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Discovery Mining Guide - Printable Version

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RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Helo - 12-23-2023

Look around few pages back. People have already posted ore locations and other stuff. Or you can use flcompanion map. It's all about motivation and not waiting to be given things on silver plate.

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Vulkhard Muller - 12-26-2023

Alright, two cans of Monster, ADHD meds, and more time than I probably should have spent later. I have updated all of this to the best of my abilities with the resources I have available. I certainly hope that this is at least somewhat helpful to others / any one working on updating this guide.

Discovery Mining Guide - Part I


Welcome to the wonderful world of mining within the Discovery Mod. This guide serves as the latest version of the tutorial designed to inform new and existing players about the changes made by Cannon’s Mining Mod implemented in March of 2011. Many changes were made from 4.8.77 to 4.88.1 and then, even more, changes were made to where we are now - 4.91.0 Patch 8

This tutorial was made to help newer or even older players. If something seems off post a message here or below.

- - Content

• Part I: Introduction & Setup
Part II: Mining Plugin Details

Mining Requirements:

- Ship which can mount a Mining Laser (Listed Below)
- An ID That can Mine (Listed Below)
- Caution: Only mining turrets are effective for mining. Other weapons are useless for mining operations.


Each Faction can only mine with certain ships, it is important to make sure that the ID you choose is compatible with the ship in order to guarantee mining.

As of Patch 5.0:

(09-16-2023, 09:10 PM)Haste Wrote: Mining Arrays:

Arrays will now be mounted in a ship’s cruise disruptor slot, meaning you retain a full set of weapons while mining. This does mean you will only receive drops for one array hitting rocks at a time, and we are reevaluating field drop rates accordingly.

Deployable Mining Container:

The mining container is a commodity that can be purchased from most stations. Dropping it while in a mining field will deploy a storage depot. Mining with the depot selected will store up to 2,500 volume of mined goods inside it; if this is exceeded, the goods will be jettisoned into space.

In this sense, the depot primarily works to reduce clutter by consolidating dropped ore, considerably reducing strain on the server. Destroying the depot will drop the Mining Container commodity, and any items still stored inside it. The depot will despawn on its own if you leave the system or log off.

As a result of this change, if a player has dropped more than 25 free-floating containers of cargo in space, they will begin to despawn every 7 minutes. This is intended to further limit strain on the server.

Mining IDs are specific IDs that allow you to mine. Some companies specialize in mining. Finally, some quasi-lawful and unlawful groups have the ability to mine select ores. All IDs must be used in tandem with their matching IFF, except in the case of the Freelancer ID, which may use any IFF (or none at all). Here is a run-down of all the factions available:

Mining Turrets As of Patch 5.0 All mining lasers have been grouped into the single special equipment "Mining Laser".

The Mining Laser operate by adding ore to your cargo hold when it strikes and destroys a floating chunk of ore when near Ore Bouys.

Mining Ships when used with a compatible ID can provide extra drop-rate from mining fields. Not all mining ships can get a bonus on every mining ID, so check Part II of the guide for a detailed list of which IDs provide a bonus with which ships and for which ores.

Mining and Transportation

Follow the above instructions? Great! You’re on track to becoming the next richest person in Sirius! Now, you’ll need to know where to mine, and where to bring it to once you’ve mined it.

Mining fields can be found by checking your map - open your map by hitting the F7 key (by default) or the map icon in the top right. There will often be large exclusion zones that when hovering over will read "Mining Zone" or something similar. When entering a zone, there will also be text that is displayed that will read "Entering Mining Zone" or something similar.

You can only gain ore while inside these fields, and ore will only drop from the small floating rocks, not the larger stationary ones. If you are not gaining any ore from the field, it is possible that:

- You’re not in a mining field: most mining fields are spheres, and it is possible that you’re above or below the field by a small amount. Set a waypoint if you’re worried this is the case.
- You are not capable of mining the ore effectively. Make sure your ID, IFF, ship, and turret all match what is required to mine that specific type of ore. For example, the “Sabre” VHF with Flashpoints is not going to be an effective mining craft.
- The field isn’t active. This is a rarity, but some fields in Discovery are turned off, either for balance purposes or due to their superfluousness.
- You have another ship selected, and are filling it, instead of your own hold. CTRL+T, by default, will de-select the current target.

If all else fails, contact other players in the field, players of any of the official mining factions, or post a reply in this thread. There will always be people willing to help you out.

Beginner Mining

There are 4 Beginner commodities that can easily be mined by anyone: Toxic Waste, Helium, Scrap Metal, and Hydrocarbons.

Beginner Mining: Helium

The Helium field in Pennsylvania (sector C5/C6) is specifically tuned for newer players who're just starting out and don't yet have access to larger transports that'd make longer routes worthwhile. Helium can be mined on any freighter or transport that can mount a Mining Laser.

Beginner Mining: Scrap Metal

Scrap Metal can be found across Sirius in dense fields of industrial waste.
Note: While this commodity can also be mined and sold to NPC Stations, there are player owned bases that may buy the material for more for use in refining. Below are top 3 NPC bases, Player Owned Base prices may vary.

Beginner Mining: Toxic Waste

Toxic Waste, while not as common as Scrap Metal can also be found across Sirius in small fields of industrial waste Leeds has the highest concentration and most accessible fields of Toxic Waste.
Note: While this commodity can be mined and sold to NPC Stations, there are player owned bases that may buy the material for more for use in refining. Below are top 3 NPC bases, Player Owned Base prices may vary.

Have Problems or Questions?

Ask a nearby miner or an online [Staff] member for help. If neither of those options are available, feel free to leave a post in this thread and someone will be more than happy to get back to you with assistance.

This tutorial was made to help newer or even older players. If something seems off post a message here or below.

Updated: 12/25/23

Discovery Mining Guide - Part II
Updated for 4.95.4

Standard Ore Mining

Active Mining Routes:

Active Mining Bonuses:

Low-Tier Mining

Unlike normal ores, low-tier mining fields have much faster droprates, shorter travel distance to their main sellpoint, but also lower overall profit. These fields are more suited for a side-activity and a change of pace, or ships with smaller cargosize that can't maximize their profit from proper ore runs yet. Routes with these commodities usually stay in the same region and can be a good midrange option between trading normal cargo and hauling actual ores.

Have Problems or Questions?

Ask a nearby miner or an online [Staff] member for help. If neither of those options are available, feel free to leave a post in this thread and someone will be more than happy to get back to you with assistance.

This tutorial was originally made by @AeternusDoleo and updated by @Connor . Additions and edits made by @Wildkins with help from @jammi and @Karst’s ore calculation spreadsheet and the in-game files, as well as feedback from @Jack_Henderson. Further edits and updates done by @Laz, @Dino @Venkman, @Rantari, @xiphos, @Ash, @Squad, @aerelm

Updated: 2/4/22

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Couden - 12-26-2023

Uncharted ores should be included as well

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - StellarViss - 12-26-2023

The mining guide is still prepatch.

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Vulkhard Muller - 12-26-2023

(12-26-2023, 10:01 AM)Couden Wrote: Uncharted ores should be included as well

I actually have no knowledge of these, as I stated I only did what I has access to.

(12-26-2023, 11:28 AM)StellarViss Wrote: The mining guide is still prepatch.

Yeah, until all the changes have been finalized I think its going to stay that way but that would have to be a Staff decision

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Czechmate - 01-03-2024

There are no fences for Ore? So cargo pirating miners is now useless?

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - LuckyOne - 01-03-2024

It's not useless if your faction has a POB that can be used to refine the ore. I'd say it can be slightly more efficient than mining it yourself, assuming you can pirate someone faster than you could mine it on your own.

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Czechmate - 01-04-2024

(01-03-2024, 05:50 PM)LuckyOne Wrote: It's not useless if your faction has a POB that can be used to refine the ore. I'd say it can be slightly more efficient than mining it yourself, assuming you can pirate someone faster than you could mine it on your own.
Right, so for miner cargo piracy I need to build and maintain a PoB with a refinery nearby, for ore I cannot mine myself, prevent it from being sieged and keep constantly ore pirating miners who won't log off when they see me do it?

Wouldn't setting a fence where unlawful can sell simpler?

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Kauket - 01-04-2024

(01-04-2024, 07:09 AM)Czechmate Wrote:
(01-03-2024, 05:50 PM)LuckyOne Wrote: It's not useless if your faction has a POB that can be used to refine the ore. I'd say it can be slightly more efficient than mining it yourself, assuming you can pirate someone faster than you could mine it on your own.
Right, so for miner cargo piracy I need to build and maintain a PoB with a refinery nearby, for ore I cannot mine myself, prevent it from being sieged and keep constantly ore pirating miners who won't log off when they see me do it?

Wouldn't setting a fence where unlawful can sell simpler?

You can also pirate the people who haul the HRC refined metals away from the base. But I guess you could sell the ore to a competing groups pob (ie a junker that competes against the other mining group) if they accept cash or if the rep is appropriate.

RE: Discovery Mining Guide - Redline.Inc - 03-07-2024

(10-21-2023, 09:54 PM)Chenzo- Wrote: The Serenety 3600 ship no longer has mining capability, so what's next?

The Dunlin Retrofit Explorer can mine. 2435 cargo, 12 turrets and a cruiser shield upgrade.
About the biggest cargo that can mine now, I think.