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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-25-2012

=Incoming transmission=
Source: the radio room of HMS-Thunderer, independent captain of the ship;
Subject: adding Gallia to the bounty board


Greetings, my dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Well, let's come to the point right now, I don't usually talk a lot. Few days before You received this transmission, I was shooting some Molly gunboats in Dundee. Everything was normal till then - the Mollies were drunk, as always, their loot was expensive, as always, and I didn't have money, as always.

Just when I started cruising to battleship Stirling to sell the loot, I saw a Bounty Hunter shooting at some Gallic fighters. I wondered why would he shoot at lawful ships. He said to me that the Bounty Hunter Guild is unfriendly with them. I didn't really care if he may shoot at some frogs, because they are our enemies. My ship is now docked on planet Leeds and being washed and cleaned. I'm "a bit" ill now, I think some of those Molly pilots had something in his lungs. I must wash a whole battleship because of one Molly *coughs, his cough echoes trough his ship's hull*... I think I won't be able to fly some time.

This is about what I am talking about: if we had Kusari on our bounty boards, why don't we have the Gallic factions? I think that the bounty board should be updated. I can help during my recovery.

With respect, the independent captain of HMS-Thunderer

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-25-2012

' Wrote:=Incoming transmission=
Source: the radio room of HMS-Thunderer, independent captain of the ship;
Subject: adding Gallia to the bounty board


Greetings, my dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Well, let's come to the point right now, I don't usually talk a lot. Few days before You received this transmission, I was shooting some Molly gunboats in Dundee. Everything was normal till then - the Mollies were drunk, as always, their loot was expensive, as always, and I didn't have money, as always.

Just when I started cruising to battleship Stirling to sell the loot, I saw a Bounty Hunter shooting at some Gallic fighters. I wondered why would he shoot at lawful ships. He said to me that the Bounty Hunter Guild is unfriendly with them. I didn't really care if he may shoot at some frogs, because they are our enemies. My ship is now docked on planet Leeds and being washed and cleaned. I'm "a bit" ill now, I think some of those Molly pilots had something in his lungs. I must wash a whole battleship because of one Molly *coughs, his cough echoes trough his ship's hull*... I think I won't be able to fly some time.

This is about what I am talking about: if we had Kusari on our bounty boards, why don't we have the Gallic factions? I think that the bounty board should be updated. I can help during my recovery.

With respect, the independent captain of HMS-Thunderer

The nurse has just told me that they're releasing me on Friday.
Let's kill some frogs that day!
It's my medicine!

With respect, the independent captain of HMS-Thunderer

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 01-26-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

__________________________Lodaing 13%...27%...54%...78%...99%...

______________________________________________Upload Video Uplink...


[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Yesterday was an extremely good war day against the Gallic Royal Navy. Me and Lt. Archer managed to team up with 2 bretonia battleships, Argrosax and the Berkshire and some other bretonians and also with the ronnin, avenger and a SCRA cruiser to strike a Gallic capital ship feet that was stationed in Edinburgh. We split up in 2 teams. The bomber squad and the Berkshire jumped directly via the Edinburgh jump gate ::image upload completed::, While the Argosax was prepared to flank the oponent using the jump hole. This created a diversion in the gallic fleet, making them split up and eventually get the first valor down.

But the fight was far from over, from this point on we tried to destroy as much royalist capitals that we could and after some time, another cruiser was down. We continued our fight, but unfortunately we've lost one destroyer. But this loos was worth it, soon burning another gallic cruiser. Now their fleet was really shaking , and their inability to find a solution quickly lead to another toasted valor. Only 1 battleship was left, that managed to dock after it's engine, guns and internal systems were down. I hope that it won't be ready for launch any time soon.

Overall, we destroyed 3 valors and 2 cruisers and lost 1 avenger fighter and 1 Bretonia Destroyer. After the strike was over, the SCRA left and we landed on Planet Leeds to shake hands for the successfull strike assault.

That's all for now, gentlemen.

Lieutenant Johnson signing out.

::End of Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Black Widow - 01-27-2012

As has been previously exposed the Modus Operandi of the 13th Northern Fleet is revealed, carrying out dangerous recons missions and stalking of high-priority GRN Targets deep behind enemy lines has been core to our operation. This is what 13th| is all about carrying out missions no one else in the BAF would dare, only the best of the best will do for the 13th| Northern Fleet and nothing less than that as mistakes cost lives especially in the field of work we do.
With the recent launch of two new Bretonia Destroyers operating under the command of the 13th|:
13th|HMS-Hell.Hound and 13th|HMS-Enterprise our operations have stepped up a gear with regular incursions behind enemy lines namely to Edinburgh, Lewis, Orkney and Tau 31 intercepting intelligence targets and targets of interest: Poorly Armoured Valors, Supply Ships etc. Our efforts as are the efforts of all the BAF starting to turn the tide in this war against the Gallic Hoards. Made possible with the installation of the experimental "JumpDrive" Technology allow the HMS-Argosax to sneak behind enemy lines virtually undetected.

I present now some of the fruits of our labour, conducted while on top secret stalking missions of Valors that we had intel on which were poorly captained or poorly armored and thus did not stand a chance in the face of
Her Majesty's Cannons. Two Valors were intercepted in Edinburgh, another in Tau 31 and one in Orkney both of which were heading toward Bretonia but destroyed on their way there by 13th| Task Groups headed by the

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Finally this AI cruiser was intercepted and destroyed after reports funneled thru from Dublin that it was harrassing and attempting to assimilate Human Miners:
[Image: screen200-1.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 01-27-2012

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Captain of the HMS-Argosax, I am happy to hear such good news about the progress of the 13th northern squad but I am most displeased with your current lack of attitude found in your report.

[ [color=#CC9933]The 13th Northern Fleet is revealed, carrying out dangerous recons missions and stalking of high-priority GRN Targets deep behind enemy lines has been core to our operation. This is what 13th| is all about carrying out missions no one else in the BAF would dare, only the best of the best will do for the 13th| Northern Fleet.

I can assure you that the "best of the best" are already fighting in the name of Bretonia at Derby Great fleet. Your words are insulting for unknown reasons that is why I will recommend you to think carefully next time when you do a report here.

Talking about dangerous missions: I dont see anything more dangerous than Bretonia to fall and that will happen once we break our defensive lines in Leeds.

Yours Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Second in Command of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Black Widow - 01-27-2012

' Wrote:
[Image: 25flv0j.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]
Captain of the HMS-Argosax, I am happy to hear such good news about the progress of the 13th northern squad but I am most displeased with your current lack of attitude found in your report.

[ [color=#CC9933]The 13th Northern Fleet is revealed, carrying out dangerous recons missions and stalking of high-priority GRN Targets deep behind enemy lines has been core to our operation. This is what 13th| is all about carrying out missions no one else in the BAF would dare, only the best of the best will do for the 13th| Northern Fleet.

I can assure you that the "best of the best" are already fighting in the name of Bretonia at Derby Great fleet. Your words are insulting for unknown reasons that is why I will recommend you to think carefully next time when you do a report here.

Talking about dangerous missions: I dont see anything more dangerous than Bretonia to fall and that will happen once we break our defensive lines in Leeds.

Yours Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Second in Command of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

I apologise for my discerning comments Admiral, I did not mean to put down any forces of the BAF. We are all doing a great job and a dangerous one at that. I was only trying to point out what dangerous work we do while you hold the bretonia lines we sabotage theirs. Bretonia will not fall, not with men like us at the helm. If need be I will send every pilot in the 13th| to their deaths to defend her.

In the words of a great bretonian prime minister Winston Churchill who ruled in the sol system during a period of earth war:

"It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time."

Sir Winston Churchill

Every Valor we BAF destroy is another link in that chain and dont you forget it!

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - escopton - 01-27-2012

From: Cpl Lord James Curtis
To: The Leeds defense commanding officers
Subject: Ready for duty

[Image: 02desmondmilitar.jpg]

Dear officers,

I am writing to tell you that House of Curtis will not sit while you fight for the defense of Leeds. We have comissioned Challenger class bomber callsing 'Lord.James.Curtis' to aid in the war efforts. I will be piloting it myself on behalf of my father Lord William Curtis.

Will see you soon,

Lord James Curtis


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 01-28-2012


Comm ID: Lt. James Barett
Target: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
SUbject: Report for today

As far as I am aware, I was the only member of the Primary Fleet engaged in the recent battle in Dublin. There was a large Corsair fleet and elements from both Armed Forces Secondary Fleet and the Mandalorian Mercenaries. The result was the complete destructon of the Corsair fleet.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 01-29-2012

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

To the board: It seems our moves to concentrate more than half of our forces in Leeds encourages the mollies and the revolutioners to launch a small squadrons very closer to our capital.
Today I received a distress call from lieutenant Kerr and his squadron of two templars, about a small anti capital squad near planet New London. The rebel forces had a coalition cruiser accompanied by a molly gunboat and 3 bombers, one of which was a revolutioner too.
One of our destroyers, HMS-Pestilence, was in orbit of planet New London and engaged the enemies against all odds. In this time I was patroling the north sector of the system on board of the battleship Dauntless. Once I received this information I immediately set course back to our capital planet. I've managed to catch the enemies by surprise just in time before our destroyer get obliterated by the savages. Minutes later their cruiser, gunboat and one of their bombers were shot down. The revolution bomber left and I ordered our men not to pursue him.

Here some images from our satellite in the sector:
Classified 1
Classified 2

Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Second in Command of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 01-30-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Norfolk]
[CommID: Captain Charles.Davis]
[Directed: Officers,]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: ssssds.jpg]

Greetings High command officer and all other pesonal that is reading this message. Today was a good day to stretch my wings. I launched from the Leeds docking platform and started a small patrol of Bretonia. While Admiral Piett was Training Lt's Kerr and Bloom in the Salisbury system. I received a report about a council transport was in Bretonia from Norfolk command. I intercepted it and the Captain was seem to be in a hurry he was hauling Elixirs to Corucao from Freeport 1. After I short time of talk I decided to let him go and return to New London. Where in route to the Leeds gate one Kusari Exile boat was ambushed by one pirate bomber and a Gaian. I jumped provide support the pirates decided to Flee to Trafalgar but they didn't dock because they probably know the rules that junkers set.

After a short Skirmish both Gaian and Pirate bomber went down. The lts were done training and Admiral Piett had to go because his presence was requested planet side. The Lts managed to intercept a Gaian Bomber at the Nagazaki but the Nagazakis Fire was to strong and hard to dodge for the Lts to handle'. So I dived in to that fire and managed to take that bomber out. Mr Kerr however suffered some damage to his engine and had to go back to leeds. I decided to take mr bloom to a Little Tau-31 patrol were intelligence told me two Gallain royal pilots were conducting training.

We jumped with no problems and did not encounter any resistance until we reached Hegoland station were the two pilots were decimating the Same Kusari gunboats I encountered in New London. Unforgivably mr Bloom ship was destroyed by the stationary battleship but I managed to retrieve his pod. For my luck a Freelancer by the name of Hunter.S.Thompson|D6 came to aid me against the Royalist forces. With the Help of that Freelancer I managed to take the first pilots down and I managed to put a razor down on the other. It was a good hunt.

Good hunting. Davis out
Gun camera
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]