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Memorial thread - Printable Version

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Memorial thread - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 07-03-2011

Where is Tony? (Lucas):(

Memorial thread - stardust47 - 08-30-2011

I miss Sprolf.

Memorial thread - Switchback - 09-24-2011

I'm surprised no-one has said this yet...but...

Bear. I miss him.

Memorial thread - Echo 7-7 - 09-25-2011

' Wrote:Oh hey guys

He's not quite gone... no one ever really leaves, do they?

Memorial thread - Lennox - 09-26-2011

' Wrote:He's not quite gone... no one ever really leaves, do they?

You are right, I think. If people depart from disco in terms of RL stuff or so they will return soon or later. But those who depart because of problems with their health can't return in worst case....

Memorial thread - CzeReptile - 10-14-2011

Id ass my 2 cents.

First and foremost, for the two, who didnt get to press respawn:(

R.I.P. \m/

Secondly, to those we miss playin : Mes, DodgeRam (not the Doj huhu), Boomer, Finaldragon, our Fletchie, Spazzy,

Memorial thread - Chev - 11-02-2011

' Wrote:Id ass my 2 cents.

First and foremost, for the two, who didnt get to press respawn:(

R.I.P. \m/

Secondly, to those we miss playin : Mes, DodgeRam (not the Doj huhu), Boomer, Finaldragon, our Fletchie, Spazzy,

Damn you, facebook! I've been looking for 'like' button. . .

Memorial thread - Pine - 11-02-2011

Possibly Zaza.CC.D'light (The Flying Dutchman on the forums).... possibly because im not sure if Zazas gone or just inactive for a while...
MIA since..... June ish? i think...

Memorial thread - Atreides2 - 11-18-2011

People who i really really miss , despite my ... breaks and such :

First and always will be Sara Batiq. That girl ... was something. She is not going to respawn here anytime sooon like me or anyone else. So she will be forever missed.

Other people : Mesarthim , Finaldragon , Dodge ... Good old Dutch boy, Swift actually ... CR old timers.... Those are to be missed. All i know i learned from them ...

Memorial thread - AeternusDoleo - 11-18-2011

Eh, a few folk...
Jameson - for the damn coldhearted RP posts he made, always a treat to read.
Zed - Crazy IMG transport man. Made convoys so much more entertaining.
FrozenBallz - Took over modeling for him but there's prolly still a lot I could be learning...