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[A51] Asylum 51 - Printable Version

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[A51] Asylum 51 - rath - 04-26-2008

sorry, this will be my Thread on this last on this.

Now remember, I like the rules, I love RP, I hate PvP, and I don't fly capships
I am not tring to argue
I am not disagreing with any one
The main point I was tring to make is;
Some people seem to play this game as if they where duty bound to play. (follow me?)
They don't seem to play for fun anymore.
But NO! you won't have that. now I have to proof I can RP to post, and I'm a cap whore now. LOL, you guys.............. I love you.............

[A51] Asylum 51 - OsoRojo - 04-26-2008

The only thing I can agree with is locking this bloody thread. Overall, time shall tell on all other subjects.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Uglydog - 04-26-2008

Hey everyone. Obviously the actions I've taken part in cause way to much strife for too many people. When I see long time members of the community indicating that they can't play because my actions are ruining the game, I have to say I don't want that. So I will say good bye.

I did have some good times while I was here though. Please everyone enjoy yourselves.

Now how do I unsubscribe from the forums??

[A51] Asylum 51 - Horon - 04-26-2008

Some people just don't get it...:sleep:

[A51] Asylum 51 - Raekur - 04-26-2008

Ugly. Please dont let these simpletons get to you. If they truly were all that intelligent then they would have taken an entirely different approach to this instead of 12 pages of temper tantrums.

They want to bitch about the RH-BB, so sell it - its crap anyway.
They want a RP story, well take about 30 min and write one. Its your story, not theirs.
Last time I checked for example, I decide who I am, not society. I think the main issue here is that a large amount of people play pirates and dont want a large increase of bounty hunters to hit the server, it would decrease their fun. Somebody call the WAAAAHHHbalance. I have known you guys for over a year now and on the other server to arranged several very nice RP events that got the entire server involved, (not to mention the week that the event took was extreamly amusing). Refer back to the purple pill shortage and it being replaced with grape skittles (The S is for Special) :lol:

Right now there are about 4 bounty hunter groups and at least 12 pirate groups. I have not made a formal search and compiled the numbers but if this crap continues I will. All it will do is prove my point.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Horon - 04-26-2008

' Wrote:Ugly. Please dont let these simpletons get to you. If they truly were all that intelligent then they would have taken an entirely different approach to this instead of 12 pages of temper tantrums.

They want to bitch about the RH-BB, so sell it - its crap anyway.
They want a RP story, well take about 30 min and write one. Its your story, not theirs.
Last time I checked for example, I decide who I am, not society. I think the main issue here is that a large amount of people play pirates and dont want a large increase of bounty hunters to hit the server, it would decrease their fun. Somebody call the WAAAAHHHbalance. I have known you guys for over a year now and on the other server to arranged several very nice RP events that got the entire server involved, (not to mention the week that the event took was extreamly amusing). Refer back to the purple pill shortage and it being replaced with grape skittles (The S is for Special) :lol:

Are you s***ing me!? You guys have been here for less than, what? A little under 2 months? And most of us have been here for a little under 2 YEARS! And yet you are calling us simpletons? I am sorry, but based on that statement, and most of the past ones.... You do not really have any business on our RP server if you aren't going to RP. That is, RP with anyone ELSE, because so far your doing a good job of trying to eliminate the need to ever interact with anyone else on the server...

You have basically said "F*** you, we want it, we will use it.", to put it bluntly, then you told us that if we do not like it, to go jump off a cliff.

This is a server, most of us have been here for a long time, most of us have had to put up with people like you guys, and like always, one group always wins: the COMMUNITY wins. Not one faction, not an import. THE COMMUNITY. If you don't want to be a part of the COMMUNITY, then you don't need to be part of the SERVER...

Basically, there are two options you guys have.

Option number 1: Get up, grab your stuff, and get out.

Option number 2: Seperate, figure out how to RP FIRST, then make a faction, not the other damn way around.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Eppy - 04-26-2008

Actually, SED, you'll notice Raekur's join date is quite a bit lower than mine, by a good three times, in fact. The fact of the matter is, though, he doesn't seem to have been active on Discovery at all for most of that. He also seems to think that people should be able to do whatever they want...well, you know what? He has some half decent points in there. Write a decent RP, and DO scrap the Rheinland Battleships, because they are total crap and you'd be better off buying Bounty Hunter Battleships, not to mention the Rheinland Military would make a point of killing you every time you logged on. But as it stands they're refusing to compromise. If people won't compromise then decisions can't be made and government will not run smoothly. Until they learn that they'll have a mighty hard time on this server.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Horon - 04-26-2008

What I dont understand is how you said that in like 2, 3 maybe 4 sentences, and I tried to say basically the same thing, and it took me how many posts and paragraphs....ugh. I got nothing on the Spamtator.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Raekur - 04-26-2008

Thank you for finally off handedly agreeing with me.
The resolution to this was to approach it differently.
Inform them of their mistake and ask them to correct it politely. NOT DEMAND them to from the beginning.
Realize that an error may have been made.
You wonder why A51 didnt respond, maybe its because they felt they were walking up to a mob that had already decided their fate and no matter what was said they were going to get hanged.

As I stated before I suspect that A51 was given the incorrect information and that is what they ran with.
Is it their fault that someone lied to them? NO.

If you want to maintain a community that seeks to grow then start by not being exclusive yourselves.
Life is about change and differences. Adapting is what makes us grow.
As a species we evolve and adapt else we perish. History alone is enough to prove that.

I understand that A51 made some mistakes but for what its worth, none of their infractions are against any of the server rules. They are listed within the 100+ pages of the forum.
Requiring that a new person read thousands of posts is unfair and just a bit unreasonable.
Its akin to asking every person in a country to read every single update to the tax laws before they file each year. By the way, currently it covers about 7 million pages.

I think what needs to be done to avoid things like this in the future is to have a News area that can be updated and changed as needed. That way temporary changes to the server can be listed without the need to change the rules page. The rules are solid where the news adapts.

Oh, and Epyon yes I have been here since 2006 but not very active.
I would alternate between NQ and Disco from time to time to see what was going on but due to work or other RL issues I was unable to really get invoved with anything.

[A51] Asylum 51 - Ghostrdr13 - 04-26-2008

Sorry Rae, as far as I am concerned we made very few mistakes. The biggest one we made was coming here.

Ok, I told myself I wouldnt post here but after seeing Epyons post pages back I just have to say something.

You want to bring age into it? Fine lets go there.

RP Experience:
Im about to be 45 years old, When I first started roleplaying the United States was still at War in Vietnam. I started serious Rping a year after D&D was published, after meeting and Rping with the great Gary Gygax himself at GEN CON VII in 1975. (May the Master Dungeon Master Rest in Peace)

Once I even Started an RP event in the US Army while in what we called tent city waiting to start War Games with OP4 in the Mojave Dessert at FT.Irwin, CA (Death Valley).
We used 6 sided Dice, rocks or whatever else we could find as figurines and wrote out stats on the backs of C-Ration boxes. I had memorized all the rules and at the time I was a walking talking Dungeon Masters Guidelol

Former Host of the oldest RP Freelancer Mod, KhaosPrime. The only other person besides the great Msensei to ever Host the Mod. Former Star Marshal and Supreme Military Ruler of Rheinland on KP.

Now 2nd in command of the A51 Freelancer Clan.
And thats the short Version.

Hows that for a resume?

Hardcore enough for ya?

Now lets talk about Asylum51.

Started by the Great Master Modder Glock36 former Member of KhaosPrime, Glock was an Admin for Lancers Reactor. Former Host of the Asylum51 Mod and the Official Lancers Reactor Freelancer Server.

Asylum51 is a large gaming community with 300 registered members on its current website. About 1/3 of which are Freelancer players (Aprox) with about 1/2 to 1/3 of those are active at any one time. (again Aprox)


We play at least 3-4 different games at any one time, one of which is of course is Freelancer our Original Game. In Freelancer we play on different Freelancer Servers one of which WAS going to be DISCO.

When we first discussed coming here some of our members outright refused that is why you only saw 6-7 of us at a time.
Thats just a small fraction of our members.
To see the whole list refer yourself to the links above. If you dont believe me join us on our own Ventrillo Server sometime.

Most places welcome us with open arms.

Here, except for a few have flamed and insulted us and our RP. It is because of this we are now in the process of leaving.

You would have seen ALOT more RP (Whys thread is just a small example of it) from us but.well..Let me be Blunt, We was looking to see if this place was worthy of it, this thread has givin us our answer.

Sorry that we was not willing to dissolve the entire clan just to play on this server and integrate into your Factions or just fly around in Fighters and Transports so we could get pwned by you over and over.

As I said we are now leaving, so this thread and the Salvaged Rheinland Battleship RP is a moot point and no longer applies. A couple/three my stay for yet a little while in non A51 Chars. But with most of your attitudes I suspect they will leave in a short amount of time

If you see an [A51] tag over the next couple three days but do not worry, we are leaving.

Any [A51] tag you see after that does not represent us. And is most likely a member that has not gotten the message yet.

Could an Admin please lock or delete this thread as it no longer has any use or relative point.

Oh yeah one more thing, Sovereign, everytime I see you post that Why obviously has not been pirating very long it gives me a chuckle, FYI he has been pirating longer then this server has been in existence. He was pirating me in my Train back in 2003 on KP and has had an Outcast Pirate Char on every server he has played on since.

Goodbye DISCO