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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Belco - 04-06-2010

COMM ID: Lt. Marcus Garvey
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command, CC: TAZ commodity management
bruddahs and sistas! hittin yuh up wit a bumbaclart transpore update

mi's been an dun der full 50k shippin's o H-fuel dem TAZ zona bunch been wantin offa der pass 24 ours. used some o de dosh me made for sum sweet lites fer mi chuck aye!

ferteen trips cross to Gran Canary it tek mi! an mi took back a nice stash o deut an ganja fer mi chobbles.

[Image: th_run-1.jpg] [Image: th_run-2.jpg] [Image: th_run-3.jpg] [Image: th_run-4.jpg] [Image: th_run-5.jpg]

[Image: th_run-6.jpg] [Image: th_run-7.jpg] [Image: th_run-8.jpg] [Image: th_run-9.jpg] [Image: th_run-10.jpg]

[Image: th_run-11.jpg] [Image: th_run-12.jpg] [Image: th_run-13.jpg] [Image: th_run-14.jpg]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 04-06-2010

Comm ID: Malaclypse, E-Prime, Baffin
To: Coalition High Command, Omega 52 Customs Office
Cc: Ambassador Holliday, Tombstone, Gran C.

Pardon the intrusion.

See Here please.

Thank you,

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nichole.Schmidt - 04-06-2010

Comm ID: Nichole Schmidt
Location: Colony Headquarters, Planet Jiang Xi
To: Premier Katz

Been working hard to get the new refugees in processed, the food stores counted as well as medical supplies. So far, we're doing pretty good. We'll have to increase our medical supplies a bit but I can make a call to Canaria for that.

She is handed some mail. She goes through it and opens an envelope for herself.

Ah, my visa. Thank you, Premier. I'll have to check the transponder on my Eagle which is back on Boa Vista Station. I'll let you know how things work out. Until next update.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-08-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier Omega-52


[Image: commid.jpg]

Our operations in Omega-3 and Omega-7 are faltering. The Corsairs are gaining the upper hand, and this cannot be allowed.

Patrols from Omega-3 to Omega-7 will be stepped up, as per Admiral Karchovs orders in Operation Rampart.

I expect one confirmed Corsair kill from each of you over the next seven days.

I trust you can get the job done.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nichole.Schmidt - 04-08-2010

Comm ID: Nichole Schmidt
Location: Personal Quarters, Zhukovsky Station
To: Premier Katz

Greetings, Premier,

4,978 more refugees arrived courtesy of the [TAZ]Veranda.Vixen. All have been processed and are now planet side. Add that to the old total of 26,177 and we are now up to 31,155. I'm also getting reports from the medical staff that some of the married refugees are taking re-populating into their own hands so expect some births as time goes on.

Food stores remain good and medical supplies are doing well thanks to some being shipped in.
Premier, I will keep you posted.

Respecfully Submitted,

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nichole.Schmidt - 04-17-2010

Comm ID: Nichole.Schmidt
Location: Personal Quarters, Zhukovsky Station
To: Premier Katz

A load of luxury food arrived the other day for the colonists and it has been in processed and placed in freezer storage to preserve it. We are well stocked on that now although I expect more to arrive.

Also, I just cleared medical myself after the border sentries opened fire on my personal ship. I guess the IFF hasn't been adjusted. Fortunately, when my escape pod was tractored in, they figured out who I was and got me some help. I'm a little bruised from it but nothing more. My new ship will arrive on Boa Vista in Omega 50 soon. For now, I will continue shuttling to work. I'll keep you posted on shipments and such.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 04-17-2010

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: VCoalitionC5.gif]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Orders from High Command


Ni hao allies and high Command:

I am here to speak on behalf of Premier Katz. It is time we should spread our influence, and our glorious High Command has assigned important missions to be carried out by the Revolution's children. Here is the information I was relayed from by Command:


:::::MESSAGE FOUND::::::
Quote:[9:24:59 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Missions are as follows
[9:25:23 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): There are reports of an alien object located in Omega-3 and in the New York System
[9:25:33 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): I want these scanned, and catelogged for analysis
[9:25:37 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Also
[9:25:44 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Mission 2:
[9:25:55 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): We need detailed scans of the odd planet formation in Gallia
[9:26:21 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): this was reacting during our last series of experiments with the Nomad Power Cell... we need to confirm this data.
[9:26:27 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Mission 3:
[9:26:41 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Liberty Rogues are up to something.
[9:26:49 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): We need to figure out what they are up to.
[9:27:10 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Our Intelligence suggests that there is a power vaccuum at the top... and that the leadership is weak
[9:27:27 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): I want the names of the top three Rogues in Liberty
[9:27:51 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): Mission 4: And this one is a good one
[9:28:21 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): The Tau Systems are mineral rich... we need samples from each of the Tau systems of minerals
[9:28:30 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): bring me back samples from each system.
[9:28:35 AM] Zvonimir "Bjorn" ?egota: Mission 5: We need torough scans of bretonian xenobiology station and their nomad city project in Newcastle.


You have heard our superiors my comrades. I will do my part to carry out these orders and so should you. Let it be known that these tasks will be monitered and logged for 2 weeks. High Command are offering:

Quote:Medals, possible promotions, for those that do these and Message Dump properly

for the brave pilots who carry out these orders

Quote:[9:29:16 AM] Alvin Katz (Premier): High Command is watching

I will see you in space my friends

[font=Georgia]Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 04-19-2010

Comm Origin: SCRA|Gold.Twelve pilot Ymir.Molotov
Comm Destination: SCRA High Command; Comrade Katz's Office.

Subject: Mission 2

Comrade Katz

I have obtained the pictures pf <F1> you requested. This should led light into the effects of the artifact. In other notes, the journey was surprisingly quiet: only lone patrols were met and were swiftly dealt with. Due to the dangerous nature of the location, I opted for a stealthy entrance, and was able to get in and out without making a scene.

From intercepted chatter around the so-called "Privas Junction" (F1), I have gathered some rumors calling (F1) some sort of Daam_K'Vosh experiment. I was not given much time to ponder however as I had to keep moving to avoid patrols.


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For the Red Dawn!

<Message End>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-21-2010

From: Lt. Cmdr. Robert Thacker

Good day, Comrades! I've just returned from a trip to Bretonia. I started with a routine patrol of Omega-3 and Omega-7, which came up clean. Little activity of any kind there today. Instead of returning home, though, I plotted a course into Bretonia. When I arrived in Leeds, we flew off the orbital plane to avoid an unwanted engagement and transmitted some propaganda into system comms. I encouraged the working people of Leeds to rise up against their oppressors in both Bretonia and Kusari. With any luck, that seed will flower into the liberation of the people of Leeds.

After that, I managed to slip into the Newcastle system unnoticed and proceeded to scan the BAF's military assets in the system. Known publically is the HMS Ark Royal. It is a Victoria-class Battleship whose armaments appear to be standard for the class. It was standing guard over what appears to be an incomplete base or a storage depot of some sort.

Guncam Image 20/4/818-1

From there, I set a course towards Scarborough shipyard. It is operated by Border World Exports, and appears to serve primarily as a producer of commercial vessels with military production as a secondary function. As I flew towards the shipyard, though, I noticed a strange object in the distance. The Saratov's computer flatly refused to identify it. Curious as to what it was, I set a course towards it immediately. The following images were taken during the approach.

Guncam Image 20/4/818-2
Guncam Image 20/4/818-3
Guncam Image 20/4/818-4
Guncam Image 20/4/818-5
Guncam Image 20/4/818-6

Attached to the large structure was a station named the Sunderland Research Station. Even with the Saratov's most powerful scanners, I was unable to get any sort of detailed scans of the interior. Whatever the BAF is working on here, they don't want anyone else to know about. Standing guard over the facility was the HMS Grimsby, another standard Victoria-class Battleship.

Guncam Image 20/4/818-7

The structure itself is the strangest thing I've ever seen. It's clearly artificial, though it looks to my eye almost like a mountain floating in space. It is surrounded by a powerful shield of unknown type, though it appeared to be fed by a series of external generators. One of the satellite structures had an orb of some sort attached to it. My scans indicated that it might have been a power generator, though again, I really don't know. Copies of my full scan logs are attached to this report. Hopefully the eggheads out at Mykolaiv will be able to make more sense of it than I can.

Guncam Image 20/4/818-8
Guncam Image 20/4/818-9

I also captured a couple patrols from the Grimsby, eight pilots in total. Knowing military secrecy, I doubt they'll know much, but with any luck, perhaps one or more of them has heard or seen something they weren't meant to.

I certify this report to be accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 04-22-2010

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: VCoalitionC5.gif]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Patrol Report #3


Fellow friends and comrades ni men hao.
Since I had time to fly and I was not that drunk I decided to complete a mission to gain additional intel about the nomad anomilty in Newcastle. Grabbing a bottle of Rice Wine I hopped into my partisan and set cource to Newcastle. The trip there was smooth, as I encountered no resistance or enemies at all. I plotted the cource to the suspect location and I saw a humongous object

:::Guncam Image::::

I entered the huge blue cloud which was very large by the way ( I was dizzy) and continued on to the unknown. Then all of a sudden it popped out, first with a few huge strangely shaped rocks, then onto a humongous asteroid like figure. I tried to scan the information of the object but my scanners picked up nothing, it was a strange object indeed.

::: Guncam image:::

Upon scrutinizing the object i noticed that the BRetonians had presence there. A battleship and a research station was located there. I managed to snatch a quick shot of the defences of the Bretonian platforms for later use.

:::Guncam images:::

I then tried to enter the strange formation, however for some damn reason I hit a invisible wall, thats when I saw a MASSIVE shield covering the main object by four different pillars that seemed to feed the shield onto the object. The nomads (or Bretonians) are very secretive of this structure.

:::Guncam shot:::

I managed to escape as the Bretonians had no snubcraft there, it seems like they are keeping it quite secret. I am proud to declare a mission successful on my part and hope that this report contains valuable information

For the red Dawn!

[font=Georgia]Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee signing off.
