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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-25-2007

Too true Blunt ... too true.

where are the pirates? - Doom - 11-25-2007

and how about we take two Eagles, arm them to the teeth and kill one new battleships just for fun of it

where are the pirates? - Ripper - 11-26-2007

Well,After this Thread Traders will beg Pirates to stop...
I killed a few today,because they refused to pay
[Image: killstodayxj7.jpg]

where are the pirates? - Suwannee River - 11-26-2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been preparing something for some time, and Unselie has beaten me to the punch.

I hope that those of you who expressed such passion about the problem will bring equal passion to working on a solution.

Come play with me:

where are the pirates? - LancerZero - 11-26-2007

Brilliant idea, Suwannee! And I love how you put it into an RP form, too. Very nice work.:)

where are the pirates? - Suwannee River - 11-26-2007

Linus.Koios, I expect to see you signed up pronto.
Conrad.Egon, thanks for the compliment, you pirate scumbag.
Now hunt me fool!

where are the pirates? - DCKilla - 11-26-2007

I want to start out by saying I love being a pirate. Also, I'm not trying to flame a fellow pirate.

Something happened to my trader DCLancer a couple of days ago. I was traveling through Sig 13 dilivering goods to Honshu. The jump gate was blocked by tons of npc. Not minding my surroundings, I was suddenly under attack. My first thought was npc, but npcs don't drop shields that quickly. "Oh, goody it's a pirate," were my exact thoughts by then. Skyelius, the pirate, ordered from me 2 mill. Because of the sudden attack my fingers were fumbling across the keyboard trying to hammer out a message along the lines of "I will pay." Never given a chance to reply, I was dead. I would have happilly payed the entire sum if given the chance. I know now why such things happen. It has been said before a lot of traders are not paying their taxes.

Skyelius, thanks for the great RP. I know you were fed up, just as I, about traders not paying. So in short, sorry about my comments on the secure channel. I shouldn't be complaining, would have done the same thing.

where are the pirates? - Dab - 11-26-2007

' Wrote:I want to start out by saying I love being a pirate. Also, I'm not trying to flame a fellow pirate.

Something happened to my trader DCLancer a couple of days ago. I was traveling through Sig 13 dilivering goods to Honshu. The jump gate was blocked by tons of npc. Not minding my surroundings, I was suddenly under attack. My first thought was npc, but npcs don't drop shields that quickly. "Oh, goody it's a pirate," were my exact thoughts by then. Skyelius, the pirate, ordered from me 2 mill. Because of the sudden attack my fingers were fumbling across the keyboard trying to hammer out a message along the lines of "I will pay." Never given a chance to reply, I was dead. I would have happilly payed the entire sum if given the chance. I know now why such things happen. It has been said before a lot of traders are not paying their taxes.

Skyelius, thanks for the great RP. I know you were fed up, just as I, about traders not paying. So in short, sorry about my comments on the secure channel. I shouldn't be complaining, would have done the same thing.

This is actually rather typical of pirates lately. True, traders not paying has a little to do with why pirates demand money, then shoot 5 seconds later, but it is not the root cause. To be honest here, the reasons alot of traders stopped paying was because of the pirates that demanded money, then attacked without giving the trader adequate time to respond. They always do this in bombers, as their novas can kill the trader before the pilot has enough time to say 'Ok.' Now traders just try making a run for it, because they simply expect to die anyway. Its making it much harder for us honest pirates trying to make money rather than spit out an easy kill message.

If there were some way for it to be enforced, I'd suggest a rule saying pirates have to give traders 30 seconds to respond before killing, or if the trader starts to move. These pirates are basically breaking the rules about having to ask something from a trader before you can kill it. They type it in system, then kill you immediately, after screenshotting themselves saying it. They do this, so if the trader complains to admins, the pirate can post the SS and say he asked for money first. The fact is though, they didn't give enough time for the trader to respond, or even send a trade request. They simply wanted the kill. Its getting really pathetic by now, especially in light of how many pirates are doing it. Out of the 20 some traders I've pirated in the last 3-4 days, only 5 paid. Most just ran for it, and about 3 or 4 actually responded, saying they'd rather die. The ones running for it, did so because they expected to be killed outright, or after they had paid me.

Take some advice from me, give the trader time. When I pirate someone, I hit them with a train disrupter, say HALT in system. If they don't halt, I shoot them until they do. I usually stop when they are just about dead, after using bots, then disrupt them two more times they engage cruise. Take the shield whenever it comes up. If they go for cruise a third time, kill'em. But if they stop, (first screenshot you pirating them, incase they F1) tell them the amount your pirating, then shoot them a trade request. Now, be ready to close the trade menu and shoot disrupters, incase they get the idea of going into trade menu and engaging cruise again (make sure they aren't even at impulse speed when pirating. That way you notice if they engage cruise, because they will start moving. This way you don't have to see the engines to know).

If you simply kill them immediately, they will never pay you. And don't think you'll never want the pirate money. You might be looking for a kill now, but eventually you'll be looking for a bit of cash instead. If you give them the chance to pay (whether they take the offer or not) there is a good chance they might pay in the future. After they die 3-4 times when trying to run from you, they will probably start paying.

where are the pirates? - Equinox - 11-26-2007

I always give traders 2 chances to pay, first ill ask for tax and if he runs i will fire another cruise disrupter and take his shield down and some hull, then ask again if they try to run again ill kill them.

where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-27-2007

@ Dab: Good point Dab ...

But I wouldn't press for a 30 second rule. If traders knew they would live for 30 seconds after the demand, they'd just run and dock somewhere. And you'd have pirates type the demand 2 systems away and follow them till they caught them. Yes, give the trader time, but do not make a rule for this. If we go this route, we should make a 30 second rule for the trader where he would have to shut down his engines till everyone had a chance to type all their demands and responses. That's not RP.

As a pirate, I typically give the trader more than enough time. I've sat watching a trader for over 2 mins once. He sat there (doing whatever ... usually calling for some backup in the form of a bounty hunter, merc or house military / police). I tell them right up front, "if help gets here before you pay me, you die." I've had to do this on occasion because the trader wants to hold me in place for reinforcements to arrive. I've also sat staring at a trader that I'd demanded money from and he's still linked up to the trade lane. I keep killing the lane and he keeps delaying. If I gotta kill the lane more than once, I take his hull to 50% (and continue to do so as he deploys bats/bots or until paid). Delay tactics annoy me. While being perfectly good RP, I'm not gonna sit there listening to myself breath while he makes up his mind. He delays too long, he dies ... and I let him know that up front.

Yes there are pirates that just wanna kill traders and could care less about the money or the loot. They just make the demand so they can say the followed the rules. In actuality, these pirates are loopholing being terrorists. These pirates are not helping. I've learned early on that 2 mil is a decent demand from traders. They are more willing to pay 2 mil than 5 or 10 mil. So I demand 2 mil ... and if they wanna talk me down to 1 mil, I generally take what I can get (if they are not that rich). Also, for smaller traders I generally just charge 1 mil or even 500k if they're in freighters.

Attention all you terrorists pretending to be pirates, knock it off so we can get some decent RP out here!