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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-22-2006

Aknowleged! I shall proceed To kill this interloper of Freedom at once!

Lance Schmetterling Out
For the Chancellor!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 12-22-2006

Lt. Hoffstetter reporting acknowledgement of the destruction of said '-=Hellfire=-'. On sighting I will destroy this interloper.

Hoffstetter out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 12-23-2006

Comm. ID: Nickolaus Reinhardt

I'm proud to report the newest addition to our fleet; the completed, and fully battle-ready, Alzette. My flagship. Its first mission against the Corsairs left a huge wake of destruction with no casualties on our end. With this kind of firepower, our enemies' destruction is assured!

Black box images:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-23-2006

Ahhhhh, It touches my Heart to see the Wrath of the Chancellor focus into such a beautifly and powerful machine!

May Rheinland's enemies fall before us!

L Schmetterling Out
For the Chancellor!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 12-24-2006

Begin Report:

Several vessels scanned.

After talking with admiral krieg, any vessels tagged as TBF are to be destroyed on sight in rheinland.

Reasons: refusing to wait for a scan, refusing to reveal location, refusing to leave when asked.

So much for being 'neutral' traders.

No other items to report,

Report Ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 12-24-2006

General transmission_
Comm. ID: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Head Admiral

No AW forces are not allowed in Rheinland. Their part in loss of our chancellor, the near death of the esteemed Admiral Krieg, the support of known pirates, namely HF and, possibly, Helghast, has forced my hand.

NO AW vessel is allowed in Rheinland from here on out. Any AW vessel found in Rheinland is to be given a 10 second head start out.

End transmission_

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 12-24-2006

roger the 10 second start.

Hoffstetter out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nightfall - 12-26-2006

TO: Rheinland Military Command
ID: Lt. Walter 'BlauMax' Nowotny

I met a better pilot than myself, IFF Transponder ID: Corsairs - Hammer, Vessel: Slipstream Light Fighter, he is to be put on KOS list for repeated attacks, multiple attempts at piracy and destruction of Rhenland property.
I'll be in the combat flight simulator.

Nowotny, out!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 12-27-2006

Begin Report:

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that no-one seems to take the RM seriously anymore.

Unknown vessel, ID'd as -=GURVAN=- ignored two hails for it to proceed to planet NB for inspection and then vanished (read: logged off). A $2 million fine has been placed on this vessel.

A Large train sporting the ID HNS_LeopardClaw ignored hails to proceed to planet NB for inspection, failed to pay the fine when encountered again, ran away, made threats, insulted both myself and the RM and then jumped back to sigma 13.

I am declaring this ship to be hostile to all RM, and I am placing a bounty of $8 million on it, unless it pays the fine.

The blackbox recordings below detail the entire conversation:

[attachmentid=1094] [attachmentid=1095] [attachmentid=1096] [attachmentid=1097]

[attachmentid=1098] [attachmentid=1099] [attachmentid=1100] [attachmentid=1101]


Report Ends:


This is getting annoying, and stupid, a level 64 large train refusing to pay a $2 mil fine is petty.

We need to do something so that people stop ignoring RM requests and directives, like shooting after one warning or something.

I'm open to ideas here, but we definaely need to do something to get people to do as asked. The RM's hostile list is longer then most other factions member lists, as for the fined list... Well lets just say you could probably buy then equip and outfit a BS with the unpaid fines we're owed.

I'm not asking the admins to help, but someway of getting the money off those who owe us would be nice.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 12-27-2006

VOID player, guaranteed.

Marauder, maybe you should type faster. LOL. Anyway, we do need to do something about this..