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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 11-23-2008

Incoming Transmission...
From: Ens. James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Forces

While patroling Leeds system, my scaner picked up, some large ship, heading my way. From shape, I could see it is some kind of transport vassel. I came closer, to get clear scaner reading, and what I saw onboard that transport ship, shocked me.

Some 4000 poor fellas, traped, onboard, that truly demon ship. I tried all tricks, to make him stop, but eventualy, I lost his trace in Magellan system.

Here is ship camera photos taken, as proof of my sad story.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]

Slave ship name, as camera shows is: Urlich.von.Jungingen
Now, I hope, we will be ready, to hunt that ship caption, and bring him to courthouse.

Signed by: Ens. James Hobart
...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tarrant5445 - 11-23-2008

Com Channel Open
Frequency: 1/000/2508/1990/Omega
Rotating Encryption: Set
Transmission origin: Lord Tarrants City House, Planet New London
Transmission to: Bretonian Armed Forces


Good Evening Lords, Ladies, Men and Women,

It has been a short while since I have had the honour of joining active service so it is high time I submitted a report this will contain a compiled form of my various logs giving the main events.

For the better part my patrols have been fairly active, even as I was still outfitting my new Templar I was set upon by the Kusar dogs they were bold enough to attack me in the Dublin system, the disgrace of having such taint in Bretonian space enraged me and half equiped with my templar fresh out of the shipyard I gave the kusar a run for his pocket money. How ever I was fairly outmatched I was forced in the end to make a retreat to the Essex. Eventually reinforcements of Ensign Robert arrived he went off chasing the Kusar dog through many of our systems I recall not if the valient man got him in the end my attention was turned to finishing the equiping the Templar to make her battleworthy.

A few days later I rendezvoused with Captain Nelson and other officers we chased a smuggler through out New london and Cambridge system. For smuggling CDs Alas he would not surrender or pay the fines and thought he was above Her Majesties Law so we ended his trading sending a message out to those individuals bent on illegal trade.

I was patrolling Leeds and had a run if with some Kusar filth the fact that they had managed to be in Leeds shocked me and gave thought that we must use a stronger hand as the filth was in our space more often than Honour permitted. I arrived in the New Castle system and met up with Captain Monty and began patrols with him.

After a few weeks of patrolling I was enroute to my city house on Planet London when two Kusars jumped me this was what shocked me the most that they had managed to breach the outer system defenses and enter our Capital system. The Disgrace The Dishonour I was outraged at their boldness their arrogance their
taint in the Core of Her Majesties seat of power, The heart of our people New London. I engaged them regardless of the odds two against one is fair enough for me give me the whole Kusari Navy in Her Majesties name I would stand against them again. My ship was fairly damaged only did the whiring noise of the eject siren bring me to my senses but I didnt do such a thing my fighter was badly damaged but I managed to crash land it on the docking platform my ship was burnt badly and I came out of it with minor burns after managing to keep medical officers at bay with my title I managed to get them to transport me to my house convincing them that I was hearty and as right as rain they left me with medicine to heal the burns. I had to wait a week but with my personal funds I repaired my ship it cost a lot due to the amount of damage but it was a pleasure to see her in one piece when i saw her repaired and I returned out into the black for more patrols.

The dishonour of the events didnt sit well with me so with another member of the armed forces Mister Lawrence we made an incursion into Kusari space. We valiently charged deeper an deeper till I was playing cat and mouse with a Kusar dog in the Tokyo system I managed to evade him with ease much to his annoyance and his hurled jibes over common frequencies. He challenged us to a duel we picked hokaido as the ground for battle were Mr Lawrence fought gallantly an smote the babbling kusar in space. We then set course home to Bretonian space with ones honour intact once more.

Overall I must say there is an increasing rate of Kusars in our space I submit that this needs to be dealt with incision and efficiency a counter must be made and made soon.


Lord Sebastian Tarrant


Com Channel: Closed
Senders Copy of Message: Deleted
System: Shutdown
Security Systems Scan commencing

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 11-23-2008

Well here's something that may cause the Kusari to soil their underwear!:

I have some pictures of field trials of the new Bretonian Gunboat 'Asteroid' frontal armour. Unbeatable protection for our mighty vessels!

[Image: greenshot_2008-11-18_01-39-30.jpg]

[Image: greenshot_2008-11-18_01-39-41.jpg]

And might I add that it looks dashed attractive also, to the Bretonian eye. Quite charming, in fact!

The trials continue and will soon result in general issue.

Mainwaring out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 11-24-2008

Incoming Transmission...
From: Ens. James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Forces

While patroling Leeds system, I get SOS code from caption Arthur Fowler, onboard transport vassel.
Thank God, Arthur send his coordinated fast, and I was on my way to D3, in LD-14 station permitar.

There was helpless Arthur and his crew, and this canibal Corsair, named Toledo Diaz.

I engaged at once, becouse hull of transport ship was very weak, and Corsair did great damiged.

While I dance with Corsair, Arthur and his crew, engaged cruse, and requested emergency landing on LD-14.

[Image: w8rwhu.jpg]

Corsair fella get direct Nova hit, and he ejected. But, I have no prisnor for Newgate, becouse he masked his escape pod, too well for my scaners.

Nice modifaction, you got there Mainwaring, sir. Your gunboat protype might become our sicret weapon in war with Kusari.

Signed by:Ens. James Hobart
...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 11-24-2008

I say, chaps

I found an ancient document whilst rummaging through Military Archives. It was stored inside a time-seal box marked 'RN-Studies'. There were several items in there so old that they crumbled to dust when I opened the box, but here is the most useful information. It is regarding the traditional naming conventions of the ancient British Royal Navy. Some wonderful names are here and could be resurrected for the creation of new vessels. (Perhaps the Admiral could give guidance, if needed)

Royal (British) Navy

Royal Navy ships were named according to one of several standard systems; class names varied according to the system:

Capital ships such as battleships, battle cruisers and aircraft carriers always bore traditional and for the most part, inspirational names. Here's a sampling

HMS Dreadnaught
HMS Agincourt
HMS Iron Duke
HMS Centurion
HMS Conqueror
HMS Thunderer
HMS Valiant
HMS Resolution
HMS Repulse
HMS Renown
HMS Hood
HMS Prince of Wales
HMS Duke of York
HMS Courageous
HMS Glorious
And so on...

Classes were named after a "name ship" of the class. The British usually tried to give ships of a class similar names; for instance "Lion" and "Tiger" usually went together, as did "Courageous", "Glorious" and "Furious" and the distinctly British combination of "Invincible", "Inflexible", "Indomitable", and "Indefatigable"

"Letter Classes" are usually used for Destroyers and Submarines (The class name is a letter of the alphabet; all ships in the class have names starting with this letter.

"B"-class destroyers -- HMS Basilisk, Beagle, Blanche, Boadicea, Brazen, Bulldog.
"D"-class cruisers -- HMS Danae, Dauntless, Dragon, Durban, Diomede.
"U"-class submarines -- HMS Upholder, Undine, Unity, Ursula, Unbeaten, Undaunted, Upright.
"C"-class cruisers were the most elaborate of these letter classes, composed of several closely-related subclasses named after their first two letters:Examples

"Ca" group -- HMS Cairo, Calypso, Cardiff, Calcutta, Capetown.
"Co" group -- HMS Colombo, Corsair, Coventry.
"Cu" group -- HMS Curacoa, Curlew

"Generic Classes" were usually used for Cruisers and some Destroyers. The class has some generic name and each ship in the class is named after a specific example of the class name. Examples:

Weapon-class destroyers -- HMS Battleaxe, Broadsword, Carronade, Culverin, Crossbow, Halberd, Musket, Tomahawk.
Tribal-class destroyers -- HMS Ashanti, Gurkha, Huron, Iroquois, Maori, Mohawk, Sikh, Zulu.
Town-class destroyers -- HMS Leeds, Campbeltown, Lancaster, Lincoln, Bath, Brighton, Newport.
Hunt-class escort destroyers -- HMS Berkeley, Exmoor, Southdown, Tynedale.
Cathedral-class cruisers -- HMS Exeter and York.
County-class cruisers -- HMS Cornwall, Cumberland, Kent, Dorsetshire, Shropshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Sussex.
Flower-class sloops -- HMS Foxglove, Lupin, Rosemary.

Once a ship had been named, the name was almost never changed. Remainder of a belief that the ship's name was its "soul", changing the name was thought to bring bad luck to the ship. The major exceptions were of captured (or otherwise acquired foreign-built) ships, which were re-named if their name duplicated that of an existing British ship or sounded very "un-British".

Fascinating stuff, eh? Hope it is of some use.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 11-25-2008

Sorry Chaps, It seems my craft's messaging system is faulty.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 11-25-2008

Today I had a most exciting patrol in Leeds.
As soon as I launched Captains Nelson and Mainwaring requested my assistance on planet Leeds. When I arrived, there was a standoff between PotatoSmasher, who was hiding on the surface, and us. We attempted to talk him into paying the fine for smuggling, but he refused and engaged us. Sadly, we had no choice but to attack and destroy his luxury liner. Soon afterward we picked up three Mollies on our scanners, and after recruiting the help of a bounty hunter, we headed after them. Unfortunately, the two Captains didn't have time to get out of their bombers and into their Templars, and where outmaneuvered and destroyed, despite gallant efforts on their part. The bounty hunter fighter was destroyed, too. Alone against three Mollies, I managed to destroy one with my mini razor, but I pushed my luck too far. The second Greyhound got me with a mine, and I was picked up by a passing patrol, as the fight had moved near a trade lane. On my way to the planet, I thought about the weaknesses in my flying style and how I could overcome them. I then occured to me that I should change some of my weapons to manage my weaknesses and maximize my strengths. Soon, I hope to pilot a much more well-equip Templar.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 11-26-2008

Ah yes - awfully well done, Owen!

You fought very well indeed.

Regarding your weapons loadout - I did manage to pick up the mine launcher you want and have it on the Suffolk.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 11-26-2008

The Officers' Club, Battleship Norfolk.

Fine brandy, chaps, what? Now, I wish to speak to you, my fellow officers about a matter of grave importance.

I can contain myself no longer. The fine tradition of buggering and bashing bastard brigands and then belching brandy in celebration which has so long been the core of Her Majesty's Armed Forces is at risk.

Who are the vile perpetrators of this pestilent pick-axeing of our precious past? The imbecilic working-class oafs which the Admiralty has thrust upon us.

In heaven's name, if by a man's training ye shall know him, then our current batch of recruits are cretinous mental defectives who couldn't tell the end of a tachyon cannon from a dog's anus. And they'd be better off sniffing around a Scottish terrier's scrotum than assisting me in my forays agsint the in-bred Benitez brood in the ice-fields of Cambridge. Because, frankly, their ability to follow orders or to aim a gun is as worthy of applause as a donkey is of a good licking.

I herded some of the chaps into Salisbury recently for some rudimentary training. A few can aim. But some were more concerned with bloody singing.

I promise you this. Any Ensign bleating or boasting about the breadth of his wife's bosom, expressing a craving for a cruise on Curacao or failing to follow a fire focus command from a superior Officer runs the risk of encountering me in their bunk-room some cold winter night.

If it takes a rough rogering by this wrinkly old rogue to straighten this horrible lot out, then by Jove I shall do it. I've whippped finer men than them into shape, and by Dickens, I still have my riding crop and my vaseline!

I ask you all, my fellow gents of good breeding, to be vigilant in preserving the fine traditions of the Her Majesty's Finest. And to keel-haul any mouthy young johnny-come-lately who undermines the regimental spirit.

[Image: sir-roger-2discovery-portra.gif]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cosmos - 11-28-2008

Hello All, Ensign James,Tucan here, just stopped my first Artifact smuggler coming through cambridge, i gave him 8 warning but he wouldnt stop, hope i did the right thing bby blowing him away?



Report again, the same smuggler came through again, with the same cargo, i dont think he got the message, he had too get blown away again.

ok, this is silly now, the 3rd time, he comes with artefacts, and the same thing happend, apart from he used offensive language, and im dealing with that now.