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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 08-25-2012

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ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Brawl at Kings Cross

Morning Officers of the Fleet.

This morning we were dispatched for a Molly situation at Kings Cross Station. Lt Cdr Barnes and BRF|HMS-Westminster were already at the scene as I arrived. Taunting and scoudling the Molly was moving around the vicinity of the gun platforms and trying to align their fire with the position of the Westminster. Having had enough of this Lt.Cdr Barnes invited me to attack the Molly after his previous attempt to apprehend him had been unsuccessful.

Guncam 1
Guncam 2

Whilst me and the Molly were engaged another Molly VHF showed up and destroyed Lt.Cdr. Barnes' ship. We received reinforcements as well, gunboat HMS-Murder.Town arrived on the scene and took down the first Molly with my permission. Then I, alone, focused on the Second Molly but failed to finish him.


The remaining Molly is being chased by HMS-Murder.Town as we speak. I sure hope he gets him...
Sorry admiral, I'm afraid this one goes to the Mollys. I'm going to check on Barnes in medical, I am ordered there for a checkup as well.

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Lieutenant Jeff Bloom

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 08-25-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The York, Leeds
Subject: Solo Recon Mission into Gallic Occupied Space
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"Havering will have today's patrol report, however, everything on and behind the frontlines seems quiet, for now at least. I took the liberty of taking some recon photos for admiralty to asset current Gallic strength within the Tau region.

Currently it seems the Gallic Royal Navy has six Valor class capital ships within the Tau systems. In my fly-by of the Battleship Betheny in the Lewis system, I noticed patches along it's engine ports. If I had to guess... the ship was heavily damaged but seems to be functional now."

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
1st Bretonian Templar Squadron, 8th Fleet - HMS York

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 08-26-2012

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ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Patrol Report

Morning Officers of the Fleet.

This morning, after receiving my new templar, I was on escort duty and secured the trade route of BAF|HMRS-Brittania and BAF|MN-Valiant_Duke. Once completed, I turned to patrol Cambridge and to find nothing noteworthy.

Upon returning to New London for the second part of my patrol, I encountered a Molly VHF. I immediatly ordered him to stop but the nearby Battleship patrol opened fire and the Molly fled back towards Dublin.
Scanners later indicated an explosion near the Dublin gate. Most likely the combined firepower of the Malahide and Wallace weapon platforms.

That is all for now. I will remain on station for any further events

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Lieutenant Jeff Bloom

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 08-27-2012

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ID:Hugh Darrow
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Patrol ,and escort mission report

Morning Officers of the Fleet.

This morning,after getting my lovely Templar running,i have been Ordered to escort 2 Ships ,the BAF|HMP-Glasshouse and BAF|MN-Valiant_Duke,for transporting some Basic Alloys ,and Consumer Goods,all ships went to their Destination safely,no Hostiles showed up .

lately,on my Patrol,i had a transmission from BAF|MN-Sharp_Marlin,and Orders to escort a Rheinland (Republican) Uruz Transport,and to Rendezvous with it at Omega-3 Jump Gate in Cambridge, i headed there
the ship's name is Praterstern[Rep-LL] captained by Madame Vltha ,she was loaded with aluminum ores heading to Stokes ,on our way there,a Fello BPA) officer called BPA)Sgt|Will.Wallace called for Backup at Southampton Shipyard,i Ordered Madame Vlthe to dock at Kingstone ,and headed there ,I arrived there,as the Target was a "Claymore" Gaian GB,I engaged at sight ,the results were Victory,the GB was Destroyed
I contacted Madame Vlthe to continue the Transport we arrived Leeds,and went to Planet Leeds ,when a Drunk Molly was Sighted,Sgt.William and a BHG pilot ,led him to his home (Dublin),and i continued my Duty
we arrived stokes,the shipment arrived safely,I offered Madame Vlthe to escort her Back to Omega-3 gate,and she accepted ,so we went Back to Cambridge,we arrived Cambridge Gate from NL ,no Hostiles were Visible,and we arrived Omega-3 Gate safely ,That was a Fine day for my 2nd day service

another good day in the Britonian Armed Forces

Thank you Gentlemen

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Ensign Hugh Darrow

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 08-31-2012

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ID:Hugh Darrow
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Patrol

Morning Officers of the Fleet.

This morning,i went to my Templar and got it rolling, so i went in patrol through New London space, no pirate or hostile sighted, on my way to planet New London, I received a distress call from ensign James Dechain about a molly roaming Leeds, I headed there and found a Molly named Gaibrial Cian a Molly werewolf , I Ordered him a couple of times to leave the system but he didn't comply, so I engaged firing , result was ................... Victory,and complete Destruction of the Vessel,there was another vessel, an OC one(Nero.Reverb[212th],But he left the Area after the Destruction of the Molly.

another good day in the Bretonian Armed Forces

Thank you Gentlemen

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Ensign Hugh Darrow

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 09-01-2012

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[Image: Furlough.jpg]

ID: Ensign Rachel Furlough
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Low
Subject: Patrol


I have completed my first routine patrol sweep. All was quiet until I entered the Leeds system. Proceeding from the planet towards Stokes station, the trade lane was dropped by a pair of known Liberty Rogues, no less. They proceeded to attempt to ...... well sir, they attempted to rob me, sir!

[Image: screen5.jpg]

Myself, I wasn't exactly thrilled by the prospect, as you can see from the brief comms logs, and then they opened fire upon me. I was left with little alternative but to defend myself. This I did successfully, sir. Here follows my scans of the vessels involved and their ultimate destruction.

Vessel One Vessel Two
Destruction Destruction

Having dispatched the two hostiles I returned to the Suffolk for repairs.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 09-01-2012

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Source ID: Lieutnant Commander Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering Here with some disturbing news so to speak.

First of a member of Bowex informed me that he got Pirated by a few Outcast in Leeds.
I headed of imediately after receving that and made best speed towards Leeds,
but the Outcast thought that Leeds wasn't good enough for them. I met them at the lane from Southamton to the Leeds gate which they disrupted.

Outcast Forces

At the time Inspector Page arrived at the scene aswell with Captain Sinclair and Ensign Dzeferson

First I tried to get them to head back to Leeds and only bother with the Gauls but as always nobody listened to me.

The situation was starting to heat up when a Bretonian Deestroyer arrived at the scene with the Callsign Potatoe at first he waited and watched how the situation resolved.

But as we where getting nowhere with them Potatoe engaged the Outcast even though we gave it a direct order not to.

The Outcast naturaly attacked aswell and when Sinclairs call for a cheas fire wasn't followed the rest of us engaged aswell to protect the Heavy gear which we would need against the Gauls.

We managed to take the heat off our Destroyer with destroying their bomber and another two Fighters.

File 1
File 2
File 3

After those three got killed the other two made a run for it.

Sadly they managed to get away with an Ion Storm which caught us off guard.

Ah and here the Blackboxlogs of the Bowex Enda as evidence that the Outcast did move against their agreement:

Quote:[01.09.2012 15:36:31] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Hola Bowex1
[01.09.2012 15:36:52] [XTF]Mephistophiles: How about you lad send me over some 2 mills?
[01.09.2012 15:37:10] Bowex)Enda: Sorry?
[01.09.2012 15:37:17] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Ya heard me
[01.09.2012 15:37:19] BMM-Arthur.Sparrow: $// soon there
[01.09.2012 15:37:25] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Send me 2 million credits please senor.
[01.09.2012 15:37:27] Bowex)Enda: You are really trying to rob me right next to a station?
[01.09.2012 15:37:33] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Or I'll be forced to take your life!
[01.09.2012 15:37:36] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Yes I am.
[01.09.2012 15:37:36] Death: Muad'Dib died.
[01.09.2012 15:37:42] [XTF]Mephistophiles: Let's hope it works!
[01.09.2012 15:37:52] Bowex)Enda: Excuse me..
[01.09.2012 15:37:54] [XTF]Mephistophiles: So?
[01.09.2012 15:38:01] Death: Helltrain was put out of action by Guran-Miraosu (Gun)
[01.09.2012 15:38:18] [XTF]Mephistophiles: So you want the hard way...
[01.09.2012 15:38:29] Bowex)Enda: Cheers
[01.09.2012 15:38:32] Traffic control alert: Bowex)Enda has requested to dock
[01.09.2012 15:38:45] Death: ECG|Col.Fess.Murphy died.
[01.09.2012 15:38:47] Bowex)Enda: Two pirates outside Stokes demanding money
[01.09.2012 15:38:58] BMM-Arthur.Sparrow: Ah call the police
[01.09.2012 15:39:04] BMM-Arthur.Sparrow: What ships?
[01.09.2012 15:39:12] Bowex)Enda: Docked to avoid attack. Bombers
[01.09.2012 15:39:17] BMM-Arthur.Sparrow: alright
[01.09.2012 15:39:41] /w [xtf]mephistophiles well that was fun. try to think before robbing someone next to a station maybe. *chuckles*

I'll leave the rest to the Admirality.

That would be all.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 09-01-2012

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[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Intervention in the Hinterlands

Evening Officers of the Fleet.

The Merchant Navy was on alert today. One of our supply lines towards Leeds had been cut by a Kusari Explorer Gunboat. After having surrounded the Gunboat with Lt. Moore, Ensign Dzeferson and the HMS-Ashfield of the Merchant Navy, we demanded the surrender of the gunboat.

Unfortunatly the captain had little regard for his crew and did not comply forcing the Ashfield to open fire. After turning several circles the gunboat captain steered his ship straight into Stokes Debris Field.

After the Ashfield drained the Pirate from all of it's repair capacity our Ensign got eager and delivered the final shot. A riskful and dangerous manouver from our Ensign which Lt. Moore later pointed out to him.

For now the area is secured and traffic may travel freely. Goodnight.

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Lieutenant Jeff Bloom

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Genophage - 09-03-2012

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ID: Ensign Gallagher, Logan
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Emergency Call 030912/16 51

- Playing Automated Log Entries -

16:51 - Picking up Emergency Call, Molly Cruiser "California.Blue" spotted in Leeds.
16:52 - Start from Planet New London.
16:55 - Entering the Jump Gate to System Leeds
16:56 - Assigned to BAF Lieutnant J. Bloom
16:57 - Taking order to fly to the New Castle Jump Gate
16:59 - Reached the New Castle Jump Gate, Standing by.
17:01 - New Order, fly to the Magellan Jump Hole, prevent the now fleeing California.Blue from escaping.
17:02 - FoF picks up multiple Signatures: HMS-Bristol, BAF| Lt. J. Bloom and California.Blue on the Sensors.
HMS-Bristol was screening the Magellan Jump Hole, Lt. Bloom was chasing California.Blue
17:03 - Joining the Chase of the California.Blue with HMS-Bristol
17:04 - California.Blue sets Suicide Course towards the Leeds Sun.
17:05 - HMS-Bristol accepts a Challange from the California.Blue, to fight a 1 on 1.
17:06 - Lt. J.Bloom confirms, orders to Stand by.
17:07 - Battle between HMS-Bristol and California.Blue near the Leeds Sun commences.
17:28 - Destruction of the Cruiser California.Blue through Gunfire by the HMS-Bristol.

[Image: QSl0A.png]

17:29 - Order by Lt. J.Bloom to return to Leeds.
17:34 - Reaching Leeds, leaving Battlegroup.
17:40 - FoF picks up neutral Signatures: IKN Ship (Kusari Exiles) and a Kusari Civilian in the Orbit of Leeds. Asking for their Designation.
17:41 - IKN Ship answers that they were heading for Planet Leeds.
17:42 - Agreeing, IKN Ship leaves, Kusari Civilian docks on Planet Leeds.
17:43 - Ensign Gallagher, Logan docks on Planet Leeds.

- End of automated Log Entries -

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Genophage - 09-03-2012

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ID: Ensign Gallagher, Logan
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Emergency Call 030912/19 23

- Playing Automated Log Entries -

19:23 - Picking up Emergency call, Traitorous BAF Dunkirk Battleship and BAF Destroyer attacking an allied Ship. (BAF too)
19:24 - Launching from Planet New London
19:24 - FoF picking up "friendly" signatures: Torp.Runner, HMS-Seaford, BPA)INS|T.Page[SRD],
-Traitor- Wade.Barret, -Traitor-
2ch|HMS-Bruno; Wade.Barret and 2ch|HMS-Bruno were shooting at Torp.Runner
19:25 - Started assisting Torp.Runner imediatly.
19:27 - FoF picking up friendly signature: HMS-Scarbarough.Fair. Said ship joined the combat against Bruno and Wade.Barret
19:30 - FoF picking up friendly signature: BPA)Sgt.|W.Wallace[SRD]; Weaponfire ceases.
Talking commences.

*edited Chatlog*

[Image: fus8d.jpg]

Traitors apparently became crazy, and said they have killed innocents and want to kill more on Planet Leeds.
19:32 - Suspects want to fly to the Leeds Jumphole, selfquote: "You two aint going nowhere.".
19:33 - Traitors open fire on Logan.Gallagher. Critical damage done, but still flying.
19:33 - [Pilot input-Launch_Repairdrones]
19:34 - Battle commences: Torp.Runner, HMS-Seaford, BPA)INS|T.Page[SRD],HMS-Scarbarough.Fair,BPA)Sgt.|W.Wallace[SRD] and BAF|Ens.Logan.Gallagher engage Wade.Barret and 2ch|HMS-Bruno
19:45 - 2ch|HMS-Bruno gets destroyed by sustained gunfire from all Allies, near Planet New London.
19:54 - Wade.Barret gets destroyed by sustained gunfire from all Allies, near Planet New London.
19:56 - Leaving the battlegroup, landing on Planet New London.

- End of automated Log Entries -

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