141| Internal Channel - Crowbar - 06-25-2012
Good day too you all,this is ensign Swift.
This is my first report,and I'm as you all know man of few words,so this will be short,but i will try not to miss any relevant or important facts.
Today,veteran Agent Forlorn D'autoine,member of our Interceptor wing,and my self,made a patrol run.
We started in omicron Mu,proceeded to omicron Zeta,and nothing important happened,radars where clear all along.
We then entered omicron Delta,made a quick run to Freeport 11,again nothing remarcable happened,then we turned to planet Nauru and Tuvalu,in which vicinity,more corectly vicinity Yaren base,we have detected Imperator class gunboat.
You might wonder what is so special about Corsair gunboat in Delta,well this particular gunboat was loaded with Nomad remains,even one Wilde and few Bounty hunter pilots.
Agent D'autoine asked the man for reasons for so many Nomad remains onboard,his answers were dubious at best.
In one moment he even considered giving us bribe,just to let him go away with those remains.
Needless to say,we where outraged,like we are some pirates,or even corupted Liberty police officers.
We warned him time after time,and he wouldnt even consider giving those up,even when we said to him that they will be destroyed in his sight,but our nice and well chosen words wherenot even taken for consideration,in which point he tried to engage his cloacking device.
It malfunctioned,and with little help from our Laser and neutron guns,he was terminated.
I have then steped a side,so veteran Agent D'autoine and memeber of the Interceptor wing might destroy those remains properly,my self still lacking expirince in handling such dangerous remains.
That is all,i hope that my report will please High command.
[size=15]Ensign Swift over and out.....
141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-26-2012
![[Image: Phelan.jpg]](http://www.sarna.net/wiki/images/8/83/Phelan.jpg)
Commander Davids to all One Four One agents, zhis is ein top priority message!
Murilo Mining facility came under attack by ein Zoner Nephilim under zhe callsign Dark.Shadow. Zhe Zoner vessel
opened fire after zhe automated defenses on Murilo declared it as possible threat. Our friends from zhe
Obsidian Zoetic tried to solve zhe misunderstanding, instead zheir transports were annihilated right away
without even zhe slightest chance.
Order ships OCV-Blaster and 141|Dire.Wolf under command of Damien Shaud were not able to stop zhe
rogue Zoner from attacking Murilo base, so zhey were forced to open fire, but both ships were severely
crippled due to zhe cowardish Zoner making use of cloak technology. Zhe Dire Wolf was able to retreat to Mu
on its own, however zhe status of zhe OCV-Blaster is unknown right now.
I took command of former Commander Dawn`s flag ship, zhe 141|Icarus to assist, but not even zhe guns of
zhe Osiris were able to penetrate zhe armor of zhe Juggernaut. In zhe end zhe zoner kapitaen was able to
To all agents: Keep ein close eye on Zeta for zhe said vessel and approach it with extreme caution.
You are authorized to eliminate zhe zoner nephilim if its kapitaen does not want to behave in our space.
Meanwhile I will make sure zhat both Omicron Supply industries as well as TAZ are being informed about zhe situation.
Zhat would be all for now.
Gun camera extracted from 141|Dire Wolf & 141|Icarus: * * * * * * * * * * *
Davids out.
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-27-2012
![[Image: b84n61.png]](http://i48.tinypic.com/b84n61.png)
Bonjour mon monsieurs et Madames.
This is Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.
I was on a scout patrol today in the Omicron Lost system where I encountered a strange signal.After some time spent I found out that the signal came from an AI onboard a ship trying to communicate with moi.We managed to establish communication and I learned out that the ship got disabled, and that there was a strange artifact onboard the said vessel emitting a strong...Radiation I assume
I tried to find out more info about the AI and the vessel, but I couldn't find them, and the AI didn't had any contains about its master in the database.
Soon after, I began hearing things in my head, at first, I thought it was only moi, but the...hmmm...,,messages" kept comming and comming, so I began to think there was a nomad somewhere though I wasn't able to make visual contact with it or the AI.I think it must have a possible connection with the vessel and the artifact.
Well then, soon after that, the communication was disabled, probably the ship engaged in a cloaking device or something, and right at that moment, the...messages stopped to come as well.
I thought to leave the system, and on mon way out, I encountered a 77th vessel.It was very inquisitive about mon nature and mon purposes in Lost, but with a very efficiend mind confusing technique I managed to trick him and so I left the system without any hostility or any leak of intel
The reason I send this report, is that, well, I strongly advice that we should set up a search operation regarding that vessel, as I couldn't get any data about it's origins or ship type.But considering that artifact onboard, and the ,,messages" I got, I doubt it's something which enters in your day by day routine, mes amis
This was Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir!
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-28-2012
![[Image: Phelan.jpg]](http://www.sarna.net/wiki/images/8/83/Phelan.jpg)
Davids speaking.
D'Autoine, you are not zhe only one with information about zhis ship. Actually, Interceptor-wing also had ein
encounter with zhe former Liberty capital ship.
See zhe latest Interceptor report below
' Wrote:#5 reporting in.
Sirs, I was witness of a dangerous situation in the Alaska system. During my patrol I stumbled upon a group
of Navy ships...and how shall I describt it...I received some disturbing messages on comms. Due to fighter patrols
near the capital group I had to reposition myself but it costed me about 5 damned minutes to find them
again, this time near the jumphole to Omicron Minor.
Anyway, one of the Navy capitals, a carrier under the name of LNS-Sacramento seemed to have some sort
of powerful K'Hara artifact aboard, which resulted in the whole crew either being infected or dead. The Liberty
Navy tried to board the vessel but failed, with almost the whole boarding team being killed.
Gun camera logs from Alaska:
* * * *
Comm logs of the Navy ships:
* * * * * * *
Moreover it looks like the artifact has led to an unknown A.I getting control of the carrier and flying the ship
into the Omicrons, Omicron Lost to be exactly.
The Navy retreated after a last failed attempt to stop the ship in Omicron Minor. I called in for help from
other order ships nearby and received it from Capella and the CV-Spectre.
We were able to pin the infected ship in Lost, but were not able to destroy or even disable the ship.
In the end the A.I on the carrier activated a cloak and disappeared so we had to break off our chase.
Logs Omicron Lost:
* * * *
At least I was able to get a close range scan on the ship while still in Alaska, pretty interesting stuff if you ask me.
Scan results:
* * * * I suggest zhat everybody of you looks our for zhe LNS-Sacramento. We cannot let it fall into zhe hands of zhe
Core - or worse - zhe nomads. But do not try something on your own, if you see it, call for backup!
Davids out.
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Data Minion - 07-01-2012
*salutes* Agents, friends... This is Kado speaking.
Commander Davids, those wacked Interceptor wing pilots couldn't find you nowhere today, so they gave the report to me, regarding the Liberty patrol. So, here goes.
Interceptor-2 @ June 29 818, 12:30 PM Wrote:Salutations chaps, #2 reporting. #5 asked me to fill this up while he's busy with our women, that blasted son of a... Now, to the point. The report includes a survey which has been done in New York, California, Texas, Pennsylvania passing by, and Ontario.
New York
Well, I guess nothing's new here. Those Libertonians are somehow dealing with all the dangers that come up on their tail, and so, ensuring peace within their homeland.
Photographical proof: * *
Aaaaanyways, those crazy chaps tried to catch up on us and bore us to death, but they couldn't find us. Even if they did, we'd outmaneuver those newbies... * They made us laugh good for a while...
So, our next stop was Ontario through the Colorado system, via jump hole patterns which were amazingly known to #5. We found a stationary battleship there, which was... *sarcastic* Quite friendly.
Photographical proof: *
We then took another jump hole to California, and proceeded with our survey.
Nothing unusual was to see here, hence we proceeded to Willard research station, just in case. The old rock is holdin' up good, I must say.
Photographical proof: *
We then went to... Where did we go? *hits himself in the head* Oh yeah! Pennsylvania.
Besides lots of funky lookin' planets and that much stars, we stumbled upon a Junker base.
Photographical proof: *
Next stop, Texas, through the... Guess what? A jump hole!
We almost died, thanks to #5. The hole lead us to a highly radioactive debrie field, which could anninhilate us within minutes if we stayed. We got out alive, that's the good news. Flying to planet Houston, we spotted a quite strangely placed jump gate, that leads to, hm... Virginia? What in the world is that? By the way it's protected, we could see that it's of great significance to the Navy. There was also a Battlecruiser guarding it, and we took no chance in entering that system.
Photographical proof: * *
So. That's about all of it. After that, we rushed back home, and on the way through New York, we had a little more laugh with the Libertonians... Funny lads.
We'll let you know more of our activity, if it's somewhat important.
#2 signing out.
They sure know how to have some crazy moments.
*the screen dims as the transmission closes*
![[Image: adambeyer.jpg]](http://mateito.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/adambeyer.jpg)
Kado out.
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 07-04-2012
Bonjour, mes amis!
This is Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.
I am currently contacting you from Battleship Atum in Alaska system after I went with monsieur Davids on a certain mission.The reason for mon transmission is the fact that, we have managed to make contact with a troublesome Lane Hacker while in Alaska.
After a short cargo scan, we found out that the Hacker carried nomad remains onboard, we tried to convince him to let them go and give them to us, but he didn't want to comply, so at monsieur David's orders, I engaged him.
I was unable to bring the said ship down so monsieur Davids ordered moi to back away.
I then started a little conversation with the Hacker, which, fortunately, evolved into an insulting competition.I said fortunately, because, with this opportunity, I managed to avoid the Hacker's attention, and I managed to retrieve data about his ship and his cargo so, long story put short, because of his lack of attention, I managed to retrieve evidences of his cargo hold: * *
It's amazing how edgy...hmm...Incompetent Lane Hackers become when you joke about their intelligence haha.
His ship's identification is Tiny.Miner and his ship is a a nimble, Camara class Freighter.I suggest everyone should keep an eye on him if you decide to head to Alaska
This was Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir!
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 07-10-2012
![[Image: b84n61.png]](http://i48.tinypic.com/b84n61.png)
This is Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.
I am contacting you concerning a Rheinlander Agent which came in Omicron Zeta which was looking for a meeting with our Task Force.
Agent Agatha managed to contact the person and told him to stand by at the Delta Jumphole.
After we met up with the said person, he came with a...proposition for us.
He wanted to give us two Code Weapons in exchange for helping him, more precisely escorting him on conducting researches on nomads in nomad territory.This involved telling him about the different Omicron Systems crowded with Nomad Infestations.
Biensur, we didn't allowed him to do that.But I thought that his research could be useful for us aswell, if we...collaborate with him.So I told him to cease his operations and stay in Omicron Delta, and destroy the nomad remains onboard until he will receive an approval from the High Command.As I told him, that I will notify the High Command of this and he should cease these operations until he receives the said approval or else we would have been forced to take severe measures.
The Rheinlander's name is Heinrich Schmid and he's part of the BDM organisation
That is all...Forlorn d'Autoine, out!
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 07-11-2012
Davids speaking.
D'Autoine, did I hear right? You had ein encounter with ein agent of the Buero der Marineintelliganz of Rheinland?
Interesting...I still remember when zhey last showed up in Omicrons, Admiral Gollansky only allowed them to
stay up to Omicron Delta. I do not think zhis has been extended to Omicron Zeta.
If you have any communication logs, please send zhem on zhis frequqncy. I want to see myself, what it was
all about.
Not zhat I do not trust you, but...zhe Buero is quite able to send messages in between what zhey say.
If you know what you mean.
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 07-11-2012
Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine l'ici.
Monsieur Davids, I have managed to store the entire communication log in mon archives.I will upload it trough the designated frequency right now...
Code: [10.07.2012 16:05:33] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: hold up..
[10.07.2012 16:05:38] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Hmm?
[10.07.2012 16:05:51] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: I just got a system wide message from a BDM pilot in Zeta
[10.07.2012 16:06:03] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: What does it say?
[10.07.2012 16:06:23] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: He's requesting a meeting of the Order near the Delta Jumphole
[10.07.2012 16:06:30] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Want me to respond?
[10.07.2012 16:06:49] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Wait...Ughhh...He really chose the right time for this
[10.07.2012 16:07:06] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Want me to handle this one?
[10.07.2012 16:07:20] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: He calls himself Heinrich Schmid
[10.07.2012 16:07:32] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Hmmm...well, we could head there together, best if we keep him away from detecting the liberty vessel
[10.07.2012 16:07:44] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I doubt letting people know about it is a good idea
[10.07.2012 16:08:06] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Mhmm.. Let's see what he wants. I have a family member in the Federal Polizei
[10.07.2012 16:08:21] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Tres magnifique
[10.07.2012 16:08:31] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Standby ...
[10.07.2012 16:09:00] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I arrived in Zeta, plotting course for the Delta jump hole
[10.07.2012 16:09:09] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Did you told him to wait for us, Agatha?
[10.07.2012 16:09:13] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Almost there
[10.07.2012 16:09:20] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: I simply told him to standby
[10.07.2012 16:10:20] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Mhmm..
[10.07.2012 16:10:50] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Very gut.
[10.07.2012 16:10:51] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: You rang?
[10.07.2012 16:10:59] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Inspector.
[10.07.2012 16:11:05] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Bien...So, what is the meaning of this?
[10.07.2012 16:11:42] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Die Damen and Herren, me, Herr Schmid, am asking for your help.
[10.07.2012 16:11:51] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I have something in reverse for you.
[10.07.2012 16:11:58] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Reverse?
[10.07.2012 16:12:02] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I'm listening....
[10.07.2012 16:12:54] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Currently, as you might know very well, we are researching on Nomad weapons. Especially those called "Nomad Lasers I".
[10.07.2012 16:13:37] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I am calling for your help to find these. It would require heading deeper into their territories.
[10.07.2012 16:13:47] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: This one's all yours Forlorn.. After having to deal with my 'breeder' brother Daniel, I prefer not to talk in such..
[10.07.2012 16:13:53] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: And why should we do that?
[10.07.2012 16:14:06] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Bien, Agatha...If you wish....
[10.07.2012 16:14:18] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: In reverse, you would receive these two captured weapons that you can see in my cargo hold.
[10.07.2012 16:14:42] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Look at them and you know that it wasn't that easy to get them.
[10.07.2012 16:15:41] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Well, I don't really like the idea of other organizations to study nomad tech
[10.07.2012 16:15:44] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl. These are my interests.
[10.07.2012 16:15:56] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: We don't know on what hands these studies could fell in...And we try to control such events
[10.07.2012 16:16:22] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: As you might see, I have already captured some nomad brains. Your help would only make your success come faster.
[10.07.2012 16:16:57] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Hmm...
[10.07.2012 16:17:09] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: *our success
[10.07.2012 16:17:21] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I would like to know, why do you seek our help?The majority of the world have a pretty bad opinion about us
[10.07.2012 16:18:04] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Maybe you would like to get to know more about those so called codename weapons that I brought?
[10.07.2012 16:18:39] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: These codenames are not our top priority right now.I would like you to answer mon previous question though
[10.07.2012 16:18:47] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: It has only practical reasons, mein Herr.
[10.07.2012 16:19:01] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Practical reasons....Par example?
[10.07.2012 16:19:56] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I am needed elsewhere. Your help would faster make me ready again.
[10.07.2012 16:20:21] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Given the importance of such a decision, I cannot answer your aid however
[10.07.2012 16:20:27] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Though, I will make a report to the high command
[10.07.2012 16:20:34] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: They will know how to handle this way better
[10.07.2012 16:20:42] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: *sighs* Make me ready.. I shouldn't have spent much time on researching the old languages..
[10.07.2012 16:20:54] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl.
[10.07.2012 16:21:34] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Could I get to know how long this process will take? If it takes too long, I'll be forced to get those Lasers on my own.
[10.07.2012 16:22:00] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I cannot answer this question, monsieur, but approximately one day
[10.07.2012 16:22:39] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Mist. This is much too long. We're expecting attacks of das Wilde.
[10.07.2012 16:23:13] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I'm sorry, but this is the procedure....I can't speak in the name of the entire organization
[10.07.2012 16:23:46] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I see your point. Would you lead me to a place where the nomads are often seen instead?
[10.07.2012 16:24:07] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I am afraid we can't provide such information
[10.07.2012 16:24:35] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Hm.. Bei the Kanzler. Would you allow me to search for such places?
[10.07.2012 16:25:09] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: You are basically trespassing restriced space by doing so, I am afraid you will have to wait until the High Command will answer
[10.07.2012 16:25:24] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: *sighs*
[10.07.2012 16:25:37] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I hope you understand, monsieur, but in these parts, the risks of getting infected are very high
[10.07.2012 16:25:50] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Gut. The BDM won't be happy about it, but your decision will be respected.
[10.07.2012 16:26:03] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I'm truely aware of the risks.
[10.07.2012 16:26:20] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I'm sorry, but there are procedures that we need to follow for the better safety...Wait a second....
[10.07.2012 16:26:28] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Mhmm
[10.07.2012 16:26:30] [77th]Ice: [[Static]]
[10.07.2012 16:26:31] 141|Redwolf-2: Bombers
[10.07.2012 16:26:44] 141|Redwolf-2: Go go go
[10.07.2012 16:26:46] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Would you be so polite to send me a message, if the Order High Command has given you orders?
[10.07.2012 16:26:48] [77th]Ghost: <<: Statics :>>
[10.07.2012 16:26:55] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Oui, I will send you a comm message
[10.07.2012 16:27:07] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: But now excuses-moi...As you can see...We got some important matters on our hands
[10.07.2012 16:27:08] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl.
[10.07.2012 16:27:16] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I am afraid our conversation will have to be postponed
[10.07.2012 16:27:27] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Heinrich Schmid over and out. Gut luck!.
[10.07.2012 16:27:35] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Au revoir
[10.07.2012 16:27:43] 141|Redwolf-2: Not really. THeyre both nova'd
[10.07.2012 16:27:53] 141|Redwolf-2: That was... Weird
[10.07.2012 16:28:03] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Hmmm...They left together with the Rheinlander....
[10.07.2012 16:28:05] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I don't like this
[10.07.2012 16:28:12] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Shall we check what's happening on the other side, Agatha?
[10.07.2012 16:28:19] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: You read my mind
[10.07.2012 16:28:27] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Hehe...Let's go then
[10.07.2012 16:28:57] [77th]Ice: "Right. "
[10.07.2012 16:29:06] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Requesting help. Possible attack.
[10.07.2012 16:29:13] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: The 77th, oui?
[10.07.2012 16:29:13] 141|Redwolf-2: Here they come
[10.07.2012 16:29:28] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: And I was right...That rheinlander just sent a help request
[10.07.2012 16:29:37] 141|Redwolf-2: Oh?
[10.07.2012 16:29:39] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Here we go, Nomad contact.
[10.07.2012 16:29:52] [77th]Ice: "Not anymore. "
[10.07.2012 16:30:55] [77th]Ghost: <<: ?1?: Poor nomads.. ha?.. :>>
[10.07.2012 16:31:16] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[10.07.2012 16:31:26] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: And this was only a small fraction of the consequences if we wouldn't have followed the procedures...Monsieur
[10.07.2012 16:31:26] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I think this is a gut place.
[10.07.2012 16:32:25] [77th]Ice: "A good place, rheinlander? "
[10.07.2012 16:32:48] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Your messages will be ignored, Hunter.
[10.07.2012 16:32:54] [77th]Ice: "Charming. "
[10.07.2012 16:32:57] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: haha, I certainly like his style....
[10.07.2012 16:33:07] [77th]Ice: "You forget you are in Omicron Delta, Rheinie. "
[10.07.2012 16:33:32] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I think you forgot who you're talking to. Or you never knew it.. *sighs*
[10.07.2012 16:33:44] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Hate to break the speak.. But squishy inbound
[10.07.2012 16:34:33] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: This isn't the place for such conversations...I suggest we head to Freeport
[10.07.2012 16:34:54] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: You know my interests. These are not in talking.
[10.07.2012 16:35:07] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Kinda expected..
[10.07.2012 16:35:14] Death: Yusaris was killed by an NPC
[10.07.2012 16:35:16] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Monsieur Schmid, Like I said, you need to wait for an answer
[10.07.2012 16:35:32] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Which will be provided in time...Though, until it is provided, we cannot allow you in restricted space
[10.07.2012 16:35:42] Death: Twang was killed by SharpShipper (Gun)
[10.07.2012 16:35:59] 141|Redwolf-2: Yah shouldnt have said that with those two there
[10.07.2012 16:36:09] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Like I already said, mein Herr, I am contented right now.
[10.07.2012 16:36:21] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: The 77th...It doesn't matter...
[10.07.2012 16:36:30] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: They're not the Core
[10.07.2012 16:36:35] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I will wait for your reply, but until this point of time, I will be forced to act.
[10.07.2012 16:36:57] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Well, as a matter of fact, if you will act without our approval
[10.07.2012 16:37:05] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: We will be forced to take measures...
[10.07.2012 16:37:07] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: And that's what I am doing. I wait until they receive my signals.
[10.07.2012 16:37:16] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Hm..
[10.07.2012 16:37:26] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: We don;t make the rules..
[10.07.2012 16:37:27] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Is this Order's territory?
[10.07.2012 16:37:36] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I won't enter Zeta, like I said.
[10.07.2012 16:37:37] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: But we will enforce em..
[10.07.2012 16:37:48] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Your rules are mine.
[10.07.2012 16:38:00] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Non, this isn't.But, your researches must be postponed until you have the High Commands approval
[10.07.2012 16:38:16] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Now I get your point.
[10.07.2012 16:38:32] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: Therefore, we must ask you to handle us the remains onboard, they will be returned to you once you get the approval, monsieur
[10.07.2012 16:39:15] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: *sighs* I already worked on them. If I would hand them over, you would be able to see how far our researches are.
[10.07.2012 16:39:27] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I will destroy them rather than giving them you.
[10.07.2012 16:39:41] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Doesn't matter to me..
[10.07.2012 16:39:48] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: Jawohl.
[10.07.2012 16:39:59] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: But we can't allow you to have them until you receive the approval
[10.07.2012 16:40:08] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I hope you understand our procedures, monsieur
[10.07.2012 16:40:44] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: HMm...I really don't like this place...A lot of hearing laying to our discussion
[10.07.2012 16:40:45] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: I understand your decision for 100%.
[10.07.2012 16:40:48] 141|Redwolf-2: Bomber boys are back
[10.07.2012 16:40:51] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I suggest we move elsewhere
[10.07.2012 16:40:56] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: But this won't make our relationship better.
[10.07.2012 16:41:02] [77th]Ice: "I suggest you COMPLETELY get out of delta. "
[10.07.2012 16:41:03] 141|Intrepid: not in Zeta I guarantee you that
[10.07.2012 16:41:23] BDM|Ins-Heinrich.Schmid: *mutes 77th*
[10.07.2012 16:41:36] 141|Forlorn.d'Autoine: I understand monsieur, now I must wish you ,,au revoir"
[10.07.2012 16:41:39] 141|Redwolf-2: Agatha: Forlorn... I think we're done here
The upload is completed, monsieur Davids.If you have any other questions regarding this incident, I will answer them personally at your wish, monsieur
I must also add that I agreed with the rheinlander for contacting him personally trough a secured comm channel if he receives the High Command's approval
This was Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir!
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)
141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 07-15-2012
![[Image: Phelan.jpg]](http://www.sarna.net/wiki/images/8/83/Phelan.jpg)
To all One Four One units.
Today we have received quite a blow from the Core and zhe Liberty Navy.
141 vessels Warhammer, Intrepid and Dark Symphony were heading to Omicron Lost with fighter support
to find out zhe location of zhe Liberty Carrier LNS-Sacramento.
While Dark Symphony performed zhe search, Intrepid and Warhammer were ambushed by ein combined fleet
of zhe primary Core and Liberty secondary fleet. Both ships have bee crippled, we have sent out some
repair ships to toss zhem back to Evora, but it may take ein while until both vessels are operational again.
Zhe fighter escort was taken out.
Meanwhile zhe Dark Symphony had to retreat as more and more Liberty vessels entered Lost to search for zhe Sacramento.
Agents, we have to be careful. Zhe Core is getting stronger and stronger while we are standing with our
backs at zhe wall so to speak. I suggest to fall back to hit and run tactics with our bomber squads.
Our capital vessels are to worthy to be thrown away in such heavy battles.
Zhis would be all for now.
Davids out.
![[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]](http://www7.pic-upload.de/20.01.12/22r3rdbeu4kv.png)