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4.86 Model Issues - Printable Version

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4.86 Model Issues - Syrus - 03-10-2012

When flying the Arrastra and looking at an Uruz the Uruz' textures appear differently than they normally look: - normal textures. - while flying an Arrastra

The same happens when you fly the Uruz and look at an Arrastra, then the textures are both like on the Uruz: - Arrastra pilot looking at an Uruz - Uruz pilot looking at an Arrastra

Aet: Image links aren't working...

4.86 Model Issues - Ursus - 03-15-2012

Wraith thruster has a periodic glitch where part of will be replaced with a black rectangle.

[Image: wraith-thruster-bug-0.png]

Aet: Caused by that light hardpoint right under it. Moved the lightsource hardpoint to the top of the generator to fix this. Update 5.

4.86 Model Issues - Syrus - 03-15-2012

' Wrote:Wraith thruster has a periodic glitch where part of will be replaced with a black rectangle.
The thruster is still there, still visible. The "glitch" comes from the light "beneath" it, which is a bit behind the "end" of the thruster and as the light is a 2D effect, it only covers all but the rectangle-end of the thruster.

4.86 Model Issues - Swallow - 03-20-2012

Incorrect position of Rouge GS engine hardpoints.
Check coordinates, and make them symmetrical

Aet: Rouge GS? I'm assuming you mean the Liberty Rogue/Molly gunboat... Yep, Z axis isn't equal on both. Fixed, update 5.

4.86 Model Issues - Ursus - 03-22-2012

AD said camera bugs should be here so I am cross-referencing for his convenience.

Golem cameras

Rheinland Cruiser camera

Aet: Both sorted, update 5.

4.86 Model Issues - Syrus - 04-04-2012

The CR cruiser has a cruise sound for the standard engine sound, a start-cruise sound for restarting it and a turn-off-cruise sound for engine kill. This is extremly irritating.
character_start_sound = engine_cr_cruise_start
character_loop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_loop
engine_kill_sound = engine_ci_cruise_stop
Those need to be changed, they can't (or shouldn't) be cruise engine sounds!

++EDIT again:
I suggest using:
character_start_sound = engine_br_freighter_start
character_loop_sound = engine_br_freighter_loop
engine_kill_sound = engine_br_freighter_stop

Aet: Will use the more appropriate Pirate Freighter sounds, but the proper ones. Good catch.


The Rheinland Cruiser's HpRunningLight14 hardpoint needs to be turned around 180° horizontally. This is a very old bug, I just never found it necessary to report it. :O

Aet: Done, update 5.

4.86 Model Issues - Trogdor - 04-05-2012

Page 11 of this thread, post #104. The Nephilim light and texture bugs I mentioned are still there.

Additionally I PM'd Aet a while ago with a bug regarding the Hathor gunboat. Don't know if he got it. The lights on the rear fins on the underside of the ship are misaligned, it seems.

4.86 Model Issues - Echo 7-7 - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:Page 11 of this thread, post #104. The Nephilim light and texture bugs I mentioned are still there.

Additionally I PM'd Aet a while ago with a bug regarding the Hathor gunboat. Don't know if he got it. The lights on the rear fins on the underside of the ship are misaligned, it seems.

I noticed the same thing for the Pelican Armoured Transport and mentioned it in the Update 4 thread. Aet suggested re-buying the ship...

4.86 Model Issues - Syrus - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:The Uruz has a little texture bug at the lower tanks:
They are a bit off place, both on top and on bottom.
The lower end of the two bottom rows' tanks was fixed, but the upper end still has the off-place textures.

Aet: Considering that's barely visible, won't fix this.

4.86 Model Issues - Redirion - 04-05-2012

Liberator lighthardpoints inconsistency:

[Image: LPIberatorlights.png]

First Liberator was bought in 4.85, the other two with 4.86...

but all three are different and one is even broken (the one with only 5 lighthardpoints).

Aet: Not a bug. That Liberator with the shortage of lights somehow lost 2 lights at one point, or is using lights no longer assignable through Pimpship. In that case they won't show up in the config list. If this happens rebuy the ship, as it won't be fixable any other way. The light hardpoints MUST be assigned in the default ship package for Pimpship to be able to alter them. IE something has to be on them. If this is not the case report that as a loadout issue, it's easy to fix. Looks like this package was adjusted between 4.85 and 4.86, resulting in a different listing.