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Supernovas! - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-11-2008

In my opinion, the Order cannon just needs to be boosted a bit. Think... 300 speed, 150-160k damage etc.

Supernovas! - Clayph - 05-11-2008

Jinx let's face it, Supernova with 90 000 damage is in one word.. Useless
If there should be 90k damage Supernovas, all capship shields would have to be remade,
because of their regen..

I'll leave it up to Patrick if the Wild should use Nomad SN or Sternenfaust. In order
to obtain Sternenfaust, they would have to raid some top secret Rheinland facility.

Quote:powerplant regen effectively decides a supernova's refire

Exactly.. Question is answered Zeltak.. :)

Supernovas! - Jinx - 05-11-2008

you increase its power - not without reworking the capital ship balance. - the order SN must be a fixed referrence. as it is the only one that has experienced extended testing ( meaning its been on the live server for some time )

as for the 90k damage... thats a matter of opinion. 90k is 90k - a capital ship has a max armour of 700kx4: 2.100.000 ( rheinland BB with cap 8 ) and a minimum armour of 55.000 ( BHG gunship ) - personally i wouldn t consider 90.000 damage to be useless, unless we want one single bomber to be able to keep a battleships shields down & damage its hull solely.

but its not my project, so i won t really care much. - mind, i have my serious concerns about it. - its so easy to unbalance stuff when numbers are measured in the 10 thousands. - thinking of 2 bombers or 3,.... and an supernova can easily be much more efficient than it is alone.

if you think of a minimum amount of bombers to take down a battleship should prolly be 3 ( well, its 2 in fact but thats due to the nerft BBs ) ... then the difference between 20.000 damage is allready 60.000 in the same number of attacks. same thing with the energy consumption. - if a supernova takes up only half the energy, but the refire is rather limited by the energy recovery, it can mean that a bomber, even if it does not equip twin SNs fire MUCH quicker again. - when you then put into consideration that its not a barghest, but a rather agile and small bomber, its a greater advantage.

( i m currently not aware what kind of bomber the nomad bomber is, but its not as big and slow as the barghest or warren ) - vanilla balanced ships AND weapons out ( thats when you get awesome xeno weapons and shabby xeno ships for example )

anyway, - i predict balance problems with such big differences in projectile speed / damage / energy consumption - balancing problems that affect more than just the bomber class and the factions, but affect the whole warship class and possibly fightercombat, too.

Supernovas! - McNeo - 05-11-2008

The thing is Clayph, just because its nomad, doesn't mean that its got to be better than everything else.

Otherwise the lootable Nomad Cannon and Nomad Blaster would have its energy consumption of 10 or so instead of the 90 or so it has now.

Whether you mount only one on a bomber or two is a non-issue, with the proper training (and you guys get it in bucketloads facing what you do), it will take you next to no effort to sling in a Strangelet shot into anything, even a Wrath if you so desire.

Its like the weapon equivalent of a red catamaran. It can be used for all situations, both anti VHF and anti Capital ship. I think most of us agree that the ship is unbalanced...

Also, where did you get this...?

Quote:The Nomad weapons should have

1. Lesser Damage.
2. Very low energy consumption.
3. High speed.

The lootable Nomad Cannon and Blaster have more damage than most level nines.
Low energy.
And 600m/s speed, which is average.

The buyable nomad cannons on nomad bases have more damage than the majority of level nines.
Medium energy.
And 700m/s speed, which is fast.

Supernovas! - Clayph - 05-11-2008

' Wrote:Also, where did you get this...?

Quote:The Nomad weapons should have

1. Lesser Damage.
2. Very low energy consumption.
3. High speed.

From the very leader of the only Nomad faction on Discovery. :)

' Wrote:just because its nomad, doesn't mean that its got to be better than everything else.

Now let's keep this topic clean shall we? I wanted to see reasonable balance proposals
here, so keep your personal hate for the Keepers off my topic, please? Thank you.

Supernovas! - sovereign - 05-11-2008

' Wrote:From the very leader of the only Nomad faction on Discovery. :)
Now let's keep this topic clean shall we? I wanted to see reasonable balance proposals
here, so keep your personal hate for the Keepers off my topic, please? Thank you.

I'm siding with Clayph here. Keep arguments about the Keepers (lol, pun) away from here.

As far as the Nomad SN goes, there will only be one on any given bomber, so no worries about the fact you can fire two with minimal regen. Since the energy cost is rather low, however, the refire actually is important- Clayph, would you be so kind as to let us know what it is now?

Righty, about the Order SN being better, yep, it should be. Make everything else a little weaker than the current SN, and the Order one better. Totally fine with that, and it should take care of Jinx's concerns too.

The other bit about the Nomad SN is this- at about the THIRD Legate battlegroup that comes after you in one day, I believe the term CAPSHIP WHORED is justifiable. If people actually came against the Keepers in non-battleships/cruisers, then yes, McNeo, your point about being able to beat up VHFs would be valid. Since they don't, though, there really isn't a reason to worry. Plus, this is what the Nomad Fighters are for- either you don't use the Bomber's SN to beat them up out of sportsmanship, or you use a fighter. Remember, this is an invite only, admin consent necessary faction, not public equipment. If its necessary to not aim them at fighters, then they WILL NOT BE AIMED AT FIGHTERS under any circumstances. If they are, guess what happens. I'd expect a prompt removal from the faction, as well as character delete with no refund would suffice. Comprende?

Supernovas! - AdamantineFist - 05-11-2008

Well put, Sovereign. I believe that the Keepers are mature and responsible enough to handle above-average weaponry.

Supernovas! - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 05-11-2008

Nomad Sunkiller
99999999 Damage, Planet Xena
Omicron Iota.

Supernovas! - Treewyrm - 05-11-2008

' Wrote:Nomad Sunkiller
99999999 Damage, Planet Xena
Omicron Iota.
Hello. I.. We work for... the Nomads. We run this place.

May I see your card?

Oh yes, that one is sold there already. Just one minor problem: Planet Xena ain't there. You're on Planet Xerna. Wopsie! Here, unfortunately, we don't have those available. Last one was sent to system Sol. Sorry sir, we have no more left in stock.

Come back again later when your reputation allows you the purchase.

Supernovas! - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 05-11-2008

lols... that huge nuke they shoot... is epic...
If you give these fighters these weapons, we capital ship lovers will need more presice weapons.