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Modular bases registry - Printable Version

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RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-22-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Captain Mark Hamann
SUBJECT: Diamanten Vorposten base registration

Guten Tag again, Herr Hamann. I consider your decision to change the intended location as gut one. However I will give you recommendation to consider also placing your station in sector C-6. The difference is that if you place it in sector C-7, the shortest way to reach Stuttgart jumpgate or trade lane to it will go through Kruger mining zone and while at the moment there is no restriction regarding movement - only regarding mining activities - this might change in future and then your ships would be forced to take "detour". If you place the station in sector C-6, the shortest way will not go through mentioned mining zone. But that´s up to your decision.

Anyway, your application was examined and we decided to issue conditional approval. You may begin construction of Diamanten Vorposten, however following conditions must be met:

First, you will pay registration fee of 100 million credits to account RFP|Arsenal before the construction begins.

Second, station will be placed in sector C-6 or C-7, but at least ten kilometers from Heisenberg Research Station.

One more thing: You mentioned installing device factories. I want to remind you paragraph 8.4. of Article Eight of Rheinland laws: Construction of manufacturing facilities which produce cloaking devices, hyperspace jump drives or hyperspace survey modules must be approved by at least one of official law-enforcement authorities ([RM], RFP|, BDM|) before construction begins. Law-enforcement authority has right to specify conditions for distribution or sale of manufactured equipment which must be adhered.

To prevent any law violation, don´t forget to obtain proper permission before installing factories which produce mentioned devices, bitte.

I hope everything is clear, if not, feel free to ask.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-22-2015


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-25-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Captain Mark Hamann
SUBJECT: Diamanten Vorposten base registration

Guten Tag, Herr Hamann.

There is public access to criminal database, because everyone should have the option to check possible criminals. You can use this link...


Despite I appreciate your intention to prevent any incident with illegal entities docking on your station, I want to remind you that there are certain technical limitations if you plan to use "open docking" policy. In the past, we had several incident when criminals including Hessians and other scum used unregistered shipnames and were able to dock for example on Heisenberg which as well use Freelancer IFF setting and open docking policy. If you want to prevent any problems, I recommend you to choose some IFF setting of Rheinland origin, for example Republican Shipping IFF system. This will provide you much more secured docking system and minimize significantly danger of problems with docking of any criminals on your station.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-25-2015


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Diamanten Vorposten - 03-26-2015


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 03-27-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Captain Mark Hamann
SUBJECT: Diamanten Vorposten weapon platforms

Guten Tag again, Herr Hamann.

Let me start with one procedural clarification - if you want to make any requests for approval of anything on your base according to Rheinland laws, use communication channel next time, bitte. The Outpost registry is intended for basic base registrations only. This procedure helps to keep things clear and also properly archived, well arranged and quickly available.

Anyway, your request for construction of weapon platforms is approved. There are some conditions though: use of so called "automatic defense mode three" is not allowed as well as placing any ships which are not added in Rheinland criminal database or declared criminals on black list. Last condition is that no weapon platform can be placed further than five kilometers from your base.

And one last thing - I was asked to say danke by polizeidirektor Carsten for offering apfelstruder which officers doing regular patrol and control can buy and eat. She already did when she was there for common control and she said it tasted gut. However, she also said that it would be nice if you will also start selling coffee. You know, patrols are long and exhausting so cup of it is sometimes really appreciated. And after all there is no better beverage to drink while eating apfelstruder than coffee.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - SarKo - 04-20-2015

To: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
Encryption: Medium
Subject: Outpost registration: Edelstein Depot

Guten Tag,

My name is Norbert Stams, rheinland national. I would like to apply for a license from the Rhienland government for building a new base in Omega-11 system.

§1.1.1. Name of the base: Edelstein Depot
§1.1.2. Name of the station administrator: Norbert Stams
§1.1.3. Affiliation: Daumman Heavy Construction (not tagged)
§1.1.4. Purpose for the station: Storage and export of the commodity: Uncut Diamonds; Safe harbor for the Daumman Miners.
§1.1.5. Existing trade agreements: None (work in progress, any new agreement will be formed with the approval of the rheinland officials)
§1.1.6. Location of the base: Omega-11; C-5(top-left corner, next to the mining fields)

I would also like to apply for license for building Weapon Platforms next to the base.
The purpose of the weapon installations are to defend the miners and the base from any pirate attacks.

Thank you for your time.

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 04-22-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Norbert Stams
SUBJECT: Edelstein Depot base registration

Guten Tag, Herr Stams. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

To process you application, we will need to see approval of DHC- representatives. Do you have it? The reason is special status of Omega-11 system - as mentioned in paragraph of Article Threee of Rheinland laws, this system as a whole is property of Daumann Heavy Construction and official Daumann representatives (marked with tag DHC-) are allowed to declare traffic regulations, fees, local laws and enforce them.

Also, your request for construction of weapon platform will be discussed, but usually we don´t allow it for newly constructed modular bases. So be prepared this option may happen.

Anyway, I will await the confirmation of approval of Daumann representatives.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Edward Teach - 05-24-2015

To: Rheinland Federal Polizei Headquater
Subject: Outpost registration

Guten Tag Officers.

My name is James Koenigsberg and i'm wiling to construct base in Omega 11 system. Short information:

§1.1.1. Name of the base - Koenigsberg Depot.
§1.1.2. Name of the station administrator - James Koenigsberg.
§1.1.3. Affiliation - Daumman Heavy Construction
§1.1.4. Purpose for the station - Safe plase for miners and trading ships and Uncut Diamonds storage.
§1.1.5. Existing trade agreements - none, but looking forward to make with DHC, RS and Kruger.
§1.1.6. Location of the base - sector C5 (outside of mining field).

Also i would like to ask for special permission about weapon platform construction because Omega 11 is highly dangerous space and our miners need some protection.

I've already asked for permission from DHC and they will respond soon:

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 05-25-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: James Koenigsberg
SUBJECT: Koenigsberg Depot base registration

Guten Tag, Herr Koenigsberg. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar from administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

Information which you provided looks gut. Polizei has no objections against construction of your base. Same applies to construction of weapon platforms, however there are some conditions: use of so called "automatic defense mode three" is not allowed as well as placing any ships which are not added in Rheinland criminal database or declared criminals on black list. In short - defense system hostile to everything around including law enforcers and neutral miners and traders won´t be tolerated.

However, I recommend you to finish negotiations with primary division of Daumann Heavy Construction before you start construction of your base. Omega-11 system is kind of special case. As paragraph of Article Three of Rheinland laws states: Omega-11 system as whole is the property of Daumann Heavy Construction. Official Daumann representatives (marked with tag DHC-) are allowed to declare traffic regulations, fees, local laws and enforce them. Federal law-enforcement authorities may assist.

For this reason, you should make sure Daumann primary division has no objections against your plans.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich