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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 03-26-2012

Incoming transmission...

Source: Ensign James Arland

Another patrol today, under the command of Commodore Charles Davis. Our route took us from New London to Manchester, and then the way back to Leeds. Nothing out of the ordinary until we reached Stokes mining station, spotting two civilian transports - one identified as a Zoner - headed through to Tau-31. We followed and made our intercept attempt, ordering the vessels to cut their engines. However, they kept going and made it through the jump gate.

I regret to report that during this incident, I lost my temper and warned the vessels that they would be fired upon, in addition to calling them "morons" as I repeated the fact that Tau-31 is off limits. Commodore Davis told me off for this, and I have made it clear that I will amend my policies in the future.

Nothing else to report.

Ensign Arland signing off.

Closing transmission.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 03-27-2012


*Priority: MEDIUM


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[Image: TB_old.png]

Greetings Admirals of the High Command,

yesterday when i start my routine patroll at Dublin i noticed serveral civilian vessels hanging around the Essex
and interupt her long range scanners.

I send to them a personelly warning via open coms and later for all civilian a system wide transmission.
I know wide transmissions are dangerous but i encrypted my transponder signal so my location wasnt to find for others.

Anyways,some of the civils think they can kidding me and ignore my orders 6 times.
When i was go for them to fine one of them,they just dock and undock again from the battleship.
It seems they hack the docking codes couse the commander of the essex cant do anything against this.

Well one of them goes over the lane,he yelled at me and swearing about the bretonia armed force,
and he refused and makes jokes about my orders.

I warned this guy with a shoot,but he still dont comply so i give the Braveheart order to destroy the ship and arrest the pilot.
After that example the other civilians move finaly away from the Essex atleast 3 clicks.

One day later when i was on my patrol with the templar i make a fast sweap over Dublin again.
The Commander of the Essex send me some Data files from the long range scanners which shows two enemy units.

I reached Essex and soon i got the targets on my screen,the two enemy units was Corsair origin and one of them got TBH ID signatures.

I gave the order to leave bretonia space,but what i get back was a lough on the comms,and they explain to me that Dublin are under control by the TBH now.

This was enough for me and i show them that no one else control bretonia than the Queen!
They engage me but i manage them to stay for longer until my backup arived.

After 20mins fighting them alone arived Mr.Atwood and together we make them run back to the Omega 49 system.

After that we split up and i talked to a Zoner Pilot who flys around DUblin with a Battleship Zoner Type Jaggernout.
The captain was a bit rude and stubborn but he get the warning and i inform him about the Cap permission within bretonia space.

Our talk got interupt after some minutes by a second wave of Corsairs,the same guys who we make run before comes back with two more fighters.

I was alone and was going for a tactical retreat,but they dont let me go so i need to defend me in a fight with two of them.

The fight goes on and when i was almost running out of repair units starts a duel me against one of them.
Unfortunately i didn't refill my Weapon systems with new ammo and energy for my repair sonds.

The Corsair pilot was a heavy one,and at the end he managed to hit my ship in a critical level.
My only choice was to eject me in my escape pod and send a emergency transmission to the rescue team who picked me up near the mining field by Omega 49 jump hole.

Now iam back at Salisbury and set up my new ship for the duty.
I upload some Visuel Data files from the blackbox of my ship with the enemy Targets.

This was all for now,end of the report.


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Commander Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 03-29-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Ensign Mike Havering
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds-System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Evening to all of you.
Once more a small report written by myselfe.
As I left the dockingring of New London the first thing that got on my screen was a message that a Valor of the GRN was near planet Leeds. I got there as fast as I could and saw that the situation was under control as two Bombers and one Heavy Figher of us hammerd the Battleship.
Lt. Johnson was running low on Nova Torpedos and since I didn't engage the Gallian yet he ordered me to make some resupply runs.
The Battle didn't last long and exept for the Valor no other ship blew up in the fight.

Here is the Guncam of the kill:

:: ::

That is all at for the moment.
Save skies to you.

Ensign Mike Havering out.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 03-31-2012


*Priority: MEDIUM


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[Image: TB_old.png]

Greetings Admirals of the High Command,

the last two days was filled with many work.

-On Thursday i got a Emergency call from the leeds orbital security force,who report me that a Valor has
show up and moveing to Planet Leeds.

I immediately jumped into my Duck and undock from the Leeds base with a swadron of Fighters and other Bomber pilots under the Command of Commander Sinclair.

Ensign Mike Havering,got more information about the situation there.

*Guncam File-1-*

-The Patroll on Friday seemed first very silent.
Later on the day Lieutenant Moore showed up for duty and called me for Orders.
I decide to move to Salisbury for some Combat Simulations.

After some training units we get a call that some corsair was seen at system leeds by pirating civilians.
Lieutenant Moore and me moved out from Salisbury and scaned Leeds for the named Pirates.

After few minutes i get a call from a Outcast Pilot who like to assist us against them,he send us the current coordinates of the location where we can find the Corsairs.

They was behind the stokes base in the BMM field and harming a BMM miner.
The miner was under fire so i activate my weapon systems and engage them immediately and the Outcast Pilot with me.

Unfortunately the BMM miner got critical hits from the two Corsair fighter,but he managed to use the escape pod and i trac him on my ship.

The fight was fast over we show the Cannibals no mercy and destroy them one by one.
Lieutenant Moore was standing by for backup,i destroy the first target and seconds later in combo with the Outcast pilot the other one.

*Guncam File-2- and -3-*

The Outcast Pilot was after that very nice and open for a smal talk then he fly out of bretonia space again.
So i wondering anyways why he assist BAF units,becouse i read of some reports that the 101th Outcast Fleet was engaging BAF units within Bretonia in System New London.

Requesting F-F Status of the Outcast fleet sir.

The Corsair got some civilian prisoner on thems ship but they got luck with the emergency escape pods
and we tractor them and bring them to planet leeds where the medical cops awaiting them.

Lt.Moore and me went after a short patroll back to Salisbury again.
But we got interuppt again by a emergency call from the Battleship Norfolk in Cambridge system.

Serveral Corsair Units show up,origin TBH in Titans ship class.
We start our cruise Trusters and fly via the fastes way to the location where they was last seen.

We search then and found them between Battleship Norfolk and Planet Cambridge Trade Lane.
We got heavy backup from a Bretonia Destroyer Captain of the secondary Fleet.

The Corsair decide to escape,so i order the Destroyer to move to Leeds and assist the main fleet on the front lines.
Lt.Moore and me was going after the Sairs and few minutes later we catch one of them at the trade lane and we cut the escape ways.

I order LT.Moore to arrest this cannibal,but the TBH pilot got something else in mind but not to get arested by the BAF.

LT.Moore open fire on my orders and i standing by and observing the fight and contacting the Norfolk Commander he should contact me if enemy backup are ariving.

The Fight goes in the final round,when sudenly my Commlink makes noice,it was the Commander of the Norfolk who warned me that Enemy units are incoming.

Seems the backup for the TBH guy,i load immerdantly my weapon systems and interuppt the trade lanes,and my feeling was right...they was there.

It was first one more but few minutes later two more arived and engaging us.
But Lt.Moore and i managed them in a perfect team work.

The Corsairs got critical demage from us and we managed to destroy two of them.the other two was
close to be stardust when they decide to run away from us to the Omega 5 Jumphole.

We Hunting them until they jumped into omega 5,there we wait a bit for them if they try to come back we awaiting them with loaded guns.

The Norfolk call and told us that the long range scanner show the retreat of the TBH units and that they soon was disapear from the scanners.

Lt.Moore and me docked on Norfolk for resuplies and a brandy.
We stay there on stand by and take a rest of this day.

*Guncam File-4-,-5- and -6-*

This was all for now,end of the report.


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Commander Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - DSE)Spartan - 03-31-2012

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My first day in the Air Force was not an easy one, but it was surely learnfull !
Waiting for some funds from BAF a copper picked me up on his scanner. The ID-plugin on my main computer told me the policeman went by the name of Shawn Frankson.
The man was willingly to lend me come cash, so I could get rid of the rusty CSV I was flying. (I got that one when I started the academy). I quickly rushed over to the Battle Ship Suffolk, where they appeared to have one Paladin heavy fighter that was never picked up by the pilot who ordered it. I bargained for a good price and equipped it with some Splitter gunns.

Shawn really seemed to be in a good mood, since he agreed to go on patrol with me. Even when my first mission orders came in, he stayed as my wingman.

*** Uploading guncam image....

[Image: BAF-firstmissions.png]

All in all he made sure I stayed alive on my first day.
One of many impressing people I will encounter while serving her Majesty I'm sure...

Ensign Foley out...

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 03-31-2012




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Greetings Admirals of the High Command,

i need to report you immediately about a situation in system Cambridge.

Me and some of our Baf units at the HQ got a emergency call from a allied unit at the Cambridge system,
they report us that serveral Corsair Gunboats was seen near Planet Cambridge.

We got support from a agent of the bis who scout for us and contact the the Police Officers in the system.
The BPA arived immediately and could manage to engage and destroy the wanted units.

They report us that the wanted pilots got tracked and arrested,the BPA makes a great job there.
The Agent stays within Cambridge while the other units was going for some patrolls in the systems Dublin and New London.

They just finished the patroll when the Agent call us that serveral enemy units show up at Cambridge again
which identity was unknown.

The Agent dont need to ask us for assistens,i order immediately our units back to cambridge and there they should split up and cut the escape ways for the enemy.

When i closed up to the other BAF units i observe the situation and scanning the the enemy units.
The database found no entry about this new group of enemy.

The new group Callsign "JOKERZ" are Molly origin how it seems,and was attacking the BAF pilots near Lisburn Base.
The weird part in this was that two Corsair Gunboats show up and assisting our units against them and they dont show any agresions against us for the moment.

But soon when i order to engage the "Jockerz" they use the Lisburn base as a shield against our units,
so i decide to retreat and regroup at Battleship Norfolk.

*Pilots on Duty*
*a BIS Agent*

We keep the BPA informed and some of our units standing by in system Cambridge if the Corsairs or Jockerz decide to harm civilians again.

We need for future more informations about the new group Jockerz,so if you alow me that sir,i would like to contact the BIS for some investigation about them,sir!

These information my board computer show me,but this are just the tactical Files.
*sounds of a Booting Computer are to hear*

This was all for now,end of the report.


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Commander Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 04-02-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:Pirating corsairs

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,I started my patrool from Leeds planet and proceeded to Dublin because comms indicated the presence of several enemy ships.I arrived there and found a civilian barge being attacked by 1 corsair and 1 freelancer.I opened fire at once because they didn't listen to my orders.Soon enough,the corsair started running like a coward,untill 2 more sails arrived to his help.I managed to inflict heavy damage to 2 of them before I retreated to Battleship Suffolk for repairs.I did what I could,but fighting 3 or 4 enemies alone is never efficient.At least I managed to buy enough time for that civilian barge to get to cover.To be honest,I am lucky to have gotten away alive.This proves that even the tiniest insects,when working together,can do massive damage and eventually win.
That would be all for today.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 04-02-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutenant Derek Kerr
Source Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Good Afternoon Officers,

Within this hour I was completing a patrol of the Leeds system. Having already completed patrol through Dublin and New London I was in high spirits for Leeds to follow a similar suit. This was to my luck not to be the case.

As I was returning to Planet Leeds from the New London system I became aware of a corsair signature on my scanners, towards the lane leading to the Newcastle jump gate. This of course perked my interest and I moved off to investigate. The corsair in question clearly didn't take this as a good sign and attempted to flee towards the jump gate. Determined not to let the coward get away I followed after him.

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To my surprise the corsair did not take the lane fully to the jump gate, but instead jumped off about half way down the lane and from there attempted to flee once more, in the direction of stokes. In response I to dropped from the lane and followed to his intended course which appeared to be back to the lanes connecting Stokes and Planet Leeds.

Although he would have considered himself lucky to have been able to reach the lane before me this moment of satisfaction was short lived as I managed the cut the lane the instant before he jumped. I then asked the pilot to manoeuvre his ship away from the lane, in case he should attempt to escape. The pilot did so and a brief conversation ensued.

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In this conversation I attempted to convince the corsair to surrender and have his living pod taken to a nearby prison station. Clearly over estimating his luck in the matter the corsair refused and a fire fight ensued.

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The fight itself lasted a fair bit, although the course of the battle remained unchanged. The corsair appeared to show a bit more courage in the last stench of the fight, having only attempted to run once. Regardless in the end the corsair pilot was shown his place when his ship was finally torn apart, and his pod (if somewhat battered) was taken to the Armed Forces compound on Leeds for interrogation.

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After this event my patrol duty was at a close so I made my return to Planet Leeds where I handed over the corsair and began the write up to this report.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 04-03-2012

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Lt Henry Moore
Subject: Actions Report

G'day *Salutes*

Today I have lauched from Battleship Essex, instantly after undocking I got emergency message about corsairs atack in Leeds.

I joined our fighting forces as fast I could, but situation seemed be under control.
Worth of adding is that we got help of one molly at least I saw it this way,
soon after one of Jokerz gang ships join in to help Molly fight with corsairs,
after saving that Molly Jokerz ship left.
Death: Matador[TBH] was killed by [M]-Connor.Logan (Gun) - sair scored by them

There were also 2 or 3 (I'm not sure) Bounty Hunters Guild ships helping in fight.
Soon we menaged to shoot out few sairs pilots:
Death: [CC]Tristeza was killed by an NPC
Death: Andre,,|Sails was killed by Earl.Catharty (Gun)
Death: [CC]Steve_Ximanez killed himself (Mine)

After some time corsair cruiser came, we engaged it with all force we had.
Soon after engage corsair cruiser we got unexpected help from two Maquis pilots in something what looked like bombers, they were using |CoM tag to identificate themselves.
We menaged to destroy that cruiser:
Death: ShaulysMato was killed by an NPC

After destroing it, another corsairs came, we disengaged to avoid unneeded casualties as we were weakened by fighting with cruiser.

All our remaining forces menaged to reach safe destinations, myself and Lt Kerr landed on planet Leeds to take rest and repair our ships.

I dont have any guncam shots because my camera is broken, need to replace that one.
But Lt Kerr menaged to get few good guncam shoots, I believe He will send those here.

~message received~

And here it is:



~End of Transmission~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 04-06-2012

Connection secured.

Transmission source: Ensign James Arland

Uploading guncam imagery...


Ladies and gentlemen, I have a rather upbeat report for you today. Almost immediately when I launched from planet Leeds today, I joined Leftenant Henry Moore as he reported a Gaul presence in Leeds. Not far from the planet proper, we detected the offender - a lone battleship. Flying fighters, there was little we could do against such an opponent. We took the only logical course of action. I stood by with cruise disruptors as the LT called for backup and went to dock and acquire a bomber instead for the upcoming fight, whilst the battleship moved into position for planetary bombardment and I was forced to play a rousing match of "Dodge the long range torpedoes with a frog making attempts at taunting."

The RNS "La Marseillaise" moving into bombardment position.

However, once backup arrived, there was no longer time for fun and games - the HMS Redoubt arrived and engaged without further ado, hammering away at the hostile battleship's shields and taking surprisingly little fire in return, practically flying circles around her bigger opponent. What I did not expect was the intervention of a non-armed forces affiliated capital ship, the HMS Bruno. Leftenant Moore also returned with bomber support at around this point.

As you can plainly see, the Bruno engaged at far closer range than is recommended - resulting in higher-yield weapons being off the table in fear of friendly fire.

The Bruno was shortly thereafter destroyed.

However, in the process of this engagement, the enemy battleship had taken sufficient damage for the Redoubt to neutralize on her own - waving off further independent and bomber support.

The "La Marseillaise"'s imminent destruction.

The enemy capital ship was destroyed with little further fanfare.

Good day.

Ensign Arland out.

Closing transmission.