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"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - arvg - 12-24-2010

Alvin smiled at Vincenta and took the gift, "thank you..." he said kissing her cheek gently. "I have appreciated your friendship from my first days in the Coalition. It wouldn't be Christmas without you here Colonel... Vickie. I got you something as well... it's down in the docking bay with a big red bow on it..." he handed her the launch key to a shiny new Storm Class gunboat. "I figured you would appreciate having the CPW-Akula back, and Totenkopft's private parking space... don't worry he's on a long range assignment and won't miss it."

He touched her arm, smiling his charming smile at her and moving on to meet Mister Hansen, shaking his hand fondly.

"Good to see you," he said shaking Hansen's hand firmly. He gestured for two glasses of the best egg nog and walked towards the Poker table, stepping around the dance floor where Miodori and John were cutting a rug, leading the other couples in the room in a romantic dance.

He motioned to the table, "please have a seat, we can have a chat a little later if you would like... I must continue to play host for now. But this boy here..." he patted O'Hare on the shoulder, "will take good care of you and your... elves."

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Jayce - 12-24-2010

[Image: vance-1.png]

Vance slunk into the bar without a sound, and the mood of the bar immediately seemed to lighten. Vance was Jayce's XO aboard the Social Credit, so it was only natural that he picked up some of Jayce's quirks, like not knowing when to be quiet.

"Yeah! I love this song!" Vance said in a rather loud tone, attracting the attention of a few of the patrons of Kalashnikov's. Vance ventured over to the bar, and took his post on one of the raised stools. "Egg nog and Akdov'." He said to the bartender, who soon returned with a tall glass of egg nog and vodka, with a cinnamon stick in it. Vance took a swig, and thought:

"Tonight is going to be a good night."

His eyes ventured to the women in the bar, and a smile crossed his face.

"A really good night."

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Tanker - 12-25-2010

[Image: michael-mcdonald-this-christmas1.jpg]

As Jonathon docked his ship at Zvezdny Gorodok he noticed several ships of different makes and models. "This is going to be one interesting affair" He thought.

Walking through the corridors towards the bar, Jonathan can hear the music and laughter of all who have accepted the Premier's invitation. again Jonathon thinks, "This is going to be one interesting affair" but this time with a grin.

As Jonathon enters the bar he stops and pauses as the benediction was given by Doc. He then winds his way through the crowd, nodding in greetings to the people he knows. Jonathon stops near the Premier, greeting his security detail first of course.

"Premier, It was an honor to be invited to this fabulous party as well as being you requesting me to carve the turkey"

Just at that moment, this song started playing on the jukebox. "Maybe this will get Doc to play. I had heard he plays really well" Jonathon mentions to the Premier.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Joggin - 12-25-2010

Mad John Rackham, for it is he! Staggers into the bar, waving a bottle of Vodka at all the folks gathered...

"Well then, yer fuggers! Happy Whotsit, and let's 'ave another fugger like it tomorrow! Anyone want a drink!?"

Nodding at the various bigs and wigs gathered....

"Mates, thanks fer the invite Premier me old bud! And greets t' tha lot o' you in the SCRA and all whot's gathered here... Just in fer a quick swig and t'say nice one.... Doc! Glad yer here, mate, got yer best pants on again I see! Great times are behind us, and even better ahead! Let's get on with the party!"

Glancing round the bar Rackham tries to assert his charm... "I'm lookin' fer a squeeze and I ain' too fussed...What d'ya say girls?.....

Jeez.. No takers?... Again? Dean Martin said he'd fix it!

Anyone know a good charm school? Fuggitt....

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Doc Holliday - 12-25-2010

After a couple of drinks and a few people coaxing him, Doc finally submitted, asking the pianist if he could perform a few numbers himself.
"Certainly, Sir," the pianist replied. He then left for a drink and Doc began his work.

He started easy, picking a classic: Christmas Song.
He then broke into a short wind up and began into an arrangement of another classic: Arrangement

After that, he paused a moment in thought, wanting to do something different, something he hadn't done in awhile, if ever. He then put a finger in the air, "Ah, I know." He then turned to some orchestra members nearby, "follow if you like."

And so it began: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Once finished, he stood, as if to take requests.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Jeremy Hunter - 12-25-2010

Ellie clapped as Doc finished a song, breakimg off with dancing with her other brother, Seth.

"See anyone we know?"

The two sigh as they wait for a song. Then Seth saw a poker game going on.

"I see poker." Seth moved away.

Ellie sighed and.moved to the bar, where she ordered a vodka. She looked over to the man next to her, some Coalition guy who yelled pretty loud when he had entered about the song. She glanced at his line of sight and sighed.

"Just looking at women never gets on ya'know" she said as she took a swig of vodka. "I'm Ellie." Another swig. "Hmm...bartender, I could use some more vodka." She smiled and held up her empty glass.
"How about the next song Doc is Rudolph thr Red-Nosed reindeer!"

She heard Seth groan with dismay.
"Everyones a critic..."

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - XTriton - 12-25-2010

Xavier Triton, stood against the frame of the entrance listening to Doc's wonderful music. So many memories of the past year ran through Xavier's mind, both good and bad, although looking at Doc and the assortment of SCRA, TAZ, Order and other attendees present he couldn't help but feel at ease.

Xavier proceeded to the bar, on the way waving to Doc on the piano and Alvin Katz who seemed to be quite busy shaking hands all manner of individual.
Not too far Xavier also saw Mad John, flat on his back near the back corner of the bar, mumbling expletives as per usual.

"Haha, feels like home" Xavier said to himself.

"Barkeep! Serve me one of your famous Coalition vodkas please." Xavier requested.

Upon ordering his beverage Xavier noticed something that interested him.
She was beautiful, tall and brunette. Xavier didnt even notice the SCRA uniform.

Xavier walked over to Doc.
"Hey, I think the band and yourself would play this old earth song perfect."
Xavier hands a scrap of paper with the words written "Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song"
With a nice song and a vodka in his gut, Xavier thought to himself "I wonder how merry I can make this Christmas" as he proceeded down the bar toward his interest.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Yuveraj Khan - 12-25-2010

[Image: razinxmas.png]


Ambassador Razin sprinted down the corridor, skidding around a corner and careening off of a rather burly marine that he hurled some quick apologies towards before he slowed to a stop, catching his breath at the doors to the upper levels of the Klash.

He steeled himself for what was going to be a very hard night, he'd been trying to avoid dealing with issues for a long time, taking as many far flung diplomatic missions as he could, keeping himself away, busy. But that was the dark thing about Christmas... it had a habit of drawing people back home... of forcing them to deal with family and loved ones... even if that meant dealing with the pain there too.

Drawing up, he walked into the bar.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - arvg - 12-25-2010

Alvin shook hands with his two Admirals, someone had blown the dust of old Admiral Straitov and he was happily demonstrating magic tricks to some pretty young order Admirals that would probably give him a heart attack if they fell for his charm.

He was feeling a little light headed from the excessive amount of eggnog, as he shook yet more hands, introducing his guests to the buffet table, as he moved on pausing before the IND Vice President Mister Hansen.

"I have not forgotten about you... just a little busy. Can I refill your drink?" He asked, noting that Hansen was sitting next to one of the Order officers, on the other side of Simon O'Hare... good hands.

"Premier," Leon Mendel touched his arm. "President Winchester."

Katz intercepted his guest halfway across the floor, "Mister President," he greeted warmly. "Welcome to our humble home, I am honoured that you are here."

"Premier, It was an honor to be invited to this fabulous party as well as being you requesting me to carve the turkey"

Just at that moment, this song started playing on the jukebox. "Maybe this will get Doc to play. I had heard he plays really well" Jonathon mentions to the Premier.

Alvin smiled watching as Doc took to the piano, as the chefs brought out the Christmas Turkey, setting it on a small table. People began to salivate and gather around the exceptionally large bird.

Alvin coughed a little, "We... err... well they grow a little larger than normal on JiangXi, we should thank Colonel Rhade, he was the one that took an expedition to hunt this beast down."

Everyone clapped for the Colonel.

Katz motioned, "If you would be so kind as to do the honours, Mister President."

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Turkish - 12-25-2010

[Image: Profile_Mao.jpg]

Mao eyed the crowd of foreigners, it wasn't often that so many nationals from abroad entered the Coalition drinking theatre. Perfect for the commisariat if they were after a little foreign brain stuff.

He didn't like much seeing his halls walked by corporate lenients and capitalist sympathisers, Zoners and Interspace alike-- This just wasn't his call though, holiday spirit was being poured by by the gallon and it was no place of his to stand in the way. The best he could do was sip his spirits and grin like a fool.

Gagging down another he noticed someone meandering their way down the bar while humming some old white classic from the glory days of Sol, something about Christman? Christmas? Didn't really matter, guaranteed he was angling for the brunette. Fringe folk always thinking with the wrong head.

Gabriel laughed loud enough to catch the eye of two Sub-Lieutenants behind him, they shot him the look and he shot back before fingering his epaulettes. Down boy it said, be a good dog.

Katz was politicking in the background somewhere, Mendel wasn't far behind. To the untrained eye it was just like the old days, almost like the old days really. Almost.

Mao frowned.

"Premier! Premier, come! Introduce these good comrades of the Coalition. Show me the men we have chosen to share sheets with."

He interjected unaware of the proceedings going on around him and began to hum "The Lucky Ones"