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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ebon - 08-06-2010

***Incoming signal, source Battleship Karlsruhe ***
***Transmission received, title: Report #8, opening ...***

Tag Meine Damen und Herren !

This report will be short, because all what happened was very quick. It wont be surprise if I tell that again SOS channels were 'red hot' . Secondary Libertonians fleet was spotted in Hamburg system. What is really amusing, one of the Rheinwehr Pilott received some strange message on private channel mit threats. Jaaa, we laugh hard on this.

Diese aktion leaderin war Frau von Gross. It mus be said that orders war clear, und considering enemy forces at place, very efektiv. Sektor where battle took place was near Bering Jump hole.

Hostile units consisted a lot of Gunboat class vessels, one Cruiser, and some fighter wing. Wir habe Ein Bomber (flought by me) and rest our pride Wraiths. After some time we received backup from Cruiser.

Result was obvious, secondaries were crushed. When one Gunboat left, he surrendered. Further steps were taken by Herr Hofman.

Fur Rheinland ! Fur Kanzler!

Signed: Feldwebel Franz.Kurtt

***Transmission terminated***
***Signal lost***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sly - 08-07-2010

[font=Impact]* Eingehende transmission... *

[font=Agency FB]Transmitter ID - Feldwebel Helena von Gross

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Guten tag, sehr geehrten Kommandants.

I have begun my patrol by hooking up with Gefreiter Koehler and Flieger Porta. Just as we have started moving into Hamburg system, Koehler received an odd message from Liberty Navy captain (as we discovered later) "We are coming for you." I have quickly decided to throw ourselves to patrol all Hamburg lanes.

Later on I decided to scan Nordheide, where Libertonians might come from. My suspicions were correct, we have discovered a whole Gunboat squad there, mixed with one-two fighters and a cruiser. After a short speech, they engaged our patrol. By the time we fell in engagement, our backs were just about to be covered by herr Feldwebel Franz Krutt and RNC-Leipzig cruiser command.

The fight continued, and at the end the only loss was Leipzig, entire Liberty squad was taken out.

.: Attachment included :.
[Image: i2klmv.png]

Captain of LNS-Fabulous surrendered. Hauptmann Hofmann arrived on the scene, we left the speech to him. He, unfortunately, could not manage to extort anything from him. Herr Hofmann made a conclusion that he was spying on Hamburg system, then we merely terminated him.

[color=#33CC00].: Snapshot included :.
[Image: w1eixy.png]

End of report.

Feldwebel von Gross, out.

[font=Impact]* Transmission enden *

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sly - 08-08-2010

[font=Impact]* Eingehende transmission... *

[font=Agency FB]Transmitter ID - Feldwebel Helena von Gross

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Guten abend, Kommandants.

This day had begun with patrolling New Berlin system along with Hauptgefreiter Keller. I have set up waypoints and we moved on.

First patrol in Harzfeld showed nothing, but a couple of Hessian patrols which were subsequently terminated.

Next waypoint led through our capitol. There was a big traffic there, we decided not to stay long here and moved on to Aachenfeld.

Aachenfeld scan showed gravitational anomaly in the middle of it; closer sight on it made us conclude that it was a jumphole to Sigma-13 space.

End of patrol report.

Feldwebel von Gross, out.

[font=Impact]* Transmission enden *

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sly - 08-08-2010

For deletion

Rheinland Military Message Dump - CzeReptile - 08-08-2010

Guten Tag,
Kapitan Scharnhorst reporting from onboard RNC-Munster
We responded to emergency call against several intruders in Hamburg system yesterday. Upon our arrival on scene, we detected one Liberty Dreadnought class vessel with at least 2 gunboats and 2 or more small ships as screening group.
Engagement between our Battleship and the Dreadnought began shortly afterward, with mortar fire at long range, at which we landed several hits and received few as well, however shields did not get drained fully, unlike the enemy battleship, which have been hit by concentrated fire from our mortars and bomber cannons. For a moment we broke up targeting of the [color=#990000]LNS-Louisiana
and switched our attention to harassing gunboat, tagged LNS-Assault1, with full reverse thrusters to avoid fire from the battleship and close up on the enemy. Gunboat was scared away rather rapidly with hail of primary cannon fire.

Enemy battleship then turned around to gain some distance and it closed up to about 2,4k distance, at which we could commence primary gun barrage. In ensuing engagement, LNS-Louisiana suffered heavy damage and crew was forced to abandon ship as it exploded in massive firework display. One of the enemy screening fighters got caught too close to our gun platforms and exploded rapidly after being hit with few shots. With enemy capital ship destroyed, we provided covering long-range fire for our bombers against the remaining gunboats, which we did seriously damage and our bombers finished one of them off, while second escaped back to Bering.

A great victory for Rheinland, as during the battle we did not lost any of our forces.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 08-08-2010

Patrol report #38

To: Rheinland Military
From: Hauptmann Gunter Weissman

...Uploading video sequence...

[Image: 150x150.jpg]

Meine Damen und Herren,

This report is about the nearly sucessful libertonian attack on Hamburg. At 17:22 SMT, A loud alarm started at the alster shipyard where my Cruiser, the Pressburg was stationed. Immediatelly I ordered to undock and see whats going on. I recieved a video massage from was this:
[Image: 62402169.png]

A libertonian Battlecruiser was trying to get to Hamburg, there were already civilian and military victims who tried to defend their home. Luckly I was near and could try to stop this madness. But as soon the Libertonian warship spotted me, he left the defenceless fighters in peace and concentrated the fire on me. But he didnt know that he cannot match with the technological advance of the Rheinland military. My crew answered him with the fire. The fight didnt last long, in some minutes the enemy battlecruiser was destroyed. Just in the end of the battle there came herr vizeadmiral Voelkel with flieger Porta.
I wonder what would happen if I wouldnt be so close. How many people would have died in that day?

[Image: 20004282.png]

[Image: 91824331.png]

There are still some questions open.
How is it possible that a Battlecruiser class ship comes to Hamburg orbit without getting noticed by the border patrols?
How is it possible that the Hamburg defences failed in pushing back the enemy from the orbit?
How is it possible that most of the Rheinwehr pilots didnt hear the alarm?
I hope...all these questions will be answered by some changes, changes what will make the volk be safe from the terror causing by the libertonian invadors.

For the glory of the Kanzler and Rheinland!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Atreides2 - 08-08-2010

Sending Data to: Rheinland Military High Command
From: Flieger Joseph Porta
About: Patrol reports

Zhis iz Flieger Joseph Porta reporting.

I am sending this transmission from the Strausberg. Zhere was some small problems that kept me from reporting.

First report is based on zhe Rheinland Military action RM-RMRP-01876 from 817 A.S.

I was taken as escort for zhe scouting party composed of RNC Hansa und zhe other two escorts, Hf.Hans Putzkammer und Hm. Gunter Weissman.

We were ordered to scan zhe surronding systems of of Bremen.

Zhe first system near Bremen is called New Hamsphire by our Libertonians neighbors. Zhe system presents two battleships. No other bases that our patrols could find.

Zhe battleships are called Concord und Whitefield.

Zhe Concorde is situated a few clicks away from the jumphole , becoming zhe main staging area of Libertonian troops entering Bremen system. Zhat iz zhe main problem for our forces in zhe Bremen.


Zhe Whitefield iz a secondary concern for us. Being too far from zhe Jump Hole to Bremen , it sole duty would be to support zhe Concord in case she iz under attack.







In zhe system there are four planets: Zhe Laconia , zhe Colebrook , zhe Winniepesauke und zhe Boscawen.

Zhe Laconia iz a small ice world , with nothing valuable that our probes could discover, however zhat iz not the case with Colebrook , who present a thin atmosphere und radical temperature changes. No big deposits of raw minerals could be found but zhat iz zhe problem with zhe Military Probes , zhey are not specializate so zhe Rheinland should send an expedition zhe moment we will seize zhe system for our Nation. No Enemy Outpost could be spotted on zhe planet.Zhe Winniepesauke iz also a small barren world.No traces of atmosphere or deposits of minerals.Zha Boscawen iz a small planetoid body , a moon that orbit zha Winniepesauke. Icy world , nothing of real value.


Zhere iz also a cloud und a field presented in zhat area around zhe 5B on zhe tactical navmap.Presence of Rogues units was detected.


In zhe area 3C zhere iz another jump hole und we managed to slip by in that system.

Zhe system is called Quebec.

Zhis system have only one Libertonian Battleship zhere. Battleship Alma iz a supply point for the Libertonian forces and also acts as a defensive unit. Zhe Battleship , as the other battleships , iz standard loadout.

Zhe system also have four planetoid bodies.

Zhe planet Montreal iz a large planet , her surface being occupied mostly by a large planetary ocean. However islands are presented zhere but due to high temperature, no signs of life. However iz possible that zhe ocean might have some lifeforms in it.


In zhe sector 5B zhere iz planet Val d’Or.Zhis planet is covered by a large desert and is suitable for life if zhere iz some terraforming process.


In zhe sectors 7A und 7B zhere are two planetary bodies: Shannon und Quebec. Zhe Quebec iz a cold planet. No traces of atmosphere und mineral deposits weren’t saw from space und neither our probes could detect und zhe same thing iz on zhe moon Shannon.





After we passed zhe Battleship Alma , our movement in zhe system was relatively easy , zhe Libertonians didn’t expected Rheinland presence zhere.


In zhe sector 6A zhere iz zhe jump hole to Minnesota.

Right near zhe jump hole zhere iz a Battleship that blocks the entry in zhe system. We were a bit damaged by zhe fire from the ship but our Wraiths were much faster zhen zhe shots fired.

Zhe Battleship is called Minneapolis. Zhis battleship however have two more aditional Solaris Turrets.Zhis battleship iz zhe staging area for zha Libertonian forces present in zhe system. But we managed to escape zheir pursuit in zhe cloud. Zhis iz one of the things we learned during zhe 80 years war.
Zhere was a moment when the squad was scattered but we managed to gather up but zhere was a small problem. We were lost in enemy system but our enemies helped us with zheir buoys . Zhis shows that their forces also confront with zhis problem.

Following zha buoys we spotted a station und we approach with care und we did good , because zha station was owned by Police und zheir gunners was at their stations. However , we managed to escape with our pride wounded and we promised we will come back with some Fafnir ships to continue our talk. Zhe station seems that iz not having any heavy armor und shows signs that was build in a haste. Near zhe station zhere iz another anomaly but we didn’t scouted that. Zhey are located in zhe 4D on zha Navmap.



Again following zhe buoys we encountered a Civilian station. A shipyard by the looks of it however , zhey were not fit to build warship so we assume that only Transports and Freighters are build zhere. One notable thing was zhat zhe gunners didn’t fired at us.Location of zhe station iz 3A.


As I stated early mein herr , you cannot get lost in zhe system because zhe buoys will take you to all zhe stations zhere und so we stumbled upon one Outpost Class station und one gas giant und her moon.


Same thing as zhe shipyard , zhe station seemed to be Civilian , no signs that zhis station produce any equipment of war.

Zhe gas giant was a bit strange. Our probes showed presence of three resources: Helium , Hydrogen und Iron und zhere iz a light show that iz most spectacular. What caused it , I cannot tell because as I stated we were equipped with Standard Military Probes.Zhe Bloomington showed some promised but at second reading it seems that zhe traces of silver we detected were not enough to interest our great nation.
A few minutes after that we were recalled by zhe Hansa to move back in zhe Fatherland because the Liberty Navy started to send search patrols to locate us und we had to destroy several of zhei patrols to move back and rendevous with zhe Hansa and from zhere to move back to zhe Rheinland space.


We also carried several prisoners that were taken part to New Berlin interrogation centers und some were given to zhe brig aboard zhe Westphalia.


Second report is based on zhe Rheinland Military action RM-RMRP-01899 from 817 A.S. Hamburg system.

For references zhe report was submitted by Feldwebel Helena von Gross und zhe report number 8 from zhe Battleship Karlsruhe.

If zha Rheinland High Command wish to get my report on zha situation , I will comply with it.

Third report is based on zhe Rheinland Military action RM-RMRP-01899 from 817 A.S. Stuttgart system.

Alarm was ringed on zhe Battleship Strausberg und I got new orders to rendevous with zhe RNC Rendsburg.

Zhe alert was also sent to several other barracks. Problems was caused by two Red Hessians cruisers und 2 more from zhe Corsairs. However by the time we entered zhe Omega 7 , where the action was taking place , zhe Red Hessians managed to destroy zhe Corsair ships.

We managed to stop one of zhe Red Hessian cruiser but during zha exchange of words he jumped to zhe Omega 11 und we were ordered to pursue.
Zhis time we engaged zha Red Hessian but he moved toward the center of zhe asteroid field. Once arrived there , we were under attack from heavy guns present on some of zhe asteroids und our Kommander ordered us to move away. Herr Fritz suspected zhat we must be near one of the Hessian installations , either weapon platforms or some hidden base. Zhe Location iz 4C.

On zha way back we encounter one strange ship.

Herr Fritz recognaize the ship as one of zhe Das Wilde vessels und when we approach he jumped through an anomaly that wasn’t seen because his ship eclipsed it.


Me , Hg. Albert Keller und Flieger Wilhelm Stautner und zhe moment we jumped we were attacked by Military vessels that fired with guns zhat were not normal. Something alien. We were cut off from zhe jump hole und we lost one Wraith but zhe pilot Wilhelm was recovered.


Soon after zhe Hf Albert Keller jumped , zhe attacked stopped und zhe entity tried to talk with me. Zhe conversation was strange , as I spoke zhe words or came through zhe comm system. How the communication was done I am not sure but zhere iz some part of zhe conversation.


A few minutes after , zhe attack resumed und was able to find away to zha jump hole and jumped back on normal space und zhe Kommander ordered zhe entire squad to move back to Rheinland space to deposit zhe Flieger at a medical facility.

After zhis was done , I remained in zhe Omega 7 but zhere was followed by zhe entity und soon some AGS pilot appeared , along with some Coalition Storm class vessel.

While they tried to spread zheir propaganda , three Corsair Gunboats appeared und I took defensive position near the Briesen station. Zhe AGS und zhe Storm unit moved away und I was left to deal with them. Zhe Corsairs Gunboats were heavily defended und zhey have missile turrets.

I tried to take zhe fight away from zhe Briesen but I couldn’t do anything to them und zhe time zhe Military pilots would scramble from the Battleship and in zhe time they need it to get zhere , my Wraith was disabled by combined force of zhe Corsair Missile turrets und zheir normal turrets.

Currently I am present on zhe Strausberg medical bay , recovering from zhe injuries I sustained und I wait for zhe new Wraith to arrive so I can resume my duty !

Fur Rheinland ! Fur Kanzler!

Transmission Terminated...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - der.metzger - 08-09-2010

Incoming Communication
Location: Moselle
Fleiger Jakob D. Metzger reporting.

Quite an exciting day today! I was stationed at the Moselle earlier today, working on a software issue with my Wraith (the guncam is malfunctioning... again) when I received a high priority alert re: a raid into the Texas system. I taped up the wires in my cockpit and kicked the dash closed, jumped in and made way to Planet Hamburg. Once there, a large fighter force assembled, but half went away to deal with reports of multiple Corsairs in Omega-7. I held back with Keller and one other piloten to wait for the push into Hudson. After serveral minutes I was distracted again by this pesky software issue and started to work on my system again. Unfortunately, I had unplugged the fuse which also kept my comms system up, and missed the initial wave into Liberty. When I looked up and saw noone there, I plugged all my stuff back in and hailed the team. They were already into Texas!

I immediately made haste towards Texas, and when I entered the system I went through the jumpgate. I encountered an LPI force, and stated that I wished to simply turn around. He allowed me to return to Hudson, at which I flew to the jump hole, flew above the plane, and regrouped with the force above the NY trade lane.

Immediately afterwards we engaged Liberty. We were a fighter swarm of, I beleive, 8 fighters, and immediately gained the upper hand, and held it for several hours. Our incursion was successful, but unfortunately, Weissman ejected. He was the only piloten we lost. When Liberty forces had been beaten down to three "flyboys" our Admiral Rall gave them the opportunity to retreat, which they foolishly declined, and we commenced to make mincemeat out of them. I would say the whole ordeal took around two hours.

I helped with many kills, but did not receive any to my name. And unfortunately, with my guncam down, I don't have any footage of the confrontation. This will no longer be an issue, as I am going to spend the rest of my night reinstalling the software on board.

For Rheinland

Jakob Metzger

Rheinland Military Message Dump - GhostFace - 08-13-2010

[font=Times New Roman]
~~~Incoming Transmission~~~
New Berlin/Frankfurt
From: Flieger Viktor Niklovach
Patrol Report

Guten tag comrades. Feel it was just yesterday I was accepted into das military. Matter of fact it was..*chuckles*. Nonetheless onto das report.

Firstly comrades, while inspecting my ship for proper papers, equipment etc..I had received an emergency broadcast from on board das RNC-Emeden. Made some quick final inspections and had made way towards das given coordinates.

Broadcast Alert

Das Hessian cruiser had already begun battle against das crew aboard das Emeden, under persmission of das RMC-Emeden I had engaged to help fend off the criminals. After some nicely placed missles and mines das cruiser had been torn to shreds. Not even an hour into service, and I've seen some heavy action.

Engagement 2
Proof of death

Shortly afterward I returned back to Planet New Berlin's orbit and when I thought the day was over, I had receive another emergency call from a Republican Shipping crew of reports of a Junker Pirating das lanes in das Frankfurt system, heading to Sigma-13. Upon entering the system had broadcast a warning to das supposed pirates, but received no reply. Had made way to das cause of das incident, and no problems were found, apparently das criminal had fled. Das be good for me, let's me have more time for vodka..err I mean training.

Emergancy Call
System Warning to Pirate

I must say, in das few hours of being a pilot I had das most excitement than my entire past 21 years. This be good ja!

[color=#009900]~~End Transmission~~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 08-13-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
--Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system--
--From: Flieger Joachim Landers--
--Patrol Report--

I had patrolling in Frankfurt system with a Feldwebel, when Vizeadmiral called us to patrol in Stuttgart. While we are patrolling, we detected a LWB fighter. It was a Loki class fighter. After some conversation, I was ordered by the Vizeadmiral to destroy that vessel. It was my second combat, but I did my best, and the Loki was run into my mine.
[Image: targetdown2.png]
After the fight, I join the patrol group in Frankfurt and went to Hamburg to rest.

--End Transmission--