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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-09-2010

[font=Garamond]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

Comradas! I have new orders for all pilots operating on our fronts across Sirius. Priority Targets are as follows:

-Reapers of Sirus Fighters/Bombers - Four Points
-Slave and Cardamine Traders - Four Points per Pilot Present*
-Rheinland Military Bombers - Three Points
-Rheinland Military Fighters/ Rheinland Federal Police Fighters/Bombers - Two Points
-Corsair Fighters/Bombers - Two Points
-Corsair or Outcast Capital Ships - Two Points per Pilot Present
-Other Hostiles of any kind - One Point

*If all cargo is Dropped, same points apply to all pilots.

Extra points shall be given for High Ranking Enemy Pilots, extraordinary individual actions, or excellent group tactics, as appropriate. Fighters shall not deploy in groups less than three.

For those of you who do not remember the "Points" system, I'll give you a brief rundown. Essentially, pilots fly in groups, seeking and destroying priority targets, or forcing the drop of slaves and cardamine. The pilots who rack up the most points (and kills, usually) shall find themselves showered in honours, or at least given some extra Vodka. Occasionally, a pilot will be promoted on merit of these competitions.

It is each pilots responsibility to keep an individual track of both their number of kills, and the points they have acquired on this campaign. As you'll notice, the priority targets are the RoS, should they venture into our Zone of Operations, Slavers, and Cardamine dealers. All other targets are secondary, but still important. Prove your kills, or they'll not be counted.

As a small incentive, the first pilot to bring back a guncam footage of any of the targets worth two points or more shall win the [color=#CC0000]Eastern Campaign Star

Following is a list or primary targets:

- Captain Jack Fraser, Fortunatus Wright, and Nobby Preston of the QCP
- Juan Zavala and Lohingren, of the Reapers of Sirius
- All members of the Phantom Empire (to answer for warcrimes)
- Admiral Malexa Malte, Voelkel, and General Rall, of the Rheinland Military
- Elder Montoya, Elder Hawking and Tribune Skyelius, of The Brotherhood
- Doc. Jameson of the 101st Outcasts

The Downing of any of these pilots will earn the pilot an immediate Red Halo of Heroism, in addition to a full crate of vodka. As well as six points. Guncam footage expected. In addition, any pilot who destroys a ship of the Reavers Mercenary Group shall earn themselves the Sickle of the Proletariat, and five points.

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-09-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]


Source: Lieutenant Jayce Brooks
Location: Pennsylvania System
Subject: Kills, and a blue dude for the Lieutenant Commander

So, I shot down a Falcata, but sadly, I didn't take a guncam image of the ship itself, just a confirmation message of the kill. I also took a few images of a "Morph" in Pennsylvania, I thought someone might be interested in it.

[Image: th_screen37-1.jpg]
[Image: th_screen36-1.jpg]
[Image: th_screen35-1.jpg]

And the confirmation message for the Falcata...

[Image: Kills.jpg]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-09-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]


Source: Lieutenant Jayce Brooks
Location: Tau 23 System
Subject: Kills

Reporting in, with a confirmed kill on an Outcast Gunship, captained by CrazyHorse Roberts. After a quick jaunt around Omega 5, I also clocked in a Benitez Titan, and a Independent Praetorian. Those images are there too, hope you like them. *Chuckles*

The Gunboat:

[Image: th_screen47.jpg]
[Image: th_screen46.jpg]

The Praetorian:

[Image: th_screen50.jpg]
[Image: th_screen49.jpg]

The Titan:

[Image: th_screen48.jpg]

All in all, a great day for the Coalition.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 06-09-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm1a.png]

I went out on a brief solo patrol to Omega-7 where I ran across a band of our Red Hessian Army Allies pursuing a lone Freelancer. Evidently this pilot took out a contract on the Hessians and was rewarded in focused energy blasts. The Hessians let the fool escape, and we shared a few pleasantries before they had to move on to pressing matters. As for myself, I continued my patrol of the system, hoping to find a pirate or smuggler to "correct". The local miners tipped me off to a pirate, but it turned out to be a Hessian by the name of Benno-Fuchs, not aligned with the RHA. He demanded four million credits of a Kruger Minerals vessel, and I attempted to sway his opinion, but to little avail. The miner caved in to demands, although I suppose was emboldened enough to lower it to 3.5 million, which satisfied Comrade Fuchs.

<Attached Data>
Image 1 (Comm Log 1)
Image 2 (Comm Log 2)

Finding Omega-7 to be rather docile otherwise, I chose to go on a quick propaganda drive at Leeds, hoping to catch both Bretonian and Kusari military. Only the former were available, along with some civilians, but I persisted nonetheless. I tried to focus on the futility and corruption behind their war with Kusari, emphasizing the government's role in the whole affair. A full comms log is as follows for review; gun-camera shots are available but this a more expedient way of presenting it.

<Attached Data>
Comms Log (Leeds System) Wrote:SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Ah.. The merits of Capitalism..
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Look at this place.. As if it were not soiled by industrial progress, now it's soiled with blood and debris.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Is this really what we all wish for each other? The frive for territory, wealth, that greed, that only leads to wars like this?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: How many people have died so far..? A few million? Perhaps the Bretonian and Kusari governments artificially kept the
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: numbers low in their broadcasts? I wouldn't put it past them.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: So next time you fly by Stokes, provided it doesn't fire at you first, take a look at all the wrecks floating by.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Maybe a body part or two. And remember why they're there.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Not because of simple "patriotism"; this war surely didn't start over it. Just a territorial dispute.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Money, power, and for what? For whom?
HMS-Rapture: eh...
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: The Emperor? The Queen?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Do you really think that it was worth all these lives? What do you get out of it? You workers, even you soldiers?
Bowex)Walpole: can i ask you a question ?
HMS-Revelation: and the soldiers cry for the kingdom, we die to keep you free
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You die because a government wanted a few balls of dust and a chunk of space
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: And yes you may ask
Bowex)Walpole: also how rich is your premier huh enough money for him to build a fleet huh ?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You think Comrade Premier Katz embellishes the resources of the Coalition? Golden waste-dump seats, eh?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You think he rides around in luxury while the rest of us get shot?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: It's not 'his' fleet, it's 'our' fleet. The People of the Coalition. And we do not die for balls of dust or chunks of space
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: we die for a cause, that cause being the wellfare of humanity
Bowex)Walpole: then why shoot the people
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: We shoot the military and "police" oppressors, and we shoot the pirates who plague this sector. We do 'not' shoot the people
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: The workers, the miners, the traders, none of them.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You may not be receptive to our message, but we fight for you, not against you. We do not pirate, extort, threaten
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Only the oppressive regimes you've learned to call "legitimate governments"
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Da, we shoot the military and police
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Many of them are normal people, like the workers, but they've chosen to become tools of the governments, and have been given
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: weapons with which to enforce their aims. While we'd love for them to drop those weapons and stop, they tend to turn them
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: on us, which is why we're inevitable enemies.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: We shouldn't have to be, yet we are. In a place so infested with acts of piracy and terrorism, of government-sanctioned
Bowex)Walpole: yet you killed many in the sol war many traders earning their keep
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: oppression, and even a threat of alien invasion, only a system as corrupt and flawed as capitalism could keep humanity apart
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: We killed traders in the Sol War? Comrade there were no such things as civilians in those days so long ago.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Those were horrible days, much like now, but everything was compressed into a single system
Bowex)Walpole: also another point why then you use weapons try using elections forn a coalition party
Bowex)Walpole: and use democratic diplomacy
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Comrade it matters not who votes but who counts the votes.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: We do our best to inform the people and get them to sway their governments as much as possible, but there will always
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: be armed resistance to the Red Dawn.
Bowex)Walpole: have you tried it though ?
Bowed)Walpole: yes or no ?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: We have, with mixed success. Ever heard of the Ontario System? Dreadful affair, a political gaffe on the part of Liberty
HMS-Rapture: Quit spreading your filthy lies commie
Lev: Any information where he is?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Putting down demonstrations with force. Militarism.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You quit fighting a war that should not have been fought, Comrade!
Bowex)Walpole: easy
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Turn your guns on something that'll actually benefit your own family, those around you
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Look at Leeds! Look around you! Is this what you fight for? Just more death and destruction?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: All because two corrupt governments, fueled by the greed imbibed by Capitalism, saw fit to toss lives at each other
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Over one star system.
Lev: Please Identify your location so we can talk about your grievences
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: *Laughs* You can talk from there, Comrade.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: System-wide communications, marvelous technological advancement. How far humanity has come in that respect
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Yet so backwards in others
Bowex)Walpole: really lets look on this ontario incident never once did you actually enter a party did you no
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Trial and error, Comrade. The Ontarians have elected the ODP; we shall monitor their progress
Lev: We are very interested in your opinions/ Plesae identify your location?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: The Revolutionary Army is not in the business of training targets, Comrade Lev.
The.Disco.Train: Hey, hop aboard The.Disco.rain, and appreciate the funk!
The.Disco.Train: Hop aboard The.Disco.Train, Dalmatia!
Lev: A proper face to face chat is the democratic thing
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Democracy has a tendency of failing its own people at the worst possible moments. Mainly because it tends not to exist.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: You Bretonians would do well to see what this war of yours is really about. Don't look at the immediacy of it, either.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: It can easily be bent into a "war of survival", but you must first remember how it started
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Then you must ponder how it's been continuing for this long.
Bowex)Walpole: another point can you tell me do you have election
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Citizens of the Coalition elect representatives to the State Duma, of course.
Bowex)Walpole: oh really can i also ask how frequently they are name 10 representatives then
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: What is this, a game show?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: How many representatives do 'you' have? How many of them have any say in what your government does?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: I'll answer for you: Look at the faces of your currency. Look at the banners hanging here and there.
Lev: Our leader is appointed by the grace of God
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Your Queen Carina.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Da, the Grace of God.. And who speaks for God, eh?
Bowex)Walpole: no i want simple answers using freddom of speech
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Genetics? Carina's offspring?
Lev: Bowie do you know where the terroritst Petrovin is?
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: Friggin' Battleship...
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Do you have freedom of speech here, Comrade?
Bowex)Walpole: who speeks for your premier huh
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: I do!
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Ah, Comrade Brooks, glad you could make it.
Bowex)Walpole: really bretonian citizens have a simple power under the magna carta
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: Don't expect me here for long. I'm whooped, just killed a Funboat in my Insurgent.
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: Do you realize how hard it is to kill one of those things without a Mini?
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: So I've heard, Comrade. No more pirating for that Outcast.
Bowex)Walpole: uh also what year did you elect your premier uh also 'game show' freedom of speech actually
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Which is why anybody who speaks of ideals like mine is instantly labeled a terrorist.. Quite the freedom.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Tell me, where is your anti-war movement?
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: I didn't think they had one.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: I wonder why, Comrade Brooks?
Bowex)Walpole: tell me wheres your anti communict movement uh
SCRA|Jayce.Brooks: Nobody tells me anything.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Da, we're simple terrorists, not worth a breath of air.
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Perhaps no anti-war movement exists because you've been fooled into thinking this war is just? Necessary?
Bowex)Walpole: and we have a anti war mvoement the single person cat petion thier mp whcih can speak up in parkiment but no you wouldnt
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Or perhaps anyone who has said anything has been labeled a dissenter and "enemy of the state"?
Bowex)Walpole: understand
Lev: Another Glorious Bretonia Victory At Stokes Mining station
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Glorious death over nothin, da, Comrade Lev.
Lev: For our enemies yet
Bowex)Walpole: also how would you fell if i attacked your ships you would revenge yes ?
Lev: To whome is that addressed Bowex?
Bowex)Walpole: the scra
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: It might do you some good to question why you attacked in the first place, would it not?
Lev: Ah if you have the SCRA position Bowex do inform me
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Maybe someday you'll see the error of your ways, the dead end you've convinced yourself is "just" and "right
Bowex)Walpole: also i would replie you attacked me first
SCRA|Kostya.Petrovin: Hopefully, before you die over nothing.

Satisfied I'd made as much of a point as I could with a hostile audience, I set course for Omega-52, just in time to see a ship take the jump hole into it. It was a Gull transport by the designator "REAPER_PRIME", with civilian papers and an odd cargo load that comprised everything from spare parts to refugees. Needless to say the poor fool must not have known what he was getting into, and fled the system at his earliest possible moment. I chose not to follow and complete his termination; he did not venture outside of the Omega-5 debris field and could not have left with any sensitive scan data. With my patrol complete, I set down on Zhukovsky for debriefing.

<Attached Data>
Image 3 (Intruder 1)
Image 4 (Intruder 2)

Our Cause is Just.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-10-2010

[font=Garamond]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

Comradas! Today was a great victory in our Campaign. The CPW Havana, supported by the CPW Trotsky, engaged and destroyed the Dreadnought LNS-Tyrannical in Omicron Kappa.

This is a glorious day in our Revolucion, made Possible by the assistance of Dr. Caesera and Sub-Lt. Kostya Petrovin. Both of whom are awarded the [color=#CC0000]Eastern Campaign Star

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-10-2010

Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Sub Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I did my first training sessions in my Partisan against Commander Warner in his Insurgent, he quickly beat me using clever Disrupters though.

We received orders to meet the CPW-Havana in Omicron Theta, so we left straight away through the Omegas, meeting at Freeport 9.

Next we travelled through Omicron Delta, escorting the CPW-Havana to Omicon Minor, there we began missions against the Bounty Hunter pests. We encountered Destroyers, but the backup of the CPW-Havana and CPW-Trotsky, we quickly disposed of them.

As we were finished, we left Omicron Minor and headed back home, moving into Omicron Kappa. There we found an Liberty Navy Dreadnought.

[color=#3992d7]SCRA|CPW-Trotsky: Liberty....Navy....?
LNS-Tyrannical: Bracewell: Well this is interesting...
SCRA|CPW-Havana: Hold it
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: This is very interesting
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: On it
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Found it
LNS-Tyrannical: Bracewell: We are moving back o our primary waypoint, we will, excuse your presence
SCRA|CPW-Trotsky: Orders, Captain?
SCRA|CPW-Havana: Alvarez: Says who I excuse yours?
SCRA|CPW-Trotsky: Captain, what are your orders?
SCRA|CPW-Havana: My Orders are simple
SCRA|CPW-Havana: Kill it
SCRA|CPW-Trotsky: Got it, Captain. Charging the main cannon.
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Orders recieved, loud and clear
LNS-Tyrannical: Bracewell: I would suggest you accpet my offer of a bloodless battle
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Your suggestions are noted, and ignored
SCRA|CPW-Havana: You are tresspassing, and as such will suffer for it
LNS-Tyrannical: Bracewell: Hold your fire damnit
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: You don't order us around

We engaged it, the Capitals barraging from range, moving apart as it closed in. The Coalition power was too much for the Dreadnought as it broke apart, we were victorious.

A group of Nomads attacked us as we were leaving Omicron Kappa, so we were leaving Omicron Minor, so we destroyed them before heading into the Omegas.

Then we arrived home, Commander Warner ordered myself and Sub Lt Scott to practice fighting, I bested him with a Mine. We were ordered to do a fight without mines, to teach us not to depend on us, but the fight took a long time, and we eventually called it off for other orders.

We watched Brooks fight Commander Broch, so we could learn from their actions, soon enough I headed back to base for repairs and sleep.

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 06-10-2010

...Incoming Transmission
From: Viktor Heinz
To: Omega 52, Coalition HQ
Subject: Omega 7 report

After spending six months in a hospital, I am finally able to go back up in space once again.

Today, my patrol started in Omega 7 system. A complete map in great detail of the Omega system was made, it will follow on the bottom of the report.

More than simply patrolling, I talked to the common people, who were working at the time in the Omega 7 system.

A Kruger miner captain, and a Unioner supporter. Some of details extracted from those pilots will be useful later in propaganda effort to win the hearts of Rhienlands people.

Complete chat log following (few lanes missing due to ion storm)

Captured camera:
[Image: 2a6jpft.jpg]
[Image: 5n5buv.jpg]
[Image: 2jfyqsi.jpg]

...End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 06-11-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm1a.png]

My assignment was to survey all planetoids in the Tau Systems using an external sensor pod attached to my Partisan Light Fighter. Since many of those systems are heavily defended by factions, and since the rest of them are devoid of such things, my flight path took me to Planet Harris in Tau-31.

The trip in was somewhat hazardous; the BAF put up a minefield to dissuade the KNF, the only opening being along an incomplete tradelane. A Dunkirk-class Battleship, the HMS Macduff, was stationed just outside the gap in the mines, presumably to concentrate fire there. I managed to slip through a thin portion of the field and fly beyond, but only by the merits of the size of my Partisan.

<Attached Data>
Image 1 (Tradelane Gap)
Image 2 (HMS Macduff 1)
Image 3 (HMS Macduff 2)

Planet Harris itself was registered as a Planetform experiment, slated to be finished in 820 A.S. Needless to say, the recent turn of events has pushed that estimate back perhaps indefinitely. However, judging by scan data, the planet's transformation from a dead rock to a hospitable one is almost complete. Temperatures on the surface are well within acceptable habitation levels, and the atmosphere's composition is suitable for survival along most latitudes. Sufficient amounts of water for wide-spread flora growth have not yet been applied, but given the ice fields in the surrounding space that step could be easily accomplished rather quickly. A storage depot is in orbit, presumably to contain terraforming agents for later use, but the level of activity on it in light of the war suggests that it has been militarized; there were no defensive armaments, but the estimated number of inhabitants far exceeded what would be required for maintaining a simple resource dump.

<Attached Data>
Image 4 (Planet Harris 1)
Image 5 (Planet Harris 2)
Image 6 (Planet Harris 3)
Image 7 (Storage Depot)

All in all, Harris is on the verge of becoming a viable, prosperous planet, and the Bretonians have made it very defensible in spite of their military situation.

On the Road to the Final Victory


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-11-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

There is a devil, hiding in Gallia, that has seen to send a ship of mechanized death against the people of Sirius. Our people.

Auriel Silvan (DeFrance) must be stopped.

You are ordered to neutralize her or her Aquilon Carrier, and report such a victory here.

Do so, and be met with rewards for your service to the people!

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 06-11-2010

>>> COMM ID: Sub Lieutenant Ethan Scott
>>> SOURCE: Zvezdny Gordok
>>> SUBJECT: Reconaissance report.

[font=Lucida Console]Privet,

The following is an account of my surveillance in the Omega 58 system. To say that there is a heavy Wilde presence is an understatement, but it's also a well known fact. However, the system has distinguishing features that make it rather unreal. The incomplete Nomad Gate in the centre of the system emits a large amount of feedback, and a noticeable gravitational pull, which is the reason for the grainy quality of the guncam footage.

I'll start with the planets. There are only two bodies that can be classified as planets. The first is a gas giant called Konigsbrunn. It seems to be heavily guarded by Wilde patrols, and several weapons platforms. It's located centrally within the system, in comparison to the other planet: Passau. This one is on the far reach of the system, however the orbit trajectory indicates it is being pulled towards the Nomad Gate.

The rest of the planetoids in the system are moons. They are Forcheim, Hof, Straubing, and Vilshofen. All of them seem to be gravitating towards the Nomad Gate. Other than that, they are uninteresting.

There are two stations within the system. Both are heavily armed, and defended by many weapons platforms. Bottrop Depot, while it looks like something Junkers put together, has capable defensive systems. It is located very close to the Nomad Gate, as opposed to Hirschfield Base, which lies futher out. It also looks a lot more robust, with defensive systems to match.

I also discovered the wrecks of two Hessian fighters. My scanners were able to pick out their transponders. The first one I located was Vesteralen. It seemed to have been damaged by fighter weapons, and disabled. However, my scanners also detected heavier weapons fire, leading me to believe it was also damaged by weapons platforms. The other Hessian wreck is the Lichter, cut down by a Wilde patrol.

There was another wreck, only this one was a lot more peculiar, called the Westerwald. It was located within the centre of the Nomad Gate. I couldn't get a very accurate image of the wreck, as I felt a strong gravitational pull drawing me into the centre. This one was of Rheinland origin, and I have no idea as to what purpose it serves there.

The follwing is a system-wide map.


[Image: 2db7c0l.png]


[font=Lucida Console]I made my way back to Omega-52 without incident. Several patrols of Wilde ships gave me chase, both in Omega-58 and Omega-55 but I was able to evade them. All sensor data was saved intact, and my ship received minimal damage from both patrols and weapons platforms in the two systems

Sub Lieutenant Ethan Scott..