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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-09-2012

-= Incoming Transmission =-

-= Medium Encryption =-

[color=#66FF99][font=Impact]Priority: Medium
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Intelligence Staff
From: Charles Richard Hall
Location: LD-14, Leeds System
Subject: Three Day Report

[Image: charlesrhallv2.jpg]

*A tidy man with a happy smile, although a bit different than most of us would call sane, and very different from old Charles, proudly appears on the screen. He speaks with joy, and like to friends he didn't see for a long time*

Greetings, respected gentlemen! Stay tuned and listen! I have some happy news to tell, after three days of silence! Firstly, I got rich again! *tries to hold the laugh* Secondly, Bretonia prevailed again! And not only once. Oh, let's just come to the point. Three days ago, I was laying siege to Alderaan. It was long and exhausting, but it payed off multiple times. After some hours of peace, I didn't expect anyone to come and defend it. However, my expectations didn't come true. I realized that when a civilian reported me that he saw some Corsair capital ships in the system. Then I realized it's the Green family, after the long range scans. I knew Alderaan was their, so I just stood there and waited. Not much later, I could see a Legate in my radar range, as well as a Corsair cruiser. For the success of the siege and the safety of the people of Bretonia, I got into a fight with them. The clash ended by our Bretonian victory. I just still wonder who the devil is that John Whitney lad?!

The next day was even better! I was laying siege to Alderaan when superintendent Miranda Bailey of the BPA called me for help. Apparently, she was fighting against a Gaian gunboat in her little Hussar. I decided to switch the tide of the event, so I blew up the gunboat. Madam Miranda thanked me and gave me the approval to continue my siege. Just as I came back, almost immediately, those Greens showed up! With absolutely identical, new ships! I wonder what is their insurance company... Nevertheless, the ships were neutralized again. It would be foolish to face Bretonian wrath again. Because my ship was slightly damaged after the battle, I went to Stokes for some repairs. When I undocked, I heard a distress call from an IMG vessel. I quickly powered up the engines, and rushed to help. It appeared a lonely Lane Hacker bomber was troubling the IMG transport, which was incapable to defend. I was aware of the unchivalric solution of the situation, but I had to defend the transport. I opened fire, and the bomber quickly fell into bits. Later, when the fight ended, I saw it was, actually, a bit cowardish gunboat! It ruined my day. I always fight with honor. I would maybe be sad if I wasn't rich.

The next day wasn't as eventful as the last two. But I can say it wasn't really fruitless.
After another siege of Alderaan, and after his numerous successes of escape, I finally caught the main supplier, ZBT-SLX. With the help of a freelancer and an angry Council cruiser, which was angry because ZBT entered Rusillon a few times, I managed to destroy the ship. No shots were fired from the freelancer and Council vessels, only cruise disruptors. After it was done, I got bored from laying siege to Alderaan, so I joined the siege of Nature's Last Hope station. Due to insufficient numbers, the station is still there, almost undamaged. But it can't disrupt my happiness, as long as I am this rich! *takes his top hat off, and hugs the money which was beneath it*

Oh, by the way, do you like my new outfit?

Sincerely Yours, Charles Richard Hall
<div align="right]Over and out.

-= Signal Terminated =-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 08-10-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Charles Richard Hall

I am pleased to inform you that your efforts and bravery to stand against the odds, to face your enemy with pride, and to achieve victory in such difficult moment was noted.
My respect towards you and your crew has increased significantly. That is why, considering the actions mentioned above, I bestow you with the Courageous Action Medal, which as you know is awarded to armed forces officers who defeat a greatly superior enemy force.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-10-2012

-= Incoming Transmission =-

-= Low Encryption =-
[color=#66FF99]Priority: Low
To: Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
From: Charles Richard Hall
Location: HMS Thunderer, Salisbury System
Subject: Replying, Thank You

[Image: charlesrhallv2.jpg]

*As Charles appears on the screen, and as the sound is turned on, a loud clamour can be heard echoing trough the ship*
Dear admiral sir Firmus Piett, thank... *turns behind* Chaps, will you, please, be quiet for a short time?! We're not going to Virgin island, at least not soon! *the shouting slowly stops*
Alright. Now, thank you, admiral sir Firmus Piett, for the Courageous Action Medal! I appreciate it, and my crew does, as well. We hope we can serve Bretonia with our courage for years to come. *turns behind* Cheers, lads! *the noise reappears, but Charles is quietly smiling and polishing his medal*

Sincerely Yours, Charles Richard Hall.
<div align="right]Over and out.

-= Signal Terminated =-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 08-15-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Yesterday we have achieved victory over the small terrorist organization known as the "Green Family". Their base - Alderaan has been captured and is now under our control. All pirate crew members have been sent to Newgate where they can wait to be judged for crimes against the Crown.
Sadly the leader of the group has managed to escape with a corsair cruiser, which was possibly prepared for emergency cases. The good news are that we've captured the leader's brother - Zaq, whom decided to cooperate with us for the sake of clearing his name from all charges.
His actions helped us significantly to capture the base that is why he earned a fair trial with minimum charges on his head.

From this day on the Armed Forces are in Non Aggression Pact (NAP) with the Coalition. After discussion from both leaders we agreed on these terms which you need to follow:

1. Coalition and Bretonian military forces will avoid hostile contact with one another.

2. Coalition forces will not engage in combat actions inside Bretonian space unless directly threatened.

3. Coalition forces may assist in evacuating Bretonian civilians if the need arises, though they will NOT provide military assistance to Bretonian forces unless directly threatened.

4. Coalition forces will not enter Bretonian space except when engaged with Gallic Naval Forces or Corsairs.

5. Exceptions to (4.) are the systems of Leeds, Dublin, Tau-31 and Omega-3 where Coalition forces may operate relatively freely.

6. Coaliton forces may enter the Cambridge system only if in pursuit of Corsair pirates.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 08-20-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Harbinger]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]
[Directed: Admiral Piett Officers of the Armed Forces, The Bretonian Goverment and the Queen.]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 13634-15886.gif]

Greetings members of the Armed Forces the Bretonia Goverment and the Queen herself. Today in a Cortez Operation the Harbinger along side the Thunderer Captured the Royal Navy Battleship the RNS-Paris. The vessel was heavily damaged and inside a war was going between the CO of the Vessel that turned renegade to the Crown.

I ordred Armed Forces Marines to board the ship and assist the Counts forces and secure the Vessel. And they did a wonderful Job of securing the Vessel. The Count of the vessel Count Charles Dupont was secured and what he Told me was very Disturbing. He said that Gallia and Kusari are working together and have a treaty to patrol the Tau-29 and support eachother a fact that I willl have to notify the Republic of Liberty after I send this to you.

I asked the Captain for his surrender and he did surrender in the only condition to be granted refuge in Bretonia and Fight against the Royalist Forces as CO of the Paris. I myself dont see a problem for now. I will talk more to the Count and see if he is reliable asset to our war effort.

So I am issuing an order do not open fire on the RNS-Paris unless its Directly jeprodasing the Security of the Kingdom of Bretonia. The Count also told me that the king of Gallia lies to his men and woman about the War that we threaten them I know this is not true that we threaten them, but it will make a good demoralise for the Royalist forces. After the Surrender of the Captain the Vessel was escorted to the Southampton Shipyard for study and repairs the Captain Cooperated very well.

Davis out
Attached Files:7
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces 2cond Fleet

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 08-21-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Todays patrol...

Evening Officers of the Fleet.

We were scrambled tonight for a situation at Kings Cross Station. 2 Hessian Battleships by the name of XxSerenityxX and Tirpitz had begun to lay siege to the station. Lt.Cdr.Mike Havering and the HMS Lancer and HMS Hurricane were in the vicinity as well. I undocked from the Norfolk after countering the latest Corsair threat and headed out towards New London.

As soon as the Hurricane came in visual range of the station, the Hessians turned tail and fled. It remains a mystery however how they entered so deep into our territory undetected. Soon the Hessians were marked and persued by HMS-Hurricane. I believe it is safe to say the Hessians will not return.

Afterwards we swept Leeds, Lt.Cdr Havering and I, and continued our patrol into New London towards Wallace Metal Facility where a Molly Cruiser was taunting the HMS-Lancer. When we arrived the IC| security detail was already on scene. As we are speaking they are driving the Molly back into Dublin.

At first I was against leaving the Civilians unprotected. But Lt.Cdr. Havering assured me that they had everything covered. I did not mean to question him, I just felt a bit concerned over the fate of the pilots. Nonetheless the security detail has just reported that the Molly has been driven back successfully.

Another Succesful evening in Bretonia!
I will remain on standby tonight, never know what might be headed our way...

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Lieutenant Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 08-23-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The Suffolks, New London
Subject: Getting back into uniform.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"Sir Admiral Piett,

With my timely resignation from the Bretonian Intelligence Service, I hereby request - by order of the draft - if it would be possible to be reinstated within the Armed Forces. As you may know, I was a former Commander before my... departure and fugitive status. When Fleet Admiral Bridge cleared my name, I figured I'd rejoin the fight on a lesser magnitude, however it seems that the Intelligence Service are too soft for my tastes. So with that, I'm requesting to be put into the action once more.

With this request, depending on the rank I am given, I would like to be placed in charge of a Strike Wing of elite pilots to deal damage to Gallic ships within the Tau regions.

On top of that, if it's possible to divert funding, I would like supplement funds to purchase a fully armed and armoured Templar to use on the Tau front."

Austin R. Goodman, CC
Apparently I'm too good for the Bretonian Intelligence Service.

.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 08-24-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Austin, Its good to see you are willing to join the armed forces again.
In these desperate times we are in need of every available good pilot, being old member or new. That is why you will receive permission to return among us but with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
I see you are willing to fight North in the Taus? Very well then, you can get your Templar from Battleship York and use it as your HQ. The elite templars from York already have experience fighting the gallics in Tau-31. With your assistence and efforts I belive you can give us good results.

You may set sails to Leeds as soon as possible.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 08-24-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Commander Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering for once reporting again.

We got an emergency call that the Newly built base by Interspace was under attack by a lone Scylla of the Mollys.
When I arrived at the scene we already had a HMS at station and a BPA bomber, though the Mollys got reinforcements aswell as they had a Gunboat and a fighter there.

But still when they saw the Eastbourne they all tried to run except for the fighter which tried to harras the Interspace bombers.

the BPA and myselfe took after the Gunboat which fled into Dublin, he made it a long way and nearly managed to dock on their Base the Goldern Coin.
But as I said nearly we blew the Molly sky high so to speak. *grins*

File One

Sadly one of our BPA Bombers got blown out before we could finish him off, Page was so kind to jump into the gap a few minutes later though.

And what I heard over coms was that another HMS Destroyer moved to support the Interspace fighters.

But they didn't think of stoping so it seemed since just as we arrived at the New London gate in Dublin a Scylla jumped to us.

Johnes Captain of the Eastbourne took it on by himselfe at the beginning but as we started to see that he was running out of range I finished it of myselfe.

File Two

The BPA moved of after that last engagement since it seemed that the situation was over.

Sinclair moved to Dublin just about at the time the BPA left to get me back safely when yet another Molly showed up in a Bomber and imediately engaged us.

Not taking any chances I docked on the Eastbourne to transport me back to New London where I jumped onto my Templar to support Sinclair against the Bomber.

We managed to make it retreat to it's home base but he somehow managed to hold his shields up and evade most of our fire so we disengagend and returned to the Eastbourne which was waiting a bit further out.

File Three
File Four

All in all a successfull defense and a small offensive against the Mollys.

That would be all for now.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - CmdrBrannick - 08-24-2012

Incoming Transmission
From Ensign. C.Brannick
To: BAF Headquarters/Intel.
Subject: Mission Report

Good evening sirs,
I am transmitting the report of the Battle above Leeds' Orbit that took place the other day.

I had just undocked from the Battleship Derby after recieving a transmission from BIS|BG-2LT.J.O'Brien that there was a battle taking place over Leeds by the Corsairs. When I received this I sent a message to all active BAF units for assistance to which the HMS-Lawrence replied and was bringing help. When I had arrived in the area the enemy consisted of a Boat, a Bomber and a Titan. Me and O'Brien had to hold off until the HMS-Lawrence arrived, I a few close shaves but we we're able to hold out whilst damaging the Titan and Boat. Once the HMS-Lawrence arrived, it became a completly different ball game, we had the upper hand in every aspect. The first Corsair to be defeated was the Boat which took a nose dive into Leeds' atmosphere thanks to the HMS-Lawrence forcing him into it. The HMS-Lawrence then left me and O'brien to mop up the bomber and fighter, I believe the fighter was taken out first rather quickly and then whilst gunning down the bomber another corsair fighter showed up. We we're able to take out the Bomber and the fighter began to flee, as he was about to enter a trade-lane and escape, I quick took the initiative and took it out of commission (you can take the damages out of my pay if needed) leaving him stuck for O'brien to finish him off. It was a great battle, but we won in the end. Since my onboard camera was on the fritz, the only image I was able to get was the one below.

[Image: th_screen1-1.jpg]

End Report

Ensign. Cameron Brannick

End transmission