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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 07-08-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering for once reporting again.

For once there where two Gaian gunboats in Camebridge at the Snowdown Gate attacking Trader.
At first Exsec Jan Peters and myselfe encountered them we where both in Fighters ant thus had to break the attack of since this wouldn't have ended good.

Peters called for backup as did I but it seemed that he had more success than I did because after a few Minutes an Interspace Gunboat Kirkland
Dink Smallwood in a Bomber
Michael Rodes from Bowex
and an Angry Badger in a Figher answered the call.

I took out my Bomber and took of to support them
Smallwood and I encountered a Rheinland Military Gunboat next to Kings Cross and had to convince it to head back to Omega 3 with us.

On our way there the rest of the Group had already engaged the two Gaian Gunboats.
Arriving at the Battle Michael Rodes was already down, same with the IC Kirkland.

Smallwood and myselfe made best speed and took out both of the Gunboats with no further casualties

Datafolder-198 [Images 1]

That would be all.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 07-10-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Wayne Johnson reporting in...

I'll start off by reporting that I spotted Tobi.Reaper, a known gallic mercenary in the lane from New London to Southampton Shipyard. I followed him, but couldn't catch him. Anyways, seems he was going to Edinburgh and he even used the main gate.

After, I continued with a patrol in Dublin system. It was quite and peace I've spotted just a BMM hedgemon mining for a Bounty Hunter Core transport. Then I continued with Cambridge. Everything was all right so I thought of doing a quick sweep in Omega 3. All was fine until I got near Port Smallwood. To my surprise, there was a massive Corsair fleet, at start formed of 3 Legate dreadnoughts, 2 cruisers and 1 fighter. I've soon called off the Emergency Channels and the Cambridge Fleet mobillised to counter. This is the list of friendly and enemy forces that faced in the Battle of Sprague.

[color=#33FF33]Allied Forces:

BAF|Lt.Wayne.Johnson - Templar
BAF|Lt.Henry.Moore. - Challanger
BAF|Lt.Jack.Ando. - Challanger
BAF|Eagle-864 - Eagle
Amanda.Morresy - Templar
BPA)Thomas.Page[SRD] - Challanger
BMM-Dink.Smallwood - Arrastra
Pete.Levine. - IMG bomber
IC|E-Kirkland - Liberty Gunboat
HMS-November.Rain - Cruiser
BAF|HMS-Harbinger - Battleship
HMS-Estbourne - Battleship
HMS-Conqueror - Battleship
242nd|HMS-Sherwood - Battleship (badly hit)

Entenkuken - Hessian Battleship (destroyed, first ship that engaged the corsairs, didn't had much luck)

Enemy Forces:

Corsair_Valeria-Benitez - Centurion (fled)
Sonny - Titan (dead)
.Silver.Reaver - Odin (docked)
!Tangerine.Reaver (fled)
Mejor.Amigo:|Sails - Corsair Gunboat (destroyed)
Sails.Furia - Praefect (damaged badly)
Amigo's - Praefect (destroyed)
[CC]Rock.Of.Gibraltar - Legate (destroyed)
[CC]The.Codice.Carmesi - Legate (destroyed)
:LF:CBS-Granada - Legate (destroyed)
ECG|Adm**Evolution - Legate (destroyed)
Kedros - Legate (destroyed)
[M]Carrie.Duncan - Surveyor (just attempted to shoot Dink)

Our fleet formed up at Freeport 1. From there Adm. Davids ordered the capital ships to move in line slowly and take down incoming corsair threats. The hispanics got caught by surprise so their dreadnoughts couldn't form a decent attacking line. Because of this they got shot down one by one. Their less fighters tried to shoot down our bombers, but because of their small number they did nothing.

Over all, it was a huge success for Bretonia Armed Forces, being able to defend Port Smallwood and not have any losses.

::Uploading Visuals:: # # # # # # # # # # # # #

We'll need some rest.
Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-10-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Attention! The following members of the Armed Forces are promoted to a higher rank due to their long and continuing service without mistake.

-The two Ensigns: Louis and Jack Barnes are given the rank of Lieutenant.
-The three Lieutenants: Wayne Johnson, James Barnes and Mike Havering are promoted to [color=#33CCFF]Lieutenant Commanders
-Lieutenant Commander William Folge is promoted to Commander, for his endurance and high level of moral in the heat of battle as well as his abilities to command the templar squadrons.

To the those pilots, Congratulations. Your country is proud of you!
To all others, we are still in the heat of the second war - a lot more is to be done and a lot more men are going to be promoted for their bravery. Do your best and you will be rewarded.

Bretonia will prevail!

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Blitzmoez - 07-18-2012

[Image: zoipozidgd4.jpg]

Patrol Report: the 18. July 819 A.S. Cambridge

I was on my way from Norfolk to New London as I spotted something big in the Trade Lane towards the gate. I turned around and found a Corsair Legate in the middle of Cambridge system named '€œPsychotic'€.
It was not far from Norfolk and shooting the bretonian Forces. I made an emergency message to call for help. The BPA sent support with BPA)Thomas.Page[SRD] (Challenger) and we started turning that Corsair into scrap metal. He told us that his '€œwork'€ was finished and he started to retreat to Omega-3, so the suggestion that he was looking for hyperspace coordinates is close. With the aim to cause as much as demage on his ship we followed him into Omgea-3. Not far from the Freeport-1 his hull started to burst out big components and the hitting torpedos gaved his ship the rest it needed. After a huge explosion we started looking up the scrap metal to take all escape pods on board. In between the scrap metal we found left bits of M.O.X which is a signt for a mounted Hyperspace scanner on the ship. Anyways that Corsair is no more and we hope that it sends out a message to the other Corsairs who want to step foot on bretonian space.

[Image: m4nq8jj8pqxb.jpg]

Here the raw Intel:

[Image: rwleijicfqv.jpg] [Image: ccnrf8rqtzkg.jpg]
[Image: nifdhhqe8y2.jpg] [Image: 8u1dcuucinh.jpg]

Signed: Ensign Ando Jack

[Image: 94e6nkh5yi.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 07-22-2012

-----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow-----

Four days ago I picked up a signal on the emergency comms about the Order in New London, so I got onto my Templar to check it out and Agent Archer was already on the scene. Four of them were there in heavily armed fighters using nomad tech, so I got a little suspicious naturally. They spoke of some sort of cruiser class vessel, infested most likely, traveling through Bretonia. After a lengthy conversation about coming up with a means of finding this thing of which they did not know the comm id, how it looked like and what ship model it was and a way to see it, as it had a cloaking device (incompetent lot) we decided that they had probably advanced through the Tau systems.

This is where Agent Archer drew the line, saying that they could go on their own in order to pursue their foe.

Woodrow out.



P.s - I'm back.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 07-22-2012

-----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow-----


Earlier today a Bowex convoy picked up a Corsair Cruiser on their scanners at the New London gate in the Cambridge system, which immediately jumped into New London as myself and Ensign Blake went into Cambridge. With the help of BMM escort Dink Smallwood we tracked the ship to the Dublin system, as it began to open fire on us.

Later the Bowex vessel Becket and Ensign Robinson joined us, shortly after Ensign Blake's ship was shot down, the Becket being a freighter proving us with repairs and Ensign Robinson in his bomber, me myself being in my Templar at the time. I would distract the Cruiser's fire while Escort Smallwood and Ensign Robinson would send SNAC and Nova salvos at the vessel, eventually depleting it's repairs.

Just before the hull was breached I made the Corsair an offer, that he would vow to stay out of Bretonia on penalty of death, if he were to accept, we would spare the lives of him and his crew. Of course, he refused, so Smallwood and Robinson made short work of the almost breached vessel. The vessel's name being Banjo.Burrito, which I recommend all Officers to shoot on sight. We also saw the Cruiser was carrying Nukes around, which I ordered the Bowex vessel Becket to deliver the nukes to the Essex.

Just as I landed on the Essex a Bounty Hunter from the Cambridge system asked for some help dealing with a couple of pirates. I headed to Cambridge and myself and hunter Mor-rioghain battled the two bombers, one eating it's own mine and one crashing his ship into the planet near Cardiff whose name currently escapes me. Also, use this as a formal recognition of these two kills being that of the Bounty Hunter's. After that I landed on the Norfolk and headed to the Norfolk.

Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 07-31-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Commander Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Good evening. I will try to patch through the newest feeds that I've got. I have been noticed that several Gallic Royal Navy snubcrafts were massed in range of Battleship York. I went in to investigate the cause and I have noticed a council fighter as well as a Colonial Republic "Thanthos" cruiser fighting 3 lynxes and 1 reaver bomber. They were needing some help, even if the cruiser was equiped with anti-snub guns so I've jumped in.

These are the forces involved in the encounter around Tau 31 jump gate and then tau 31.

[color=#33FF33]Allied Forces:

BAF|Lt.Cdr.W.Johnson - Templar
[C]-Sylvie.Delaunay - Nyx
CR|Ved'Ma[FF166] - Colonial Republic Cruiser

Enemy Forces:

GRN|Leon.Chevalier. - Lynx
GRN|Yves.Coupe - Lynx
GRN|Claudie.Laroche - Lynx - Ship Destroyed
Shadow.Reaver - Mamoru - Razored to hell

It didn't took long after I engaged for the cruiser to manage to pot a dual razor shot on the reaver bomber. Then 3 lynxes were left to fight, and Sylve thought that the cruiser support wasn't necessary. After 5 minutes of "dance", it has been proved right, so the Colonial capital ship jumped to tau 31. It seemed that the 3 gallic Lynx units didn't got the skill for fighting 2 of us, so they've retreated 1 by 1, leaving Claudie behind. She tried, after the 2 cowards left to their closest battleship, to reach tau 31 and the get cover from Battleship Carcassone, but she didn't made it. In a 15k range from the Valor, Sylve finished the job.
In the same time I was told that reinforcements were on their way, but not needed fortunately.

I didn't took too many visual evidences, only 1 actually, but I hope it should be enough.

::Uploading Visual:: #

Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-03-2012

-= Incoming Transmission =-


[color=#66FF99][font=Impact]Priority: High
To: Armed Forces Officers
From: Charles Richard Hall
Location: BRF|HMS-Thunderer, Leeds System
Subject: Alderaan Base Suppliers

[Image: charlesrhall.jpg]

Greetings, respected gentlemen. Good day today, right? Well, certainly for Alderaan base. They've got some supplies today. I've seen it with my own eyes! They may look blurry, but they're as clear as rain. Anyways, I'm sure that some pictures will prove it. But, let's not hurry to much.

Today, I was on a patrol trough Leeds. I saw many of those automated Valors and I blew them all up with no care. When the danger was over, I switched my attention to the traffic. And one transport attracted most of it. It was a Zoner whale, transporting 5000 units of robotics. The ship's name was ZBT-SLX. I followed them to the base, where I ordered them to stop, but in vain. The ship docked and delivered the whole 5000 units of robotics to Alderaan. Here's the chat log about the event. Unfortunately, the ship managed to escape.

My ship was stationed at the base for a long time, guarding it from any suppliers and firing at it on occasions. After an hour, I guess, another transport closed down to the station. She was one of the Percheron class, and was named petiteJo. I told him not to dock, as well, but he refused, too. However, this captain proved himself to be a less skilled navigator, so his ship was disposed of by core detonation. If one of those ships is seen in Bretonia again, I advise it's immediate destruction.

Also, a bomber came to defend the base, probably a mercenary. It was dealt with by some of our automated snubcraft. Oh, they can be so useful sometimes! Bonita didn't even manage to get a clear shot on it, before it exploded! Well, I doubt she would, you can see how disoriented she was in the chat log. I think there should be officers who control the alcohol level for each BAF officer. It would help me, and certainly improve my aim.

That was all from me. I hope Alderaan will ultimately fall. I will forward this message to the BPA.

Sincerely Yours, Charles Richard Hall.
<div align="right]Hall out.

-= Signal Terminated =-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 08-04-2012

Connection secured.

Transmission source: Lieutenant James Arland

Location: Planet Leeds HQ

Displaying message

It has been some time since my last report, and for that I apologize.

I will record the events of today's sortie, largely peaceful though it may have been, in order to get back into things.

Just before I was about to launch for my flight, I was notified by the HMS Thunderer that there were two hostile snubs in the Leeds system. I called for backup and went hunting. Ensign Robinson and I scoured the trade lanes as well as the Edinburgh hole, but no trace of the opposition was found. We were however still certain that they were in the system, so we remained on station and assisted a police officer, one A. Constable, with a munitions smuggling case - escorting the accused back to Leeds where the munitions were offloaded.

However in a bizarre turn of events, the perpetrator launched with two IDs - one Orbital Spa and Cruise ID, as well as a Bretonian police ID. I immediately issued a warning, and the trader complied. I ended my sortie on that note once the trader had left.

Here are the names of the two gallian pilots we were hunting, but didn't find.

Lieutenant Arland out.

End of message.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bloogaL - 08-07-2012

***Incoming Transmission***

Comm ID: Dan Robinson
Sunject: Lone invader
Source: Planet Leeds

On a patrol earlier today, I found a Gallic Royal Navy fighter by the name of Thomas Leveque loitering around Planet Leeds. I went over to deal with him, and when I asked what he was doing here, he told me he was "Inspecting his future home." As you can imagine, I was getting more and more annoyed with the little oaf, and eventually the row broke out into a fight.
Here are the destruction records retrived from his ships's black box:

[Image: q6HoWl.png]

That's all for now... Nothing much else happened for the rest of the patrol.

***Transmission Ended***