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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-24-2010

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Comrades, I'm pleased to say that my last patrol through Omega 3 and 7 came up empty. It seems that the Corsairs and other filth that inhabit those systems are learning to keep their heads down. I also didn't see any CR ships, either. Hopefully they've figured out that there's no place in the Omega systems for the likes of them. I wouldn't count on it, though.

On my way home, however, I picked up a Charon-class Heavy Fighter named Renegade.Fighter at the edge of my sensor range. Figuring that it was worthy of at least a little investigation, I moved to intercept. When I got closer, I saw that he was in battle with several Corsair fighters, and getting the upper hand. A quick scan of his vessel indicated that he was a Freelancer by trade. What truly disturbed me, though, was the presence of ten Hessian pilots in his cargo hold. I ordered him to turn over the pilots, and fortunately for him, he complied. With that business completed, I resumed course for Omega-52. Upon landing at Zvezdny Godorok, I released the pilots into the care of a medical team, who are examining the pilots for any injuries before returning them to their own people.

I certify this report complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 03-28-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lt Ben Warner
To: SCRA High Command
Subject: Sigma-60 and Omicron-64 Reports.

Good evening Comrades. My mission to scan the systems of Sigma-60 and Omicron-64 was a sucess.

Sigma-60 is a rather desolate system with only a single Planet, it appears to be a lifeless world, rocky and unsuitable for life as we know it. It appears to be linked to a GMG Controlled system known as Sigma-59, recommend avoiding Sigma-59 due to high defenses.

Omicron-64 is a system with twin suns, however no planets or other stellar bodies. Just a Jump Hole to Sigma-59 and Omicron Beta.

-Guncam Photos-



That is all i have to report for now.

Lt Warner Signing off.

-End of Report-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-29-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 CPW-Trotsky СРЩ-Трoцкий

TARGET ID: Lt. Commander Angie Broch

[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

I am pleased with your initial surveys for an Alpha-site.

I would like for you to take a team consisting of Lt. Warner and Lt. Medvedov to each of these planets for a direct survey. An engineering crew will accompany you to survey the sites. You will ensure their safety.

Any who observe you during this operation must be terminated.

Proceed in the name of the Revolution

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-31-2010

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Comrades, I bring news of a small victory. I took my newly-commissioned Revolution-class Bomber on a routine patrol of the Omega 3 and 7 trade lanes. As I passed Freeport 1, I encountered a Corsair Titan IDing as Ezio.Francesca[TBH]. Here is a selection from my comm log, with non-relevant material removed.

Communication Log - Lt. Cmdr. Thacker Wrote:[31.03.2010 17:53:47] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: You're lucky you picked such a fortuitious location, Corsair filth.
[31.03.2010 17:54:19] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: tis lucky for you. i would love to see you attempt to destroy me. twould be most hilarous.
[31.03.2010 17:54:40] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: You Corsairs are no match for the Coalition's might, and you know it.
[31.03.2010 17:54:49] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've a patrol to resume.
[31.03.2010 17:54:54] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: lies. you only control one system.
[31.03.2010 17:55:06] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: the might of the corsair empire extends far eyond yours.
I did not consider the Corsair's parting remark to be worthy of comment. Leaving the pirate alive to trouble civilians troubled me, but I did not consider the engagement to be worth risking our diplomacy with the Zoners over.

From there, I continued further along the trade lanes, meeting no opposition until I got near the Jump Gate to the Omega-7 system. As I passed on the Trade Lane, I picked up a Gaian, a Corsair, and some BAF ships at the edge of my sensor range. I immediately broke away from the lane, and moved to investigate. When I approached, I confirmed that all contacts were in fighter-class vessels. I chose to hang back and observe the fight, as both sides are hostile to the Revolution. The Gaian, IDing as [NLH]Opal.Eyes and flying an Eagle, decided the issue for me, however. As he passed, he fired several shots at me. Not wanting to let that stand, I engaged the Gaian. I'm not sure he was expecting any retaliation, however, as I had no trouble stripping his shields away with my EMP cannons, and following that up with a Supernova shot that tore through his hull. Since the BAF remained hostile towards me, I withdrew from the battle, leaving the remaning combatants to kill each other. I then moved on to Omega-7. The comm log of the engagement follows.

Communication Log - Lt. Cmdr. Thacker Wrote:31.03.2010 17:57:56] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Well... what do we have here? A corsair-loving tree hugger, an actual corsair, and some royal blockheads?
[31.03.2010 17:58:07] BAF|Lt.A.Blair: Right back at you, commie.
[31.03.2010 17:58:37] [NLH]Opal.Eyes: oops sorry
[31.03.2010 17:58:39] Death: [NLH]Opal.Eyes was put out of action by SCRA|Robert.Thacker. (Gun).
[31.03.2010 17:58:49] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Shooting at me is a bad idea.
[31.03.2010 17:58:57] BAF|Lt.A.Blair: That was fast.
[31.03.2010 17:59:39] [NLH]Opal.Eyes: escape module: well that sucked...
[31.03.2010 17:59:43] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: I think I'll leave the rest of you gentlemen to kill each other.
[31.03.2010 17:59:49] BAF|Lt.A.Blair: Good.
[31.03.2010 17:59:54] BAF|Ens.Maier.FoX: ok
[31.03.2010 17:59:58] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Don't make me change my mind, Lieutenant.
[31.03.2010 18:00:05] BAF|Ens.Maier.FoX: however I just watch battle, no permission to engade
In the Omega-7 system, everything at first appeared to be clear, as I passed Freistadt and got to the Stuttgart Jump Gate. On my return flight to Omega-52, though, I played a hunch and cruised back closer to Freistadt again. Sure enough, the Corsair I had met at Freeport 1 was holding up a miner there. I ordered the Corsair to return home and stop troubling the civilians, but he refused, and opened fire on me. After a few passes, he flew straight at me, allowing me to weaken his shields with my EMP cannons. As he flew around for another pass, Freistadt's gunners managed to get a few clean shots on him too, finishing off his sheilds. Immediately after that, I managed to draw a bead on him, and fired my Supernova, making short work of his Titan.

Communication Log - Lt. Cmdr. Thacker Wrote:[31.03.2010 18:05:16] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Troubling the honest workers now?
[31.03.2010 18:05:34] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: the only honest worker is the one who doesnt work.
[31.03.2010 18:05:58] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Why don't go back home to that blasted rock of a planet before someone turns that pretty little ship
[31.03.2010 18:06:03] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: into a pile of scrap?
[31.03.2010 18:06:20] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: that threat does not impress me. i have no quarrel with you.
[31.03.2010 18:06:34] SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: As long as you're troubling civilians, I've got a quarrel with you.
[31.03.2010 18:06:51] Ezio.Francesca[TBH]: then it seems there is but one choice left.
[31.03.2010 18:08:25] Death: Ezio.Francesca[TBH] was put out of action by SCRA|Robert.Thacker. (Gun).
Following that battle, I resumed my course towards home. The remainder of my flight was uneventful.

I certify this report to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 03-31-2010

COMM ID: Commodore Gellantra, CPW - Trotsky
Target ID: Commissar Commander Vincenta Gonzalez

Comrade Vincenta due to your outstanding performance and contribution to Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander.

This is an honor but also a great challenge that High Command has put in front of you. Be advised we are watching you carefully comrade, should you fail us in any aspect of your Commissariat duty you will suffer the same fate as rest of your "unlucky" applicants you deal with every day. Congratulations.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Beagle23 - 04-01-2010

Reporting: Sub-Lieutenant William Bishop
Summary: Fighter configuration and recon patrol

After running all the necessary checks over my newly-appointed Partisan, I took to space from Zvezdny Gorodok and met Lieutenant Ben Warner outside Volgograd. Beginning at 0404 Hrs SMT, I followed Lt. Warner as he familiarised me with Omega-52, as well as with the SCRA in general and important considerations regarding operations and duty.


After this tour and tutorial was complete, Lt. Warner suggested I take a recon flight into Omega-5 and report all important structures during my patrol. At 0427 Hrs, I jumped to Omega-5 and began this sweep. The flight went smoothly apart from a run-in with some Corsair rooks toward the back end; they delayed me by a few minutes but were dispatched. As I made to leave the system at 0441 Hrs, I picked up two contacts on close-range scans - |ZoE|Ban'Eyk and |ZoE|Iowa.Fields. The ships exited from the Omega-41 Jumphole and headed north, past Cadiz Base. I was not in a position to intercept them to scan their holds, but I recognized one ship as a large Hegemon Miner; I imagine their business was as it seemed.

At 0443 Hrs I jumped to Omega-52 and met with Lt. Warner in flight between the Omega-5 hole and Volgograd. After reporting to him, I then continued on to Zvezdny Gorodk, where I landed at 0447.

The results of my reconnaissance flight into Omega-5 are available in full below.

Omega-5 Points of Interest


Omega-41 - Sector 6D
Cambridge - Sector 5D
Omega-3 - Sector 4D
Omega-7 - Sector 4D
Omega-55 - Sector 3E
Omega-11 - Sector 4F
Omega-47 - Sector 6F


Cadiz Base, Sector 5D, Corsair owned. An asteroid base, which would be well camoflauged amongst the rest of the rocks in Omega-5 if not for its considerable size. The station operates ten defensive turrets - seven standard and three EMP cannons.

Corsair Weapon Platforms, Sector 5D, 11 in total, arranged in a line to the north-east of Cadiz Base, the line facing north-east as well. They face off against a similar array of Hessian platforms on the other side of a field of fighter wrecks in the middle of the sector. Each platform is fitted with two standard laser turrets, no EMP. One Corsair platform was heavily damaged, suggesting that there may have been action quite recently, and that there may have been more platforms earlier.

Ronneburg Base, Sector 4E, Hessian owned. This asteroid base is smaller than Cadiz and blends in more easily as a result. Its firepower is also smaller; four defense turrets, two of which are standard and two of which are EMP.

Hessian Weapon Platforms, Sector 4E, 13 in total, arranged in a line to the south-west of Ronneburg Base, the line facing south-west as well. They face off against the wreck field just like the Corsair platform line. Each platform operates two standard laser turrets, just like the Corsair ones.

The aforementioned field of Corsair and Hessian wrecks in the center of Omega-5, also complimented by a minefield.

Guncam is available to compliment all results if requested, and was used to uphold the accuracy of this report.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 04-02-2010

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Angelica Broch
Location: CPW-Social Credit
Recipient: Coalition High Command

[Image: angiecomm.jpg]

Privet Comrades,

Today, we began our settlement of planet Edmonton. First we had to get your mug. We bought this lovely mug from the IMG; they made it especially for you!

[Image: 283927242v3_225x225_Front.jpg]

After the pick-up, we collected the battle group in Tau-31. The following comprised of Recon-4, Sub-lieutenant William Bishop, and Lieutenant Ben Warner.
[Image: FUBAR-1.jpg]

We headed through Edinburgh, then Leeds. The CPS-Minsk had remained hidden until we were able to rendezvous with it. That spiteful Dennis Jameson recruited a rather ignorant Molly to try and take it out. We killed the Molly easily. We shall alert the Republic very soon on this unfortunate act.

[Image: FUBAR-2.jpg]

After we regrouped, we collected the Minsk and headed on our way through our rando- errr...carfeully mapped out route.

[Image: FUBAR-3.jpg]

After causing a ruckus in California and Ontario, we went to our task with brutal efficiency in Alberta. We had found our target:

[Image: FUBAR-4.jpg]
[Image: FUBAR-5.jpg]

The plans have been laid out for what the Minsk will construct from its allotted supplies and the future supplies that will be delivered to it.

[Image: Ogame_Ice_Planet_Resources_Backdrop.jpg]

Then began operation, what I can only begin to call, FUBAR. Edmonton was only one fallback plan, so we had to find two more. The surveyed planets in Bremen were rather suitable. So we collected samples from both Bremenhaven and its moon. Bremenhaven was an ice-ball and its moon was a desert. We have a choice between really cold and really hot.

[Image: FUBAR-6.jpg]
[Image: FUBAR-7.jpg]

We had collected two curious creatures form each planet. We are testing them for threats and whether or not they can be eaten.

[Image: baby_seal_2_smaller.jpg]
[Image: flathead.jpg]

Comrade Warner did a fine job of capturing them. He deserves an award (Despite blowing one of the seals up in a freak accident [Don't ask]).

We are now en-route to Omega-52 after a job well done.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-02-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52


[Image: commid.jpg]

Be it so noted that I have stepped down from my post in the Commissariat and have resigned my Commission in the SCRA to assume the duties of Premier for the Civilian Government of the Coalition.

Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzales will be assuming my position at the Commissariat from this point forward. Trust, Obey, and Respect her as she is the hand of the Great Leader himself.

Lt. Commander Broch will assume Operational Command over the CPW-Social Credit, effective immediately, and Commander Ricardo Alverez will assume command over the CPW-Trotsky.

Don’t think for one moment that I will be silent, I am the voice of the Coalition and we will be heard across Sirius. I continue to demand nothing short of the very best from the Fighter Corps as we expand our operations across Sirius.

For the Revolution, For the Great Leader!

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 04-03-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW Trotsky, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On behalf of the Commissariat, I hereby award some long overdue medals as follows.

Lieutenant Commander Angelica Broch, Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker, Lieutenant Ben Warner, Lieutenant Pavel Medvedov and Lieutenant Sergey Litvenko are awarded the Crimson Vigil, for three months of service in the army of the People. Continue your work, comrades, and do not falter.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Belco - 04-03-2010

TARGET ID: Commissar-Captain Totenkopt