i love disco:)
Sorry bro, but just because you try thinking something up doesn't mean it'll automatically be good or worth anything other than complaining. (seriously your idea was pretty bad)