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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 05-17-2010

.:Incoming Transmission:.

Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.

Neural Net ID: Hauptgefreiter, Heinrich Kraus.

[Image: 2.png]

Begin Transmission:

I'm reporting on the events occuring on the 17th of may, 818 A.S.

Today as I left the hanger of the Strausberg, I was hailed by one of our Fliegers, herr Hund and told my attention was required in Stuttgart to deal with a Corsair gunboat. I was quite excited, as it has been some time since I've been able to leave my desk and take to the deep green Rheinland star seas, especially to cleanse the area of foes.
Herr Hund was recalled to base and I came to oversee the actions of one of our other Fliegers, Herr Fisher. He was accompanied by a local police officer as they attempted to take down what was only a Corsair heavy fighter. Being the sporting type, I took the opportunity and hung on the sidelines, evaluating their combat tactics, vowing only to jump in if things got too dangerous. I'm proud to say that our Flieger's display was more impressive than the officer's, but not by much. Indeed we'll be needing much more training these days for our new recruits if we wish for them to meet the standards of our honorable and most high Kanzler. After watching the display drag on for some time, I decided I would put a close to the situation.
After quickly damaging the Corsair, he agreed to power down his weapons and surrender. I called the others off of him and began negotiating the terms of his release. A Hessian cruiser came from nowhere and demanded I turn over the Corsair. This was unacceptable. I do not take orders from Hessian filth! I'm also not one for abiding stupidity and unnecessary bloodshed. I told the Corsair if he wanted to live, he'd do exactly as I said and fire upon the vessel if there was sufficient cause. However, through the use of my training, I was able to persuade the Cruiser into going into the Omega 7 sector, under the assumption we would bring the Corsair to him. I took this window of opportunity to make a quick retreat.
The Corsair was very grateful toward me and I allowed him to leave under the condition that I never saw his face again. He knows the repercussions for a repeat performance. I think my Flieger nearly wet himself when he saw that cruiser, but it's good to put some hair on these kid's chests. I'm just glad I was able to talk my way out of this one. I don't think he'll be so quick to trust me next time, but it definitely could have taken a much worse turn. As for me? I thought I'd consider myself lucky and send the kids back home. I parked my bird on the Strausberg and . . . well, you know the rest.
I think that Corsair must've hit my ship just right during our quick skirmish. On my way back through the jump gate into New Berlin, I had a total systems failure. It came back online quickly, but my guncam was wiped and I had to jumpstart my diagnostics. (I dropped from the server and couldn't snap my logs.)

[color=#FF0000].:End Of Transmission:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Tabris - 05-18-2010

Comm Identification: Hermann Voss, Feldwebel of the Rheinland Military.

Due to missing files i have no idea which report number this is, so i will just give the facts of the evening's events and let Gott sort it all out.

I was on patrol in der Frankfurt system when i spotted something...Odd.

A Kusari Gunboat had wandered into Rheinland space, after a minute of talking to the captain i escorted him to the Sigma-13 Jump Gate and informed a on-duty Kusari Naval Forces pilot of the mishap.

After i received reports of a Corsair Gunboat harassing shipping in the Tradelane to and from Frankfurt, i diverted my Bomber to intercept and with the aid of a Stuttgart Landsknechte pilot, who distracted the Corsair's attention with harassment tactics and allowing me to slip behind the Corsair, tear apart his shields and fire a Super Nova Antimatter blast up the aft section of the vessel. The ship exploded immediately and nolonger posed a threat to New Berlin's shipping.

In recognition of the pilot's brave actions i gave to him an IRON HAMMER prototype weapon to supplement their forces so they may continue to perform in Rheinland's favor.

After the battle i set down upon Neu Berlin's Rheinwehr platform und headed to my office to submit this report.

A eventful evening und gut fur mir.

That is all i have to say in this report mein Herren. Guten Nacht


Hermann Voss

-Transmission ended-

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 05-18-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Zentraler Hauptquartier der Flotte,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-23-D.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Vizeadmiral Alec Voelkel.

[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Flieger Jonas Blitzer.


Flieger Jonas Blitzer has been a subject to martial court and found guilty for the following crimes:

- Violation of the Sigma-13 treaty by moving into GMG territory without and against orders on several counts.
- Failure of cooperation with the given orders of superiors on the field, open disobedience to report into field service on numerous counts.
- Desertion.

Blitzer, you are not the kind of soldier we need. Report back to basic training or join the secondary fleet. You are hereby stripped of your rank and removed from the Rheinwehr Hauptflotte. Any high command members requesting an explanation on my actions are to consult me via a secured channel.


Vizeadmiral Voelkel


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 05-24-2010

[color=#000099].:Incoming Transmission:.

Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.

Neural Net ID: Hauptgefreiter, Heinrich Kraus.

[Image: 2.png]

[color=#FF0000]Begin Transmission:

[color=#FFFF00]I'm reporting on the events occuring on the 22th of may, 818 A.S.

This patrol was rather unique for me. The Vizeadmiral Voelkel joined me on my route through Rheinland last night. I must confess, I was rather nervous having a person of such rank with me, but he quickly put these nerves at ease. Voelkel is a very interesting man. One day, I'd like to pick his his brain. I can only imagine the stories he has to share.
As we made our way through the systems, we encountered a Feldwebel and he joined our group. Later on, a recruit also joined us. Elsa I believe her name was. Quite a capable Fraulein. The Feldwebel and the recruit were sent together, while Voelkel and I proceeded to scan the surrounding systems. He took me to Sigma 13 and we spoke for a short while of the conflict that had occurred. He asked questions about the eighty years war. This piece of history fascinates me greatly and I'm glad I was able to answer his questions correctly. There is such a unique air surrounding the Vizeadmiral. Truly, he has been steeped in war and politics.
On our return to the New Berlin system, we met back up with the Feldwebel and came in contact with a Libertonian trader. He seemed quite unaware of the current conflict. The Vizeadmiral took this opportunity to evaluate my skill in dealing with such dissidents. First, I kindly explained the situation to this pilot who claimed to be a Rheinlander. Why any citizen of our great nation would fly Libertonian garbage, I cannot say. He was making no sense when he spoke and I have low time and tolerance for foolishness. I put some fear into him and told him to move along and perhaps invest in a change of vessel before I see him again. Apparently, this was enough and he left.
I'm almost disappointed it hadn't come to conflict. I do so love killing fools. I suppose that's what the Hessians are for. After my patrol with Voelkel, our history lesson and the removal of a minor nuisance from the New Berlin system, I docked aboard the Strausberg to file paperwork and perform routine maintenance on my ship for awhile.

[color=#FF0000].:End Of Transmission:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 05-24-2010

.:Incoming Transmission:.

Location Confirmed: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig.

Neural Net ID: Hauptgefreiter, Heinrich Kraus.

[Image: 2.png]

[color=#FF0000]Begin Transmission:

[color=#FFFF00]I'm reporting on the events occuring on the 23th of may, 818 A.S.

I conducted my first group patrol today. It was rather nice to flex my authority as a Hauptgefreiter. Already I can feel myself becoming more confident in my ability to lead others. I also had the opportunity to try out the new training Herr Rall has been giving me. He's truly a gem among men. An ace pilot and exemplary person that's humble enough to put a Flieger to shame.
When I first joined the military, I couldn't understand the unyielding camaraderie these men and women shared. My will was iron clad for the mighty Gott Kanzler, but as I've grown and experienced more, it makes sense. We all are the hand of the Chancellor. Each member a finger of a hand attached to a long arm of justice. Each finger must work in unison with the other to serve as a hand up to our brothers or a clenched fist to foes. Our lives are in each other's hands and together we defend the highest objective, the blessed Vaterland itself.
It feels like a lifetime ago that I came from Nuremberg and that factory. Though I can feel the lashes of my dead father's black heart in each inch of twisted flesh that I'm bound in, I also feel the liberation that service has brought. To know that I lay my life down for my land and that my saint of a mother can lay her weary head on her pillow and find respite in a silent night . . . I would gladly again accept this wretched husk that I reside in for that.
Fellow Hauptgefreiter, Fischer hailed me as I left Braunschweig and we came together as he asked for my help with an insolent trader. Apparently, he was attempting to flee. I'm glad I typically keep cruise disruptor mounted on my Wraith. I knocked out his cruise engines and Leon and I confronted him. He was carrying counterfeit software. I have little time to trifle with those that refuse orders. I threatened him and even took his shields down, yet he proceeded to play stupid and refuse to drop his contraband. After he attempted escape several more times, Leon continued to try his hardest to remain polite and instructed him to remain put. Finally, I could take no more and informed my companion that I would be opening fire. His attempt to destroy me was pitiful. Though the turrets mounted on his vessel were very powerful, his aim was poor against my agile Wraith. Rheinland is not a joke and I will not have any dummer arsch making a mockery of me or my fellow soldiers. He was quickly dispatched. Perhaps this will serve as a lesson to those who would take Rheinland law lightly.
After this altercation, I was hailed by an RFP officer who was under attack in Hamburg. Fischer could not join me, so I took my leave and traveled to the Hamburg coordinates the officer transmitted to my navigational charts. When I arrived, the officer had been fighting a Hessian and a Unioner along with a DHC hired gun. His ships were quite damage and I relieved him so he didn't suffer complete loss of hull integrity. The DHC fighter joined me, but he was already in some disrepair. Together we managed to slowly grind our enemies down until we could receive backup from the Flieger in my last report, Elsa Bjorn. She was able to pass me some nanobots just in time and I jumped back into the fray.
I called the DHC fighter off as the situation was well in the military's hands. I didn't want a slaughter. I always give our enemies a chance to see the light of justice, but these two refused and soon after, the Hessian was killed. His partner fearing for his own life began to escape into the nearby asteroid belt. A mouthy freelancer chased him down against my orders. I know better than to follow terrorists into shady places. I assumed the freelancer would find his reward for ignoring me within the belt and I instructed Flieger Bjorn to return with me to Braunschweig. No need for one of our pups to see the end of her life for no reason.
As we returned back to the the Moselle, I informed Herr Fischer of our partial victory and then powered down my wraith and prepared to file the paperwork that now lays before you.

I have attached several images to this report for your personal records.

ZoTac transport destruction.
The Hessian - Unioner confrontation.
Flieger Bjorn's arrival and the Hessian's destruction.
Unioner escape.
[color=#FF0000].:End Of Transmission:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Tabris - 05-24-2010

Comm Identification: Hermann Voss, Feldwebel of the Rheinland Military.

This is Hermann Voss, recently I've been feeling that I've not been doing all i can to properly ensure the security of Rheinland as a Feldwebel in the Military, however when i think about the days i was in the MND I can absolutely say that i did good.

Thus i must inform you, as per protocal, that i am resigning from the Military and returning to the MND Corps as an Agent for Rheinland.

Hopefully i will be able to do more good in my old occupation for our home and people.

Auf Weidersehen.


Hermann Voss

Former Feldwebel of the Rheinland Military

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 05-26-2010

[color=#000099].:Incoming Transmission:.

Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.

Neural Net ID: Hauptfeldwebel, Heinrich Kraus.

[Image: 2.png]

[color=#FF0000]Begin Transmission:

[color=#FFFF00]I'm reporting on the events occuring on the 25th of may, 818 A.S.

Today I conducted another patrol under my command. I had posted an announcement, but unfortunately, many soldiers seem too preoccupied with their other tasks. The only pilot that came with me was Hauptfeldwebel Putzkammer. We stopped a vessel for a standard scan of their hold and Putzkammer started interrogating the captain who had nothing but some engine components on board. I suppose flying alone in space so often can give any encounter an interesting flare. Either way, I instructed Putzkammer to let the transport move along so we could continue on with our patrol.
All was silent throughout New Berlin as we continued to travel onto Stuttgart. Not a soul outside of your typical citizens could be found. I entered Omega-7 to find similar results. Small pockets of rookie Corsairs lingered near the tradelanes, but dared not come within full range. As we made our entrance back into Stuttgart, Putzkammer was having some serious issues with his navigational systems and was forced to land as soon as possible. I continued my patrol alone through the remaining systems until I finally returned to the Strausberg, but instead of leaving my Wraith when I docked, I was told to stay in it and that I was being deployed with a small wing at my command to dispatch a set of Hessian weapons platforms.
The mission went well. Several Hessians down and the platforms were destroyed in record time. So long as I draw breath, I will let no looming threat take residence on our horizon. It was only there that I saw a single transport which was kind enough not to give me trouble while I stopped him. A surprisingly quiet night in Rheinland outside of my small mission. Perhaps someone will rouse the Fliegers from their bunks sometime so we can have some real fun.
I have attached several guncam shots to report for your viewing pleasure.

Shift Start
Putzkammer joining me.
Traveling to the mission objective.
First contact.
End of shift.
[color=#FF0000].:End of Transmission:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 05-27-2010

[color=#000099].:Incoming Transmission:.

Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin.

Neural Net ID: Hauptfeldwebel, Heinrich Kraus.

[Image: 2.png]

[color=#FF0000]Begin Transmission:

[color=#FFFF00]I'm reporting on the events occuring on the 26th of may, 818 A.S.

Today's report is a genuine pleasure to write. I began my patrol with Vizeadmiral Voelkel and along with us came Hauptfeldwebel Weddigen. We began our standard route through Rheinland until we came upon an Interspace vessel with the callsign "MasterTrader". He was attempting to bring Rheinland goods into Liberty and of course we stopped him immediately. The Vizeadmiral kept a cool head about him and calmly questioned the trader. After several glib remarks, not even my placid superior could take any more. He commanded myself and Weddigen to drop the trader's shields. This seemed to have sunk into his thick skull and he proceeded to return back from whence he came to sell his Rheinland cargo back to us.
Long range sensors detected a small contingent force amassing inside of Hudson. I was commanded to issue forth a call to summon all available units to fend off this possible threat to Rheinland airspace. As we approached the Hudson gate, we spotted two Spa and Cruise liners near Hamburg. One was in possession of diamonds and the other merely had passengers. Weddigen instructed the liner with diamonds that he was to dock on Hamburg and hand them over immediately. I enforced this when he left Hamburg with the diamonds still on his ship. I closed down the nearby tradelanes and reminded him of the penalty for disobeying Rheinland law.
Once these fools were sorted out we continued on to our primary objective. Over a period of time, Major Krupinski joined us and Flieger Wotan Steiner came as well. A member of our secondary fleet, Guntram Koehler joined as well. We rendezvoused at Hamburg and made our way together into Hudson. The area where we had previous detected hostiles was empty for now. We made our way into the outskirts of Texas and sure enough, we'd caught our fish.
Three gunboats and a cruiser against our Wraiths was daunting for me, but under the command of the Vizeadmiral, we were assured victory. Just how clean that victory would be was uncertain to me at the time, though I found myself pleasantly surprised. Initially the Vizeadmiral was taking heavy fire from two gunboats while we whittled one down and slowly, one by one, we destroyed each vessel. The cruiser ran off while we cleaned up the gunboats. Then, the RNC-Munster came to assist us. Another way of Liberty dogs clashed against us in battle, but cool heads and quick trigger fingers assured us yet another victory with no losses.
A battleship and some fighters and bombers came at us in a final attempt to destroy us, but between the Munster's awesome firepower and the direction by the Vizeadmiral, we made short work of these foes as well. Only one lone fighter fled to a nearby battleship to tell the tale of his massacred countrymen. What a pitiful dog, it was almost delicious to watch him fly away amongst the rubble of his fleet and bodies of his comrades.
Truly it felt as though we were immortal and the banner of Rheinland was raised high that day. That we should live and serve to see such glory makes my heart swell with pride for the strength of our nation.
Pictures will speak far more than my words ever shall and I'm pleased to present these to any eyes that would care to see.

Foolish traders at the beginning of my shift.
Scanning the clean Spa and Cruise liner.
Our approach into Texas and a civillian.
First boat down.
Second boat down.
One coward ran from us.
The big pig blowing up!
The wing assembled before the final wave.
[color=#FF0000].:End of Transmission:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wafellini - 05-27-2010

:::ID - Rheinland Military
:::Rank - Gefreiter
:::Name - Helga Stainder
:::Patrol Intel
:::Incomming transmission
[Image: helgaavatar.jpg]

Before I start my report of todays patrol I would like to explain my absence for last 2-3 weeks.
Most of it I manage to transfer while in Escape Pod.
INFO here:
Now some details. I was on routine patrol from Hamburg system to Omega 7. It was calm and quiet till I entered the Omega. On my way from Gate to Kruger station I was atacked by Unknown unit. Torpedoes came from nowhere and I wasn't albe to avoid the destruction of my vessel. My escape pod was heading back to my last docked station while the Ion Storm came. That's when my problems starts. Navigation memory was damaged and pod was drifting away from the Stuttgart Gate. I was trying to make the course manualy but it took me over a week. At least all life support systems where online and water supplies where good enough for me to survive.After setting course manualy I discovered the transmiter damage and the only way to send an emergancy signal was via nearest station system. I did that after reaching Ulm Border Station.I have arrived yesterday in New Berlin but I was too tired to make the report right the way so I am doing it now.
Now about patrol.
I started my patrol in Hamburg where Herr Gunter Weissman contacted me and gave me an order to go to Frankfurt system ASAP. After arriving in the system Herr Weissman told me to have a look out for a pirate he was looking for. On my way to Mainz I encountered a weird ship with a signature of Corsairs. First I thought it was a scanner mistake but after investigating pilot explained that it is his computer system error and he will fix that. Back to pirate hunting with Gunter Weissman I am afraid we lost contact with that one and he managed to escape. Herr Gunter ordered me to form up and we started patrol , we were heading Omega 7. On way there , in New Berlin system on Tradeline to New Berlin Planet we encountered a Hessian Gunship which ignored us and tried to pirate incomming traders just infront of us. He opened fire on one of those poor pilots train and Herr Weissman ordered to protect the trader. After quick battle with the Hessian we destroyed his ship although the trader lost the ship and the cargo. We did all we could but VHFs firepower was not enough to save him. After that we continue towards Frankfurt system and finally Omega 7. No danger on the way there. In Omega 7 we encountered Corsairs ship , Gunboat class , pilot name : Miguel Vasquez who was taking "taxes" from passing ships. After quite long talk with the pirate we atacked the escaping ship with a help of DHC bomber and we destroyed the Corsair vessel.
After compliting Omega 7 patrol Herr Gunter decided to go off duty for today what he did and I came back to Hamburg when I finished my duty as well.
[RM] ships on patrol - 2 VHFs
Patrol commander - Herr Gunter Weissman
Enemy ships spotted - 1 Hessian Gunship : Status : Destroyed , 1 Corsair Gunboat : Status : Destroyed
Casualties - [THC]OldSkool - Bretonian - Train shipping gold ore : Status : Destroyed

Patrol report ended:::End of transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Contaan - 05-28-2010

--Incomming Message--
--Message Encrypted--
--Message Decrypted--

To: Rheinland Military
Sender: Oberfeldwebel Tomas Meinhardt

My apologies as this report is a few days behind. Action was sudden in the Hamburg system, as Hauptgefrieter Leon Fischer along with the Nauen were in an argument between a suspected smuggler named Callahan Clarence. Unfortunately, there was no evidence of the crime and so, under my authority, I let him go. I suggest we keep an eye on him, as no doubt he is a troublemaker. At this time, a Hessian appeared on our scanners and so I had gotten my Wraith.

[Image: RM224.jpg]

As I returned to the scene, two of our gunboats, the Nauen and Borna, along with Fischer were engaged by Hessians, two in Odins, two in Sabres. Their fighters were able to cut through both gunboats shields and ultimately destroy the Borna, however, the Nauen was able to retreat. With Fischer and I fending off for ourselves, VizeAdmiral Voelkel arrived on the scene, however, I was forced to eject.

--End Transmission--