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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - DSE)Spartan - 04-06-2012

[Image: pilot-3.png]


Ready for upload...


After my first patrol a few days ago, I noticed that with the present situation in Bretonia I could add much more value to the BAF with a better ship then my Paladin. Though she served me well, I was told that a slight upgrade wouldn't be a bad idea. I went to the Cambridge Battleship , since I got information they had a small stock of Templar VHF vessels. Now before this I had asked some family members to PLEASE send me some money. Concerned as they are about my well-being, they scraped together a couple of millions and so without futher ado, 10 minutes later I was the proud owner of a B-1290 "Templar" Bretonia Very Heavy Fighter. My navigator, private Johnson was kind enough to take a picture of me going through the details of the transaction...


Of course.. as soon as the purchase was done I wanted to take her for a spin.
I'm not sure how he did it (I once was told private Johnson used to be a Universal uplink hacker), but he managed to get some foottage of me undocking from the Battleship Norfolk...


While testing the ship for agility, I got a signal from my Navigator that a BAF-officer was spotted on the lang range radar. The officer was flying in from Leeds and I descided to report for duty even though it was officially my day off.
Lt. Henry Moore took me under his wings and showed me how to patrol safely yet efficiëntly. He was authorised to get me some funds and made sure my ship was well equipped before I even started the patrol.

*** Uploading guncam image....


After we checked out several vessels in the Leeds - and New London district I was dismissed for the day. My head filled with new knowledge and experience I docked the ship at the closest base and the crew and me started to enjoy a well deserved rest.

Ensign Foley out...

> Terminate uplink

*** Link terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - DSE)Spartan - 04-10-2012

[Image: pilot-3.png]

*** Ready for upload...


Minutes after I reported for duty, my senior officer Lt.James Arland and I got a distress call from a trader in the New London system. Apparently there was a Corsair who felt brave enough to challenge the lawfull forces of Bretonia. At the academy we learn how to think like our opponents, so we can allways be one step ahead of them. Well, this opponent made a mistake... he stayed too long in one place. From all sides he was quickly surrounded by Bretonian police, angry Bowex pilots and our own Naval forces. It really became a cat-and-mouse game when a freelancer vessel asked permission to engage the corsair vessel by himself.

*** Uploading guncam image....

[Image: Report-001-05-Duel.jpg]

Normally we wouldn't allow such an action, but every now and then we realise that civilians have a score to settle, for instance when family members are lost due to brutal actions from animals like the Corsairs. So this time our commander told us to just stand by and let the Freelancer deal with the pirate.

[Image: Report-001-03-Let_it_continue.jpg]

Elas, the pirate had exellent pilot skills and managed to evade all brave attacks from our civilian friend.
In the end the Freelancer called in for backup and we were ready to arrest the Corsair feller. But our mouse found a hole to crawl through. He made his way into the next starsystem and the lt. ordered me to stop the persuit. "Let him live to tell that New London is well protected", was the simple analysys of the situation.
We patrolled the systems: Cambridge, New London and Leeds to make sure there was no more pirate activity before returning to our home base for maintenance and repairs...

Ensign Foley out...

> Terminate uplink

*** Link terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 04-15-2012

Connection secured.

Transmission source: Lieutenant James Arland.

Boosting signal...











Uploading guncam imagery from blackbox...


Incoming audio stream...

-Static and heavy breathing can be heard, then the transmission stabilizes-

-ommand? ...Command, do you read? This is Lieutenant Arland here, callsign Sabre-4. I hope this transponder still works... Damn it. Frakker got me good, the entire right side of my bird is gone, poof. Got two hull breaches here, stray bits of newly created junk from when the bastard knocked me out of the sky. Emergency seals have clamped down, but I got two bits of searing hot metal through my leg to show for it.

-Nervous, half pained laugh-

Merely a flesh wound. I managed to stop the bleeding just now, not a hell of a lot else I can do now that I've drifted into a neat, stable orbit around Planet Dover, current position... Far side from the installations as far as I can tell. Ejection systems have shut down because of the aforementioned depressurization and my flight suit breach.


I'm sort of stuck here now. Man. Space is just so quiet without the auditory emulators engaged. I... really hope someone recieving this.

I mean, damn, I'm in system New London, after all. You can't go ten klicks without stumbling across someone in service to the crown.

But enough about my possibly impending doom, what's of interest to the brass is how I ended up here. Maybe talking about that will help calm my nerves.

It started off so simple, too. I launched for routine duty, linked up comms without Lieutenant Hobart. Then suddenly he reports a number of red contacts in Cambridge. So I head out, enlist a couple of Bowex security birds for support, and arrive on-scene, finding SCRA ships attacking our forces. LT Hobart calls off the extra two guys, and I joined the fray.

After a rather inconclusive struggle (that was mostly in our favour by the end) the SCRA vessels broke and ran towards Omega-3. When we reached the ice cloud, Hobart called off the attack, but I had a nasty feeling we hadn't seen the worst of it yet.

Shortly after I had returned to regular duty after this first engagement, we got contact reports yet again.

More SCRA, this time in force.

They weren't the only ones who'd bulked up their troop strength, though. The Intelligence chaps came to help us out, as well as some MMs, both parties proved indispensable in the massive snowballing fight that followed.

Dear me, but that was crazy. Fighting in an ice field, what were we all thinking?

I saw one of our birds go down, but we got at least two of theirs...

After that it was slowly beginning to become more clear who was winning the engagement. It sure wasn't them, at any rate.

We chased them off, off to Omega-5. I was briefly on the other side of the jump hole... I remember seeing an installation there, just on the other side, in plain sight. I hope I live to see them getting cleaned out.

Anyway, that was the end of that. We returned home as the victors.

But of course, Lady Luck wouldn't have any of that, and sent a bunch of 'sairs our way in New London.

I got one, blew the crap out of him with a nukemine.

But then we lost two guys before we knew what the hell hit us, and I got careless with the bomber... He got me with one of his heavy weapons, turned maybe half of my Templar into vapour and now I'm sitting here in its carcass.

Lost contact with everyone else when that happened.

-Another deep breath-

Well, that's that. Now I'm here. Made the report. Now I think I'll just go to sleep. Let the life support systems do their job, you know, and uh... Well. Hope I wake up again. Would be great, you know, command, if you chaps don't let me die out here.


Audio cut.

Transmission end.

Looping broadcast...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 04-16-2012

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Planet New London, New London
Subject: Patrol report

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen

If you still remember the times when we had some pretty bad troubles with a Mercercy group called the Reavers, then i have good news for you. Today I was on the way to have a look at the newly constructed base King's Cross when i saw a Freelancer running away from it. He had just set off the shields. I immediatly followed him together with a Bowex pilot Jan.Peters. The Freelancer ran in cicles in the lanes so I just returned to King's Cross, waiting for him. The moment i got there an ALG transport captain contacted and informed me, that this guy was a scout for the Reavers and indeed, just seconds after the transmission one of them jumped through from Cambridge. Jan and the Freelancer joined us shortly afterwards and the fighting started nearly immediatly after the set off King's Cross' shields again.
We had to watch our fire to not hit the station by accident, though still at this rate the Freelancers was blown really quickly by one of my mines.
Unfortunatelly the Bowex pilot hadn't undergone a fighting training like i did. I tried to give him some tips to save him but my efforts weren't enough. At least he was able to eject before the mine hit and he's safe on King's Cross. I was shocked to see his ship blow up and let the Reaver feel that. He rather killed himself than face my guns.

King's Cross is safe again and the shield's prooved to be stable.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours,
Commander Jonathan Sinclair
Graduated from QCA, recipient of the DFC, two CAMs and the Silver Star

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 04-18-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

__________________________Lodaing 13%...27%...54%...78%...99%...

______________________________________________Upload Video Uplink...


[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Today, in the morning I was patrolling New London and having a closer eye on the King's Cross base when I've spotted 2 corsair titans between Southampton and Leeds jump gate. They were obviously pirating, so I took measures. In 2 minutes the first titan was down. The second one was a little more skilled, and it took some time and some of my nanobots to finally bring it down. After this, traders reported me that 2 bombers were pirating around Cambridge and Omega 3. I went to investigate, and finally stopped them at Aland. They wanted to bring me down, but they didn't succeeded and ran to Freeport 1.
Later on, BPA discovered that corsairs have build a base in Cambridge. I've spotted the location of it, and we've started a siege. The exact location of the base is BC56 45k up from the plane. After some time corsair reinforcements have arrived. One of the pirates I've killed in the morning got a new ship, but he got blown as in the morning. Our battleship took down their cruiser, and more and more fighters were arriving to that point. Our forces were quite overwhelmed, still I managed to bring down 2 more corsairs, 1 fighter and 1 transport. A joker gunboat show up at the incident, but our battleship managed to take care of it in order to keep distance. Finally we had to retreat and the base is still up, but we shall organise a powerful siege in order to blow it up, as it has a shield.

::Uploading Intel::# # # # # ## # # # #

Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 04-22-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Mike Havering
Source Location: Cambridge System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Evening to all.

Well....there was much going on today...i think you get more reports i'll just state what happened while I was flying.

I started from Planet New London and went on a Patrol with Lt. Arland there wasn't that much going on until a Trader sent a warning over the System Comm telling that there was a Nomad Fighter in Leeds.
We jumped into action and Lt. Hobart joined us first the lanes got searched after those where clear we moved on to the Jumpholes.
I took the Dublin Jumhole and jumped to Dublin at first my scanners where clear didn't last long though.

*shudders* Well i got my first look at a Nomad ship and I have to say it looks....different

That thing was on the run but i keept it in place with my CD until Arland and Hobart arrived to take that thing down. Man those Nomads are slippery we didn't manage to get a clear shot at it.
The same couldn't be sayed for mines though cause as soon as i droped one that thing flew straight into it.

After that I took my bomber out to help with the siege of that Sairbase in Cambridge
At first there wasn't that much going on.
At first we spooted a few Corsair Scouts at the Omega 5 Jumphole. Got dealt with pretty quickly, their Battleships uncloaced soon enough though.

One Gunboat wanted to take me by suprise while I was on my way to support.
But it seemed that he didn't think quite right or he thought that I was flying a Fighter but that doesn't matter. He got Reduced to pieces in a few minutes.

That fight against two Corsair Battleships however didn't go so first we managed to kill one off without big problems when we wanted to take the second though their snubs started to join the Fight.

It all got messed up after that but what i can recall is that I was desprately trying to evade the fire of three Titans that hung on my back. My shields vanished and then all went white.

Next thing that I remember is to wake up in a Hospital on Cambridge.
Was lucky the Nova Munitions didn't go off when my Bomber got shredded all that I have right now are a few bruises and lot's of burned Skin.

Anyhow that would be all.

Lieutnant Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 04-24-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

ID: Jeff Bloom
Location: Winchester Station
Encryption: BAF grade
Priority: Normal
Subject: A cat and mouse game

Good afternoon officers,
I started my shift with a training together with Ensign Jack Ando. I can say for now that he will be a promising pilot and I look forward to working with him soon.

After some mock fights we received a transmission from a Rheinland DHC trader who stated that there was a pirate sighted in Snowdown. I broke up our training and we took our Paladins to Cambridge to await permission to enter the system of Snowdown.

As we headed for Kings Cross we sighted a Corsair destroyer bombarding the station. I immediately headed back to Salisbury to obtain my bomber and ordered Ensign Ando to stay out of range of the destroyer and keep it disrupted.

::Guncam 1::

When I returned I immediatly comitted my bomber to the target and ordered Ando to get more help, thus our can and mouse game began. During Ando's search he was forced to set his Paladin down on a nearby station due to a coolant leak. However he did not fail to provide me with help. Soon a Bowex security bomber joined my wing.

After taking several Nova torpedoes and antimatter rounds the OWL destroyer headed back towards the Cambridge jumpgate. How this ship mangaged to sneak around our defences I will never know. Nevertheless we continued our pursuit into Cambridge.

In Cambridge we were joined by Commander Sinclair and officer Amanda Morresy who kept the destroyer disrupted whilst me and the Bowex bomber continued our attack. In the Cardiff asteroid field, the destroyer finnaly met his demise.

::Guncam 2::

Later, I returned to Salisbury for some well earned tea and biscuits.
Scouts reported that Snowdown had been declared free of pirates and that no hostile contacts could be found.
I shall return later in case there is more news.

<div align="right]For the Bretonia Armed Forces,

Jeff Bloom

.Decrypting complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 04-25-2012




Upload Video Uplink...
[Image: TB_old.png]

Greetings Admirals of the High Command,

i take the Braveheart out on the order from Admiral sir jack fraser duke of norfolk
to the combat zone of Tau 31.

My crew feel ready to encouter the frogs on the gate of Tau 31,when
we arived there the GRN already awaits us.

The Braveheart brake trough the waves on the front line and we managed to stand our grounds
with massive firepower.

Resuply in ammo and repair units are well and it comes from our Glasgow Outpost.
The battle goes on and the braveheart managed to destroy many ships,our spezial

force arrested the enemy pilots.
I request a Prisoner Transport to my location in the battlezone for the GRN Prisoners.

And we could need some Fuel again.The Braveheart will stay near the Tau31 gate and keep this clear from the enemys.
Once the braveheart got a refill of fuel we will move on deeper into Tau 31 area.
The patrols of the enemy are much but the braveheart is made for massive destruction,

and it works all well for the moment,but some support for the heavy patrols wont be bad sir.
Me and my Crew wont fall back,we will push the frogs back and open a sector for our units.

Salutes*This time will be ours sir,the frogs threat us long enough time for payback!

For the Queen!

Carrina,Regina Imperatrix!


Battle Statistics:
Destroyed GRN Units within T 31:

-55 Fighter destroyed
-25 Gunboats destroyed
-23 Cruiser destroyed

Destroyed GRN Units within Leeds Gate to T 31:
(Supported by BAF indie)

-24 Fighter destroyed
-14 Gunboats destroyed
-3 Battleships



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Open File [Y]__[N]

Commander Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 04-25-2012

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: norfolkciv.png]

Admiral - Lord Hamilton,

You are requested and required, by order of Her Majesty and the Admiralty to assume the mantle of Fleet Admiral of the Bretonian Armed Forces, over seeing the day to day operations of the fleet.

I stand relieved, to return to my duties with the House of Lords, and to act as the right hand of Her Majesty.

Long Live the Queen!
In Service to her Majesty,
[Image: Norfolk.png]
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Rubber_Duck - 04-25-2012

**** Establishing Communication Network ****
*** Connecting ... ***
** Link engaged **

* incoming Transmission*

Encryption: internal


I am gladly accepting the duty handed over by her majesty and the glorious admiralty of Bretonia.
I wish you the best of luck, returning to your life as the right hand of her majesty Queen Carina, and will see you in the house of Lords, your grace.

With all due respect, long live our majesty and glorious kingdom,

Sir Finlay O'Dukes, Lord Hamilton

[Image: hamilton1e.jpg]

* End of Transmission *
** Disconnecting **
*** Disengaging Comm Link ***

**** Signal Lost ****