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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 02-22-2009 Universal Shipping is, true, a Libertonian company and many outside of the movement question our motivations in bringing down a fiery hell upon them as we would any Kishiro or Gateway transport. The casual reply is that they're as Libertonian as the LPI, but that hasn't stopped them from being the bane of our people. Consumer goods shipped from Huntsville prisons make their way just as readily into the bellies of Universal shipping vessels as any others, synthfood products harvested by 'bots rather than a man's hands just the same. Their vessels return from Bretonian smelteries to deposit ores worked on by another man in another land to shave a pair of credits over what a Libertonian would rate here at home. No, Universal is the same as any other belly feeding commercial entity, the Libertonian star on the sides of their hulls and their outposts floating in Manhattan orbit simply serve as stronger reminders that they're willing to work in the face of the suffering of their very home. The Kusarian, Rheinlander or Bretonian is simply working in their own best interests with which our government capitulates, but they're doing so to serve their own. Universal shipping works with the full knowledge that they're twisting the dagger in the very heart of their own people. This I cannot abide. -David Chambers, memoirs of a Knight of Labor. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 02-22-2009 In years past I found myself wondering where the knights of the movement secured their weaponry. It seemed that they were beset on every side by enemies and without the means of assembling the sophisticated instruments of modern war. When I came to the point where I was able to see for myself how this had come to be I found the reasons very appreciable. Our guns are, for the better part, the weapons of our fallen enemies the Bounty Hunters. Hunter weapons are designed to be the template of simplicity. Easily maintained to be repaired no matter the port of call. The knights simply found a way to take the base componentry of those weapons and modify them for our own purposes. Rad shielding stripped away to make room for additional power capacitors, power management systems and overload safeties tossed to the corners of chop shops to make way for heavier gauge energy transference conduits. Our guns rarely retain their paneling, being twisted versions of their former selves. Taps from the burning cores of our vessels with barely a filter between those energies and the hulls of our enemies. Effective ranges are dramatically reduced from the Buckshots that served as their foundations, but the results at range are extra-ordinary. -David Chambers, memoirs of a Knight of Labor. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Markam - 02-27-2009 **INCOMING TRANSMISSION** **COMM ID**Ron "Garter" Fraiser **SUBJECT**Action report forwarding **LOCATION**Ouray Jus' relayin' this here front line report from a comrade o' us all. **UPLOADING** ... **UPLOAD COMPLETE** Ever since me innitiation to the XA Ive been flyin a fine lil ship called the Starblazer. Although I was somewhat disturbed at first it proved to have quite a sting. Next to doin small missions, destroyin hostile fighters and takin prisoners Ive had quite a few run ins with sum more powerfull ships. I soon noticed that people severely underestimated me blazer and actually had sum fun totally outturnin foes, driving sum o them halfway mad and even destroyin one or two. Ive been tellin the free people of liberty as much as I could about true freedom and what we Xeners stand for. It has come to my attention that lots n lots o pilots, mostly traders, are blind to what them big corporations really do and are highly indoctrinated with the vision that we art mere petty criminals. This will have to change big time in order for us to achieve our final goal, a free nation with a labor based society and no more guvment oppression. Now that Ive finished me hatchlin trainin period Id be glad to move on in a more serious ship. People will have ta learn that Xeners arent petty criminals that they can push over and feel that makin fun of our ideals will be severely punished! Tyler out. **TRANSMISSION END** Hereby movin' Tyler "Sunbeam" Durden to rank o' Juvenile, And givin' him an eagle. Give 'em hell Sunbeam. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - darthbeck - 02-27-2009 incoming transmisson from: john matterson ::::::::::::::::::::::: i have completted the hacthlin' training, and have had some fun in my starblazer *mutters somthing obscene* i have racked up 130 kills, most of them scum, like bountyhunter patrols, but a few of them are kills of the foolish pilots that attacked me. i have try'd to get traders to drop ther cargo, but in my ship i can barly scratch there shields, let alone there hulls the most unexpected thing that happoned to me during my training, was when a zoner gave me a millon credits, after destroying ma ship.....his callsign was "Yoda-[T](the yoda-[t]) however......... the police are not so nice. after dirupting a lane. a rhienland battleship with 1 escort from rheinland and 2 from the navy and police here..... i let the bismark go along with 2 of the escorts,i disrupted the lane again before the last one docked..... he wiped the floor with me...er "wiped the whole of liberty with me" i was slautghterd i must say that the... "survivableity" of the star blazer leaves something to be desired. i have been shot down, at least 7 times, but as all xeno pilots have extrodenary good luck(after getting there ships destroyed) we always manage to get away in our escape pods. here is a record from my ship data banks. http://s663.photobucket.com/albums/uu360/d...t=screen208.jpg i have been flying a peice of utter trash, now i am ready to fly a better peice of trash the good peoples of liberty need another defender, and i happen to be standing right where i need to be john matterson out Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Cyro - 03-08-2009 Incoming transmission From:Jake Andrews Alright there, folks. I see we have a lot of newcomers. It seems people are being fired and disappointed all around Liberty. I can't believe Liberty still doesn't see what are they doing wrong. Some day, they will be sorry for firing all the workers... People have a tendency to revolt after such things. Anyways. As being new myself, I still ain't able to actually help you with any real action, you see, I have that old rusty ship - you said I will learn things much faster while in it. It seems it does help to fly such a thing. You learn how to fight with words... So here I am, ready to get some real action done. Just say a word, and I'll replace that junk with a better junk. A proof of my flying time: http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/cyro_666/8hours.jpg -Jake Andrews Transmission end Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 03-10-2009 David Chambers teased the gloves off of hands while singing a jaunty tune. His scarred bomber was currently being towed from the inner lock of Ouray's current position, one of the finer bases that he'd seen employed in months. Soon Jack's sodden self would be following along with Caleb, the fellow knight of whom he'd heard but never had the pleasure of knowing. Walker, unfortunate soul, was resting comfortably within the hold of his ship. Fortunate then after all, the evening would doubtless have gone a bit different if not for his piloting. Disengaging himself from his ship as a team of flight mechanics proceeded to strip her asunder to find which of her guts might need replacing, David opted to head up to whatever pressurized corner of the heap he was to spend the evening served as a bar. Grabbing a wobbly chair in a moodily lit portion of the bar, he first pulled out a flask followed by a datapad. Pulling a long draw he settled his spine into the unnatural contortions that the rickity seat presumed to think was the intended shape of the human body. With a fiery belch he activated the pad and jotted down the events of the evening. David "Copperhead" Chambers after action report. Ah, I launched from reserve status following Ouray's reception of a general distress call from the New York system, where Jack 'Tar and another pilot, both of the Serpentis wing, were caught in combat with a combined force of Police, Naval and Security Force pilots. I intercepted the melee just beyond the detection of Newark Station in time to witness the destruction of the other pilot's vessel... Ah, Jack seemed, er, disorien. Was having technical difficulties due to damage incurred. *"Was drunk as a skunk" David muttered to himself.* I was able to announce my arrival with the hasty destruction of a LSF vessel at the first pass, to my surprise, which opened up the gates to a furball the likes of which I've not seen in some time. Jack and I were joined by Walker, of another squadron which I did not secure, and Caleb of the Guard. In the following hour we witnessed the destruction of a number of incoming vessels, from bounty hunter to passing mercenary, all of whom were dispatched with only the eventual loss of Walker's vessel. The pilot was recovered. Jack and myself, I having run out of ammunition and he of weapons, were able to dispatch a pair of gunboats along with a number of assisted or simply lucky kills on other targets. Walker and Caleb pulled the brunt of the work on the attacking LPI and LN targets, bringing them down stunning fines. The battle resulted in a roaring success of ourselves, I'm pleased to state, with two gunboats and a large number of fighters destroyed with minimal losses and damage. It's good to be back. -End Debrief. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Backo - 03-15-2009 Incoming Transmission... This is Xeno pilot Joe Kriton. I've done my 8 hours of flight time. I currently fly an "Eagle". DeathAdder told me to contact you. Currently I'm workin' on renaming my vessle. My new callsign will be "XA-Raven". If there are any problems with my promotion, please send me a PM. Kriton out... *static* Transmission ended... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Backo - 03-17-2009 Incomming transmission... From: XA-Raven This is Kriton again. I just wanted you to know my ship name has been changed to my new callsign. There isn't anything special to report for now. Kriton out... Transmission ended... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - zeinstruktor - 03-26-2009 ...Incoming transmission James Blaine [XA-Jimmy.Blaine] Over the past couple of weeks, I've toiled the silver fields and trade lanes of Colorado, keeping the Corporations in line with our cause... That Starblazer sure is quite a deadly ship in the right hands *hyuk*. I even managed ta kill some DSE Camaras that thought it was a good idea ta be supportin' foreign trading. Now, that I've been in space the required time, I'd like ta apply for a spankin' new shiny Eagle. If it ain't too much of a hassle, my new callsign'd be XA-Ringneck, after the quick an' agile Ringneck snake I've been hearin' so much about in my studyin' on Ouray. I'll make ya proud! http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen78.jpg Transmission terminated... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sand_Spider - 03-26-2009 Sam "Pygmy" Willis looked on the screen of his micro computer to find a message pop up on screen. It looked to be one of the new one's sending him this, seeing as he didn't recognize the call sign. "Jimmy Blaine, Ringneck. He sounds like he's got spunk, I like it." "An Eagle? We've got plenty of those. So many in-fact, I'm getting sick of 'em.." With that, Sam typed in a command, and Ringneck was set into the record banks, including his approval for obtaining an Eagle fighter. Sam wasn't too fond of Eagles. Sure, they were fairly agile for it's ship class, but nowhere near as much as his trusty Crow fighter. But who could complain? Sam then returned to toying around with the various functions that were contained within the small, hand-held personal computer.. |