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The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Printable Version

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Regular Operation - Vladimir Scorpius - 08-06-2019

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Took my Vindicator out for a spin and ended up finding a couple of officers loitering at Fort Bush but managed to lure one of them out in the open to put it down like a lapdog it is. Afterwards a cocky mercenary showed up but without wasting much time for his backup I forced a self-inflicted humilation.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Wolfgang Weisen - 08-08-2019

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It has come to my attention that I have left some information about my activities unreported. Fortunately one of my associates pointed this out so here I am to correct this mistake.

Firstly, with the invaluable assistance of Deceiver Maximilian Largo we tracked down the notorious Dr. James Erzie in NY system. Unfortunately he noticed us also so he used his =LSF= hirelings to form a defense wall around Manhattan. It was obviously a clear provocation on his part, a message that he was untouchable as long as he enjoyed LSF's patronage. We took the bait and abandoned our ships which we sent them on an automated attack against Erzie's ship. Against all odds Erzie's ship was destroyed but at the cost of both our bombers. Needless to say that we have reprimanded afterwards by the Professorship for selflessly wasting invaluable assets against a single target. At least we hope that this merchant of illegal alien research was purified in the attack.

Furthermore, I'd like to report that I found two civilians loitering around in Omicron Minor. Mike Longthorn was escorting a Big Dragon named FlyingBeagle. Sensing an opportunity, I attacked with my Aspis and despite lacking a cruise disruptor, I managed to destroy the Big Dragon stealing its valuable cargo. Expanding operations into Minor was definitely a good decision. [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]

Weekly Kill Report | 826-08-05 to 826-08-11 - Vladimir Scorpius - 08-08-2019

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New York, Liberty Police, Grizzly
22 000 000 SC
ID Kill

California, Sirius Syndicate, Roc
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Navy, Guardian
27 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Texas, Hellfire Legion, Upholder
4 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Texas, Liberty Police, Guardian
27 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Texas, Hellfire Legion, Cutlass
4 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Navy, Guardian
27 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Police, Sunrider
22 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Navy, Defiant
13 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Colorado, Sirius Syndicate, Roc
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill


Credits: 146 000 000 SC
Account: LH~Vladimir.Scorpius

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - KageTenshi - 08-12-2019

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The task requested for promotion to the rank Operative, nicknamed "Determination", has been completed. Earlier today i successfully tracked a trader's in-Liberty path. Upon successful
immobilization of said ship, i pirated and demanded a payment of around 500 credit units per unit of cargo space, as mentioned in Extortion Protocols.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Elliot Carver - 08-14-2019

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Operative Elliot Carver reporting my completion of the following Subverter criteria


I have commanded a successful Lockdown operation in the system of Shikoku. Using an encrypted group communication channel, I assigned LH~Kage.Tenshi to the Trade Lane between Deshima Station and the Kepler Jump Gate, and independent pirate Bobby.Bones to the Trade Lane between Planet Juno and the New Tokyo Jump Gate. I of course, took up the Trade Lane at the Galileo Jump Gate. Shikoku was in Lockdown.

Command Map

[Image: dTzqicO.png]


Both pilots under my command were instructed to use High Range scanners, and to disrupt the Trade Lane when an unsuspecting Trade Vessel had the misfortune of being detected. Standard procedure, but I made it very clear there was no room for mistakes.

Both Kage and Bobby were able to trap two Transports simultaneously, as they entered the system. Although Bobby was a bit overzealous on his demands, both Transports were successful extorted during the Lockdown.

It’s nice to know my long absence has not made me rusty, and this is my first “Official” Lockdown Command under the newest system. I have decided to let the newest active Lane Hacker, Kage Tenshi run the next Lockdown, and I look forward to seeing how he does in Command.

Mission Evidence Encrypted Uploads

Transport One
Transport Two

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - KageTenshi - 08-15-2019

[Image: 147a.png][Image: 2.png]


Earlier today the promotion criteria named Lockdown was completed under my command.

With the help of the Spyglass Network Scanner, I tracked the vektor of a few transport vessels, and figured they would be headed to, and from, the Pennsylvania system. I carefully contacted Operative Elliot Carver, along with an Independant Pirate, under the callsign Bobby Bones, and explained to them how we would execute the of the system. I assigned Elliot Carver to guard the Jumphole that leads to California. Bobby Bones was sent in the trade lane from Philadelphia Station to the New York Jumpgate. I positioned myself on the Kansas Jump Hole. Our positions are also visible here.

The Pennsylvania system was in complete Lockdown.

Around 25 minutes after our lockdown was engaged, pirate Bobby Bones was under attack. He successfully stopped a transport at its tracks, on the tradelane he was set to. Bobby extorted the transport and requested a toll of 1million credits, to let it pass by. It turned out the transport pilot was buying time, he bribed a Freelancing Gunship to come in for the rescue. The gunship opened fire at Bobby Bones, and a distress call was sent to both me, and Elliot Carver. We immediately headed to his position to help sort out the situation.
The Freelancer would not cease fire after being told many times to do so, and after 9 minutes of intense combat, he was brought down. Immediately after his death, me and Elliot Carver headed back to our guard locations and proceeded with the lockdown of the system. Unfortunately, it seems that the transport pilot was disrupting our communications channel and scanners at the time of the extortion, possibly to hide the Freelancer's entry to the system. Therefore, not much visual proof is left from Bobby Bones' conversation with the transport. This is what we were able to salvage from the communications. Right after was when the Freelancer arrived and opened fire. Thankfully, pirate Bobby Bones had enough time to scan the Freelancer. As already mentioned, a distress call was received by me and Elliot Carver, and we went there as soon as we could. Here is visual proof of the Freelancer's death.

After the Freelancer's death, the transport pilot sent the credits to Bobby Bones. Giving an end to our first extortion on the system.

Minutes later, another transport appeared on Bobby's scanner. This time he specifically told us we should not get there, and that he had everything under control. Thankfully, he informed us that the Transport was successfully extorted by him.
Visual proof of the conversation, and extortion of credits.

At that point, all 3 of us knew that the system lockdown was successfull. And we headed to Niverton base to rearm, and celebrate our success.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - KageTenshi - 08-15-2019

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I have completed the promotion criteria Subversion.
Below is a list of the 3 extortions required, with the needed visual proof.

1. Ageira~Alan.Pace
The Ageira~ transport was successfully extorted for 50% of his cargo hold, which was immediately destroyed, following the total war policy.
Here is the required visual proof.

2. Fading.Shadow
This commercial transport was successfully extorted for 5 million credits, as per extortion protocols.
Visual proof.

3. [USI]Elko[S]
This empty commercial transport was also successfully extorted for 800k credits, as per extortion protocols. Keep in mind that the transport was empty at the time, and that the total price was 1.6 million, which was shared between me and Operative Elliot Carver extorting the transport.
Required visual proof, apologies for missing the cargo scan.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Elliot Carver - 08-16-2019

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I am submitting this data regarding Promotion Criteria: Reconnaissance

The Route

Buffalo Base > Texas > Kansas > Vespucci > Magellan > Mactan Base

The Team

. Incognito: Lane Hacker Transport
. Kage.Tenshi: Lane Hacker Transport
. LH~Elliot.Carver: Snubcraft Bomber


Upon arrival, the Convoy was already prepped and ready to go. Mactan Base was expecting this shipment of Cardamine quickly, and I was not going to disappoint. My role was to utilize my pirating expertise to navigate this escort through a series of safe and secure Jump Holes. And of course, if trouble were to arise, eliminate that threat.

I uploaded my prefered Route utilizing Jump Holes to both transports, and brought them into my encrypted communication channel. Once they were up to speed on what my role here was, we began our flight.

I was sure to monitor the scanners closely during the trip, just in case. For each Jump Hole, I jumped first to scout ahead.

The convoy was escorted without any issues to report. As I expected, utilizing Jump Holes allowed us complete privacy.

Although Mactan Base can confirm the delivery, I have attached files related to my successful escort. Included you will find, but not limited to, Chat Logs, Route Snapshots, and Cargo Details. If you have any questions, please reach out. Otherwise, I expect this to be sufficient for Reconnaissance criteria.

Encrypted Upload

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Elliot Carver - 08-18-2019

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I have also completed the promotion criteria for Subversion.

Below you will find all related files and summaries.

1) HollowWhale - Corporate Transport Extortion #1

This Interspace lackey was attempting to haul Copper Ore, but this would not stand. I stripped him of a significant portion of that cargo, and left him with the anxious thoughts of explaining to his superiors why he won't meet his quota today.

2) [*USI*]Elko[S] Corporate Transport Extortion #2

Routine encounter with a vanilla USI pilot. We got straight the point, and he met my demands

3) Tradingperson Corporate Transport Extortion #3

This defenseless Interspace scum had no chance. He was stripped of his profit, just like the rest. I stripped him of a few extra Credits for not only attempting to run the first time, but being stupid enough to fly without weapons. To note, a Freelancer attempted to... Thwart? this interaction. He was but a fly, and was no threat. He was ignored, and the transaction moved forward.

Weekly Kill Report | 826-08-12 to 826-08-18 - Vladimir Scorpius - 08-18-2019

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New York, Liberty Navy, Guardian
27 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Navy, Guardian
27 000 000 SC

Colorado, Hellfire Legion, Prosecutor
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Colorado, Hellfire Legion, Cutlass
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Sirius Syndicate, Raven's Talon
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Colorado, Hellfire Legion, Prosecutor
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Colorado, Sirius Syndicate, Jackdaw
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Ageira Technologies, Avenger
6 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Pennsylvania, Sirius Syndicate, Jackdaw
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Pennsylvania, Sirius Syndicate, Raven's Talon
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Hellfire Legion, Scimitar
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Sirius Syndicate, Sabre
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Pirates, Thor
0 000 000 SC
ID Kill

Texas, Interspace Commerce, Spatial
6 000 000 SC
ID Kill

New York, Liberty Navy, Guardian
27 000 000 SC
ID Kill


Credits: 93 000 000 SC
Account: LH~Vladimir.Scorpius