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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 05-25-2012

[font=Agency FB]~~~~Stream detected~~~~

**Uploading data**

[color=#FFFFFF]Source: Planet Leeds
ID: Lieutenant Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Report

[font=Garamond]Good evening sirs and ma'ams,

Performed a standard pattern patrol today. Noteworthy events are as follows: Lieutenant Mike Havering and I sighted a 'Cutlass' class bomber near Kensington in New London. His intentions were unknown and there's a fair chance he was involved in unlawful actions before, however we could not prove any wrongdoings so we did not further question him. After having secured the area around LD-14 we met an Interspace trader carrying Blood Diamonds to a certain loaction in the Taus. His papers were okay thus we permitted him to proceed. Shortly after a Reaver gunboat entered the defense perimeter of Leeds. After a little chat about how the only thing he cared about was booze, money and hookers, we forced the Reaver into a fight, with the HMS-Lawrence at our side. The brawl ended in the Reaver going boof.

Attached files:


In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

[font=Edwardian Script ITC]
L. Clay

[color=#FFCC66][font=Agency FB]**Upload complete**

~~~~Stream closed~~~~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 05-26-2012

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Planet New London, New London
Subject: Patrol report

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
Today I was on the brigde of the long serving legend BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock when a report reached us about a Valor making circles around Leeds, probably collecting data for a bombardment. We immediatly scrambled to Leeds from Southampton shipyard where the ship was undergoing some repairs.
Upon arriving at Leeds I recognized that a traitor of the old 13th fleet was commanding the ship. His guns tried to lock onto me really fast, but failed. The battletested crew of the Isaac.Brock however fired mortar after mortar and crippled the Valor's shields. It wasn't untill then when the HMS-Pestilence arrived and opened up too.
What was left of the traitors brain came to the conclusion that he should get the hell out and thus ordered to cloak the ship. We managed to keep track of the Valor for quite some time with cruise disruptors but eventually lost it.
I gave the order to splitt up, Lieutenant Barnes and Ensign Robinson, who arrived just then, blocked the Dublin hole, the Pestilence reeinforced the Derby battlegroup while I plotted course to LD-14. The system was locked down with the help of some exiles blocking the Tau-31 gate. My instincts were right and the traitor soon tried to run through the Edinburgh hole. The Pestillence immediatly launched towards my position while the gunners on both sides opened up. The Valor was soon ripped apart while trying to get to its battlegroup.

Sadly, it seems we have another secondary fleet Captain not listening to our orders. He commands the HMS-Hurricane and tried to order me to answer his question. He got reprimanded, though i doubt he'll behave differently next time. Keep an eye on him if you can and report any missteps, thank you.

Guncam: *

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours
Captain Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 05-27-2012

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Planet New London, New London
Subject: Patrol report

G'day members of the Admirality *salutes*
I regret that i have to contact you again but the events which happened today require your assistance.
After yesterdays battle I took the Isaac.Brock for another patrol and upgraded its weapons. Upon my arrival at Leeds the [LN]-LNS-Pacifica was in orbit securing the system. Only moments after the MNS-Razorspine appeared at Leeds comming from the Edinburgh jumpgate. The ship is already well known to Bretonia. It shot numerous Kusarians during the war against them, but after it ended its permission was revoked. It seems he still doesn't understand it after several warnings when he was spotted inside Bretonia some time ago.
He violated our borders again and I warned him personally to not come back. Though i doubt that he'll keep to it. I'd like to ask you to send that low-lifed captain one last official message.

He'res the log of the meeting.
[27.05.2012 14:20:50] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Oh what the...
[27.05.2012 14:21:01] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: Dear GOD
[27.05.2012 14:21:10] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: All hands to battlestations pilots man your planes Gunnery personal to their station support personal to.
[27.05.2012 14:21:11] MNS-Razorspine: SIdious: Dont worry, we've just done what we came for
[27.05.2012 14:21:26] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Unidentified vessel hold immediatly
[27.05.2012 14:21:32] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: si?
[27.05.2012 14:21:38] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: Captain Thats a Outcast Battleship !
[27.05.2012 14:21:49] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: Its up to no good !!!!
[27.05.2012 14:21:51] MNS-Razorspine: SIdious: What is the problem senor? What is your name bretonian?
[27.05.2012 14:22:05] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: What do you think you're doing here?!
[27.05.2012 14:22:09] Changing screen mode=full
[27.05.2012 14:22:17] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: We had a little prisoner exchange with the BPA
[27.05.2012 14:22:21] Death: Verbannte was killed by an NPC
[27.05.2012 14:22:36] MNS-Razorspine: *picks his nose* Gallians keep bugging my station
[27.05.2012 14:22:41] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: *coughs* Outcast nation is a enemy of the Libretonian Republic !
[27.05.2012 14:22:42] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: so i blew them up
[27.05.2012 14:22:51] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You've been warned and denied acces to Bretonia numerous times
[27.05.2012 14:22:58] Death: ToTaL_N86 was killed by Pixels (Gun)
[27.05.2012 14:23:08] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: We have our wepons on to him !
[27.05.2012 14:23:14] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Now i'm wondering if you just can't or don't want to understand it
[27.05.2012 14:23:16] HMS-Pestilence: Mardy: Hullo
[27.05.2012 14:23:18] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: we had our docking rights rewoked
[27.05.2012 14:23:36] HMS-Pestilence: Mardy: Why is this dreadnought staying so close to Planet Leeds?
[27.05.2012 14:23:48] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Stand by Pacifica. We're not keen on a firefight infront of Leeds
[27.05.2012 14:24:03] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: Neither do i want to fire around my own homeplanet
[27.05.2012 14:24:11] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: so lets move away shall we?
[27.05.2012 14:24:19] Death: Yoru_Transporter was killed by N8114C-'Exspes' (Gun)
[27.05.2012 14:24:19] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett:&nbsp;&nbsp;Your home planet is several systems away Outcast !1!
[27.05.2012 14:24:36] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: Senor Hackett, while within bretonia, do mind your language
[27.05.2012 14:24:41] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: your merely a guest
[27.05.2012 14:24:48] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: So are you !
[27.05.2012 14:24:57] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: He's more at home here than you are
[27.05.2012 14:25:10] Death: BlackPearl has died
[27.05.2012 14:25:14] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: i was Born on leeds
[27.05.2012 14:25:33] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You've been granted acces to Newcastle long time ago. But that's over long ago
[27.05.2012 14:25:41] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: Excuse me Outcasts have destroyed Lots of lives
[27.05.2012 14:25:50] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You were told to get your arse outta Bretonia and never come again
[27.05.2012 14:25:56] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: We were not informed of such thing
[27.05.2012 14:26:13] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Now tell me, aren't you able or don't you want to understand that?
[27.05.2012 14:26:14] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: we were told that operations within the vincinity of our base was accepted
[27.05.2012 14:26:38] HMS-Pestilence: Mardy: Guess so, but not in that brick you fly.
[27.05.2012 14:26:41] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You were. You better stop lieing now
[27.05.2012 14:26:42] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: I also do not understand which part of "prisoner exchange" you do not understand
[27.05.2012 14:27:06] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: Senor Brock, please refer me to the order you are talking about
[27.05.2012 14:27:07] Changing screen mode=windowed
[27.05.2012 14:27:18] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: That's Captain Sinclair to you
[27.05.2012 14:27:24] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: our current standing with the crown is to stay within the vincinity of the Wrath
[27.05.2012 14:27:43] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: He is lieing and lieing only
[27.05.2012 14:27:49] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You're current standing is to not be the hell in Bretonia
[27.05.2012 14:27:50] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: However we had a brief, and well planned prisoner exchange with the BPA today
[27.05.2012 14:28:00] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: I strongy recomend you Ignore this individual !
[27.05.2012 14:28:17] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: "Captain" Sinclair, if you are so keen to have us leave, why are you hindering us?
[27.05.2012 14:28:42] Traffic control alert: Vincent_Maddox has requested to dock
[27.05.2012 14:28:46] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: You were told by the Baroness of Snowdown to get out. That was 4 months or so ago, before she resigned
[27.05.2012 14:29:00] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: I suggest we destroy the vessel before he attacks !
[27.05.2012 14:29:21] Traffic control alert: sadsd has requested to dock
[27.05.2012 14:29:21] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Now will you finally explain me why you still come here even though you've been warned numerous times?
[27.05.2012 14:29:22] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: The Baroness explicitly told me that operations within Edinburgh was permitted, and so was operations within Newcastle
[27.05.2012 14:29:59] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: if you question my memory, may i referr you to the exact message that we recieved?
[27.05.2012 14:30:23] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: After the war with Kusari ended that permission was revoked
[27.05.2012 14:30:36] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Search for the message at that date yourself
[27.05.2012 14:30:50] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: The end of the Kusari war was not the trigger
[27.05.2012 14:30:54] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: I can't belive your actualy talking to this thing !
[27.05.2012 14:31:06] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: however you do not seem adequately informed regarding our case
[27.05.2012 14:31:46] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: It seems, this Senor Hackett is barking mad
[27.05.2012 14:32:12] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: Risking the population of the planet to serve your own personal interests is outrageuos
[27.05.2012 14:32:27] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: hackett: What population leeds has already been evacuated !
[27.05.2012 14:32:28] Death: Sunglasses was killed by LNS-Albacore (Gun)
[27.05.2012 14:32:38] MNS-Razorspine: SIdious: There are still people there
[27.05.2012 14:32:51] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: Soldiers and Defence instalations !
[27.05.2012 14:33:05] MNS-Razorspine: Sidious: However, enough about that.... ill take my leave, as you wish
[27.05.2012 14:33:07] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Razorspine, you've been warned numerous times to not enter Bretonia again. Now you'll move off or i'll have to
[27.05.2012 14:33:21] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Shoot your ship into pieces although Leeds is that close
[27.05.2012 14:33:27] [LN]-LNS-Pacifica: Hackett: You insane Shoot it down while you can !
[27.05.2012 14:33:43] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[27.05.2012 14:33:58] Death: Sunglasses committed suicide
[27.05.2012 14:34:56] BAF|HMS-Isaac.Brock: Sinclair: Now get your arse back to where you came from
[27.05.2012 14:34:57] MNS-Razorspine: SIdious: i strongly advice you to read up on the situation regarding our crew, Senora
[27.05.2012 14:35:20] Death: Red-Blaze committed suicide
[27.05.2012 14:35:25] 2012-05-27 14:35:30 SMT : MNS-Razorspine is attempting to engage cloaking device

Furthermore, later today one more of the 13th's traitors showed himself at Leeds. It's callsign was Argosax.
The Brock blew it up with help of the HMS-Scarborough.Fair. One less of those dirty idiots.
Guncam: **

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours
Captain Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 05-28-2012

[font=Agency FB]~~~~Stream detected~~~~

**Uploading data**

Source: Planet Leeds
ID: Lieutenant Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Report

[font=Garamond]Good morning sirs and ma'ams,

I am reporting from yesterday's skirmish against a Corsair battlegroup which was observed and tracked during their pillage in Cambridge and New London. The whole operation, led by Admiral Firmus Piett, was excellently organised and performed. With four Templars and two Challengers we spotted the Corsair strike force consisting of one Cruiser, several bombers and a fighter, if I recall, at the trade lane to the Manchester gate in New London. Baffled and awed by our sudden appearance, the Corsairs took their leave for a nearby jumphole to Cambridge. We pursued them until Kenington shipping platform where the main battle broke out. Despite the cruiser being a tough nut to crack, it suffered devastating torpedo hits which eventually led to its destruction. In total, we disabled two enemy bomber, the last remaining was overcome by fear and silently left to her muddy lair.

Followed by this glorious victory, Admiral Piett arranged a training session in Salisbury. I had the pleasure to participate in the first group fight 3vs3 after which my ion turbulences grew too heavy and was thus forced to bring my ship to maintenance.

A painful punch for the Corsairs this was, I guess they'll never realize...

Friendly forces:

BAF|Lt.James.Arland - [color=#FF0000]DISABLED


Enemy forces

Sails.Furia - [color=#FF0000]SCRAPPED

Corsair_Valeria-Benitez - ESCAPED
Corsair_Leon-Benitez - ANNIHILATED
Corsair-Ronaldo.Benitez - DEMOLISHED

Attached files:


In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

[font=Edwardian Script ITC]
L. Clay

[color=#FFCC66][font=Agency FB]**Upload complete**

~~~~Stream closed~~~~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 05-29-2012

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: norfolkciv.png]

Admiral Garibaldi,

With the resignation of the former Fleet Admiral, it is my sad duty to bestow upon you the title of Fleet Admiral.

Beware the curse, Garibaldi, fly well... and decimate the Frog Invasion... you're our last hope.

I am preparing the Houses last lines of defense, and you and I should co-ordinate a dooms day scenario in the eventuality that the worst happens.

Keep the men's morale high, though. Our traditional tactics seem to have failed us, your unconventional strategies may yet win us the day.

Good luck my friend,

Long Live the Queen!
In Service to her Majesty,
[Image: Norfolk.png]
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reverend Del - 05-29-2012

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Garibaldi

[Image: DNpaz.png]

Oh bloody hell, is it going to stick that on all my transmissions?

How did you lose this one Jack? As for doomsday scenarios, I'll leave those to your doomsayers in whatever bunker you've got them holed up in. Bretonia is not willing to just hand itself over yet. We will fight them, we will tear at them, we will ensure that any victory they may win will come at a price that will make them think twice before attacking any other. And when we are done, Bretonia will still stand tall. For we will have given all in our defense, for Queen and House. Bretonia will prevail.

Garibaldi out.

Transmission Ends

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 06-01-2012

Incoming transmission

Packet ordering............ done
Decyphering................ done
Origin......................... battleship Suffolk, New London
Spellchecking............... ERROR 1044

Opening message

*salutes* Greetings officer, ensign Walton reporting for core system sweep #287-AF-818.

20.30:48 So I took my duty and immediately joind Lt. Havering and Moore in Leeds. Nothing much to report there, except for the forcible termination of a trader highly infected by the Syndrom. I think Lieutenant Havering also engaged prosecution for this, but eh, I believe those people are more in need for medical assistance than prison time. But eeer, I let you high officer consider the question, I'm not here to think after all.

Oh, there I also found a light capital frog ship, but you know, eer, the good ones. From the council. C-Revenge was the name I think. Not a bad thing approving it in our space, the captain seems sensible and humorous enough, I think that with time he'll fit to the landscape quite well. Especially if he keeps shooting at the right foes I mean.

20.41:37 : So we were chatting - while scanning thoroughly incoming and departing ships, eh you know, duty first - when at some point lieutenant Moore spotted a couple of Solar - something zoner ships bypassing our checkpoint. He got quite mad at that, oh yes he was ! So I hoped in formation to see what's was going on with them and eventually we arrested them in Magellan, right after we jumped the hold. It turned out that they were carrying :
  • 37 unlicensed weapons,
  • 15 alien biomatter,
  • and also a fair amount of various prisonners
Oh gosh, what were they thinking, that being a prison is an open business ? So we stripped from all of that and let them go, not before they settled a fine of 150k though. End of the operation around 20.54:37.

They weren't that bad after all, from my experience I can tell, that most eh, prefer to die out there instead of simply listening to what the lieutenant tell them. I tell you my good sirs, they're all deaf and dumb. For instance have you ever counted how many trading ship fly in Bretonia with little to no hull repair nanobots ? A lot ! If I had 1 credit for each one of them I scan in Leeds - in Leeds for Christ sake, a bloody warzone ! - I tell you, I would be... eeer well, a richer ensign. But seriously there should be a law against that because, how can they expect us to bring them assistance if they can't stand 30 seconds of sustained fire from a random joe-pirat ? Uh ?

21.03:15 : So, shortly after that lieutenant Havering signed off and lieutenant Moore and myself moved for a patrol including New London, Manchester and Cambridge, that were all clear. The Gateway and other various traders we met were glad to know that. I can tell, from 21.03 to 21.34 those systems were all secure.

21.38:12 : Then we moved back to New London and the lieutenant and I parted our way, I eventually docked back to the Suffolk, and after a pint or two I was transmitting this report you have just read.

That is my report. Be safe officers, Walton out *salutes*

End of transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Clicker - 06-02-2012

Location: Cambridge
ID: Ensign Dave Brown
Subject: Report

Ensign Dave Brown reporting.

Whilst on a routine patrol in Cambridge today...clearing out various disorganised Corsairs within the Grasmere Ice Cloud at sector F6 I stumbled across a Corsair gunboat (ID DeathByTree).

As I was alone and outgunned, I continued to keep my distance despite his taunts.
I requested him leave the system immediately which he reluctantly did after being engaged by a passing BAF patrol fleet and not before almost delivering me to my maker.

Can't wait until I'm issued with at least a Challenger class ship so I may be more effective in my job.!
These lonely patrols in my trusty Templar may one day be the death of me I fear.

ID Gun cam shots included below.

Ensign Dave Brown, out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 06-02-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Mike Havering
Source Location: Camebridge System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering for once reporting again.

Altought it isn't much that I'm reporting it still needs to be reported.

Anyhow I just launched to space with my Templar and was looking if there where any other colleagues around I got the intel that we repelled an attack of the Gallic Navy in Leeds and that I just missed all the fun.

Somebody else will probably sheed more light into it than I can right now.

After I meet up with James Arland we took up some training with a recruit that hopfully will be seen in the Recruitement Office before long.

As we where in Leeds I checked an Zoners Transport that was heading into Magellan since we weren't under pressure I quickly scanned his Ship.

*smiles* Good thing I did because I found about 15 Nomad weaponssystems.
As I asked her to drop the weapons and was happy to see that there was no resisance or muttering to be heard.

As soon as I had them in my hold I headed to Planet Camebridge as fast as possible and handed them to the responsible Scientistslab.

That would be all.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 06-03-2012

Incoming transmission

Packet ordering............ done
Decyphering................ done
Origin......................... Winchester station, Salisbury
Opening message

Greetings officers, training report 0603818#2, lead by Commodore Sir Martin Bridge.

Attendee :
  • Ensign Robinson, templar
  • Lieutenant Havering, templar
  • Lieutenant Moore, templar
  • Commodore Bridge, templar

Part 1 : The session began with the Tree Questions exercise. The objective was to enhance the abilities of our pilots to answer and reply to their officers in extremely hostile situation. The method consisted of three templar opening fire with full force on the fourth templar, which had to answer three questions while dodging the attackers. The four attendees passed the exercise, one time each. My recommendations is to practise this short exercise at least once in a week, as a preamble to the training session.

Part 2 : The middle of the training session consisted of duels, using the standard rules, with mines trap as the main theme. Each attendee fought in turn every others. Lieutenant Moore, beating all of his challengers, showed himself the best pilot of the session while I, having been bested by all of my challengers, showed myself the worst. My recommandation is, well, to personally train more to it *coughs*.

Part 3 : The late part was dedicated to experimental techniques. The objective was to enhance the abilities of our pilots to perform coordinated strikes with a proper angle of attack. The method consisted of templar 1 from one hand (the bait), and templar 2 and 3 as a group on the other hand (the hunters), to fly in a scissor pattern. The bait had to lure templar 4 (the target) into the hunters' line of fire and mines. Our mutual observation was that it should be tested with a larger pool of fighters before we can draw conclusions about the real effectiveness of this technique, compared to the usual technique.

On a side note I also noticed a couple of unauthorized intrusions in the restricted area. I strongly suggest to post turrets and gunboat patrols in the New London side of the hole as a proper deterrent. This conclude my report. If you need further details I will be studying our maps at Battleship Harlow command desk until midnight.

Commodore M. Bridge.

End of transmission