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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 01-04-2012

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Greetings Mr.Dusan,

My secretary had just informed me of this so lets not waste time shall we? You have been sent an encrypted link to our application channel with the necessary forms to fill. Take your time to answer the questions and relay them to the given channel.

Best of luck to you.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Mercarryn - 01-08-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez


Dear ladies and gentlemen of the Omicron Supply Industries,

my name is Kaitleen Rodriguez and until now I was an independent trader with a Zoner ZBT-100Z Whale.

Born on planet Erie in Liberty in one of the bigger Zoner cities there, I soon grew up and spent most of my life on my family's transport, an old transport of the Gull class. As I am a direct descendant from Zoners, I followed this path from the beginning of my life. The light of the stars guided my way.
Years went by and I have taken over my family's little business. It was not always comfortable but as like all true zoners I have faced all situations no matter they were. And in the end I have gathered enough fortune to sell my family's old Gull and obtain one of the famed ZBT-100Z Whales. Its name is Eternal.Light.

I was satisfied with this life, enjoying the freedom like a true zoner without the restrictions of citizens in one of the great Houses of Sirius. So I thought.
One of your employees, named Ned Laster, met me in the orbit of Gran Canaria. Before that I had only little about OSI, so I was curious about your company.
Gladly he explained it to me and in the end he convinced me to write an application to you.

To sum it up, my experience as an independent zoner captain and your support will be of a mutual profit for both OSI and me.

If you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

May the light of the stars guide your way!


Kaitleen Rodriguez


OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Stygian - 01-08-2012

[Image: gabetrans.png]
Greetings Ms. Rodriguez,

You have made a good decision in applying for a position with OSI. We are currently seeing higher profits for our transport fleet than ever before and the future looks even more promising.

I'll have my assistant forward you a questionnaire to fill out. Once the board has reviewed the responses we will contact you.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Jaymanji - 01-10-2012

>>> Incoming Transmission <<<
>CommID: Xavier Rosales
>Location: Gran Canaria, Omega 49

>Subject: OSI Employment, Trading Division

To whom it may concern,

My name is Xavier Rosales.

My origin/brackground is a little hazy, I'€™m not too sure where I was born as my parents were in command of an Independent Trading vessel so my parents were not always in one place for too long. What I can tell you is that I learnt to fly at a relatively early-ish age, and I often helped with Trading and/or Escorting, although my skills as a Fighter are a little rusty.

At this moment in time I am in command of a ZBT-100Z 2 with Zoners IFF and Zoners I.D. I'€™m also currently docked at Gran Canaria for the time being until I begin another route.

I'€™ll be seeing you in space, no doubt.

Rosales, over and out.

>>> Transmission Terminated <<<

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - St.Elmo - 01-16-2012

Greetings, my name is St.Elmo. i learnt to fly my first eagle while in an orphanage in freeport 1 and progressed through freighters and light transports quickly. Recently i have been piloting the ZBT-100Z 2 named "Narwhal" for the zoners delivering the odd supplies to zoner bases around the omicrons and sometimes border worlds. however i feel my skills in mass transport could be furthered with a career in OSI as i have heard of its growing success.

if a place is available i will be able to supply my own transport, name change and i will be available for frequent contracts or missions.

I hope you take my application under consideration, thanks


OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Stygian - 01-17-2012

[Image: gabetrans.png]

Always good to see captains coming in with their own transports. Hopefully we can begin a prosperous. I've already had my personal assistant forward you a brief questionnaire to fill out. Follow the instructions included in the transmission and we can continue.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Phelipe - 01-18-2012

*transmission loading ... 100%*

------------------ID: Jonas Freimann ---------------------

a boy, about his 17-18th year appears on the screen and starts to speak]


my name is Jonas Freimann, I'm looking for work among the zoners. I'll be straightforward - so to say -

he looks aside for a moment

the omicroners here, at FP XV told me, that I should look for work somewhere else. They ment: not among them. I think they thought I'm too young for the job. But I'm pretty sure I can manage, for I've lived 2 years alone... I aquired a ship too. An Osprey. Beautiful one.

he looks aside again, the movement seems to be unintentious

It was my father's ship. So if it is all right, I'd like to work for you, or with you... I can shoot... and since I've this fighter, I guess you don't even have to give me a ship... eh, ew, I think that's it...

he reaches out with his right hand to turn off the comlink, but a few words can be heard as he actually turns it off

oh, god, I feel so stu...

*transmission terminated*

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 01-18-2012

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Good day Mr. Friedmann,

Its good to see such good spirits in the young hearts. We may have a position in the escort division, that is if you filled our criteria. Our standard application form will be sent to you shortly. Read it carefully and submit it in the appropriate channel. We'll determine your worth from there.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Othienka - 01-24-2012

Loading Data . . . 13% . . . 29% . . .45%

Pilot ID: Vanye Entreri
Born: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Transmiting from the Ramandur

Dear Omicron Supply Industries recruiters,

My name is Vanye Entreri, and as pilot of both the Ramandur and the Ebon.Hawk, I would like to humbly request your consideration for acceptance into your organization. I am experienced as a freelancer trader, working mostly in contracts with Gateway Shipping and the IMG. I have also worked as an escort if the situation needed it.
My reason for this application is that currently, the situation in Sirius [at least mostly of what I have seen in Betonia] has become dangerous for a freelancer entrepreneur like myself, and I believe its time that I actually settled into a company [seriously my wife keeps bothering me to ask for better contracts again and again...]. So you could say there some "monetary stability" reason involved in there too.
Regarding my ships, I'm currently the proud owner of a Titanic Transport and Raven's Talon ready for work. Anything else you need, feel free to contact me to this comm channel.

Safe flights!

69% . . . 84% . . . 97% . . . Download Complete

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 01-24-2012

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Good day Mr. Entreri,

You are correct, with the emergence of House Gallia and its subsequent incursions trading in Bretonia has become quite difficult. Fortunately OSI offers contracts that extends to the far corners of Sirius.

Moving on, your experience as a trader would be of great use to us but we would also require your understanding of how the trade system in OSI works. Our standard application form should be delivered to your neural net by now, fill them out and we will measure your worth from there.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]