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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Zeromancer - 02-01-2012


This is Ensign Stuart Durning, returning from a 7 month leave. I am fit and ready for service, and I request to be put back onto the Member roster.

Thanks in advance.
Stuart Durning


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Black Widow - 02-02-2012

Source: 13th Fleet Ship HMS-Argosax

Report Begins......

It all started with routine patrols of the Gallic Frontlines: 13th|HMS-Argosax, 13th|HMS-Hell.Hound and
13th|HMS-Daishi were combing Edinburgh and Dublin systems for Gallic Scum but found none.

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Later while on routine cleaning missions out of HMS Stirling in the Dundee System two frog bombers followed us all the way to within vicinity of the Stirlings Guns. 13th|HMS-Snake and 13th|HMS-Hell.Hound made light work of them

[Image: frogs2.png]

Later, while on a border patrol in Leeds with HMS-Tyler. 13th|HMS-Snake received "HAIL MARYS" from a BPA) who indicated there was a frog GB in the area. We managed to catch up with it and it was D6 before BAF bombers were on the scene.

[Image: screen231.jpg]

After all that we received a message from a BAF Admiral Firmus Piett that something was going down in Omega 3, while on the way there 13th|HMS-Snake was jumped by 2 Gaian GBs outside Kensington Shipping Platform both of which are now amongst the daisies.

[Image: screen232.jpg]

On Arrival in Omega 3, Piett was already engaged with some Pirate GB outside the Omega 7 Gate an RNC GB joined the Fray but was ineffective against said target, so the Snake finished him off.

Later that day, 13th|HMS-Snake received intel from 13th|HMS-Argosax that a GRN| Cruiser was headed inbound from Gallia to the Bretonian Frontlines. It was decided that this ship had to be executed before it reached its final destination, the interception point was selected as Orkney. There the GRN| was discovered and put to sleep by Her Majesty's Guns.

[Image: screen226.jpg]

Field Commander, HMS-Argosax out.......

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 02-04-2012

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]This evening was one of the best fight against the Gallic Royalists. Sure, with the help of BPA, colonials, ronnin, and a Mandalorian Mercenary we managed to destroy 4 valors and 2 cruisers. In the beginning, we hadn't got numbers, but we've got a tactic and the spirit of protecting our territories. Planet Leeds was invaded by an insane fleet of Gallic capital ships, still escorted by about 3 fighters. This mistake costed them a lot, as Bretonia has built tons of Challanger bombers in the last months, which offered us a nice aid against the huge valors. Not to mention that we were helped by some cruisers and other faction bombers. After some time, we managed to make the royalist fall back, but at that time it was already too late. They've lost 2 valors, and the lack of escort made them impossible to cruise away or to defend themselfs. Around the Edinburgh gate, they were already well beaten, and in about 5 minutes all of them get destroyed. As far as I can say, I am proud to announce that we had no capital ship looses.
That's all for now,

Wayne Johnson.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 02-05-2012

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

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(This is message was announced before 2 months)

Attention pilots of the armed forces. I am here to inform you about the success of the Operation Attrition. Due to our efforts we have managed to recapture the MOX installation known as LD-14 and its once again under our control. All pilots participating in this operation did their best and we are proud of you. Sir Jack Fraser, the Duke of Norfolk, promised you some prestige rewards which now I am here to grant you.
The pilots, who managed to achieve the condition of 100 kills have permission to join the prestigious ACE-100's club. Those of you that have achieved 500 or more kills, are clear to receive the "Distinguished Flying Cross".

Yours, Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Second in Command of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 02-05-2012

connection established
password *********
access granted
direct stream initiated...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt.Cdr. Alex Clarke

Priority Medium
Topic: Promotion request


I have just received my Distinguished Flying Cross, I guess the courier forgot to re-send it to me after I woke up from the coma, a shame that I could not receive it in person, but I don't mind.

Dear admiralty,

I'd like to request promotion to the rank of Commander, basing on following service record:

266 flight hours, including 57 on Challenger Bomber,
Bomber training passed,
Three months of active duty (about 2 months in coma),
12 Patrol reports.
Trained two recruits and helped to equip numerous other.
Very good and up-to-date knowledge of Bretonia laws, treaties and current diplomacy status.

List of notable achievements:
- Proud owner of Courageous Action Medal and Distunguished Flying Cross.
- Member of Ace-100 club (~1350 kills during Operation Attrition)
- Repelled invasion of *[color=#FF0000]classified*
on Dublin on September 6th 818 A.S.
- Took part in action against Necrosis on September 4th 818 A.S.
- Took part in major scouting operation on LD-14 on August 27th 818 A.S.
- Took part in defense of Essex from large Corsair invasion fleet on January 28th 819 A.S.

I hope that my experience, discipline and judgment are sufficient to prove me capable for the new duties.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]activating scramble protocols
randomizing frequency
activating signal encoding

[color=#FF0000]*Admiralty board eyes only*

Admiral Piett, aside from the request above, I'd like to request transfer to the Bretonia Inteligence Service, it is clear that our military assets are no match to sheer numerical superiority of the Gallia. If we can learn their weaknesses, we might stand a chance, be that finding a blind spot of their Valors, tapping onto their frequencies, or something that will convince Liberty and/or Rheinland to assist us.

PS: During my patrol in Newcastle I received information on a secure channel, originating from Battleship Grimsby, stating that the Rheinland Valkyries can be detected more and more often on the long range scanners, I believe this should be looked into if possible.

stream terminated
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 02-09-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge
SUBJECT:Silver Reaver terminated
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,I am proud to announce that I have defeated Silver Reaver in fair battle 5 months after our first encounter.
The fight was anything but easy,but her ship blew up like a firecracker.
I picked up what looked like Silver's pod.But later on I discovered it was a dummy pod,and she escaped unscratched.Bad luck for Bretonia,it seems.At least I taught her a lesson she'll never forget.
[Image: screen77.png]

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After this,some Nollys invaded Leeds,and were quickly exterminated by our superiority in everything.
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 02-11-2012

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Captain of the HMS-Argosax, I am most displeased to hear another report about your lack of attitude. I have evidences proving your insubordination to one of our admirals of the armed forces, or in short to Admiral O'Dukes aka Lord Hamilton.
Lord Hamilton is an honorable man, leading our merchant fleet with pride. No matter if he is on board of a "Merchant Navy" ship, a transport, a gunboat or any other craft he choose, he is one of your admirals and disobeying his orders is punishable. If you are not aware of the names of your admirals that only speaks bad about you.

Considering the facts: disobeying given orders, contradicion to the orders, lack of attitude, inappropriate behaviour in front of an admiral and foreign vessel and ruining the name of the armed forces's prestige,
I am charging you to pay the fine of 20,000,000 credits sent to BAF|Armoury within 3 days and to write an apology message about your actions placed in our MDB.

Consider this as my second and last warning to you and your squadron. If you continue to act like that, we will remove you from service.

Yours Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Second in Command of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Black Widow - 02-11-2012


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Black Widow - 02-12-2012

Source: 13th Fleet Ship HMS-Argosax

Report Begins......

On the request of Admiral Piett, I hereby place an apology to the BAF Admiralty for conduct displayed in the situation outlined above.

Being the Admiral of the MN meant we did not immediately recognise his authority as the MN are the Logistics Arm after all and we are a Military Outfit. However mistakes aside we apologise for rudeness but being an Admiral does not give one the right to act cocky with his command, a tone of respect is expected one which we did not receive from the Lord Hamilton at the time.

payment of $20,000,000 will be forwarded to the BAF|Armoury from our ever shrinking War Chest.

13th| Fleet Admiral out........

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 02-15-2012

Incoming Message...
Source: Ensign, Mike Havering
Subject: New London Patrol

Good Day

Let's make this quick alright?

So...I started from Leeds for a little Patrol since i wasn't on a real one since i started here.
Anyways I went to New London and mett an BPA-Officer we had a small chat, there wasn't that much going on at the time so I asked if I could help him out a little.
Since no other Police-Officer was here then he gratefully accepted my offer.

And it didn't go long until a Molly chrossed my way. (well not directly I saw him on the scanners)
Didn't wait long and followed him.
Whem I finally chaught up with him there where two Gallian Solar Transport on my scanners.
Unfortunately one got destroyed from the Mollys before I could reach them.
I informed Seargent O.Croft and he made his way to us.
After a rather long discussion he payed a fine of 6M to Officer O.Croft.

Of course we escortet him to Tau 31 and suggested that he shouldn't return to Bretonia.

Here is a Guncam of the Gallian Ship:

After that I made a small round in Cambrige, where everything was as quiet as it can be.

Think I have sayed enough, have a nice afternoon.

Mike Havering

Message ends...