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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-11-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]


Source: Lieutenant Jayce Brooks
Location: Omega-52 System
Subject: Omega Planetary Reconnaissance

Yesterday, I was assigned to pull a recon mission on all of the planetary bodies in the main Omega systems. The guncam footage is at the end of the message. The mos interesting thing I noticed, was the planet Sprague, in the Omega 3 System. It seems that there is an archeological dig located on the planets surface, as though the plane has no docking facilities, it registers as a Police base. The rest of the planets were not of much interest, and the ones that were dockable were also well known throughout the colonies.


[Image: screen1.jpg]

The rest of the images are linked to an external database, I'm still having issues posting thumbnails to the Neural Net.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-11-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]


Source: Lieutenant Jayce Brooks
Location: Omega-52 System
Subject: Planet Crete Imagescan

As per ordered, I have completed my mission of a close planetary scan of the Corsair homeworld, Crete. I wouldn't want to spend my vacation there. As I was hauling ass out of there after taking the images, I was pursued by something along the lines of a Cruiser, Gunboat, and about 5 or 6 Benitez fighters. I only managed to escape through the sheer bulk of the Insurgent being able to take more radiation from the Neutron Star than their Titans.

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[Image: screen3.jpg]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 06-11-2010

...Incoming Transmission
From: Viktor Heinz
To: Omega 52
Subject: Report


I report back to you from Rheinland space, where I continue to listen concerns regarding our goals. Latest came from an unusual man.A Unioner pilot to be exact, who expressed his problems with economical reforms, colectivization to be precise, plus we have touch a 'good' subject.
Complete chat log can be accessed from here.
Indeed, unioner raised some good points regarding post-war Rheinland, but all his questions recieved a proper answer.
Before we could continue, Unioner reported news from Liberty front. Apparently Pacifica, and fellow Hessian allies engaged Liberty capital fleet, just outside Hamburg planet. To show our support for Rheinland problems, I joined them in their fight. At the end of my report you can find camera records.
Liberty invaded in power longside Bering front, wiping out Rheinland remote units, and entered Hamburg space. They didnt stop until they reached united Rheinland. Military, Hessians, Unioners, met together, to greet Liberty force.
As Rheinlander I was happy to see, that for a brief moment in our lives, we were united, which raises chances for peacefull change of goverment, without wasting much resources. But, that is still a long shoot.
Ineed it was great victory, with all Liberty destroyed, at the gates of Fatherland.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vogel - 06-11-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Konstantin Petrovin
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System

[Image: comm1a.png]

After the altercation in Tau-23, I decided to make the best of my trip home. I visited the Sigma-13 System, the battleground of the Eighty Years War between Imperial Rheinland and the Gas Miners Guild. From what weve managed to obtain from Sirian databanks, this war was fought in a partisan style and ultimately led to the complete collapse of both the Rheinland Military and its government. It might be contested that the Rheinlanders have learned from the mistakes they made there, but history tends to repeat itself, and no doubt we have been employing some of the same tactics against our enemies. All of that aside, the place is rather scenic.

I started my tour at a small alcove in one of the moving oxygen pockets. While treacherous, I was able to steer my Partisan between the most dangerous sections and witness the destruction within. There appeared to be the remains of a small taskforce of ships: at least one heavy cruiser, two smaller escorts, and a squadron of fighters. I got down to making observations and drawing conclusions, finding rather interesting results.

The heavy cruiser there was the RIN Kassel, one of the most flaunted ships in that forgotten navy. Records indicated it had served with distinction for in upwards of fifty years prior to the point of its destruction, during which it was responsible for the systematic destruction of countless GMG convoys and heavy ships. There was severe damage to its engine nozzle and the main bridge looked as if it had been hit with a warhead from point blank, the explosion starting well behind the bulkhead. On top of that, the location of the power core was practically nonexistent; two gaping holes were all that were evidenced of its placement, and the fore and aft portions of the ship had literally popped off in opposite directions, possibly due to the ensuing explosion.

<Attached Files>
Image 1 (Map Location)
Image 2 (The Graveyard)
Image 3 (Identification)
Image 4 (Engine damage)
Image 5 (Bridge Damage)
Image 6 (Core Damage)

The two smaller escorts, the RIN Vineta and RIN Thetis, were almost completely destroyed, with little but their bows intact. There was severe damage to the bridge sections, and the spray of pieces behind those bows indicated core combustion.

As for the fighters, they formed a string of broken vessels extending out of the oxygen cloud. Each intact fighter had severe damage to the engines and maneuvering veins, almost to the exclusion of the rest of the ship.

<Attached Files>
Image 7 (Fighter Escort)

There are many things that can be deduced from these findings. The Kassel itself was a high-priority target, not only because of its effectiveness in the field but because of its perceived worth; the destruction of such a vessel must have been a severe blow to Imperial morale. The Rheinlanders must have known this since it was allotted such a sizable escort, but the GMG took care of the whole group expertly.

The trail of fighters leading to the main graveyard indicates that the group was operating by itself and was being hounded by GMG fighters. They would try to catch fighters in tight formation, or draw them away from the rest of the group where they were picked apart. The damage centered on the engines indicates that they sought to gain mission kills rather than operational ones; a disabled enemy is a powerless enemy. This allowed them to work quickly, quicker than the Rheinlanders could think.

The oxygen clouds have been moving from place to place in the Sigma-13 System, but the drifting patterns of the wrecks indicates that they have been moving with that particular cloud, perhaps since the moment of their destruction. This would reveal another masterful stroke by the GMG: the Kassel and its escorts were not only hounded away from their main fleet, but were herded towards a dangerous zone of space. While the fighters could slip through the pockets, albeit with some difficulty, the cruisers would be hard pressed to maintain their defenses in such an environment, their shields constantly being drained by the exploding gas.

Damage patterns on the ships seem to tell even more of the story. The engine nozzles, the weakest link in any engine assembly, were targeted first. The GMG must have pushed the Kassel and its escorts into the cloud and then shot apart its engine in order to trap it there, not only exposing it to constant environmental damage but dissuading other Imperial Navy units from coming to its aid. Next, the bridge was targeted with as much firepower as the GMG could muster, taking out a sizable portion of the bow, including the secondary bridge. With command and control completely decapitated, the ships crew must have been in a state of anarchy and panic, too confused to man the guns, or the escape pods. One last salvo into the power core from the closest possible location on the hull detonated it, splitting the ship into multiple parts and killing anything left alive inside. The escort cruisers must have suffered the same fate, and in very short order, hinting at an enviable level of coordination on the part of the GMG.

All in all, the tactics demonstrated here resulted in the complete annihilation of the RIN Kassel and its battlegroup. Partisan warfare, striking fast, hard, and with precision, despite considerably less resources than the enemy, was the victor here.

My next stop took me to the more obvious location of the fighting, the Yanagi Cloud. This place was the location of the last major battle of the Eighty Years War in which what was left of the Imperial Navy was almost completely destroyed, save for the RIN Westfalen. While the Junkers and ALG have tampered with the debris in this field, there is still some information to be gleaned. Many of the wrecks of the capital ships exhibit the same trends of targeting subsystems as was seen with the Kassel. Cruisers were hit in identical places, and battleships were deprived of their heavy forward armaments so that GMG gunboats could join the fight unmolested. Fighters exhibit the same crippling damage in the engines and maneuvering veins as their counterparts elsewhere, and the proximity of the capital ship hulks suggest that they hardly had time to flee formation before they were set upon by ruthless attack groups. The Westfalen no doubt survived only by the merit of turning tail before the rest did.

<Attached Files>
Image 8 (Map Location)
Image 9 (Battleship Gun Damage)
Image 10 (Battleship Engine Damage)
Image 11 (Proximity of Wrecks)

The last destination of mine was the site of the old Kruger Minerals station. This station was synchronized with the local star, but an oxygen cloud recently moved over it, making observation somewhat difficult. This target was civilian in origin, doubtless defended but far from what the Rheinlanders would consider the frontline. This would have served no difficulty to the GMG, however, which used the extensive network of jump holes in the system to stab the clumsy fleets in the back at every turn.

Whats left of the station was a complete disaster; twisted metal and bits of metal indicated a violent end to anyone left aboard. Targets of interest seem to have been the defensive weapons on the habitation levels, and then the hangars which they guarded. There was an obvious attempt at sealing in the occupants before they managed to escape. This belies the same brutality that was seen at the wreck of the Kassel; the GMG showed the Rheinlanders absolutely no mercy, and simply tried to kill as many of them as possible. Its likely that this was the main objective in order to win the war, but as history shows it took the complete destruction of the Imperial Navy in order to accomplish this. Needless to say, the Rheinlanders refused to bend to fear or a list of casualties, which forced the GMG to sustain their terrorizing mode of warfare until every last ship had been vented. While the popular revolution did take place afterward, this method was not necessarily practical, as evidenced by the fact that it took eighty years to see results.

<Attached Files>
Image 12 (Information)
Image 13 (Hangar/Gun Damage)

In any case, the gas canisters were not the targets. While some had been destroyed, probably by stray fire, there were intact tanks, indicating that the GMG did its best to salvage what was left of their livelihood even as they ended the lives of their enemies.

<Attached Files>
Image 14 (Gas Canisters)

All in all, the GMG have shown an astounding aptitude for tactical operations and yet are somewhat lacking in the strategic sense. Our enemy spans all of Sirius, and we fight for the liberation of all people, rather than a single system. However, I feel that some of these lessons can be taken to heart.

Ive traded my Partisan in for an Insurgent, as per the orders of Comrade Captain Alvarez and with the blessings of Comrade Commander Warner. I intend to put it to good use.

Until the Red Dawn.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-12-2010

[color=#3992d7]Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Sub Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I did as ordered, the exercise went well. I didn't run into any resistance, beside an LPI trying to pull me over.

Guncam shots:
New Berlin -> New York -> New Tokyo -> New London -> Omega-52

Time taken: 1:16:37 (NB -> NL)

As a bonus included my return to Omega-52, this concludes my work on this challenge.

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-12-2010

Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Sub Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I left Omega-52 with the CPW-Akula to Omega-3 and Omega-7 to do Operation RAMPART. I disrupted a Junker Pirate Transport in Omega-5 though, on the journey there,

[color=#3992d7]SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Slaver!
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Where?
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Over here
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Junker
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Got him!
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Hold it!
Anne.Bonny: Greetings Laddy
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Explain yourself
Anne.Bonny: Just Heading to Omega 11
SCRA|CPW-Akula: With a load of innocent people?
SCRA|CPW-Akula: You slavers are the worst kind of filth.
Anne.Bonny: Innoncent, rescued people
Anne.Bonny: took them off a Slaver near Molly base in Cambridge
SCRA|CPW-Akula: If they have been rescued, as you say, then you would not mind taking them to Freeport One.
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: They can be liberated there
Anne.Bonny: Happy too, if you can give me directions
Anne.Bonny: Was trying to stay clear of Corsairs
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Follow us. And Do not try anything.
Anne.Bonny: roger that
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Towards 4D

We finally arrived and the Junker docked, liberating the innocents.

In Omega-7 we found some Hessians, who moved to Omega-5 to take on some Corsairs, we patrolled and eventually found a Rheinland Gunboat hassling some potential Junker Pirates.

RNC-Lubeck: Halt Junkers
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: No
RNC-Lubeck: You 2 are wanted for PIracy
RNC-Lubeck: You have no permission to dock there
RNC-Lubeck: What you 2 have to say on your defense
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: I apologize.
RNC-Lubeck: Do not dock
RNC-Lubeck: You try Tax Kruger
RNC-Lubeck: and then dock in one of their statoins?
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: Ok but dont shoot at me.s
RNC-Lubeck: You are to pay fine
RNC-Lubeck: Fro acts of piracy against RHeinland Corporations
SCRA|Angie.Broch: Thieving pirate!
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: You'll pay for this!
RNC-Lubeck: Me?
SCRA|Angie.Broch: No duh!
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Hold it, comrades.
SCRA|CPW-Akula: What is going on here?
RNC-Lubeck: Uhm.
RNC-Lubeck: Dont think its councern of the coalition
SCRA|Angie.Broch: It is, actually. Don't assume.
SCRA|CPW-Akula: The welfare of the people of the Omegas is always our concern.
RNC-Lubeck: Then
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Junkers are people too
RNC-Lubeck: You wont like what this junkers bein doing
SCRA|Angie.Broch: Dirty people, albeit.
SCRA|CPW-Akula: And what has he been doing?
RNC-Lubeck: They 've been pirating
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Pirating whom?
Death: BrownBear was killed by a hostile vessel.
RNC-Lubeck: Kruger Miner
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Is this true, Junkers?
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: What?
RNC-Lubeck: Anwser
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Have you been pirating Kruger ships?
RNC-Lubeck: He will natural denied
RNC-Lubeck: But later on he he Apolagized to me
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: No we ask him for a donation.
RNC-Lubeck: errr
Erazor: And fired on my ship.
RNC-Lubeck: Herr Chris
RNC-Lubeck: Im not in the mood
RNC-Lubeck: Now now
SCRA|CPW-Akula: So you have been thieving, Junkers?
RNC-Lubeck: Does coalition have enought ecidence?
Erazor: Good day.
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: We ask him for a donation, after he dock at the base and we open fire after that.
RNC-Lubeck: So you admit
SCRA|Angie.Broch: That's piracy, son.
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Leave the system. Both of you.
RNC-Lubeck: Yes piracy.
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: My bathroom is broken i need to repair my toilet you now.
RNC-Lubeck: Thats your problem
RNC-Lubeck: Im waiting
RNC-Lubeck: Or you want me to start shooting things?
SCRA|CPW-Akula: Junkers. Leave the system immediately or leave it in body bags.
EcoScrap|Chris.Brass: Okay.
RNC-Lubeck: SNAC me one more time
SCRA|CPW-Akula: We do not accept payment for our duty.
SCRA|Dan.BaIan: more and more corsairs..
Erazor: I see.. but still, thanks.

We decided to support the Hessians against the Corsairs in Omega-5. When we arrived, The Joker was fleeing and the Hessians were at a disadvantage. I engaged, eventually taking out Esu of the Sails.
Dan and Petr soon blew themselves up leaving the Akula, Broch and I outnumbered.

Soon enough the Akula fell, along with Broch eventually, in glorious battle, as Jayce arrived to support. I let him know that we were outnumbered and I had our fallen comrade's pods, so we moved to Omega-52.

I also rescued seven innocents caught in the crossfire, aswell as taking three bounty hunter prisoners. I will tend to the lingering wounds of the fallen, then return to duty.

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 06-12-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW International, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On my authority, and on behalf of the Commissariat,

I award the Hispania Memorium to Sub-Lieutenants Joseph Williamson, Ethan Scott and Ivan Rasputin, for completing the rite of passage for all Coalition pilots - making the journey to inscribe their names on the wreck of the sleeper ship Hispania.

In addition, the Eastern Campaign Star is awarded to Lieutenant Jayce Brooks. May his example stand for all of you.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-12-2010

Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Sub Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I left Omega-52 alone, headed towards Omicron-Alpha through the Omega network of jumpholes. In Omega-41, I had a close shave with a couple of Bounty Hunter Mantas, who pulled off as I evaded them.

I passed through Omicron-Eta, moving within 9k of two Outcast Ranseurs, they failed to follow me as I entered Omicron-Alpha.

[color=#3992d7]MNS-Moonlightning: Hmm
MNS-Molenaar: what?
MNS-Moonlightning: DR Ceasera was red on me scanner

At the Hispania, I signed my name as an Outcast Tridente neared me. The idiot couldn't hit me as I cruised off, headed back to Omicron-Eta.

ChaosS.DestroyeR: ChaosS: What are you doing here..?
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: None of your business
ChaosS.DestroyeR: ChaosS: Right

At the Omicron-Eta Jumphole, I passed an Outcast Tridente, Falcata and Sabre. They did little to stop me.

Ishi'Mura: What you want here Caesera
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Shove off
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Ugly Outcast meatbag
Ishi'Mura: go away pendejo
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Suck it hermando
Ishi'Mura: ugly ass scra
Maverick: Remove yourself from these lands Caesera
Maverick: Head back to your home
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: At least my mother wasn't a two doller whore

In Omicron-Eta, I passed the MNS-Moonlighting again, and commented on how awful his ship looked.

SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Your ship is ugly
MNS-Moonlightning: come closer so i can see yours
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: Shove it

Nothing else spotted me as I made my way home to Omega-52.

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Elven - 06-13-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Petr Diordienko
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok (Star City), Omega-52 System

[Image: x_c0a7b20f.jpg]

Today I was assigned for assasination of Bretonia Armed Forces admiral Hobart. I catched up with Dan Balan at Omega-3 jumphole in Omega-5 system and moved for Bretonia. In New London we met Joseph Williamson.

Our plan was to make an ambush for admiral Hobart luring his fighter further to tradelanes network. As we all were in light fighters, we couldn't take him on one by one.

Unfortunately as we were slowly moving from Leeds jumphole (In New London system), sub-leitenaunt Williamson was stopped by Indigo Reaver who wanted to kill us. Since we had not much time to waste on mercenaries I offered him to leave alive. Instead he opened fire. Of course we didn't let Joseph down, but Indigo was equite well-equipped, alongside with considerable skills. We were slowly taking him down, however HMS "Dagobaz" (Kusari destroyer class, trust me or not!) showed up and opened fire as well. A bit later two other Reavers showed up taking on Balan, who suffered explosion in one of his engines causing him to eject while he could (His fighter was destroyed by self-destruction programm damaging one of Reavers, ineffectively, though). HMS "Dagobaz" left battlefield. After that I took his pod and ordered Williamson to retreat, because we couldn't stand chance. He started showing signs of heroism - that's good for books, but not for business. Finally we agreed on departing battlefiend together, but he couldn't engage cruise engine. In few seconds after last attempt I heard a lots of static and saw scrap drifting through from his ship location. I picked up pod and started to flee towards Leeds jumphole. Unfortuantely I went down on fire two Reavers (Indigo one dissappeared and HMS "Dagobaz" dissappeared). After I ejected all pods signals from them weren't high enough for Reavers to pick them up. After that we called in help of local Mollys, who delivered us to Freeport One safely, where we got transported to Omega-52 by GAZPROM.

End of report,
Petr Diordienko


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-13-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

Comradas! We are being hunted, it seems, by the Reaver Mercenary Force. They are using equipment and weaponry that out-matches the standard Partisan equipment.

Observation of the guncam data from the battle of Trafalgar, and from the encounter I myself witnessed in Kyushu has led me to conclude that the Partisan is insufficient for the combat operations that you, our pilots, are flying.

As such, I am authourizing all our current Sub-Lieutenants to upgrade to Insurgent Fighters, effective immediately.

Lt. Jayce Brooks, you have demonstrated clear leadership skills in the battle of New London today. I am authourizing you to commence gunboat training, apprenticed under myself and Commander Warner. The CPW-Social Credit will be placed at your disposal. Learn to use this weapon, learn it well. If you pass this advanced training, you will be promoted... Fail and... well, you know what happens then.

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--