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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 06-09-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

This evening we've got intel of a huge corsair raiding party coming out from Omega-5. That's why, the allied forces got together near Planet New London to repel the enemy. When we went to Cambridge, the corsairs were already at the New London gate, so we engaged them.

This would be a report of the friendly and enemy forces in the encounter: around 9:30 GMT:

Allied Forces:

BAF|Lt.Wayne.Johnson - Templar
BAF|Cdr.R.Ree - Templar
BAF|Ens.J.Jones - Templar (was took down in the first minutes of battle)
MM~Sebastian.Rodriguez. - Sabre
MM~Wainwright - Sabre (came later in the battle)
[8-Ballers]-Jake.Frost - BHG Manta
[8-Ballers]-Black,Knight - BHG Manta
HullCracker[37] - BHG Manta
BHG|Pepe- Bottlenose (pushed the corsairs away to omega 5 in the end of the battle)

Enemy Froces:

Machete[TBH] - Titan
Ajax[TBH] - Eagle (destroyed)
Werss[TBH] -Titan
Carlos.Vega[TBH] - Titan
Cesar.Guitierrez[TBH] - Titan (destroyed)
Corsair_Valeria_Benitez - Centurion (didn't fight)
Gringo - Titan
One more Titan that I don't remember his name.

So after we engaged them, they all swarmed at our ensign and managed to take down him with force. Then, seeing that I am a Lieutenant, they all ran to engage me, hoping that I would be an easier target. But as usual, they were wrong, managing to avoid most of the fire. In that time we were engaging Ajax, their best shooter. We managed to figure that out after he was fed by all the titans. Still his aggressive flying style made him an easy target. After some time, the corsairs switched the target on a bounty hunter, but they weren't lucky that time even. And now I could freely shoot. So, after like 2 hours, all enemy nanobots were down, Ajax still being the target. Finally we managed to destroy his Eagle, and all the corsairs ran away to the Omega 5 hole, being dry of regenerations, except for Cesar, who still had a full load of nanobots. He tried to run too, but after a 85k chase, me and Wainwright took him down. The rest of our group was still after the running sairs, but they called off the day when BHG|Pepe, in his bottlenose arrived to scare them a little.

That's all for now.

::Uploading Intel:: # # #

Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 06-13-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:Molly terminated.

I have some very important things to report.
First thing,a molly ship,which was trying to play with an officer.THat didn't end well for him.

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Secondly,and the most important matter,I have been contacted by a bounty hunter callsign The:Thief ,who wanted to speak with me about a very important matter.We proceeded to Essex,where he informed me about something unbelievable:a Valor with a working cloaking device in the hands of the Liberty Navy.
We talked about this for a while and tried to find out everything I could about this thing.I advised him to keep a low profile and not do anything bad.

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I believe this matter is very important and should be dealt with immediately.I will leave this visual evidence in your hands.

Here is the visual evidence the gentlemen was talking about:


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 06-17-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

This evening it was a full Gallic Police and Royal Navy invasion in front of Planet Leeds. I've been noticed so I launched in space aboard my bomber.

This would be a report of the friendly and enemy forces in the encounter: around 8:00 GMT:

Allied Forces:

Bretonia Armed Forces assets:


- [color=#FF0000]BAF|HMS-Harbinger (damaged)

- [color=#FF0000]HMS-Sutherland (heavily damaged)

- 23rd|Berkshire
- HMS-Primeval.Breaker


- Matuso.Azana


- HMS-Retribution


- BAF|Lt.W.Johnson (destroyed)
- BAF|Ens.D.Robinson. (destroyed)


- BAF|Lt.Henry.Moore:
- BAF|Ens.H.Walton
- BAF|MN-Nottingham
- BPA)Sgt.Thomas.Page
- Dylan.Garrard

Council Forces

- WHS.King.Louis.IV - battleship
- [C]Bernard.Rossignol - bomber
- [C]Anton.Simard - fighter

Liberty Navy forces:

- [LN]Jorzza.Clark - bomber

Colonial Republic forces:

- A Colonial Cruiser
- Ace.Of.Spades - Gunboat


- CR|-Rook
- CR|-Pandora
- CR|-Spectre


- CR|-WO.Neleus
- Ynos-Mitabrev

SCRA forces:

- SCRA|CPW-Kursk - gunboat
- SCRA|Dimitry.Dubovik - fighter
- SCRA|Kyu:Tsukuda - bomber
- SCRA|Vladimir.Orlov. - fighter

Kusari Exiles forces:

[Avenger]Pevac - bomber

Gaian Forces:

- Professor.Kern - gunboat

Enemy Froces:

Gallic forces:


- [color=#FF0000]Imperieuse (destroyed)

- [color=#FF0000]Jenne.D'Aarc (destroyed)

- RNS-Rouge.Etoile (destroyed)


- GRP|Vaatan (cloaked and fled)
- GRP|RPC-Valliant.II (blown apart too)
- RNS-Annoyance (destroyed)
- RNS-Avignon(destroyed)
- GRN|RNS-La.Victoire (destroyed)


GRP|GR-Argent-08 (destroyed)
GRN|Meilleur. (destroyed)


- Pierre.Versailes
- Frank.Arquette
- GRN|RSF-Fauk.Chevalier
- GRN|RSF-Nicholas.Vaneir
- GRN|RSF-Mousquetaire


Amethyst.Rever - Odin fighter

Ion storms were powerful, but after some time we managed to get clear shots of each sides. Gallic Valors were holding tight 5k away from Planet Leeds, with cruisers around them escorting. Our drunkirks spread out, and managed to land hits from all sides. Unfortunately we've lost 2 of them, but all the enemy battleships were taken down, and cruisers followed immediately. Then the fight was changed into a more sunbcraft approach, but our bombers aren't that great on it. Still I managed to keep my ship up for a long time, while enemy fighters and bombers were going down to our allies, an gunboats of all kinds: BAF, SCRA, Colonial Republic and Gaian. SCRA sent some fighters to help us, but they didn't stayed for long, seeing that the situation is solved. In time, my fighter couldn't hold on, so I ejected, hoping my fellows will finish the job, what actually happened. In 20 minutes, I was noticed that all gallic threat in Leeds system was removed, or fled.

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Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 06-18-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:Gallic armada in Edinburgh

After receiving the notice that 3 Bretonian capital ships were under fire in Edinburgh by galic forces,I jumped in my eagle and went straight there.By the time I arrived there,I only found the wreckage of our ships,and ofcourse the gauls.
Enraged,I wanted to avenge our fallen warriors,so I literally jumped in the midst of the battle and opened fire on a gallic bomber and a freelancer who supported them.
[Image: screen29.jpg]
After inflicting maximum damage and emptying the nanobots and batteries reserves of both that gallic bomber and freelancer and in turn receiving only some minor scratches on my ship,the rest of the armada started to close in.So I figured out there was nothing else to be done,except run.
Soon,a whole lot more ships started firing on my back,so I had to take evasive action.I barely managed to reach LD14 in Leeds.I mended my ship there and proceeded to Planet Leeds for refittment.Unfortunately,my only ship on Planet Leeds,my eagle,had broken down because of damage to the engines,so it suffered extensive repairs.By the time I arrived at planet Leeds,the galic armada which chased me to LD14 changed their course and attacked planet Leeds.
After some time,Bretonian forces started to gather and push back the galic attack with little cost.
Even though I was unable to make any kills and be present in the defence of Leeds,I however managed to inflict extreme damage to those two fighters and show them that the BAF is a force to be reckoned with,even though it is only one lonely fighter.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 06-18-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge


After fixing my ship I undocked from planet Leeds,where I met Admiral Charles Davis and some other officers.
Comms detected the presence of 2 reavers in Cambridge,so we moved in to intercept.After a short time,we made contact.
The admiral took White reaver,and I took Silver reaver.I won the fight,then moved in to assist the admiral,who was taking heavy punishment.Unfortunately,my repair systems malfunctioned,so I took quite a bit of damage and I wasn't able to land my shots on the reaver.
After a few shots fired,my ship finally hit a mine and blew up.I did all I could to save our admiral,but unfortunately I failed.
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 06-19-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:GRN invasion of Leeds

The GRN attempted another head on attack on Leeds,but this time we were very prepared for them.
I was under direct command of Admiral Charles Davis,who proved a very skilled leader,and fighter indeed!
We clashed near the Edinburgh gate,we took heavy losses,but the gauls took even heavier losses.Unfortunately,they brought in their reserves ,and while our capital fleet was smashed,they had 3 more capitals.I quickly went to Leeds to switch to a reserve bomber,and by the time I arrived in battle,a crack shot put my ship out of action.
Nevertheless,I did all I could to protect our beloved home from invaders,but it seems it wasn't enough.
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 06-19-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Clay estate Planet Cambridge ]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]
[DirectedCaptain Jonathan Sinclair]
[Encryption: Eyes only]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 161581_100001866298160_6033953_n.jpg]

Jonathan get to the Clay's estate as fast as possible some events have happned

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces 2cond Fleet

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 06-19-2012

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Planet New London, New London
Subject: To Admiral Davis

Alright Admiral. I'll be on my way in a minute. It won't take long.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours,
Commander Jonathan Sinclair
Graduated from QCA, recipient of the DFC, two CAMs and the Silver Star

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 06-23-2012

[color=#CC0000]-( =[INCOMING TRANSMISSION]=)-

Encrypted Transmission...

[color=#3366FF]Comm. ID: Lieutenant James (Jim) Barnes

Reports to date: 9
Total Flying hours: 87

[color=#33CC00]Transmission Decrypted...
Begin Message...

[Image: MynewBAFPicture.jpg]


[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening Sir!

Here is my mission report for 22 June 819 A.S.

I reported for duty on board the Battle Ship Norfolk and was sent on a mission to apprehend a Corsair in the Cambridge System.

Whilst I was taking the prisoner to BPA Newgate I was contacted by a BMM Security pilot Chris Hart.

He informed me that he seen a Kusari ship with an IMG IFF in the system and was concerned that Kusari are even flying freely in Bretonian space!
I reminded the pilot that the war is over and asked if he could provide any evidence that they have broken any laws.

As I patrolled the system I came across an IMG Gun Boat and had a little chat with the pilot, who informed me that he was passing through to the Coronado system.

I them proceeded to the Manchester system to drop off my high level prisoner. I was asked by the BPA to take a small cache of weapons back to the Battle Ship Suffolk.

Whilst I was flying back from Newgate I noticed the new base “Blackpool Production Facility” high over Planet Jersey, so I thought I stop off for a surprise inspection.
The base is still under construction and so far they have only managed to complete the Shield Generators and a Storage Module, I found no evidence of contraband or illegal weapons, so I refuelled and continued to the New London system.

After dropping off the weapons on the Suffolk and I left for Southampton Shipyard to have some maintenance work done on my ship.

I will be leaving for the Leeds system as soon the work is completed.

Good day to you Sir!


[color=#CC0000]-(-=[TRANSMISSION ENDED]=-)-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 07-03-2012

-{Loading file}-
-{Opening file}-
-{File contains: Manadatory report}-
-{ID: Cdr Ian Driscoll}-
-{Security level: Medium}-
-{Patrol report: 02-07-819as.}-

G'€™day sirs.
Not '€˜ve been in space f'€™r ne long toime. Well ia'€™m baacckkkk..... So oi found me bombers in a terribleshape, TERRIBLE oi say ye. First the Antimatter cannon was missin'€™ crewchief said they gave it to another bomber poilet. What the heck? Than oi saw me guns were stripped of the fuselage. F'€™r what reas'€™n?
Well oi reported to the DS-Harlow to get me s'€™me new toys. The crewchief there proposed to install two Hellfoire systems instead of two additional EMP cannons.... man was oi lucky oi accepted it.
On me way back to the Norflolk oi ran in t'ne pair of sairs. One Gunboat called Julio_Fenris and his bomber buddy Migratorio. Both were not hoigh on armor so oi thought it was not unwoise t'€™watch them a bit. That Julio kept talkin'€™rubbish and decoided oi was a treath in me OWN house!! Than the bugger started to attack me. So oi plaiced a emergency call f'€™r n'e fighter and started to defend meself. That gunboat was not real match f'€™r those new Hellfoires and even that sair bomber might have fired on his own mate!!!! What a joke, oi didnt say anythin'€™ but soon he started to engage me'swell.
Against all odd oi managed to critical damge the gunboat with a antimatter hellfoire combo and he blew skyhigh, than there was that other sair bomber. Me duck is not equipped with antifoighter weapon'€™s. So when a BIS agent offered to relieve me damaged bomber so oi could disengage and go to BS-Norfolk oi accepted. Sadly the sair bugger kept foirin'€™ his gunnys on me oi was forced to keep dodgin'€™, but not f'€™r long and he turned into spacedust.
Unfortunally s'me bloody deskjock scrambled the bis lads name, tol' me t'was f'r security or so'me loike tha.
Well concludes me report eh.
G'day Driscoll out.

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