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Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SnakThree - 03-26-2011

Right. I wanna call someone of you so much desperate for blue message that it even can compete with so called LNS lolwhuts.

I just bought my Sabre. Class8 shield, 5 civilian guns (half way to setting up). Was with half of regens. But BHG| MUST shoot at me. Must chase me for 30 minutes. Must shoot me. Must chase me more. Must shoot mewhile I am attacked by two silent LN boats spamming missiles at me.

Not cool. Not cool at all!

~ Eurico.Delgato

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - akka1000 - 03-27-2011

who was the BHG| in question?

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Curios - 03-27-2011

Haha, i was sure it was someone like you. When i was fighting a gunship alone it was np for you to come and give him a hand without a doubts, but when he died your mind have suddely changed from a wish to fight (getting an easy kill with gb and fighter vs 1 bomber) to some pussy running attitude with QQs in pms. I don't like when Dublin is getting out from it's borders.

Also i'm not in charge of Navy so lolwut gbs are not of my concern - go sing to LN about them.

It was amusing. [Image: emoticon-0157-sun.gif]



Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SnakThree - 03-27-2011

The gunship was near destruction and you had half of regens. The most I could have done is force you to dodge 3 Purple Goddeses and 2 Windfire guns. Scary? Destructive? You bet!

If you cannot recieve feedback on your actions there is no need to insult me. Twice.

Such desperation to shoot down underequiped Sabre for more than half an hour is a sign of lust for easy blue message. Sadly it prooved it wasn't easy and you did not got that.

And why are you mentioning Dublin? Does it have any relation to this incident?

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Curios - 03-27-2011

Looks like this moment disturbs you more then me because i have forgotten it after a 20 minutes after docking at FP at Kepler. Hunters Guild is blue message faction - deal with it.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SnakThree - 03-27-2011

It does matter to of. I am all hands for constant improvements.

I had more than great interactions as lawful (was escorted) and as criminal (being shot) with BHG| so far. Heck, even some "indies" were more understanding than you and we had better time.

But it seems you are not a person that can use criticism as a way to improve. Therefore I am deeply sorry for wasting your time with these messages which I hoped to be proper feedback.
In return I got insulted. Oh well. This is internet forum. Should have expected such response from "someone like you".

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SeaFalcon - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:It does matter to of. I am all hands for constant improvements.

I had more than great interactions as lawful (was escorted) and as criminal (being shot) with BHG| so far. Heck, even some "indies" were more understanding than you and we had better time.

But it seems you are not a person that can use criticism as a way to improve. Therefore I am deeply sorry for wasting your time with these messages which I hoped to be proper feedback.
In return I got insulted. Oh well. This is internet forum. Should have expected such response from "someone like you".

Wasn't there,

However that screenshot showed you were willing to help that gunboat to kill the BHG'er
Why could you shoot the BHG'er to earn a 'blue msg' for you and the gunboat and when he tried to earn a 'blue msg' you can't take it.

Look face the consequences of your actions.
If you ain't good at that, then try not caring.

In general BHG'ers don't like being shot and will resort to most means to bring 'justice' from their point of view.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - ProwlerPC - 03-27-2011

If you wish to claim having an under-equipped ship and don't want to get shot at then nerf your ship to something below level 30 and don't join in battles.

This isn't Harvest Moon: Grow the Largest Turnip edition, the improvement I see needing here is a greater appreciation for the convenience of the respawn button.

Myself, on just about every character I have, I've chased targets to the ends of the systems, across 5-6 systems and fully right into guard systems. I've been doing it before these bluemessages came into existance so it's not necessarily about chasing the blue message. It's about my character targeting your character for an explosion, blue message or not. Again I'll reiterate: this isn't Harvest Moon: Grow the Largest Turnip edition. It's a space ship shooter game with the blanket of RP so that we don't have silly things like RM shooting up RepEx ships and running away with the cargo.

Been awhile since I came to respond in this feedback thread. This complaint is a classic one in some cases with merit others not. If you weren't running around in a level 50+ ship joining ongoing battles only to come and not only complain about things not working out how you expected but tossing in the underequipped comment for moral high ground, I'd have some sympathy and would think you should be eased away from this feedback thread with more grace.

Things don't always work out as we expect.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SnakThree - 03-27-2011

Whatever. I gave feedback, I got insulted for it and then, it even transformed into trial by forum where mud is thrown at my direction. Just great.

Who wanna mock me more, do it by PM!

Maybe you don't like how I dock with trade lanes? Tell it! This thread is really about such topics.

@ SeaFalcon
I did asked if Hacker needs help. After four seconds he went "boom" and I started cruising away after seeing two Liberty gunboats flying at my direction.

And no. I won't hide behind the rules to avoid being shot at.
And it is so good he did not shot me down. My ego is now at 100% since I didn't need to hit "respawn". And what is that "... Harves Moon..."? Get real dude..


I am done posting feedbacks publicy. That just makes the poster hated. <_<

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Henry320 - 07-22-2011

I'm not an Omicron player so this isn't about the Core. This is about the standard Hunters. I only really see you in gunships, so I ask you:

What is your Gunship/Gunboat to Snub ratio?