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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 07-25-2009

...From: Chusa Hiroito
...To: Fumio Takashi
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

Konnichiwa Mr. Fumio Takashi
your application is approved. Welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces!
Don't forget to open your personal file here and to complete the recruitment process entirely, as fully described in the Join flyer (first post).


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Rakunow - 08-08-2009

::Incoming Transmission::
::Sender: Dimitri Zimov
::Receiver: Kusari Naval Forces

::Transmission arrived:


My name is Dimitri Zimov and I've been born on the planet of New Tokyo, although my family doesn't come directly from the Kusari, it has been living in Kusari space for 8 generations. We've been traders, and now we've settled well in Kusari Space.

I am currently working as a mercenary for Kusari and Liberty Naval and Police forces, and have hunted a few Xenos, rogues, corsairs, outcasts and also Cartel members. I have escorted many traders safely through their trading routes. I would gladly serve the Naval Forces and the Emperor at protecting the Kusari space and also against Bretonians.

My ship is a Kusari Explorer, with some Zoner weaponry, as I saw we, or you, are not at war with them, so it seems that their technology is compatible with the ship. If it is perhaps not, tell me.

I am 31 years old, too, so I'm not too old, eh? My bank account register me as Dimitri.Zimov, so by that, you should find me in Sirius sector.

Well met,

Dimitri Zimov.

::Transmission ends::

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 08-10-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Dimitri Zimov
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

the Kusari Naval Forces will gladly accept your application however you should be warned that a fighter class vessel is required to all members, in addition you will not be able to take your Explorer Gunboat on any mission until the necessary rank to command a Gunboat class vessel is reached.

Concerning the technical and weaponry department I will attach to this message a link to the Kusari database.

Should these conditions be fine for you consider yourself accepted.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Rakunow - 08-11-2009

::Incoming Transmission::
::Sender: Dimitri Zimov::
::Receiver: Kusari Naval Forces::
::Subject: [Reply] Joining the Kusari Naval Forces::

::Transmission arrived::

Konnichiwa once again.

I am thankful that my application may be accepted. If that is so, I will open another bank account with which I will be able to buy a fighter class vessel, until such time will be correct.

Let me know once I can create a new bank account with the new specifications, for the starfighter. I will let my private channels stay open at any time, so the transmission can be sent either through neural logs here, through Kusari Communications logs or through direct bank account transmissions.

I believe my weaponry on the explorer should be fine, as well as the equipment.

Arigatou for your time.


Dimitri Zimov

::Transmission ends::

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Dekzar - 08-14-2009

...From: Aleksander Radek
...To: Kusari Naval Forces
...Subject: Enlistment Application

Greetings sir,

My name is Aleksander Radek, and I come before you seeking an opportunity with the Kusari Naval Forces. While I, myself, am not of Kusari descent, I believe that I would be a valuable addition to the service, and seek to prove myself worthy of flying with the KNF.

If you are willing to grant me the opportunity to join the KNF, I think you will find my unwavering loyalty and willingness to serve are valuable assets to the Kusari state.

If you so desire, I have attached a brief bio, and excerpt from my log, which I think will serve to explain how I came to be in this situation, and why I desire to find something greater than myself to fight for.

Thank you, greatly, for your time and consideration, and I anxiously await your reply.

Aleksander Radek

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 08-15-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Aleksander Radek
...Subject: Re: Enlistment Application

yours credentials has been reviewed and found acceptable to begin a career with the Kusari Naval Forces.
May our brothers and sisters be your happy new family, welcome on board!


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Atilgan(TUR) - 09-02-2009

From: Samet T?rkmen
To: Kusari Naval Forces

Konnichiwa. I wanna join Kusari Naval Forces becasue Kusari my favourite emperor in game.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 09-02-2009

...From: Chusa Hiroito
...To: Samet T?rkmen
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

Konnichiwa Mr. samet T?rkmen, would you like to be so kind of communicate us a little more about yourself.
Not the whole story of your life, but a brief resume of who you are.

<div align="right]Chusa Hiroito

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 09-20-2009

[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Incoming transmission
>>>>Comm ID: Chusa Hajime Hiroito

I'm here to remind those samurais following the Bushido code, that we could do a greater job working togeter against our foes. It's not wise to splurge our resources in lonely patrols, or unescorted capital ships. Coordination, planification, strategy, information, those are the keys for a successful fight against Kusari's enemies. The Dojo is open for those brave samurais willing to take the challenge.

<div align="right]Kaigun Chusa, Hiroito Hajime.

[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Transmission ends

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Captain - 09-20-2009

[Image: flag2.png]
Comm ID: 兵器 水橋 (Heiki Muzuhashi)
Location:戦艦妙高市 (Battleship Myoko)

Konnichiwa Honorable Taishō Sulu

as I recently finished my military school, I was aready stationed
at the mighty Battleship Myoko, upon awaiting of my papers to send them
to the glorious High Command,

now as I read in the papers, I must give some details of myself,

my name is heiki muzuhashi, i'm 23 year of age, daii ishiguro who retired a long time ago
told me I an use his deltacomm id.

I know the KLC very well,


兵器 水橋 (Heiki Muzuhashi)