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{AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Printable Version

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RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 08:38 AM)Zelot Wrote: I can't seem to find the text of your faction ID, could you post it here please?

Nyx already posted it.
but sure Ill re-post it for you.

here you go.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - sindroms - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 03:43 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:23 AM)sindroms Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 03:11 AM)The Archangels Fighter Club Wrote: The FR5 was basically the Admins agreeing that Newport is Administered by AFC. If not, the whole situation would have been retconned even.

The situation with AFC vs GMG was processed during a time when we physically had very little time to go in-depth of what the background was. There were only three of us and we voted on most things from a list before work piled up too much with the presumption that if something went wrong, we could re-visit it if needed.
In the specific case of GMG vs AFC, the FR5 was looked into very minimally and was mostly seen as two factions bickering, so sure, whatever, let them shoot each other if they really want to.

At no point in time the administration team has ''approved'' any group taking ''ownership'' of any base.

We are, however, aware of the situation in Sigma 13 and it is on the list of things to discuss and resolve once the after-holiday phase is over with and more people can contribute to it. It should also be said that the emergence of more official Freelancer IDed groups has already prompted the team to re-visit faction rights in order to specify the exceptions in which Generic IDed official factions will be or not be privy to - the issue being that right now the overall consensus in the community seems that the moment you get your official ID, it stops being generic - yet we all know that is not really the way it works, given that the NPC faction the group represents is still something to take into account.

Also, seriously, I would like everyone to tone it down in this thread a bit so that it stops being bumped in the mod chat. Lashing out from left to right like an animal in the cage is not something we expect from our members. Take an example from the green team and simply stop replying if you feel as though further contribution to the matter is just going to escalate things.

So it's your fault.

Pointing out too, you guys knew about your screw-up way before the holidays when I told you on TS and you guys said you are 'discussing it'.
At this point, the Admin team saying : 'it's on our list' is the equivalent to 'stop nagging me ill do it later'. And you never do it.
I have had this experience with admins for a number of things. Just say you cannot do it atm and be straight forward.

Also you shouldn't have FR5ed us if you looked at it minimally. You made it so that GMG has all the positives and can powergame more and act more as an administrator than I am.
You have already received reports about GMG blocking freelancers from docking and saying they will impose their laws against them if they do. Meanwhile, what can the freelancer do against this? Why am I not able to do anything.

Alley said one time that the reason there is no AFC IFF is becasue it will never happen. It would leak to other servers. That was the reason. Becasue of this, I still want to have a NPC base. No one will let me have any and when you guys hear the word "Administration" alarms go off in your head thinking I can do FR5s.

I'll break it down later , but what I can do is what the Bounty Board system allows me to do. If there are RP consequences against my faction, it is not fair at all for my faction to not be able to react and move forward. All you are doing is holding us back.

How about just not voting in the future with minimal looking at the context. That's even considered just not being responsible in you position.
You dump something you shouldn't in you pet ant colony, and then you are surprised about the outcomes that come your way.

Yes, there is no doubt about it - it was a huge mistake on our side to try and process these requests while we were suffering from a lack of active staff members. However it was a choice between doing so and attempting to keep the server functional and allowing things to pile up.

Really, all we can say at this point is a formal apology, but we are not going to take the full blame for this situation. We had, at that point, all faith in the community members involved that they would end up finding a way to figure out the situation at hand - much like any other group has done before and will no doubt do after. So needless to say we are rather surprised that the AFC and GMG are locked in a stalemate. Open up talks on an out of roleplay level, if you have to and figure it out on your own, I really doubt you need the involvement of server administrators for something that on hand seems so very trivial.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 10:50 AM)Antonio Wrote: I've a few questions for you.

1. Why is your ID a copy paste of the Freelancer ID in terms of tech limitations, and you still have at least 75% on almost all technology in the game? Hell, it's even better because apart from having all the cells identical, you have Gaian ships and weapons added as well. You also have access to tech from factions or houses you're directly hostile to (Outcasts, Liberty Rogues, GMG, Gallia (90%!?), Hogosha, etc.) which makes no sense whatsoever. You should lose majority of them anyways, as you're now a faction with its own diplomacy and doesn't have sirius-wide neutrality anymore so any faction you're not on good terms with should instantly be 10%.

2. How come a bunch of racers who drink, whore and drug their days out are so actively participating in bounty hunting, a very dangerous activity inRP, and acting like sirius police? Is it because your ID allows you and you -can-, or is there a proper roleplay justification for it? Not anyone can bounty hunt, bounty hunters are on the top of the food chain and are usually the best pilots in the colonies skill wise. AFC definitely doesn't strike me as such, and it's more of a "oh yeah, we inherited it from the Freelancer ID (which is broken on factions to begin with, but that's another topic) which allows us, so why not use it". I'm looking for an inRP explanation, not an ooRP one.

3. Why do you think you have the right to administrate Freelancer bases? I was always under the impression that they shouldn't be administrated by anyone for obvious reasons, yet we have this drama between you and GMG. I'd honestly like to know why the sudden need to administrate bases that haven't (or have barely) been administrated in the last 10+ years of this mod.

I'll also add a bit of critique to your feedback handling. It's been poor to say the least, and I can only suggest you to start by not taking everything personally and attacking people directly instead of addressing the issues or feedback they present you.

Aside from your hostility and then demanding me to work on my public relation skills, I am just going to ignore you and just state the facts.

1. It is a "copy and paste" because it is your fault. Or the Admins. I had posted a LOONNG time ago a player request which had in there the revised tech changes, yet no one cared to change them accordingly. No one cares about AFC.
The reason why no one cared is becasue nothing actually went wrong. You see, being the great leader I am, I have covered up the major lag from you guys by making a list of ships and tech that my faction is able to use. In this way, I have prevented things from happening. Whenever my faction members make ships and dont know if they are good on getting the ship, they ask me. I also keep making sure from time to time. I'll be surprised if I see someone with the wrong not allowed tech.

And we never had sirius-wide neutrality. That's litterally another thing you can stop sniping me about. We are not zoners. "Period".

2. Omg .... just read the AFC lores it wont kill you.
Anyone can bounty hunt. The AFC calls it "Taking Care of Buisness". The outcasts do drugs and they can fly. People that "whore" , whatever you mean by that, can also be able to fly and BH. Anyone who drinks is still able to have the capability to Bounty Hunt. Your reasoning already is messed up from this take at it.
InRP we Take Care of Buisness. We have the generic Archangels and then we have the 1%er archangels. We have our enemies and our rivals that we fight and grind with. We have our missions and our own organisation. You can start being open minded.
So no. Bounty Hunters are not on top of the "food chain" and you can stop with this fake hierarchy BS.
I know that you are sniping at my ID line. I know you want to get rid of it. That ID line is there for AFC to be able to do our own RP. If you spent 10 mins to read my lore, You wouldnt have posted here. Go read it.

3. Becasue Alley and the Admins said so, before Sindy was around. Why do you now speak about it when for a long time I was already building up to this point? Why do you just ignore and then all of a sudden...
There actually is no SUDDEN NEED. It was like 1 year leading to this point. It's been worked on for a while. It was asked to Admins before. I already explained also why we need to do it. Becasue we are now facing GMG blocking Freelancers and imposing laws on them for getting even near the base. It's BS and GMG should have consequences back at them for it. This is one of the consequences they ahve to deal with for power gaming us into it.

Again, define your term of Administration. What does it mean to you. AFC has no FR5, so the best we can do is shoot using bounty boards.
it's the same way how AFC can promote their hostility with Outcasts. We use bounty boards.

4. (your little snipe at the end) : I'd like to critique the community in how it treated the AFC and myself. You were part of it too, and now you ask for respect. Get some when you treat me at the same level.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 02:10 PM)Bloodl1ke Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 10:50 AM)Antonio Wrote: bounty hunting, a very dangerous activity inRP, and acting like sirius police? Is it because your ID allows you and you -can-, or is there a proper roleplay justification for it? Not anyone can bounty hunt, bounty hunters are on the top of the food chain and are usually the best pilots in the colonies skill wise.

BHG lore around Texas states a lot of bounty hunters are just ex-convicts released from Sugerland and Huntsville in Texas that got tired of getting busted and decided to hunt their former comrades. They don't have to be the best pilots, they just know their enemy well enough and where to find it like jumpholes and such. They are also ready to take more reckless approach than say the navy or police. Also you don't need to be a good pilot to be a bounty hunter. It just means you'll be a lousy bounty hunter. Everyone can try, the contractor has nothing to lose if you failed.

Yeah thank you. See? You dont have to be a great bounty hunter to be a bounty hunter and it can come from many places. Bounty hunters can also do other things too.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 06:10 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote:
Quote:As for the EEs, we got it becasue we proved the issue. That's basically what came down to it. Faction perk was denied first becasue "you are a freelancer/generic faction". I had to prove admins wrong basically. So every time someone tells me AFC is, I kinda cringe inside becasue all my hard work needs to be done again.

So I read the entire thing right now, and while I really suggest you to take a small break and not answer to this thread instantly every time someone posts here, and just make them wait rather than telling them to, which doesn't work as it pretty much looked like you have nothing to back up your latest things, I'm actually a bit confused. And a bit concerned about the way you respond to things, as it looks like you think the entire world is against you right now.

Anyway, independent from what Zelot asked, I'd ask you the same, because I don't get it rightly but want to understand it.

Is Newport AFC or Freelancer? Like, I know AFC uses Freelancer installations, but it's new to me that they control them, administrate them. Apart from me disliking the idea of a faction administrating a Freelancer station, I ask you to tell me where I can read up more about when Newport turned into an AFC station and when exactly the Admins "agreed" to it. Like, that sounds a bit taken out of context to me. Wouldn't Newport show up as AFC if it was AFC? I mean, sure, inRP I can claim everything, but having partially control over a Freelancer station and administrating it as a whole are two different things and I just can't befriend with the claim of a Freelancer station being AFC-controlled. That seems a bit, well, powergamey. So if you could provide me with the links that show both the background of AFCs expanding influence on Newport and the post where the Admins are said to have agreed on it, that would help me getting a better picture of it.
Like, I was really surprised about that. It simply means that a Freelancer who is claiming AFC kills on the NC- or .:j:. board can still happily dock at Newport with the only thing that may happens is AFC adding them to their own Bounty Board. Would annoy me to have people running around on my station that I actually bounty hunt.

And then, What is AFC now? Is AFC a Freelancer/generic faction or not? If yes, why do you say that's wrong in the part I quoted? If no, why trying to act as if Newport was AFC then, as it's Freelancer?

This is not to offend you, but I seriously wonder. Also, you might want to reflect your current forum appearance a bit. Like, it really looks like you're just trying to find personal/emotional attacks in what people wrote on the recent two pages, and it seems to me like you're desperately trying to, well, what you said in your latest post, make them look like jerks, while you may not realize that exactly that kind of behavior is falling back to yourself. I know, you have a troublesome time right now, with two pages of AFC feedback and people triggering you with oh-so-funny memes about the FR4 clarification - which even in my opinion is a good thing, I have to admit, as using FR4 in the latest cases always had something fishy about it, as it was rather used to provoke rather than to defend an event - but in cases like this is the sandwich rule overwriting every other rules and laws and rights.

The most important thing about this community is basically transparency, and being afraid of sharing clarificating information about things that look, without knowing the context, pretty powergamey, isn't the way to go, just as saying "I'm not going to tell" isn't. You could have spared yourself quite a lot of trouble and time with just telling how you back up your claims. If people start meta/powergaming their knowledge, be it the case or not, is their problem, as they make themselves just vulnerable to reports. You want to be on the safe side.

Firstly, It is not a powergamey move.
We had first posted a thread where we messaged to all freelancer in the area.
then we RPed the commodities to rebuild the base for renovations.
we contacted a lot of factions until we found samura which agreed to help in reconstruction
We got a nice commodity on that base which we'd like to 'protect'.
And then we even did some small Admin RP as well.

So basically to repeat again, AFC will never have their own IFF. That fact was shoved down my throat many times and Alley said it wont be because it will affect other servers as well.
Becasue of this, I still wanted to make do and try getting our own base. At the time, no one has used Newport and I took it as my goal to make use of the small station that no one uses and was just sitting there. It figured it would be fun.

I took it as a green light when the admins FR5ed us from GMG. The whole background was that we were Admins and were "building storage and expanding the base" due to them finding something that the devs added to the station. Their powergame on it and the Admin approval of this made me pretty sure that AFC is Admin of the station now. At the very least, a major part of it.

What is AFC now? In a perfect world, AFC would have their own IFF . The whole project from the start was to make a new presence in Sirius that had racing at it's base for fun activity. At the time, racing was popular and people were excited about it. It took me some time to perfect the sport, But it's pretty nice.
If I can kindly ask you to read my lore about AFC, that would explain pretty much who and what AFC is to you. It was already tough enough to bring it to words for a nice write-up, so I would appreciate you guys actually reading my work.

Your regard to the bounty thing is already pretty much able to happen. Since A/) and AFC shoot eachother, that already happens.
Hell... Outcasts ran to Barrier Gate Station with cardi and I had ran after them at one point.
it happens all the time.... well not all the time becasue FL bases are usually remote.... but yeah.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 03:53 PM)sindroms Wrote: Yes, there is no doubt about it - it was a huge mistake on our side to try and process these requests while we were suffering from a lack of active staff members. However it was a choice between doing so and attempting to keep the server functional and allowing things to pile up.

Really, all we can say at this point is a formal apology, but we are not going to take the full blame for this situation. We had, at that point, all faith in the community members involved that they would end up finding a way to figure out the situation at hand - much like any other group has done before and will no doubt do after. So needless to say we are rather surprised that the AFC and GMG are locked in a stalemate. Open up talks on an out of roleplay level, if you have to and figure it out on your own, I really doubt you need the involvement of server administrators for something that on hand seems so very trivial.

I suggest you read the RP first before telling me I can so easily open up RP again to talk things over.
I highly doubt it's going to happen.

Also, I am fully capable normally to do this type of RP as I have recently done with Hogosha. It's the other side that will be troublesome.
They want to administer the base. We dont want them to administer the base. If AFC were not Administering it, then the GMG would be.

Your welcome. ^^
I promise i will be a good administrator. Angel

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

Let's actually open up the topic of what can Administrators of a base actually do, ok?
It seems we are not having a clear picture here.

So becasue I do not have FR-whatevers, the Administration would only happen when AFC pilots would be in game at the location.
We can inRule and inRP shoot using bounty boards as rule cover for it, just how others have done it before. Easiest scenario would be an outcast in the area and us shooting him. Very simple.

The AFC have some pretty 'lax laws too.... As I stated before, what can we do that already we have not done in one form or another?
Our job at the Newport base is to protect the base from intrusion. We wont be able to stop people from docking, but we can have an RP presence there.

If a Freelancer has problems for instance to dock, they can call us and we can help them to dock normally. GMG is who we are defending from atm. InRP we are on the defensive at this point, and asking for corsairs for some aid. We dont want to be the first to shoot here.

Please someone tell me.... what is it you are afraid I can do?

i caped this so that you can see it....

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Altejago - 01-05-2017

I don't think it's a matter of what you can do, it's a matter of what you are and aren't allowed to do. Foremost, claim on a universally used base belonging to a neutral group and turning it away from that basis. It's not an AFC base, so anyone can use it and will. GMG are simply enforcing their soveriegn right of the area to prohibit docking without FR5 whilst you are a bunch of drugged racers who think you have a leg to stand on.

Simply put, you're batting way out of your field.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Divine - 01-05-2017

The issue with all of this is that you don't actually administrate Newport on an ooc-basis, but rather inRP. It's a bad choice of wording to call it Administration, the 101st been there and I honestly can tell you that rewording your claim is the easiest way to avoid further discussion about all of this. Which brings us to the next point, it's rather an inRP claim over parts or a majority of the station than actually an administrating of the whole installation. For reference look at the Wall Street infocard.
Corsica Sanctum was like that for all it's time and we even had official laws that stated restricted access to the base, which ofc didn't include any properly ID'd and IFF'd ships for obvious reasons (and before anyone brings up the situation with the Lance that actually started the first OC-war - they literally begged to be shot at with their behaviour).

//Edit: Other than that, restricting access to Newport to ships hostile to the AFC, but otherwise able to dock, isn't what you can do and you shouldn't even try. As mentioned before, inhabiting a larger part of the station, even up to close to all of it, is alright but it needs to leave breathing room for others as well.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 04:45 PM)Altejago Wrote: I don't think it's a matter of what you can do, it's a matter of what you are and aren't allowed to do. Foremost, claim on a universally used base belonging to a neutral group and turning it away from that basis. It's not an AFC base, so anyone can use it and will. GMG are simply enforcing their soveriegn right of the area to prohibit docking without FR5 whilst you are a bunch of drugged racers who think you have a leg to stand on.

Simply put, you're batting way out of your field.

Simply put, you have not read my lore enough if not at all. No one would still call us drugged racers if they read our lore. Thanks for the snipe. I love it every time.
I am going to ignore you, becasue your don't even care to be informed about AFC to then make your judgement after.
I suggest you read, becasue I cannot and further will not talk to people that dont know anything about my faction and then start shooting snipes at me.

(01-05-2017, 04:46 PM)Divine Wrote: The issue with all of this is that you don't actually administrate Newport on an ooc-basis, but rather inRP. It's a bad choice of wording to call it Administration, the 101st been there and I honestly can tell you that rewording your claim is the easiest way to avoid further discussion about all of this. Which brings us to the next point, it's rather an inRP claim over parts or a majority of the station than actually an administrating of the whole installation. For reference look at the Wall Street infocard.
Corsica Sanctum was like that for all it's time and we even had official laws that stated restricted access to the base, which ofc didn't include any properly ID'd and IFF'd ships for obvious reasons (and before anyone brings up the situation with the Lance that actually started the first OC-war - they literally begged to be shot at with their behaviour).

//Edit: Other than that, restricting access to Newport to ships hostile to the AFC, but otherwise able to dock, isn't what you can do and you shouldn't even try. As mentioned before, inhabiting a larger part of the station, even up to close to all of it, is alright, but it needs to leave breathing room for others as well.

Thank you for the constructive criticism. Like legit, thank you.
First of all, yeah maybe I should change the wording. I have to say though that no one has acted as administrator of that base besides me. At a time now that Freelancers are being threatened, someone has to rise up that is qualified in order to organise something together. Im further on at this position than any other 'freelancer based' group as I have done several RPs for it and took my time to set up.

We have also already been 'sharing' the base with others such as Seraphim. I posted a link for anyone to look at it.

I would ask what should I change the word to? I can say AFC has a larger presence there, and I dont have much issues with sharing as long as someone really doesnt try to block me off by doing so.

To ask, please elaborate why I cannot set up to fire at someone I do not want to see around the station?
The people I'd be targeting would be the same as who we have already always been targeting, so I dont understand the issue here.
Please elaborate, becasue I appreciate your critique and would like you to explain a little further.