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Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - chopper - 12-23-2007

Can you be more specific about your ZoI, then? Because, if Sigma-13 not your jurisdiction, what is?

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - Drake - 12-23-2007

' Wrote:Can you be more specific about your ZoI, then? Because, if Sigma-13 not your jurisdiction, what is?

He said not all of Sigma-13 is their jurisdiction. Which makes sense, NPCs don't always control entire systems.

And as for their use of some Kusari weaponry, some GMG NPCs fly Kusari fighters with (I'm assuming) Kusari guns, so even if they decide to not allow Kusari fighters, they're well within their rights and RP to use the guns.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - Malaclypse 666 - 12-23-2007

Time for my pair o' digms.

A few of you naysayers need to stand down at this point. How many bloody times and in how many ways do you need your niggling concerns answered?

And forgive me for not muddling through all the above to find the answers to these question:

Is Admin approval for GCorp granted, and,

Have you considered Sig 65 or whatever it is, the GMG Guard system, as your Headquarters?

Good luck. I believe due to our hard-coded "alliance", that your destiny will affect ours (as Zoners).

E-Prime, TAZ

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - chopper - 12-23-2007

@Drake - And Blood Dragons Guard fly Chimaeras, that doesn't give PC's the right to fly them.
I know very well what he said :

Quote:I keep mentioning that we're not having any thing to do with the system due to the nature of the corp.

And this is yours :

Quote:He said not all of Sigma-13 is their jurisdiction.

So i asked for the ZoI.

And i'm not bringing a dead horse back, i'm trying to understand him.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - KercKasha - 12-23-2007

Ugghh, as it says in the original post, we have no zone of influence. We're basically nomads in the sense, we fly out into the Omicron etc systems to explore and move around constantly. The only reason we'll be in Sigma-13 etc will be to return for supplies or some sort of event where we're actually needed to defend.

When the Faction actually goes through(Speaking of which, what exactly am I waiting on? We have the admins blessing and it seems we've hit a concrete wall with diplomacy and needed changes so...) we'll be out of Sigma 13 and my members will stop complaining about the pirates around there. Remember they're all just starting out on the server so when they look at the stats of things it just seems unfair at first that tey have superior weapons/ships. Hence why they're complaining, like I've said a few times, ignore them, as much as I hate to say that but their opinions really do not officially state that of the corporation.

If I say A) and they say B), it's A) no matter what. In this case, Sigma-13 is NOT our ZOI, we simply do not have one at this moment.

EDIT: Also I'm really sorry how confusing this must be for a lot of you, with so many different people saying the complete opposites of each other it must get very confusing. Tomorrow i'll update the original topic and clear everything up in it.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - chopper - 12-23-2007

You can submit official faction post, you could have done it already.
And make a Faction recruitment post as well.

As for ZoI, i suggest (read, suggest, not flaming you for not having any) to make it.
It would be unwise for your members to fly trough whole Sirius, or at least you can change it from time to time.
For example, you announce on board that you are now exploring "X/Y" systems, and that will be your ZoI for some time, until you announce your next.

Most factions i know of have their ZoI. Or all?
For example, Outcasts have no business in Brettonia, even though their ZoI is one of the biggest around.
Corsairs have no business in Liberty etc.
You should be allowed to go to all House systems, but there would be no reason for you to be in Omegas for example (Omicrons are cool, not explored totally, but Omegas are explored, and there is war between Corsairs and Hessians there, not exactly a place for GMG).

Now you have some work to do with official faction thread, and faction recruitment.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - KercKasha - 12-23-2007

' Wrote:You can submit official faction post, you could have done it already.
And make a Faction recruitment post as well.

As for ZoI, i suggest (read, suggest, not flaming you for not having any) to make it.
It would be unwise for your members to fly trough whole Sirius, or at least you can change it from time to time.
For example, you announce on board that you are now exploring "X/Y" systems, and that will be your ZoI for some time, until you announce your next.

Most factions i know of have their ZoI. Or all?
For example, Outcasts have no business in Brettonia, even though their ZoI is one of the biggest around.
Corsairs have no business in Liberty etc.
You should be allowed to go to all House systems, but there would be no reason for you to be in Omegas for example (Omicrons are cool, not explored totally, but Omegas are explored, and there is war between Corsairs and Hessians there, not exactly a place for GMG).

Now you have some work to do with official faction thread, and faction recruitment.

Faction recruitment is no-dice, we're invite only at the moment and I don't see that changing soon.

I actually like that idea and will more then likely follow through with it, also I apologize for taking some of your posts as flames earlier, I will take them as just suggestions in future. As for flying everywhere, we'll be mainly in the Omicron systems, that's it. Definitely not in any of the house systems nor the Omega's.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - Drake - 12-23-2007

' Wrote:You can submit official faction post, you could have done it already.
And make a Faction recruitment post as well.

As for ZoI, i suggest (read, suggest, not flaming you for not having any) to make it.
It would be unwise for your members to fly trough whole Sirius, or at least you can change it from time to time.
For example, you announce on board that you are now exploring "X/Y" systems, and that will be your ZoI for some time, until you announce your next.

Most factions i know of have their ZoI. Or all?
For example, Outcasts have no business in Brettonia, even though their ZoI is one of the biggest around.
Corsairs have no business in Liberty etc.
You should be allowed to go to all House systems, but there would be no reason for you to be in Omegas for example (Omicrons are cool, not explored totally, but Omegas are explored, and there is war between Corsairs and Hessians there, not exactly a place for GMG).

Now you have some work to do with official faction thread, and faction recruitment.

Outcasts have every business in Bretonia, if they're smuggling, or supporting the Mollys or Lane Hackers.

These guys aren't talking about flying around everywhere. They don't need to come out and state their ZoI as long as they aren't going all over the place. Actually, their traders and escorts can haul H-Fuel pretty much anywhere (except possibly Rhineland).

And if the Blood Dragon guard fly Chimaeras, then that DOES give the PCs the right to fly them.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - chopper - 12-23-2007

@Drake - It is not the same if you go to Brettonia to smuggle, and if you go to Brettonia to pirate.

Quote:These guys aren't talking about flying around everywhere. They don't need to come out and state their ZoI as long as they aren't going all over the place. Actually, their traders and escorts can haul H-Fuel pretty much anywhere (except possibly Rhineland).

No, they are not talking about it. But they were talking about Sigma-13 not being their at all.
And i fail to see your frustration in all this. I asked them, suggested them, they agreed.
Their traders can try to bring H-Fuel to Crete. But will most prolly be blasted to pieces. Same goes for Malta.
So no, they can't go "anywhere" to haul H-Fuel. They can go in any House system.
And when i say they have no business there, that doesn't mean they can't be there, traveling trough, or something like that.
ZoI is something that you keep jurisdiction over. KNF can go and attack New London, but New London will never be their ZoI.
Maybe Outcasts were a bad example, because they really have a huge ZoI.
New one : Hackers in Omicrons/Sigmas/Rheinland.
And if you tell me "It's their ZoI because they go there to help Outcasts", you are very wrong.
Helping someone doesn't give you the right to claim their territory as your ZoI.

Quote:And if the Blood Dragon guard fly Chimaeras, then that DOES give the PCs the right to fly them.
No, actually, they don't.
They have their variation of that fighter, 2x better then Chimaera.
They would never fly it. They will never fly it.
KNF will never sell them those, and they don't have a single reason to steal them.
Their NPC's flying Chimaera doesn't give them the right to fly them.
I actually think it's a bug.

Gcorp rises from the ashes, a Faction Submission - Drake - 12-23-2007

Perhaps it's a bug, perhaps not. But NPCs flying a certain ship is the best example of proper ships for PCs to fly... It could be a bug that no Blood Dragon bases sell the Chimaera. The Blood Dragons certainly have the designs and schematics and facilities to build it. Setting up characters and their ships is semi-OOC anyway, because there are so many ships in so many places that one faction should have access to, but doesn't for whatever reason.

And by that definition of ZoI, many non-House factions have none, or have it limited to one guard system. Outcast ZoI would be Alpha, Beta, Eta, and the guard system (Omicron-85?). Mollys have Londonderry and Dublin. Hackers just have Vespucci, since they don't really 'control' Magellan. Most civilian factions have no ZoI, even though they may have ships flying all over the place. The GCorp has no ZoI, I think, because they're not trying to be the GMG 'House' (because GMG is almost a House in itself) faction. They're GMG who operate, for the most part, outside the bounds of GMG space.