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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Hopewell - 05-22-2016

ID: Hopewell
Skype: Elinthion
Location: Durban / Omicron Rho
Date of Send: 05/22/823 A.S.
ENCRYPTION: .FORT ----- 100%
Dabbling in Nomad system.
Viewing mentally large Nomad campaign where many lives were lost, I decided to visit noa current housing of Bio-Synthetics through the Jump Gate Iota in Omicron Minor, to see if somehow unload my wrath. Right from the beginning found a newbie who seemed so innocent, I saw him as a child ( [Image: 3a9xAT7.png] ). Titubeei in harvest it, lowering it to the dead, for even being enemy thought "is aapenas a child." Realizing my indecision, he presto, triggered the Jump Gate 99. ( [Image: aCMVb86.png] ). I restored my preposterous went back, but it was too late. He adinantou too and was already stepping into their lives ( [Image: Xyuvl5Q.png] ). I lost the opportunity to have hunted a threat, which is now new as a child, but tomorrow will be adult and lethal to us, Core | as well as other nations in Sirius. Now I hope to find it again and download it to the silent region. Here is, in breast core procrastinated the longing for the near future ..... hope !!

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - The Core - 05-25-2016


ID: Core High Command
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Initiates

Greetings Initiates.

Initiate Tenner, you have pleased us with your efforts and thus you have been accepted into The Core.

Initiate Hopewell, we are sorry to say that you have not passed the Initiate process. Stay vigilant within the secondary fleet however.

-The Core High Command


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - The Olympius - 05-25-2016


ID: Rosalina Romanov
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

Nice small patrol of Omicron Delta.

Was commanding the Olympius with a small bomber wing, we moved to Freeport 11 to see what we could find and there was a ZCV-Daltons awaiting there. When we arrived, we saw the Daltons firing on a Freelancer ship within 5klicks of the Freeport. I immediately ordered the guys to open fire and defend him at all costs. Giving the Daltons heavy damaged, it was forced to moor with Freeport 11 somehow. Was surprising really.

We then turned our attention to, two nomad fighters and a Jared Nomak which was near by. The Jared Nomak pilot engaged our bombers fast. Keeping our weapons powered up we moved in slowly and prepared our razors. The crew of the Olympius landed a perfect set of razors destroying Jared.Nomak

The rest of the patrol was lost within the Nebula with the Omicron Minor jumphole within.

Rosalina Romanov


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Reeves - 05-28-2016

[img float=left][/img]


ID: Raimis Argant
Location: Yaren Station, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

Greetings whomever this may concern.

As per my assigned mission criteria I fully equipped a Manta fighter and with no delay, I visited Omicron Gamma, Omicron Iota and returned to Omicron Delta having fulfilled the necessary criteria.
Details on what I recovered having travelled to those sectors is listed here.

-Raimis Argant


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Foxglove - 06-02-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Temporary Orders

Attention all Core assets,

Due to recent developments in regards to the Confederation of Freeports, active immediately, you are hereby ordered to cease any hostility towards the Zoners of Omicron Delta and only engage in self-defense for an uncertain amount of time. Any incident of violence committed against you is to be protocolled, visual evidence to be collected, and the perpetrator to be destroyed.

These orders remain effective until such a time arises when I say otherwise. Adhering to these orders is mandatory for members of the Primary Fleet (//Core| officials) and any one member of the secondary fleet (//indies) is strongly urged to do the same, lest there be consequences that range to execution to preserve the lives of your fellow men. You have been warned.

Any one vessel of the Independent Miners Guild shall be permitted to ferry humanitarian aid to the Freeport. However, you are to intercept them in case they ferry construction material or weaponry.

That is all.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - The Olympius - 06-22-2016


ID: Rosalina Romanov
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

Reporting a raid that happened in Omicron Mu yesterday late evening. The raid fleet consisted of;


We made heist to Omicron Mu, where we came across a force to be reckoned with. So that is what we done, we reckoned with there force, causing mass destruction for there fleets. If I am correct in saying. It was Two Osiris Battleships, Two Gebs Carriers, One Reseph Cruiser, and a Grizzly Freighter that was shot down. The crew onboard the Olympius did not capture much footage due to the concentration on surviving the threat. But we can confirm the destruction of said vessels.

[Confirmation Kill: Hawkeye killed by Olympius]
[Confirmation Kill: OCV-Psamtik killed by Olympius]
[Confirmation Kill: Order|CV-Sarcophagus killed by Order|Horus|Razgriz]
[Confirmation Kill: Order|Horus|Razgriz killed by Olympius]
[Confirmation Killed: O|Mexum'Rah killed by WV-Scipio]

This is all for now.

Rosalina Romanov


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - HexyL0n - 06-23-2016

ID:Reese Ward,Initiate
Subject:Initiation task

Reese Ward reporting in.

My solo expedition to the omicrons system, specifically in the omicron Iota turned out very well.
I've fully equipped my Manta ship to be ready of any sort of danger. Prepared and full of adrenaline i've headed up to omicron Iota, expecting a normal jump hole in the omicron minor i've found a misterious jump gate that my scanners didn't recognize it. I've entered to it and saw a nomad city that was flying in the space! For me wasn't imaginable.
But that spectacle was over because quickly i was intercepted by a group of nomad fighters. I was prepared for my vengeance!.The fight was very adrenalinic, but that entusiasm finished so quickly because this nomad fighters were only scouts. There were 3 enormous battleships that opened fire to me but not so quickly that i've managed to power up my engines.Confused i've entered in a nebula after 50 km i've found a jump hole near a planet that my scanners as always didn't recognize it. So i've entered into this jump hole and i've found a system that it looked so inhabited. I've powered up my engines to explore this misterious system, and i've only found a jump hole that after headed me to omicron Delta!. I've headed to my base and fortunately i've taked some nomad fighter remains.
Attached below are the data files of my solo expedition.
[Image: rVnxprj.png]
[Image: j9zP0iX.jpg]

Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est!

Reese Ward signing off

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - The Olympius - 06-28-2016


ID: Rosalina Romanov
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

Just went out on a patrol with the Olympius joined by the WV Medusa and WV Sargasso, we were also supported by initiate Hamadryas.

Almost straight away we had a funny reading on our scanners so we fired the EMP for cloak disruption and moments later our first target appeared. An Order Geb Carrier was within 10klicks of Yaren base, was moving with some speed out of disruptor range so we moved to intercept it. Reading the Freeport, weapons where made active, the crews move to battle stations and after a period of time the target was heavily damage. At that point a Zoner Nephilim moved in and tried to jump me and the crew of the Olympius so crews stayed firing on the Order Geb until it was destroyed. Then targets switched to the Zoner. Not long later another Order Geb Carrier appeared so we sent Initiate Hamadryas to intercept and keep it close for the power of Core to engage and destroy.

[Confirmed Kill: WV-Medusa]
[Confirmed Kill: WV-Sargasso]
[Confirmed Kill: WV-Olympius]

This is all for now.

Rosalina Romanov


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - The Olympius - 06-29-2016


ID: Rosalina Romanov
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

So this is going to be an interesting report,

To start of with I took the Olympius out to test the new engine repairs which has been worked on over night. Hopefully it can take more damage. Starting the tests which then later led to a patrol of Omicron Delta, coming across PRIME|Delta. Ordering the crew of the Olympius to move and intercept this PRIME to try and communicate with it. But it continued to move towards Omicron Kappa. Moving through with caution, the crew where ready at battle stations just in case of an ambush. But everything seemed to be okay, so we got Visual Evidence and made the PRIME come to a halt. Not long after another PRIME appeared on scanners. PRIME|Empathy. It was little out of scanner range so we knew this was not going to be good news for the crew of the Olympius and myself. Ordering to open fire and engage on PRIME|Delta, roughly 8klicks later it was left burning and in flames. Visual Evidence Not long after that it was a confirmed destruction from the weapons team onboard the Olympius. Confirmed Kill

While this all took place, I ordered my crew to return to the nebula towards the Omicron Delta anomoly where a good asset came to assist, The WV Anassi. Ar Sagon and the crew of the WV Anassi moved to intercept and protect us from the PRIME|Empthy after taking some hull and weapon damage. They chased it all the way to it's home planet. Planet Gammu, where shortly after a Corsair Praefect Cruiser appeared. Antequera . Taking the crew of the WV Olympius back to support the Anassi just incase with what weapons where not damaged, and operational. Upon arrival the Corsairs was taking heavy damage and was nearly left on flames. Visual Evidence. Not long after that it was destroyed by the weapons teams onboard Anassi. Confirmed Kill.

All teams and units returned to Yaren Base, for ammunition, repairs and to rest up. While the WV Olympius was in for its minor repairs, I thought id continue my patrol with my Bergilmir and moved to the northern nebula, up towards the anomoly which enters Omicron Minor. Once entering the nebula the electric, lightning that goes through the clouds light up a rock of some sort. Taking the risk, I flew up towards it and this is the first visual of what was later to be interesting. First Visuals.

Moving closer while staying frosty of the unknown space, rock, what ever it could be, I continued into the darkened nebula and rock and found an entrance. The Entrance. It was still not 100% clear what this rock was. So waiting for a moment. I took readings from my Nav computer to get a rough idea of it's location. But the computer systems where up and down and all over the place, kept working and non working. Main Computer Reading, Zoomed in computer reading. Hopefully this will help find it's location.

Continuing through the entrance, coming across something of the Nomad, alien culture. First insight of what was inside the rock was magnificent. It was like I was inside a Nomad Hive of some sort. Here take a look yourself. First sight of inside the rock. Continuing to fly around inside this thing, with a column in the center and weaponry on the inner shell. It was very unique. Take a look as I continue to fly around this inner column. The image I captured had three weapons which are clear. Inner Shell, Weapon Systems

Not only this, but there was this nomad material floating around in space, I believe it to be some form of Azurite. But it is not confirmed as of yet, might need to send a science team or two inside within the next few days to try and find out. But this is the visual look. It is rather bright, so be ready. Azurite - 51

With the culture of this thing, we were having our radiation alarms go off, continuously. Like I was not able to turn it off or nothing, so I had to find the exit and fast before I took too much damage and the ship started to overheat. The exit of this rock looks something like this. The Exit.

To all who moves to this location, please be cautious and keep distance until it can be confirmed. I hope all civilians will also take distance. For all we know, this could be a great money maker, or it could be very deadly. No one knows, so let's be the first to find out shall we.

This is Templar Romanov Signing out.

Rosalina Romanov


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Thunderer - 07-24-2016


ID: Luminary Jawdan an'Nuss
Location: Yaren Station, Omicron Delta
Subject: Report

(An'Nuss is standing still and silent in front of the camera. He is not even looking at it. One could say that he was satirizing the needlessness of a video feed in a report. Someone who knew him, or who looked him directly in the eyes, would assume that he was imagining what/whoever was in front of him burn. His mind was, in fact, visualizing a surprisingly ordinary marathon runner, albeit wearing a Corinthian helmet, and only God knew why.
The unpleasant silence ends as a textual document is uploaded, probably written by his first officer. The video feed evaporates in interference. An'Nuss didn't make a move during the whole short recording).

-(Signature Missing)