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Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Printable Version

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RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-18-2016

- You'll have a chance now... - she slowed down and fell behind Sean before crouching, with her look stuck in the grass. She reached out to the ground, and after a moment she raised her hand again, with a bug on it. it did not differ much from an ant, except for the fact that it was fluorescent. Flora was looking at it with fascination, complety forgetting about Sean's presence.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-18-2016

After making several more steps Sean noticed that Flora wasn't following. He stopped and turned to her sideways, looking at and the item she was holding. With the darkness around it was not hard to notice that said item was shining. Though he have noticed the fascination with which Flora was looking at the thing so he only made a couple of steps closer to see what exactly is she holding, while keeping some distance away from her and remaining quiet.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-18-2016

The bug was larger than a normal ant, around four centimeters long. It had a large, shining abdomen and a pair of long antennae. The head was small and did not posses any kind of visible mandibles. it didn't move except for the antennaes that were carefully probing Flora's hand. After making a more or less full circle around they then proceeded to survey the air. Flora, as before, did not pay attention to anything except the creature she was holding.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-19-2016

Rather then observing the bug Sean found it much more amusing to observe Flora. Her quick shift from the discussion to a completely separate thing, as well as the ammount of attention she put into it called in a wide smile on his face. With a few soundless steps he got to her side and crouched as well, trying to fake out the same expression as Flora did while looking at the bug.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-19-2016

She was silently observing the ant as it finally made a few hesitant steps along her arm. it then stopped, repeating the circle with it's antennae. Flora gently switched from crouching to kneeling. She seemed to not notice Sean right next to her, instead slightly rolling her hand, with her look stuck on her discovery. She then tilt her head a little as the bug siwftly walked in the direction opposite, trying to not fall off her arm.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-19-2016

- When I see you like that I get the feeling that this is what you have been doing your entire life. - Sean finally whispered from impatience that have been building up in him because of silence, as well as the chill that has already started getting through on him, causing bursts of short shivering to him.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-19-2016

- Well, that's what I have been doing my entire life. Well, except a few years. - the bug suddenly jumped off her arm, into the grass. - And what I'd love to do for the rest of it. - she got up, pulling her hand back under the jerkin, smiling a little under the mask. - Let's go. I bet the temperature isn't too pleasant for you.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-19-2016

- Yeah. - he also stood up and chuckled - Though that was a very interesting view. You seem to be treating this very... - thoughtfuly he looked in the sky - Close. Is there any reason why are you so into nature? - with a curious expression he returned his look to her.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 01-19-2016

- I find it fascinating. I suppose spending my childhood in Cambridge's woods contributed to that a lot. I loved... I still love to run around and look at, watch, learn about things. Just... Think of the concept of life itself. Like, us, humans. We're basically a pile of carbon and other stuff mixed with water. Just throwing all the things into the lake is not going to create life, and yet... And yet we're here, we feel, understand, we are aware of ourselves. Add to that the simple fact that almost every world had it's own way of achieving that, with different elements, processes and conditions behind it... - she paused for a moment, taking a breath. - That's why I'm into nature. I like to learn how it all came to be, how it all functions and gets along.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 01-19-2016

- Hmm... - Sean's look turned slightly distant - Your speech sounds so hopeful, I almost forgot that the questions I bother with can not be answered with it.