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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 09-07-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
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ID:Hugh Darrow
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject:today's patrol Patrol

Morning Officers of the Fleet.

This morning,after getting my lovely Templar running,i went for a patrol in New London,nothing suspicious,when i ended my Patrol in New London ,i went to Leeds ,on my way there i saw a IC| ship, IC|Chicago ,loaded with gold ores ,heading to New Tokyo ,i got a Distress call from a another IC ship ,of a Pirate in Leeds ,i Ordered the Chicago to stand at Leeds Planet till the Pirate is done ,on my way there 2 Kusari Exiles (|KN|-Chiyodagata,and another one sorry i can't remember his name) killed him Before me

lately,on my Patrol,the Kusari Exiles informed me of a smuggler the Handicap Express smuggling Gaian Wildlife ,i tried to stop him ,but he didn't and kept Cruising ,he started to engage me ,so i fought back ,he was dead ,and the Gaian Wildlife was put in Leeds Planet ,lately on my Patrol with the Exiles ,we saw a Outcast Moldy Crow vessel,who ran to Magellan ,i ended my Patrol in Planet New London That was a Fine day for my 2nd day service, i would like to thank the Kusari Exiles for thier Help

another good day in the Bretonian Armed Forces

Thank you Gentlemen

<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Ensign Hugh Darrow

decrypting Complete.
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 09-08-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

[font=Impact]Priority: Medium
To: BAF Intelligence Staff
From: Charles Richard Hall
Location: Kensington Shipping Platform
Subject: Report

[Image: charlesrhallv2.jpg]

Hellew, chaps! I am so pleased to inform you about the good news from Magellan! Namely, there was a battle. Our forces were heavily outnumbered, but Bretonia prevailed, as always! It was the "tilt gang" again. I suppose you know those fools with Ranseurs? Oh, and there was a Molly Scylla with them. Another one showed up later, when the Ranseurs and the one from before blew up. It blew up, as well. There were also two snubs - a fighter and a bomber. Only the fighter managed to escape, unfortunately taking out our fighter and a bomber. I didn't open fire at it, it would be unfair, so I left to Manchester for repairs.

Our Forces:
BRF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) - came out victorious;
BAF|Ens.R.Dzeferson (Templar) - somehow missiled;
Richard.Harvey (bomber) - disabled.

Enemy Forces:

Striking~Bird (Ranseur) - absolutely annihilated;
Logic~Of~Melting (Ranseur) - turned into a beautiful light show;
Elusive~Avenger (Scylla) - shown what happens to pirates;
Locky (Scylla) - didn't learn on the previous example. He became the second one;
covered~oblivion (Roc) - something happened to it, and left only scrap behind;
~Awesomeness~ (Raven's Talon) - ran away, but surely had a formidable repair bill.

Those lads are already troubling us for a long time. They disrupt the traffic a bit, and then get blown up. And then they appear again, with bran new ships. If they weren't enemies, I would certainly ask them what insurance do they use.

Sincerely Yours, Charles Richard Hall.
<div align="right]Hall out.

- Transmission Terminated -

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-09-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Charles Richard Hall, Robert Dzeferson and Richard.Harvey,

I am pleased to inform you that your efforts and bravery to stand against the odds, to face your enemy with pride, and to achieve victory in such difficult moment - against a small fleet - was noted.
That is why, considering the actions mentioned above, I bestow you with the Courageous Action Medal, which as you know is awarded to armed forces officers who defeat a greatly superior enemy force.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 09-10-2012

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:Corsair transport and illegal base found

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,I have to report what happened yesterday afternoon.
After I took off with a reserve bomber from Leeds,I spotted a corsair transport near trafalgar carrying Artifacts.I acted on spot and got rid of him.
While I was passing by,I found an illegal base 40k west of Southampton called Ilfracombe Base.I checked the database and found it wasn't in any,so I ordered my squad to open fire.I headed back to Leeds to pick up Destroyer Redoubt,and we formed a small fleet to destroy the base.We fired and fired,for hours,but to no avail,the shield was too strong.
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 09-10-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

[Image: Furlough.jpg]

ID: Ensign Rachel Furlough
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Low
Subject: Patrol


I started my patrol route, heading directly to the Leeds system. As I entered, I was contacted by the captain of the HMS Bristol. Here follows the transcripts:

HMS-Bristol: any contact with the pirates?
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: I was unaware we had any, sir.........
HMS-Bristol: red-sky, capt.barbossa, and a 3rd in their group
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Well they aren't on the New London gate lane. Where have you checked?
HMS-Bristol: i've looked in the mining fields and magellan/manchester holes
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: I'll check to the Edinburgh gate, then I'll swing to Stokes
HMS-Bristol: red-sky is cloaking liner, so he might be ld-14 for fuel
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Roger
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Edinburgh gate clear
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Heading for Stokes
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Heading for LD14
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Got Black Marlin, sir. And Barbossa. They've got a civilian under fire!
Death: Tito was put out of action by Black.Marlin (Gun)
HMS-Bristol: scan them
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: They're cloaking, but I can get scans!
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Disrupted Black Marlin before he could get clear, but the others are away.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Not yet you don't, Marlin! Got a cruiser captain wants to talk to you
HMS-Bristol: looks like i should have come up the lanes
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Faster!
HMS-Bristol: i'm back in leeds behind ld-14 now
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Still on this one, sir. Keeping it CDd, but he's cloaking!
HMS-Bristol: 20k to lane
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: You're hanging around for a while yet, Marlin.
HMS-Bristol: what's the ship class
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Salvager, sir.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: I think he's gone
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Damnit! Thought I had him but the CDs aren't tracking any more. Sorry, sir.

As requested by the captain of the Bristol, here are the scans I got of the three pirate vessels.

Red-Sky Black-Marlin Barbossa

I can only apologise for allowing the vessels to escape me, sir. I gladly accept any disciplinary action you see fit to issue.

Following on I was contacted by a Bowex employee in Omega-3:

Bowex)Baird: Charles: This is the BES Baird to the Bretonia Armed Forces, do you copy?
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Go ahead Bowex
Bowex)Baird: Charles: There are two Pirate Transports at Omega-3. Last seen in FP1 -> Aland lane.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Do you have their names, sir?
Bowex)Baird: Charles: Vispillo and Morbius.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Ah, those two.
Bowex)Baird: Charles: Morbius is an old punching-bag of ours, but he had his butt-buddy with him now.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: We'll see if we can get a vessel out there
Bowex)Baird: Charles: Please do. I would blast him but I can't handle two by myself.

The captain of the Bristol felt a more immediate threat was present in the Magellan system, so we proceeded there:

HMS-Bristol: want to go to magellan real quick? death.raven is a molly scylla. i'm heading to the hole
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: I'll meet you there
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Should I take a look on the other side captain?
HMS-Bristol: yes please
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Roger. Jumping now
HMS-Bristol: get the jump on them if you can i'm 5k from the hole
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Clear sir
HMS-Bristol: did you get a scan on barbossa?
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: I did, yes
HMS-Bristol: what kind of ship was he
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: One moment while I check the scans
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: He's a P Trans sir
HMS-Bristol: roger
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Sir, I'm getting a base on scans
HMS-Bristol: mactan is clear
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: That's Mactan?
HMS-Bristol: probably docked
HMS-Bristol: there's also bazard there
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Ahn, isn't it unsafe to be this close sir?
HMS-Bristol: going to hop the lane and see if i spot that scylla
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Roger sir
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Bowex, be aware of a Molly Scylla in the system
S.S.Southern.Cross: RGR sIR

HMS-Bristol: lot of ships in magellan comms
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Not at the Freeport, sir. I'll check to the Cali gate
HMS-Bristol: roger
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: He could be hiding anywhere sir
HMS-Bristol: checking the kansas hole
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Sir, my watch is closing and I must return to the York.

As I was returning to the York, I was again contacted by the Bowex employee in Omega-3:

Bowex)Baird: Charles: Sorry for bothering you again. But there's a Praefect at O3 now.
HMS-Bristol: looks like a lone fighter or freighter in dublin
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Sir, I just got a report of a Praefect in Omega3
HMS-Bristol: ship name?
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Awaiting confirmation sir
Bowex)Baird: Charles: OnyxMK... violated No-Fire Zone... likes to fire all weaps at once...
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: It's the OnyxMK, sir. Violated the NFZ
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Roger captain. I've asked the Bristol to head out there
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Sir, it's an inexperienced captain by all accounts. Should be no match for one of our destroyers
Bowex)Baird: Charles: Thank you. Let me know when it's clear. I'd like to advise that he also has cloaks.
HMS-Bristol: any location data?
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: At the Freeport last sighting sir. He has a cloaking device as well.
BAF|Ens.Rachel.Furlough: Sorry sir, I'm signing off.

The Bristol was making way for New London, the last I saw of it, sir. I am unable to locate any data relating to any following engagement that may have occurred in Omega-3 after I signed off.

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 09-11-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

[Image: Furlough.jpg]

ID: Ensign Rachel Furlough
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Low
Subject: Patrol


I was making my way to Planet New London. As I came into view of Southampton station, I started to receive some garbled reports of Corsair activity within the system. As I came out of the lane, Lieutenant Commander Johnson undocked from the station. He too had received the reports, so we decided to split up and search, he taking the lane to the Planet, myself taking the lane to Kensington.

About half way along the lane I picked up a number of hostile signals on my long range scans. I dropped out of the lane to take a closer look, and called in the Lieutenant Commander. Five vessels, comprising two Pirate Transports, both loaded with Artifacts, with an escort of an Imperator class gunboat and two Titan VHFs. I disabled the lane to prevent their escape and successfully disrupted one of the transports.

Transport 1 . Transport 2

Lieutenant Commander Johnson soon arrived, along with Tom Milestone, a member of the Bounty Hunters Guild. We demanded the transports to submit their cargoes for destruction, which they refused. We were left with no choice but to engage. The first transport fell to our guns

[Image: ZbXd4.jpg]

but the second was able to evade us and escape, also slipping past the HMS Generation Windrush. A pitched battle with the remaining escorts took place, before we happened upon the second transport, although it had manged to unload its cargo somewhere. We quickly disabled the vessel. The corsairs attempted to retreat, running through the Southampton debris field, myself, the hunter and the Lieutenant Commander in pursuit. Soon we came upon what appeared to be a wormhole, which the corsairs entered. Taking our lives in our hands we dived after.

On the other side we found ourselves in Leeds. Two of the corsair vessels were far out of range, but one remained. This one we soon removed. What we then found surprised us all. An unauthorised base.

The Dynasty HQ

Lieutenant Commander Johnson attempted to hail the base, advising all civilians to evacuate. No response was forthcoming. With the Generation Windrush inbound, the decision was taken to remove the base.

Base under fire

Base destruction

We searched the area extensively for escape pods, but we found nothing. We can only conclude that the base was uninhabited. We then made for Planet Leeds for repairs and debriefing.

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...Closing Channel...

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 09-16-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Commander Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering reporting again.

Lieutnant Commander Johnson and I made a small routine check through parts of Bretonia this morning.

When we saw that nearly everything was clear we proceeded to Magellan to look at that Base the BPA found a few days ago.

As we arrived we saw two Junker vessels parked over said base just waiting.
The base itselfe had about 6 Platforms set up.

Soon after we arrived a Gallic Bomber arrived and started to engage us.
We managed to hold him off and nearly killed him in the process, but a small Ion Storm caught my ship and I was no longer in controll finding myself spinning away from the battle, luckely Lieutnant Atwood was on his way to us at that time.

Guncam 1

it took quite some time to get a grip of my ship again and when I did I was at the Leeds jumphole, since it seemed that Johnson and Atwood had it under controll I returned to Leeds since an Outcast called me up telling me that he had a Gaian pirating Traders.

When I arrived at the scene I saw that an Exile was there aswell already talking to the Gaian.
Clearing a few things up with the Exile the Gaian decided not to pay the fine for disrupting a lane and Pirating,
so I left him to the Cast and Exile since I didn't know if things in Magellan were save yet.

The result was pleasing so to speak since we got rid of a second potential problem aswell.

Guncam 2

And just at that time Johnson reported that all Supplyvessels and Fighters of that Illeagle Base where destroyed.

Sadly Ensign Dzeferson was ambushed and his ship taken down, but Johnson managed to pick him up afterwards.

That would be all for now.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 09-16-2012

---Incoming Transmision---
--Comm ID:Ens.Robert Dzeferson--
--Opening Video Feed--
---Location:Planet Leeds---

Good day High Command,ladyes and gents,

This is Ens. Dzeferson reporting in.I was on planet Leeds when I got some emergancy call from Lt.Atwood saying that in front of planet Leeds there is some trouble.I got in my craft as fast as I could.

When I got out of the planet I saw a problematic situation.Some Molly pilot was making trouble,and there was also one freelancer with XTF|Sandra.So I waited for orders and I was ordered to stand down becouse there was already one Dauman GB handiling them.He got down so I was ordered to engage and I did.

We drained Molly and we took it down,well Lt. did.


Then XTF ran away as they always do,so only that Freelancer left.I asked permision to go 1 on 1 with him and I got it,but as soon as I drained his bats and bots he started runing so I asked Lt. help and he assisted me.
We chaced him all the way to Magellan and it was very boring,becouse his death was eminent and he still kept running.So we got him under very heavy fire and Lt. took the last shoot and ended his life.


So that would be all for today,and I think that every day brings something more exicting and more troubles.
So until next time,see you in space.

[color=#33FF33]---Ending Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 09-17-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The York, Leeds
Subject: Defense of Leeds
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"If the bloody frogs want a war of attrition, they'll get a bloody war of attrition. Bretonia will prevail, and I'll see to it that we do. Scratch four for me.

Gallic Forces engaged myself and a couple of Colonials in orbit of Leeds. A few minutes later the fighting turned from isolated brawls into full scale dog fight. Admiral Davis arrived on scene and took over command. Through the entire fight we started losing men and women to the Gallics in force, though near the end of the fight most of our men had either retreated or were downed. By luck... more reinforcements came and assisted me against the last remaining fighters.

While we lost quite a few ships, we managed to drive the remaining Gallic forces either into space, or back to their bloody holes."

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
1st Bretonian Templar Squadron, 8th Fleet - HMS York

Files Attached
One Frog
Two Frogs
Three Frogs
Four Frogs

.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 09-18-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Commander Mike Havering
Source Location: Leeds System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering reporting again.

Lieutnand Commander Goodman invited me to make a small sweep into Gallian held terretory and since this seemed to be a good chance to do some damage I joined him.

And well I would say we did our job well at first we saw a battle going on in Orkney which we first watched.
But as the lone Council fighter was in danger of being overwelmed we jumped in.

We took down both MK ships that where present though my guncam seemed not be online yet for the first kill.
Result in orkney

Sadly the Council fighter got taken down my the Battleshipguns.

As we moved back to Harris we noticed that there were again some EFL ships in Tau 31 aswell.
We checked it out and saw that they where hanging back at their newly built Station over Holman.

But we managed to lure them out into the open eventually though at that time a Gaul Navy came and joined the party.
After minutes of intense fighting a Freelancer joined in on the fight on our side.
The EFL broke of the fight since it seemed that they found a cruiser to shoot at which belonged to the VG.
From there on we didn't see what happened since the Gauls Navy took keen interest on Goodman and myselfe at that time but it seemed that the Outcast force named XFT joined into the fight aswell though on which side they where on I cannot tell with the limited data i've got right now.

Guncam 1Guncam 2

My ship did get a few critical hits and i informed Goodman of that, he then called me to retreat to Leeds to restock and refuel.

I did just that since Goodman and the Freelancer had the situation under controll with that Gaul.
As I arrived in Leeds long range scanners indicated that futher 2 GRN ships where moving into the battle in Tau 31.

Hailing Goodman he told me that he was alright and could make it out.

Trusting him I landed on Leeds and got my Templar into the Hangar so that it could be repaired as fast as possible.

After some time I got the message that Goodman managed to disengage from the battle since a few VG Cruisers engaged the Gauls aswell.

That would be all for now.
Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...