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[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Printable Version

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RE: [Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - ThePerish´d - 01-26-2015

***Incomming Transmission***
***Sender´s ID: Edward Low
***Location: Arranmore
***Loading Picture***

[Image: uwkrkbgs.jpg]

***Transmission entirely decrypted***

my name is Captain Edward Low. Im the leader of "The Perish'd". I hope you heared from us. Our home is currently in Dublin, at the Arranmore Base.
I heared from your Golden coin station. *Opens a whiskey bottle and drink a little bit* That you have a big Gold depot. So, we catched some angry cold miners in dublin. We stoled her cargo and now we dont know what we can do with this.
So, i think your mollys need this gold. So, we need some docking rights to give your this gold back.
I, hope you will choice the right decision.

Captain Edward Low.

***Transmission End***

RE: [Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-26-2015

[Image: blodtop.png]

Dia duit, Ser Elias,

Oy am glad ye joined d'cause, oy just ye know what tis 'boot. Un' in case ye dunno, ye can always contact mae.
Also, beware o' pub foights.
Un' obviously, yer access tae d'Coin be granted.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

Dia duit, Cap'tain Low,

So aye, heard 'boot ye a wee boit, just dhat ye moight be affiliated wid d'Molly mouv'ment frem wun o' aour poilot, un' frem Arry's security when ye moved in.

But, oy must admit den odher dan dhat, oy know almost nutin' 'boot ye un' d'Perish'd, so oy'd requoired a lil' wee boit more intel 'boot who ye un' yer group are, afore oy'd give ye access tae d'Coin.

Also, as ye been transmittin' un' leavin' 'ere on Arry, ye could come tae see mae at d'office oy be currently usin', instea' o' usin' d'comms. T'was Sadhbh' wun, un' tis still full o' paperwork, but dhat'll do.

Damnú air ! Dhoses tin' be useless tae mae !

* She wipes all the papers from the top of the desk, and throw them on the floor *

O'Maybe oy could just use use someone else tae read un' wroite d'stuff, roight ?

* She rubs her chin *

Loike a secretary, maybe ? Dat sounds good.

Ah well sorry fer dhat, Cap'tain.
As oy said, provoide mae doses infos, un' oy'll grant ye access.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-