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Modular bases registry - Printable Version

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RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Gulryz - 01-16-2015

TO: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
SUBJECT: Outpost registration: Hawks Bay Station

Guten Tag,

My name is Alberich Bernat, A young Businessman, Hawks Bay Station gonna serve as a Storage depot and Construction of Equipment ( after we establish) , there are several reasons to choose Munich system.

This new base will also make it more secure for Transport Convoys to pass safely also will help Police to increase patrols in the area, I also planned to use it as a Construction Facility,Of course according to Rheinland Laws, If I get permission I will also like to use it as a Research Hub.

I would also like to know where to transfer Fee of Registration

§1.1.1. Name of the base    
    Hawks Bay Station
§1.1.2. Name of the station administrator
    ALBERICH BERNAT , Samryz    
§1.1.3. Affiliation
Daumann Heavy Construction
    §1.1.4. Purpose for the station
Storage Depot and Construction Facility
    §1.1.5. Existing trade agreements
    §1.1.6. Location of the base
Near Planet Nuremberg (10 k away)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
With best regards,

Alberich Bernat

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-17-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: RS| Senior Captain Hans Hahn
SUBJECT: Overpayment

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter senior captain Hahn. Fine is paid and all overpayments you have wired by mistake were sent back. This matter is closed.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Mining group around Bauxite Minerial Extraction base
SUBJECT: Change of location and possible cooperation on the base

Guten Tag, Daumann miners. Building structure directly in the mining field or close vicinity of it is sensible issue comparing to building in public space near planet. As I mentioned already, all mining fields within Munich system are by Rheinland laws property of Daumann Heavy Construction.

For these above mentioned reasons, we must discuss consequences of newly proposed position within polizei with consideration of impacts on the security because if hostile forces will attack your base, deploying lawful forces to help you in the distance from nearest safe dock has its risk. We also have to discuss this issue with DHC- primary division as they have right to approve or refuse building base in Daumann Heavy Construction owned field.

This all will take some time for sure. I don´t know your plans, but if you wanted to start building of your base within next few days, I will recommend you to stay with original and already approved location.

Let me know if you chose to wait or take approved location.

Also, there is one more thing. Shortly after your application we received another one from another party - some businessman, which wants to build a Daumann affiliated station in same area. Because both proposed stations have at least partially same purpose - storage of mined aluminium ore, I wonder if it wouldn´t be better to build one station together instead of building two stations almost next to each other. It would save both of you time, resources and money I guess and the joint station would probably be able to grow faster and be supplied more easy. I want to remind you that building and especially supplying station is not an easy task and some base owners failed in past to fulfil all needs of their stations and crew inside, so consequently these stations became easy prey for terrorists which destroyed them. Thus you should think about it. If you want to contact that businessman, his name is Alberich Bernat and name of proposed station is Hawks Bay Station.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Alberich Bernat
SUBJECT: Hawks Bay Station base registration and possible cooperation on the base

Guten Tag, Herr Bernat My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei. Your application looks gut, however there are some issues which needs to be solved.

First, we would like to know more about you and your business. Are you a Rheinlander? And what business you do? Also, what are your ties or contracts to Daumann Heavy Construction which leads to your station being affiliated with them?

Second, what is full name of the second administrator? Samryz sounds more like a nickname.

Third, did you establish some contact with Daumann DHC- primary division already?

Fourth, just few days ago we received another application from group of miners, which seems to be Daumann affiliates which want to build station in same area. Because both proposed stations have at least partially same purpose - storage of mined aluminium ore, I wonder if it wouldn´t be better to build one station together instead of building two stations almost next to each other. It would save both of you time, resources and money I guess and the joint station would probably be able to grow faster and be supplied more easy. I want to remind you that building and especially supplying station is not an easy task and some base owners failed in past to fulfil all needs of their stations and crew inside, so consequently these stations became easy prey for terrorists which destroyed them. Thus you should think about it. If you want to contact that group of miners, name of their leader is Thorin...well, at least he introduced himself by this name or more likely nickname to me...and name of proposed station is Bauxite Minerial Extraction.

I await your reply.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Bauxite Minerial Extraction - 01-19-2015

To:Rheinland Federal Police
From: A Group of eager miners
Subject: Bauxite Minerial Extraction Location

Guten Tag Kommissar Laurich

Thank you for your response,

Yes, We understand the risk to ourselves and to the location enforcement officers, which is why to help the local establishment we are willing to donate a fixed fee to yourselves to cover the the support of honourable men and provide equipment for the brave pilots making such a risk on our behalf. We also pledge this amount towards administrative costs related to these communications.

Would this be acceptable to you?

We have also contacted DHC- Primary division to hopefully gain there vote by opening the base to them,
We are hoping this would help the decision process as we would hope we can have a verdict within 5 days.
Should this expectation be to pessimistic in regards to getting a verdict we will go ahead with
construction with the pre-approved location.

Eine Schonen tag noch - have a nice day

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Bauxite Minerial Extraction - 01-24-2015

|----------------------------------- Bumping Transmission ---------------------------|

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 01-25-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Mining group around Bauxite Minerial Extraction base
SUBJECT: Change of location and weapons platform

Guten Tag again, Herr Thorin. Sorry for the delay, but I warned you in my last message that approval process around changed location may take some time. Speaking of which, decision was made and change of location is approved.

On the other hand, reguest for construction of weapons platform is denied at this moment. Understand, bitte, that mining fields and their close vicinty are treated in special regime and only very trusted parties are allowed to put such powerful thing with considerable destruction potential and ability to create area supremacy - like weapon platform - in it. It will take some time before your group will prove to be trustworthy enough to get permission to build any of them there. Rheinland can´t afford the risk of being cut off from resources from important mining field if, for example, your base would be overruned by some criminals or terrorists and they could gain access to control of it´s weapons platforms.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-18-2015

[Image: vorposten1.png]

Transmission: Online
Identification: Diamanten Vorposten
Receiver: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
Source: Koeln / Captain Mark Hamann
Subject: Diamanten Vorposten (Diamonds Outpost)
Signal: Perfect

Guten Tag,

-My name is Mark Hamann, a rhienlander citizen, living at the moment at New Berlin and work at Heisenberg Station in Koeln. I would like to apply for a license from the rhienland government for building a new "freelancer civilian" installation in Koeln, around planet steinfurt near the freelancer satellite.
-The installation name is "Diamanten Vorposten" and it will be dealing mainly with minerals, ores and other commodities as a trading hub and also will add more sectors to the base later once we have permission from the government later for new additions if agreed on indeed.
-The installation will not allow the rheinlanders criminal organizations to dock to this facility & will always grant a docking rights for the rhienland government authorities represented by the rhienland military, the rhienland polizier and all the organization that are required to have docking rights in-order to abide the rules and law of rhienland.
-Diamanten Vorposten have no intentions now or in the future to sell or buy any contraband or illegal commodities at all. We here at the Diamanten Vorposten understand the value and importance of abiding the rhienland law and we will always force our employees to abide the rhienland law or be delivered to the rhienland authorities immediately.
-The Diamanten Vorposten will expand by time, if granted by the rhienland authorities indeed, and will start applying later for more sectors to be added to the installation like construction of devices, modules and drives also adding a casino and a lounge for our clients to use and feel satisfied by the rhienlandish luxury we offer. This operation will be totally and completely supervised and watched by the rhienland authorities and we will follow and abide every single section mentioned in the law or by the rhienland government so we can never by any mean, break the law at all because this will never be our intention.
-I personally visited the government sector in planet new berlin and checked the rhienland law. Every word and every inch of text i read very carefully and i will be responsible for any breaking to the law which hopefully will never happen since we are lawful citizens here and seeks nothing but legal profit and service aimed to increase the economy of the rhienland as a total. we love our beloved rhienland fatherlands and we will always work hard to make it prosper and flourish more and more.
-The information required by the rhienland government is attached to this transmission and i am ready to explain anything needed to be explained in more details and also ready with the required payment for supporting our rhienland flotilla and gov.

Name of the base : Diamanten Vorposten (Diamonds Outpost)
Name of the station administrator : Mark-Hamann
Affiliation : both base and administrator affiliation is "freelancer" civilian.
Purpose for the station : Trading Hub, Mining facility, Legit Manufacturing, Lounge and Casino.
Existing trade agreements : we have none at the moment, we can't do contracts without the government license first.
Location of the base : Koeln, around planet steinfurt near the freelancer "satellite" (we are willing to discuss any alternative locations if required by the rhienland government).


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-19-2015

[Image: vorposten1.png]

Transmission: Online
Identification: Diamanten Vorposten
Receiver: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
Source: Koeln / Captain Mark Hamann
Subject: Diamanten Vorposten (Diamonds Outpost)
Signal: Perfect


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-20-2015

[Image: vorposten1.png]

Transmission: Online
Identification: Diamanten Vorposten
Receiver: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
Source: Koeln / Captain Mark Hamann
Subject: Diamanten Vorposten (Diamonds Outpost)
Signal: Perfect


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-21-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Captain Mark Hamann
SUBJECT: Diamanten Vorposten base registration

Guten Tag, Herr Hamann. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei. I need to clarify the situation a little because there seems to be some unclearness. Your intention is to build the base "around planet Steinfurt near satellite". But as far as I know, the both satellites which belong to Heisenberg Research Station are placed near Herne Moon, not near planet Steinfurt. So I need to know where you actually plan to build your base.

To describe the situation, planet Steinfurt is not gut location to build any base because as you maybe know, there is mining operation in progress around the planet. I would also like to remind you that area nearby - sectors D-F 7,8 - is according to Rheinland laws mining zone of Kruger Minerals which has right to restrict access there.

Placing the station somewhere near Herne Moon would be much better choice, however if you plan to build it closer than ten kilometers to Heisenberg, you will need approval of Heisenberg´s administration.

I will await the clarification.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-22-2015

[Image: vorposten1.png]

Transmission: Online
Identification: Diamanten Vorposten
Receiver: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
Source: Koeln / Captain Mark Hamann
Subject: Location Clarification
Signal: Perfect

Guten tag,
Kommissar Christiane Laurich

Danke, for the response & i would like to answer all the questions required. The desired location is 13k away from (Hesienberg station / Freelancer Satellite) and after 8 hours conference for the members of the board, we decided to take the advice given by you Kommissar Christiane Laurich and change the location to be 13k behind the Herne moon (Sector 7C). I also added to the members of the board, information about the kruger mining operation sectors and we have no interest at all building the station in there. so hopefully, there should be no issues with kruger or the administration of heisenberg. Thank you again for the transmission reply, and we looking forward for your agreement about our license.