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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 02-26-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutenant Derek Kerr
Source Location: Southampton Shipyard
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Afternoon Officers,

Earlier today I was preforming some combat practises with Lieutenant Bloom, and Ensign Smith when we received a message from a fighter named John Atwood concerning a Zoner gunboat supposedly it was carrying alien fighter remains.
From what we knew mister Atwood was a member secondary fleet.

Bloom then the gave order to mister Astwood too intercept the gunboat. I considered this to be a bit of a rash decision since, encase the vessel should turn hostile then the fighter, mister Astwood, would be out gunned. Especially considering the ship was from the secondary fleet which gave me more reason to tread with caution. The ensign at that time was currently unattached and so i ordered him to monitor the situation, the ensign seemed more than willing to lend a hand and sped off towards the last known location of the gunboat.

As Bloom and i were packing up we received a transmission from Ensign Smith claiming that mister Atwood had opened fire on his vessel and destroyed his fighter. Bloom and myself made our way out of Salisbury, quickly, and onto the Southampton shipyard, the last known location of the Ensigns ship.

As we entered scanner range we noticed mister Atwood still at the scene and immediately halted him. We attempted to question him however he did not replie. Our intention was to cripple his ship and collect his pod for a court marshal. However Lieutenant Bloom believed that we could take his ship to New London while intact. I decided to leave the decision with Bloom, and he - along with the Ensign surrounded the fighter.

According to Lieutenant Bloom the ship fired up a blare of countermeasures and managed to break away from both of the ships. In response myself, Lieutenant Bloom and Ensign Smith sped off after him in pursuit.

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Realising this chase could be a long one I instructed Ensign Smith to inform the officials at Southampton regarding our pursuit. While myself and Bloom continued on against the rogue pilot.

We followed the pilot for a good twenty minutes, leaving charted space behind us. However no matter the time needed our persistence kept us going. Eventually we got close enough that Cruise disruptors were 'just' in range. Knowing this Bloom suggested that he attempt to fire a salvo off and see if he could stop the pilot in his tracks while i continued to cruise behind him encase they should fail.

To our good fortune the disruptors hit and mister Atwood's flight was interrupted. Using this opportunity we opened fire immediately and a fire fight was under way. Although he did attempt to cruise away a few times I still had my full salvo of missiles ready, and Bloom still have a few of his own left as well.

During the fire fight Lieutenant Bloom's ship was unfortunately destroyed by the rogue pilot - thankfully however his pod was jettisoned just before impact. The pilot then turned on myself, however he found me to much to handle and as i was gaining the upper hand in the fight his ship managed to use some sort of cloaking technology to escape.

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Clearly the coward lacked to the stomach to face his own fate however I was able to rescue Lieutenant Bloom's pod and made my way back to Southampton - where i am currently writing this report.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 02-28-2012

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Today, just after I undocked from Planet Leeds I was surprised to see 5 Order terrorist guys shooting Ensign Moore and Bill Summers from the Bretonia Police. I told them to chase fire, instead, one of them engaged me with no reason, showing then that they are one of the filthiest terrorists in Sirius, more like the infamous Phantoms. The fight was on, and I tried to ask them their reason for this aggressivity. They answered me that they save humanity about doing so, and the main reason would be the nomad derlict in Newcastle. Moore was forced to dock, and the police officer was shoot down. I stayed in the fight, and didn't rest until I managed to take one down. Then, they gave up and made a run for it to Magellan. Also I must say that a bounty hunter gunboat refused to give us any help for a lot of money, while we were struggling to stay alive.

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Wayne Johnson out.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 03-02-2012

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Source ID: Lieutenant Derek Kerr
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Evening Officers,

Only a few ours ago myself, Admiral Garibaldi, Commodore Davis, Vice Admiral Piett and a fighter from secondary fleet embarked from Planet New London to the Leeds system to patrol for some 'Joker' vessels which had been sighted in the vicinity. Admiral Piett gave Commodore Davis command of the opperation, his first order was that we meet by the Cambridge jump gate in the New London system. Once we entered Cambridge Commodore Davis issued the patrol instructions. I was assigned with the secondary fleet ship to check the lanes along to Planet Cambridge and onto Norfolk, where as Commodore Davis and Admiral Garibaldi would take the lanes following by the Cardiff mining facility and again meeting at Norfolk.

Both patrols found nothing and so, after having met at the Battleship Norfolk the decision was made to continue onto the Omega 3 jump gate. As we began to approach the jump gate one of these 'Joker' vessels came onto our scanners. At the sight of us the gunboat attempted to run further into the Keswick Ice Cloud. In response Cruise disruptors flew from all angles in his direction. Once his was clearly in our sights the gunboat was surrounded to make sure it could not escape. Although contact was attempted to be made to the gunboat it appeared unheard as the gunboat continued to move away using its thrusters. Allies of the gunboat were inbound and so in order to offer the best chances Vice Admiral Piett did what he could to delay the leader of the group, who had been making his way to us as soon as we arrived - 'The Joker'.

Realising that the gunboat was buying time until reinforcements could arrive, the order was given, by Commodore Davis, to opened fire and a fierce fire-fight ensued. During the start we held a nearly unendangered advantage, piece by piece myself, Admiral Garibaldi, Commodore Davis and the secondary fleet fighter focused down on the single gunboat, while Vice Admiral Piett delayed 'The Joker' and any other assistance the gunboat might expect.

However although Vice Admiral Piett was holding his own against the two other gunboats he made it clear that having to solo the gunboats was becoming a bit overwhelming. To this Commodore Davis ordered our ships to vector off in the direction of Vice Admiral Piett. We moved into assist him and the designated target turned to 'The Joker'.

The cowards didn't have the stomach for the fight since as our victory was drawing near the gunboats withdrew to Lisburn Rock. Yet even with this advantage they were unable to destroy even one of our pilots. Having given up on the fight 'The Joker' was the first to flee by docking on Lisburn Rock after his ship was one good SNAC away from destruction. His friends however seemed to have abit more courage and continued to fight - although remained near the station in the 'hope' that it would protect them.

I am happy to report that this 'manoeuvre' did not, as we were more than happy to show them with Vice Admiral Piett managing to draw first blood against the 'Jokers'. The second fell to Admiral Garibaldi's guns not soon after. The last order issued by the Commodore in this operation was to return back the Norfolk and re-arm, as well as to feel a jolly good sense of pride.

A resounding success I think all will agree.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 03-03-2012

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ID: Lieutenant Jeff Bloom
Location: Planet Leeds
Subject: An unknown benefactor
Good evening officers of the fleet,

While the majority of our forces under the command of Admiral Garibaldi and Commodore Davis were engaged in Dublin, I undocked from planet Leeds an prepared to move out together with Ensign Davis and Eagle-007.

However, there was an Outcast dromedary in front of the planet requesting my attention. The man, who spoke with a Rheinlander accent told me about how he was stationed at Leeds by his contractors and was told to find out more about the Gallic threat.

What was most interesting about our conversation was that he referred to and I quote "when Bretonia's defence status goes Case Orange that they will be ready to intervene." He also spoke about opening a nothern front against Gallia.

Feeling this was all a bit over my head, I informed the ranking officers present and eventually introduced the man to Commodore Davis. Who quickly ended the discussion as the man would further not spill his beans.

I hope this small amount information may be of use in the future to the admiralty.


Jeff Bloom
Lieutenant, Bretonia Armed Forces

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 03-03-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutenant Derek Kerr
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Evening Officers

Following a rather large battle between the Armed Forces and some Gallic fighters Commodore Davis handed command over to myself, after the original group had dispersed leaving myself, Ensign Davis, and the HMS Thunderer of the 13th Northern Fleet. My intention was originally to preform a patrol around Bretonias outlying systems, Manchester, Cambridge ect, with Ensign Davis. However to my misfortune she was technically on leave following the battle. To my luck though Lieutenant Bloom and Eagle007 managed to come in just enough time for the plans to be salvaged. My intention was for our small squad to rendez-vous at the Battleship Norfolk. Bloom arrived in good time but it appeared that Eagle007 was still just leaving Southampton, in order to make best use of the time I informed Eagle to meet myself and Bloom at the Cambridge Jump Gate in New London. While myself and Bloom patrolled Cambridge, from the Omega 3 Jump gate, and splitting up so we could cover both the lanes via Planet Cambridge and the lanes via the Cardiff Mining Facility.

After the system had been checked myself and Bloom met in front of the Jump gate and reported our findings. We had both found them uneventful and so continued onto New London. Where we met Eagle007 who had been waiting patiently by the jump gate.

With the three of us assembled I explained the planned patrol route to Bloom and Eagle.

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As is explained in this Audio file, the intended route was to go through New London, onto Manchester, through Manchester and move through to Magellan then via the jump hole move through to Leeds where we would move onto Dublin, completing our patrol.

As we approached the Jump Gate to Manchester however I received a transmission from a transport. In the message the transport mentioned that it had important material for Planet Harris and requested an escort. I realised that this could be easily accomidate without ruining the planned patrol. So I gave the transport instruction to remain near the meeting point for our arrival.

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When we arrived I made it clear that we would only be able to escort it to the jump gate to the Taus. From then on in it was only a short trip, which was patrolled by other Armed forces patrols which could take over. I gave instructions as too the escort plan, with Eagle007 taking point, scouting ahead, Bloom following just after the transport and myself covering the rest of the rear.

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The trip was marginally uneventful until we reached Stokes. The HMS-Thunderer reported a sighting of a Gaian artifact Smuggler in Cambridge. Realising time was of the essence I instructed Eagle007 to see the transport to the Jump gate leading to the Taus, and return to us once we was done, while myself and Bloom moved to assist the HMS-Thunderer.

Our intention was to continue on through New London - and onto Cambridge, however the HMS-Thunderer mentioned that the smuggler was making its way to a jump hole leading to Leeds. Instinctively we altered our course in order to make our way to the jump hole in Leeds which lead to Cambridge. While this was happening I made it clear to the HMS-Thunderer that it was to hold the smuggler until our arrival, since past altercations with the 13th Northern fleet had often got out of hand.

On our way there Bloom cleverly pointed out that it may attempt to make its way to Dublin, noticing this Eagle007, who had by this time started making his way back too us, was instructed to block the Dublin jump hole. A few minutes later myself and Bloom arrived on the scene too find Eagle007 standing by on the Dublin jump hole and the HMS-Thunderer holding the Gaian smuggler by the jump hole.

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We demanded the Gaian drop the artifacts however, clearly over estimating his luck, refused. After several attempts at gaining his cooperation we realised this was going nowhere and the order was given to open fire and gain the artifacts by force. This proved to be successful and once the ship had been destroyed and its contents flying free we followed up by destroying all traces of the contraband.

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I then returned to Planet Leeds where I am currently writing this report.

I would like to say I was extremely impressed by the actions of all the ships under my command today, all followed their instructions to the letter and were determined in their work.
Both with Lieutenant Bloom assisting in the issuing of commands fluently, and Eagle007 following his commands to the letter.
Especially the '13th Northern Fleet' which i have found at times to be a bit quick to the trigger, however I am pleased to say that the HMS-Thunderer proved me wrong on this occasion by staying his hand and managing to successful detain the transport without the use for lethal force.

As well as this I would like to request consideration for the rank of Lieutenant Commander
To this date I have achieved:
153 hours of active flight time
13 Patrol reports
And a attitude level of 3

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 03-05-2012

...Incoming transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: Bretonia Armed Force Admiralty/ High Command
Subject: Request

Good day, ladies and gentlemen;

requesting permission to again fly, together with Bretonia finest men and women.
I do not know, how well is High command informed about my past two or so years, but if they wish to read my side of story, I will provide requested informations in the next communication.

My only wish is to fly again, and if you have some spare old 'shipie',
it would be a honor to serve again.

Former Admiral, ex-commander of Great Essex 6th Fleet, James Hobart

My current location, planet New London, hotel "Dancing Queen"

Have a nice day!

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 03-08-2012

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Let me patch you trough with the latest events that happened in Bretonia. First of all, after I docked out from Stokes, I've got some intel from a trader about a possible corsair pirate providing from the Benitez family. I decided to hunt him down, and after a quite long chase I managed to stop him between Planet Cambridge and New London gate, it was Tureno. I've accused him for piracy and murder so I engaged him at will. He tried to run at first, but his attempt failed. Then, trying to fight me brought his death in the next minute.
After this, I've received a strange signal from a Valor in Leeds who was trying to taunt me. It didn't worked that much. I've joined a wing formed of Me, Sinclair, Adm Garibaldi, an Exile bomber and one cruiser and rushed to Planet Leeds to destroy the battleship. It didn't had a healthy escort, formed of only 1 gunboat and 1 bomber. They went down in the first minute of fighting, and after 3 other minutes, the Valor was burned trough it's hull. It didn't stand a chance against our bomber swarm, and we didn't sustained any damage.

After this Event, I went to Cambridge to escort Bowex)Whittle with some aluminium to Stokes. All went well and we didn't encountered any threats on our way.

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That's all for now.
Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 03-08-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutenant Derek Kerr
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Evening Officers.

Approximately just after 1700 hours myself, Ensign Carrighan, headed out to investigate a supposed sighting of a Joker vessel who had been pirating near the Omega 3 jump gate. While looking for the vessel we encountered a police pilot by the name of Shawn Frankson who had been the one who first alerted us to the threat. The blighter must have jumped as we pulled up by the jump gate, since all scanners were clear at the gate. I was eager, considering our advantage to purse the Joker vessel through Omega 3 and out of Bretonia. However lacking the authority to move into the Omega 3 system I waited while a request was transmitted to my superiors. It must have been the nebulas interference since no response was given regarding our movements through Omega 3. Lacking this we were forced to wait behind the gate as our target got further and further from us, until he eventually made it out of Omega 3.

Since it appeared clear I decided to begin a patrol through to New London and onto Dublin. The intention was to then continue onto Leeds then make our way through a jump hole to Magellan and onto Manchester and then back to New London with the ships currently in our group.

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This appeared to pose no issues to either pilots and so we began a rather quiet trip around Bretonia, the odd trader here and there, but none which held any contraband, or of a criminal standing. When we reached Leeds we encountered the Merchant Navy and began to discuss the situation in Leeds. From what we heard it appeared all was quiet, and so we decided that our time would be best served else where.

His ship suffering from some flight control issues Ensign Carrighan requested to dock up at Leeds so that the issue could be sorted out. Clearly an issue that could pose a risk I gave the Ensign permission to get the issues sorted out while myself and mister Frankson continued on our patrol.

Again it was quiet, all the way until we returned to New London, coming through Manchester our first approach was through Caterbury Station. On our arrival a pirate transport came into range, by the name of 'Miner|Drone'.

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I was first interested in the ship because of its 'unique' image. Often a vessel used by pirates and smugglers I was cautious when dealing with the individual. To our surprise however our attempts at communicating with the ship came unheard as it refused to respond. While waiting for his response I became aware that this vessel was in fact listed as one involved in piracy which raised my concern that much more. After a good few minutes of attempting to gain contact with the drifting vessel I gave the order open fire.

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To this the vessel came into action and responded by opening fire.A short fire fighting ensued, however the pilot appeared intent on 'jousting' my Challenger. One wish which I was only to happy oblige - since I was armed to the brim with Nova and was able to avoid his shots and send the odd nova his way.

A few minutes later the ship was on its hind legs and dashed towards the planet Dover in the attempt of a 'crash landing' most likely. Just in the nick of time I managed to shoot a Supernove in his direction, it connected the ship but to much surprise had not fully destroyed the vessel, held together with literally threads my own hull damaging guns were still recharging and so I was somewhat stuck. To much luck however Mister Frankson managed to get in a few well placed shots before it could breach the atmosphere and destroyed the blighter.

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Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mark_Brown - 03-08-2012

ID; BAF|LtCdr.Jason.Charles
Duty Time; 45mins.. Approx, from 20;15 to 21;00 8/3/12

Subject; Hessian Assault on Planet New London... Fail.

I'll make this a quick one, I' arrived on duty to be asked by BAF|Cdre.Charles.Davis to patrol New London, at this I did. I got a call from him for assistance...

I got to Planet New London to find two Hessian Ships, One VHF one Bomber class, Seems I'm always in my Challenger I watched Davis attempt to move them from Planet New London, at this they cut a lane so we went after them.. Both.

I Hit the Bomber Hard, and destroyed him for good. = '''EVIDENCE OF DEATH HERE'''

With that Davis asked me to back out and wanted a Fair 1vs1 with Astrid.Gunnhild (Hessian) which unfortunatly Davis then died, seems I already went from the fight on Order i was unable to track the hessian again.

Doing my duty for the queen,


[Image: 29aseia.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 03-10-2012

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Source ID: Ensign Mike.HAvering
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low to Medium

Good evening
I finally managed to do a Report once again since there was a little bit going on this evening,
luckely i've got next to me a really good bottle of wine to help me with the paperwork.

As i startet from Salisburg and sniffed the air around New London I encountert Lt. James Hobart and joined him on his Patrol.
On our way to Leed a lets say a little bit crazed Outcast Captain was passing through Leeds with his Battleship. Well after some smalltalk it became clear that this Captain wasn't going to head back to save Tau-31 and rather wanted to sell some Frogs in Magellan.

Two warnings later he engaged a Exile Gunboat, since the BAF doesn't sit around while our allys get hammered we engaged as well and destroyed the Outcast in a fast and merciless fight.


Nontheless the Partol was going to be finished so the next system was Cambrige

It seemed quiet but near the Nofolk there was a firefight going on between a Junker Frigate and a Pirate bomber, when Lt. James Hobart and myselfe arrived the Junkers Ship wasn't looking too good and docked on the Nofolk.
The Bomber tried to get away witch seemed odd enough and after we chaught him he tried to talk his way out of it.
Since that wasn't working he made another run for it and droped half of his Countermeasures on his way. And again he got chaught but this time there wasn't any talk but yet another short firefight in witch I managed my first official kill in the BAF.


That is that and now i'll enjoy the rest of this wonderfull wine.
Save skies to you all.

Mike Havering out.
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