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Want to Start developing? - Printable Version

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Want to Start developing? - TheKaos - 04-18-2010

Hello there modding guys , i read this topic and heard good things , people are very good in what they do around here.
I'd have a question for you guys : Is there any limit of polygons that Freelancer can load into a system ?

Reason:I want to make a concept-mod for freelancer , and make it closter to realism:more exactly a more realistic-sized planet , because i think it's a stupid idea that a planet's habitants are controlled.I want to make a planet that will not be docked , as instead it will be "landed" and survolated , bases to be docked on ground , allows the player to explore the caves and underground tunnels of the planet to find unlawful bases , something like that , an explorer's utopia with many thing to look at.

Another problem that might be an impediment would be the planet's texture because it neeeds to be BIG , i already ahve a 5000x2500 texture for planet earth , but i estimate it is not enough yet , and you will end up survolating over squares (pixels of the texture).

Well now i'm in the 12th grade at high school and there's lots of exams coming and i don't have time to start the project but if i find good advices from you guys , once i start , you will be the first guys to see it.

Want to Start developing? - Seth Karlo - 04-25-2010

You can make any model for the bit you land at. If you want to make an area you can fly around as a planet's 'surface', it is possible, you just need a large CMP model. My advice to you is to attempt to make it and then you'll need to add it in as a new system.

This can then be linked to 'docking' at a planet easily enough.

As to limits, the limit is dependant on each persons system. I have witnessed first hand objects in Freelancer that are 200k polygons.


Want to Start developing? - flamingstar - 04-30-2010

Please teach me how to create ships. Pwetty please

Want to Start developing? - Luis - 04-30-2010

' Wrote:Please teach me how to create ships. Pwetty please

Best Way to start are these Programs:
Metaseqouia Version:2.4
Google Sketch

Choose one of them, or the best one you feel moree confortable with.

Good luck and I hope to see your talents bloom!


Want to Start developing? - voltlight - 05-09-2010

Just a simple question, is Milk Shape 3D required for any part of the creation of a ship?^^;

I hate it, and would prefer if I could just stick to 3DS.^^

Want to Start developing? - DartStriker - 05-09-2010

' Wrote:Just a simple question, is Milk Shape 3D required for any part of the creation of a ship?^^;

I hate it, and would prefer if I could just stick to 3DS.^^

At the moment Milkshape 3d is the cheapest and easiest way to finish models. You can get CMP exporters and importers for 3ds but I think they cost like two or three hundred dollars.

Want to Start developing? - Moneybags - 05-29-2010

Yesh.... I have question.

How do you
1. Add NPC factions
2. Change the Rep of NPC factions toward each other
3. Designate what ship the NPC faction should be flying

Oh yea... and please tell me there is an easier way than editing the mods 'initialworld' folder. If thats the only known way, then if I could get a translation for the abrv. faction names.

Thanks in advance

Want to Start developing? - Seth Karlo - 05-29-2010

Woah. Heavy modding!

To add a NPC faction is incredibly complicated, and would require me to type for quite a while. A good way to go about it (And how Disco did it) is instead of making a new one, using one of the NPC factions created for the SP campaign and never used for Multiplayer.

Relationships are changed by an INI in DATA/Missions I believe. It's called Empathy.ini

Freelancer works instead of what ship a faction is flying, it's what faction ships are assigned too. So, a patrol will exist of say 4 defenders, and it will be assigned to ln_n_grp (Liberty Navy). Look under Shipclasses.ini, Formations.ini, Factionprops.ini and npcships.ini.


Want to Start developing? - Moneybags - 05-29-2010

Ok... so then the following means...

group = li_n_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.040000
event = random_mission_success, 0.090000 (Rep that goes up during a mission)
event = random_mission_failure, -0.080000 (Reps that go down)
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.010000 (Same)
empathy_rate = li_lsf_grp, 0.300000 (Rep relation to LSF)
empathy_rate = li_p_grp, 0.300000
empathy_rate = br_n_grp, 0.100000
empathy_rate = br_p_grp, 0.100000
empathy_rate = ku_n_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = ku_p_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = rh_n_grp, -0.200000 (Rep relation to Rhinland Navy)
empathy_rate = rh_p_grp, -0.150000

Now this brings up more questions:

1. How much is -0.200000 on the regualar rep scale?
2. Where are the SP factions that I can make into new ones?

Want to Start developing? - Moneybags - 05-30-2010

Oh, and now I have another problem. When I first started modding, I did something simple (Took out Detroit Mulitwhatever in NY along with the trade lane) to test if it worked, and it did.
Now I added sevral systems around Gamma, and put a JH near outside Crete.
Well, when I undocked, FL crashed.

I used FL Explorer to modd it, and I used Ioncross to move my char over to Crete.
Any siguestions to why its crashing now?