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Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - 7AlphaOne1 - 04-30-2014

Incoming transmission
ID:Klaus Hammersmark


Guten tag, Mein Herren.

I feel I can now pay a more active part in the Volksarmee, as I believe I have the necessary skills now. the form is attached . Danke .

for the Volksrevolution, for a better fatherland,
Klaus Hammersmark
Message end. attachments:
  • Character Name: Klaus Hammersmark
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger(if I am right)
  • Promotion Requirements:
Proof of fully set up fighter [Link]
[*]2 reports in the Message dump [Link] [Link]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 04-30-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Hammersmark. You're now Flieger of Red Hessian Army. We will watch for your flights.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Riess - 05-10-2014

  • Character Name: Raoulf von Bartels
  • Current Rank: Leutnant
  • Requesting Promotion to: Oberleutnant
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 6 more reports in message dump (18 total): [13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
  • Assists against 2 capital ships: [1 2]
  • Two more supporters of the cause: [2 3]
  • Fighter combat test: [passed]
  • Support of Revolutionary Council: I've been told I have it

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 05-10-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Bartels. I'm proud to give you your second line on epaulettes, therefore promoting you to Oberleutnant of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 05-18-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, herr Bartels. Oberkommando carefully watched for your moves and deeds last months. And they're wishing to give you chance to prove yourself as real leader. Hereby you're given rank of Hauptmann. Show yourself a great warrior and adminisrator, eyes of all hessians are pointed on you.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Ayatolah - 06-18-2014

  • Character Name: Bjorn Olafsson
  • Current Rank: Gefreiter
  • Requesting Promotion to: Leutnant
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 5 more reports in message dump, 12 total [Link] [Link]
  • Gathering at least another 25,000,000 credits more worth in materials or funds for the betterment of the cause (donated to armoury) [Link]
  • At least 5 confirmed kills of Rheinland Lawful or Corsair fighters/bombers - 6 total [Link][Link][

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 06-18-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Olafsson. I'd like to welcome you in Red Hessian Army officer corps! You're now Leutnant of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Goldberg - 07-02-2014

  • Character Name: Paul.Stein
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 2 reports posted in message dump
  • Proof of fully set up fighter, with the appropriate ID and IFF

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 07-02-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Stein. You're now full member of Red Hessian Army - Flieger.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - King Owl - 07-06-2014

  • Character Name: Julia.Holdmunt
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 2 reports posted in message dump[Link][Link]
  • Proof of fully set up fighter, with the appropriate ID and IFF