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[SIS] - Intelligence Database - Printable Version

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RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - JonasHudson - 10-29-2020

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[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: SIS Defense Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Status Debrief
[Encryption]: High

This report is to brief HQ on what happened to me over the last 20 months or so since I was last in service. As of September 826 A.S. I fled the Leeds System after the planet surface was destroyed. I had been putting a great deal of hours in evacuating refugees and bringing in any useful materials to the main Resistance base on the surface. I had also been engaged in initial preparations for constructing my own sub-terranean bunker base over the 3 months prior to the orbital bombardment. I had moved in a great deal of military salvage, arms and personnel, all of which were lost. I aborted all activities on the surface as of the first day of the bombardment and let the remainder of refugee evacuations be carried out by civilian vessels. My priority was to evacuate all LRF crews and refugees still in space, including that of our base hidden in the West Leeds Smog Cloud. Up until that point, my LRF privateer unit had evacuated tens of thousands of refugees over a period of months. I had a liner in operation shipping refugees out to Planet Cambridge.

I then sent all LRF ships out of the system, destroyed the base and fled to the Taus. I went to ground until word came of exactly how the war zone had shifted. I had surrendered my comms access to the SIS and had no word on how many agents were still active. I then moved my operations to Tau-29 and reorganized my assets. I built a small base that I used to outfit a small pirate fleet, and smuggle goods. I had planned to continue my own campaign against the Royalists remnant in the ‘Enclave’. Sadly supply lines dried up and I abandoned the idea shortly thereafter. The base was evacuated and lost. I then bounced between Leeds and the Taus for months, remaining grounded for weeks at a time when there was little Enclave activity to cash in on.

Recent Activity:

Recently I picked up on a surge in transport traffic between the Edinburgh system and the Gallic system of Languedoc. It seems that Planet Quillan has recently been captured by Enclave forces, and that they exploited the chaotic movements of Kusari’s invading fleet. This now leaves them with a foothold in Gallia once again. I decided to harass the trade ships, which were all hauling generic siege goods from the direction of Quillan, all the way to Issoudun Shipyard in Edinburgh. They were hauling mass amounts of evacuees back out towards Quillan. However, my overall impact was limited due to my limited manpower and ships available to me.

I succeeded in extorting small sums of credits from most supply vessels I caught, with one exception of a tough EFL transport that managed to flee me twice. I went back a third time, which was my mistake, and they were backed up by defending vessels, who wrote off my transort for a while. On that note, as enclosed in my scans, it appears that a variety of independent entities are assisting the Enclave. Most noteworthy was the presence of a Technocracy of Auxo vessel that engaged me in defense of Enclave/Gallic ships. They were also supplied by various independent ALG ships.

I also sent a general warning to locals in Edinburgh about a Gallic ship that had taken up position inside the Islay Nebula. In general, these recent developments indicate that the Enclave is shifting its forces around and trying to maintain the initiative in Edinburgh, despite a great deal of their fleet now being seen in the vicinity of Planet Quillan. The fact that they are evacuating citizens may mean they are weary of their stance in Edinburgh, and the siege goods may be an attempt to reinforce their holdings despite their relocated fleet. I think we should keep up the pressure on them all we can, and I will continue to monitor their movements.


If the BAF decide to try to exploit the situation, with a couple of more ships diverted to the area, we could easily harass the enemy behind their lines in conjunction with any fleet operations.

I’ve decided to base out of Planet Harris for the time being, and await further orders.

Standing by,
Hudson out.

Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia

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RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - JonasHudson - 12-24-2020

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[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: SIS; Defense Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Status Update
[Encryption]: High

Hudson here transmitting with an update on the situation in the Edinburgh System.

I'm pleased to confirm that Enclave forces have withdrawn from the system, and have abandoned Planet Gaia. The last of the Bretonian fleet has pulled back to consolidate in safer territory, and I have only returned to the system in my old Armored Transport to make landfall on Gaia. I've taken a small crew to reconnoiter a bit of the remaining settlements. I’ll try to assess the situation here and keep an eye on things as they develop.

If we’re unable to maintain a police or military presence on the planet we should try to keep up our observation of the area and brace for possible aggression from local Gaian terrorists against remaining civilians.

There is also the issue of a large population of lingering Gallic citizens and former Leeds citizenry. The latter is rumored to be largely split between POW’s and collaborators that were evacuated from Leeds in its final days. We should consider trying to vet high level collaborators for ‘forced extraction’ operations to retrieve them for trial back in Bretonia. We may also do well to consider a mission to liberate any POW’s that have been kept by Enclave refugees as slaves. The situation on the surface is likely to be a near lawless mess for some time. If the fleet can’t keep criminal groups like the Molly’s or Gaians from rising in influence out here, we can always resort to other, more technologically precise means, to prevent any one party from gaining too much power.

I’ll be in and out of Gaia for the time being if needed.


Standing by,
Hudson out.

Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia

....signal cut....

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Secret Intelligence Service - 07-02-2022

[Image: SIS_logo_perfect_1.png]

To All Former and Remaining Intelligence Officers

This is to inform you that the Secret Intelligence Service is being reformed by order of the Bretonian Government. The last Director has returned and agreed to take up his previous position once more. While many have disappeared or retired, we seek those who still remain in Sirius and who wish to resume their duties to respond to this message when they are able.

The Service is currently being restructured according to the means the House has at it's disposal and any surviving agents are asked to make their way back to Bretonia.

[Image: 8f88efcbe8f49c2e98bd7827c9ede4dd.png]

Director of Her Majesties Secret Intelligence Service

[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Agent Zackery Statham - 07-05-2022

Agent Zachary Statham reporting,

I wondered and feared I might live to see this day, unfortunately in the time since The Service went quiet I have picked up another job. Something to pass the time if you will with a former asset of The Service. However I am sure once I speak to my employer he will be more than happy to relinquish my services. Especially when he understands why.

I'll be in touch Director.
[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Victor Steiner - 08-22-2022

Location: Planet Cambridge
Agent J. Skirka
To: SIS Control

After making my return trip through Kusari I had the pleasure of encountering a couple members of the Shimamori-clan in Kyushu. While our conversation was civil, almost friendly in fact, I regret to inform the Directors that they are also on friendly terms with Auxesia, or the Technocracy of Auxo to be more precise. This does call into question a few things regarding the alliance between Bretonia and Kusari, while that is not our concern specifically, it does mean we cannot trust the Shimamori-clan with any degree of certainty.

I reccomend reconnecting with the Blood dragons and possibly the GCs as well for future relations with the Kusari underworld.


Transmission Terminated

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Caliban - 08-24-2022

[Image: edx55lO.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Dexter "Caliban" Wright
SUBJECT: Isfrael - Suspect Entry

MESSAGE ORIGIN: Sunderland Research Station, Newcastle System

I'm sending this report some time after the initial encounter with this former Oracle I've caught idling in front of the research site in Newcastle.

Oracles are known Nomad Sympathizers, as such should be dealt with accordingly. Much more than that, he was seen actively exchanging words with one of the more dangerous Nomad entities with a cordial attitude towards them. For some reason he disclosed how he'd want to talk with the Director.

Attaching blackbox recording below.

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Victor Steiner - 08-25-2022

Location: Perth Station, Edinburgh.
Agent J. Skirka
To: SIS Control

A most eventful day today that quite honestly has taken me by surprise for the sheer number of developments. First and foremost is the encounters that were had in the Edinburgh system, particularly with the Oracle Agent Wright mentioned a few days ago. As a result of his being in a restricted zone and more than a few alarming indicators about one of our own I have placed him under arrest and transferred him to our facility on New London where he is awaiting interrogation.

In addition I also encountered a Madame Emilie-Sophie de Belmont, Gallic Royal Navy. I had an unusually cordial conversation with her and I believe, if one plays their hand right, she might be able to be turned to our side. Although I don't hold much hope given her....jaded outlook on life. Nevertheless I will pursue this line of inquiry all the same.

Following from these encountered I briefly observed Belmont talking to a pirate before being joined by Agent Derek Trowne in the Orkney system where we proceeded into the Tau-61 system. This comes from the Kusarians mentioning reports of strange ships in the region, however we encountered an drone flying Auxesian colours and two inidentified ships that were polite, but cold. I engaged all three in rigorous conversation while Agent Trowne mapped the system to the best of his ability.

The southern cloud is to be avoided if at all possible.


RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Victor Steiner - 08-30-2022

Director Victor Steiner
To: SIS Control

This is a record of events that took place on the 29th of August in the systems of Baffin, Coronado and Newcastle. It concerns members of the SIS, Auxesia, Nomads and Kusari intelligence. Henceforth this record is sealed and is not to be shared, copied or otherwise interfered with.

Following on from events in Kusari where an impromptu meeting with members of the KNI took place in the Kyushu system and from events that took place in Edinburgh with Agent Skirka I decided to launch an investigation into these seemingly related matters. The obvious threat that Auxesia and certain members of that organization present was the reasoning for this investigation, however events have now quickly spiraled out of control and taken a far larger frame of reference than I previously thought possible.

While agent Skirka continues his own investigation into the Oracle known as Israfel my own investigation has led me to the individual known as 'Revenant', formerly known as 'Sapphire Raven'. This comes as an unclear and frankly unwelcomed connection between her and our own operative 'Caliban' has become increasingly apparent. Accusations made by both individuals contradict one another on a number of levels, but there many similarities in their stories. More disturbingly, there is now cause to doubt the reliability of Caliban as well as his loyalty to the Crown, his state of mind, his past (which he himself claims to not remember) and his intentions toward Sunderland and the Nomad City. These factors leave not just the Service in a precarious position, but also my own position as Director.

Yesterday, for reasons I am still unaware of, I was contacted by Sapphire Raven and asked to meet her alone in the Baffin system to get some much needed information concerning these recent events. Her conversation was many things, but enlightening is not the first word that comes to mind. It would appear there is a personal connection between her and Caliban, although to my knowledge he has never denied this, she has also decided to wage a one woman crusade against what she describes as 'sentinels'. A more powerful variation of nomad that was discovered somewhere in the edge worlds. She also claims to have knowledge of various 'anomalies' that serve as doorways to these creatures. The conversation is attached below, it offers a better explanation that I could.

In regards to Caliban, his insistence on being posted to Sunderland, his knowledge of these creatures and his unclear background are grounds enough for me to consider him compromised, yet the accusations leveled at him are the same he leveled at Raven and Auxesia and while his ability to act within our mandate is now being called into question, the reality of this sorry state of affairs is we do not know any better about Raven. We are being forced to take words of faith from individuals who are at best mentally unwell and at worst, insane. Furthermore neither have any references we judge to be reliable and we have no knowledge as to whether either of them are infected at all. There will no doubt be questions about why he was allowed to enter into the employ of the SIS in the first place. The reasoning was simple, he believed he was capable of removing the Nomad City from Bretonia. There was reason enough for me to believe that he could do it at the time and considering how long that city has plagued our house, I believed it to be worth the risk. I have yet to make up my mind with any degree of certainty and a meeting between my deputy Directors will take place later this afternoon to make a verdict. Thus far I do not believe the city to be compromised in any way, the security teams on Sunderland report nothing out of the ordinary.

Finally we have been contacted by one 'Alice Dee' an agent of the Overseer branch of the BIS. Nothing is known about this individual yet save that they have also been operating within Kusari and have an unusual interest in our activities. Agents are strongly advised to be wary about the Overseers as there is every likelihood they may try to sell our operations out.


RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Secret Intelligence Service - 08-30-2022

[Image: SIS_logo_perfect_1.png]

To Intelligence Officers

Recent events with Kusari as well as developments within Bretonia have caused the Directorate to reconsider it's position toward Kusari. Effective Immediately, all operations within the House of Kusari and it's borderworlds are ordered Terminated. All Officers within Kusari are ordered to report back to Cambridge before Friday this week.

Failure to comply will result in disownment

[Image: 8f88efcbe8f49c2e98bd7827c9ede4dd.png]

Director of Her Majesties Secret Intelligence Service

[Image: m85lB37.png]

RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - JamesRobinson - 11-18-2022

The next time Director Steiner logged into his neural net account, he would notice a new message had been ghosted into the top secret folder. The message would contain no body and have an embedded file named “Field_Report-Oct-29-826”. When opened, the file would prompt him to enter a decryption key. The key would be one used only between Director Steiner and one of his officers used for undercover reports three years prior.

Once Director Steiner input the decryption key and opened the file an audio file would appear on his screen, paused at zero. When played, a voice, familiar to Director Steiner, although more tired and world-weary than the last time he heard it, would begin to speak.

“Listen up because I’m only going to say this once, in the very literal sense. I hear I’m still dead to the world and I want to keep it that way a little longer. But if you’ve opened the file and worked out the decryption key then you know it is already. Before I start, I don’t owe you or anyone an explanation, but I’ll give you enough information to check with your sources so you know it’s me and it’s genuine.”

“I was on my way back to Cambridge to file a report on a meeting with a Maquis informant over in Roussillon. On my way back through Leeds I came across a humanitarian convoy. They were airlifting refugees out of what was left of Planet Leeds at the time. The frogs came out of nowhere and started attacking the convoy. I bought time for the refugees to escape but I couldn’t hold it together. I ejected and expected to either burn up in the upper atmosphere or get outright spaced by the frogs.”

“Turns out they had other plans for me, guess they figured I had state secrets to spill. They tractored in my escape pod and shipped me off to a prison in the Picardy system. I spent nine months in a cell the size of my shoe. Sleep deprivation, torture, pharmaceutical interrogation, you name it, they did it. They even kept me in a well-lit room for a week blaring La Marseillais. Bloody song… but I want you to know I never broke. I kept my mouth shut until the end, I was ready to die to protect the Crown.”

“When the war turned against them and things started to collapse I waited for an opportunity. I was damned if I was going to die in that box. Once the fighting reached Picardy, a group of Maquis hit the station to rescue some of their comrades. They knew I wasn’t one of theirs but they took me anyway. From their base, I took a ride out of dodge on a transport. I’ve been living in the border worlds ever since.”

“I was out. I planned to stay that way. I’ve given more than most do into the service of the Crown. But I always kept my ear to the ground. Kept in touch with a select few of my most trusted contacts. I heard the Service was all but disbanded, you’d gone off the grid. A few months ago I started hearing things that were disturbing about the goings-on at home. At the same time, one of my sources said you’d finally resurfaced… which means that you’ve been hearing the same things I have. I won’t have our country led into a war on the whim of a bunch of power-hungry madmen.”
“One of these Outcast whizkids owed me a favor, he’s programmed this message to ping me when you open it - don’t bother trying to trace the origin, he’s figured out some way to mirror it back to you with no trace. Should offer him some work honestly… Anyway, three days from now, 23:00, Samarinda Bar, Planet Borneo. Come alone. I’ll find you. I see anyone else I’m gone for good… I’ve been out of the game but if what I’ve heard is right… you need people you can trust, and you’re one of the few I trust.”

“This message is going to auto-delete now. 3 days. Samarinda Bar”