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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Harus - 08-19-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
--Location: Battleship Westfallen. Hamburg--
--From: Flieger Rheinhart Weiss--
--Patrol/Battle Report--

Today's patrols seemed uneventful. I was called by the Vice Admiral to Omega-7 to assist in a report of a Corsair Gunboat lurking about. We where unsuccessful in finding it's location. Further scans indicated it had left the system.

We then continued our patrol of Stuttgart, and where joined by Feldwebel Koehler, and we also met Eva on one of her private ships.

Berlin, Hamburg, Sigma-13, Munich all clear, and the admiral docked on the Westfallen and did some work.
Shortly after his departure, a Liberty Policeman, in a lone defender was caught headed toward the Westfallen, and ignored hails and warning shots. Feldwebel Koehler requested I remove this blight from space, and I did so as commanded.

We where contacted by the [RM-MND]Ansgar.Freyberg to assist him in acquiring new information in Bering, Hudson, and the Texas system.

Our diversion in Bering worked perfectly. We destroyed several waves of Navy ships, and proceeded to collect data in Hudson, and Texas. Whilst attempting to acquire information from the Prison Station Sugarland, we encountered an LSF agent. Instead of engaging, we proceeding to move back into the scrap field. Though he proceeded to follow, and we turned and engaged him.

No sooner that we did, two more LSF pilots entered scanners, and the battle commenced. We fought well. Dwindled down their repair supplies almost to the point of exhaustion. One of the LSF suddenly engaged a cloaking device, but was destroyed before it could disappear. The other two LSF ships now down a man, fled back to Sugarland, and we made our way back to Rheinland space.

Our recon mission was a failure, but not completely. The MND personnel got information from Hudson, and we also located a large storage facility hidden deep in the scrap field in Texas.

Ships involved in the Skirmish in Texas:





Notable Guncam Footage:

Cloak, and Death of Emily.Anderson
Sugarland from a Distance
Unidentified Storage Facilities
Destruction of Liberty Police Defender

--End Report Log--

Rheinland Military Message Dump - McFly - 08-19-2010

Connecting to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer
Verifying neural identification masks
Connected to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer
Connected as Flieger Theodor Osterkamp, ID 101HF003
Welcome to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer, FLieger Osterkamp.
What would you like to do?
You have selected: 3. - Personal log entry

Writing from the Hamburg sick bay.

I had a prisoner transport from Munich to Vierlande Prison, Hamburg when I got caught in an ambush of some Volksfront activists yesterday morning. They sabotaged the trade route somewhere between Planet Holstein und Mannheim Station. There were a pair of two. One of them immediately locked on me.
His name was VF)Malcom.Arison - that I remember.

Herr Arison insulted me and my Vaterland as fascists and demanded me to justify actions of the Rheinwehr military. I already knew at that point that any discussions would not lead to a peaceful end.
I was worried about their well equipped Sabres and tried to evaluate my chances.
The trade route was out of order, both of them had anti trans warp torpedoes mounted. Escaping was not an option.

All I could do was to try to protect my honour, my vaterland and myself through counter attack. We shouted at each other on the radio. He had no ears for me that I am in the Rheinwehr to protect my family and beloved ones. He claimed to be a man from Rheinland as well. Although engaging attacks against fellow countrymen... I was as mad as he was and vice versa.
We unlocked weapons and started fighting.

His flying skills were decent and I had trouble with getting him in my sights. We shot down both of our shields and the dogfight went on for quite a while.
Then I got a critical shot hitting my starboard side. A series of lightnings covered my cockpit instruments and I got an electric shock. I lost control of my ship for a second. I heard the metal bursting hits from the back of my ship. I had no shield batteries or nanos left. Where was he?

My radar flickert and sparks crackeled fom broken cover parts on me. I twisted and turned the ship. Forget about the noise, I mumbled to myself. You have to find him.
I turned again.

There he was. We were on collision course and on full throttle. Our weapons were on continous fire as we approached each other with breakneck speed. The noise of my breaking hull got louder and louder and I tried to shout against it to keep my concentration.
It was bright, I could not see anything - I felt the gush of heat coming from behind me.... The engines!

I made a determined move with both hands behind my head and grabbed the ejactor device.
The explosion was devastating. I only remember the shockwaves and the light...

I was already floating for about half an hour in my escape capsule when I gained consciousness. The ping signal of my capsule woke me up. It was sending my position constantly and only decodable for Rheinwehr scanners.
I waited.

And waited.

These headaches! The capsule was floating and turning in an unwaveringly manner. I waited. I got sick. I threw up into my combat gear. The stars were so beautiful.

The outer shell of those escape capsules are not very thick and hardly protected against cosmic radiation. I knew if they would not find me soon I had to die.
I prayed. Finally I fell into a deep sleep.

The next thing I remember is that I woke up in the hospital. The Rheinwehr Navy Clinical Centre Hamburg, tower 3, level 14, sickroom 23 B. That I was told by the nurse.
The staff is very nice and they really care about you although they have their hands full. More and more soldiers are getting here from the front.
My room is nice. I can see the Hamburg Central Business District from here. The space in between those habitat skyscrapers and commercial giants is filles with ships. Shuttles are docking non/stop at the bays. Business as usual. Not even a slight touch of the war is to be noticed here. Thanks god!

The letter the nurse left on the desk says that I will recieve the Silver Oak Leaf by next week for ''honorable behaviour in war''.

I will not inform my mother.
I do not want her to be concerned.

Save message
Logging out
You can now remove your neural connection safely

Rheinland Military Message Dump - GhostFace - 08-20-2010

~~~Incomming Transmission~~~
From: Flieger Viktor Nilovach
Subject: Battle Report : 5

Das day is filled with blood comrades. *Chugs on a bottle of vodka* We had amassed a small fleet to head into Liberty-Texas System, revenge for their failed raid on the Hamburg system. We had assembled two squadrons of fighters led by Herr Putzkammer, and Herr Koehler, along with a RNC Gunboat and two Rheinland Battleships tagged Munster, and Baron.

Entering the Hudson system we had encountered a LNS Gunship I believe, the tag was lost. To avoid it relaying our presence back to Liberty we had to dispose of it quickly, this we had achieved for zhe vatherland. Afterwards, we had continued to proceed with our plans. After the fleet had entered das Texas system we had set checkpoints for the western edge of das sun. The two squadrons were then sent off to scout the system.

On route in Texas
Checkpoint Reached

After a few moments of scouting, we had encountered some Liberty Navy forces at Houston. After a few moments of sorting out, the two squadrons have proceeded to attack with our capitals coming in. The fighting had proved to be on our side when we had quickly taken out a a fighter, but unfortunately we had only began with the stranglers of their Navy.

Battleshot 1
Battleshot 2

Soon enough once our capitals had arrived, the weak minded Libertarians had launched every available ship which had consisted of x amount of fighters and bombers and multiple capital vessels, quickly outnumbering our fleet we had assembled. The sun had been blocked out by the number of ships present and it was only a matter of time till we had to escape.

As time elapsed we had lost our capitals and a squadron of fighters, yet the Navy continued to add numbers eventually those Communist bastards, SCRA had entered to make matters worse neutrally aiding the LN. By then we all knew the fate of us, under Herr Putzkammer's orders, I had pulled out of battle and managed to make it back to Hamburg. As for Herr Putzkammer and Koehler, I had not seen them return. May they find they way back to zhe vatherland.

[color=#009900]~~End Transmission~~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Barricade - 08-20-2010


Today Military forces were gathering for a large scale attack on Liberty.
While still in Hamburg's orbit, an incoming libertonian fleet appeared.

Disrupted in our plans, we had to push them out of our homesystem.
All I witnessed, have been several Carriers, a Dreadnought, many Gunboats
and fighter or bombercraft.

We performed very well, but I lost my Snub to a cease-fire from a hired Freelancer.
I jumped into my Wraith and chased a few more Libertonians back to the Freeport.


All in one, it was a successful day for Rheinland.

For Rheinland, for the Kanzler !

Flieger Paul Xaver

[size=small][color=#FF0000]TRANSMISSION END

Rheinland Military Message Dump - GhostFace - 08-21-2010

~~~Incoming Transmission~~~
From: Flieger Viktor Niklovach
Subject: Battle Report #6

Guten tag comrades! While assisting another Militar pilot under zhe name Hans Biermenn with flight training, we had docked for vodka. apologies for sharing that but it was mein off duty hours. But unfortunately before we could even grab zhe bottle of vodka, the Battleship's alert system had registered and I decided to take zhis call for help.

Apparently a Kruger employee had reported harasment from a Hessian pilot out by the rocks in Omega-7. I had insured zhat everything was going to be ok, and the Kruger miner had been quite valuable by providing me his identity and ship model.

Log 1
Log 2
Log 3
Log 4
Log 5
Log 6
Log 7

After entering the system I had made way to the coordinates given by das Kruger employee, yet the Hessian like the fool he is stayed put while trying spread similar propaganda of those Communists SCRA we had troubles with. Seeing how he was only speaking lies, I was nice to this Hessian and allowed him not one, but two chances to leave. Unfortunately he doesn't know when it's time to be silent. After a few more words given by him, he had flown himself into a pack of my mines which instantly took him out without warning.

Death of Karl

Another Hessian propagandist put in his place, for zhe vatherland!

~~End Transmission~~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - GhostFace - 08-25-2010

~~~Incoming Transmission~~~
From: Flieger Viktor Niklovach
Subject: Patrol Report: 7

Guten tag comrades, Flieger Niklovach reporting in once again, ja. Well, honestly zhere is nothing to report. Other than a few patrols around zhe vatherland, and simple cargo scans, nothing has occurred. Maybe we have scared zhe criminals away ja? Ha! Nonetheless zhe lanes are looking safe, for now.

Viktor Nikovach out.

~~End Transmission~~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 08-25-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr Kreuzer Seydlitz,[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-23-F.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Vizeadmiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report database.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Report of 25.08.818.

Reporting of the assault Stuttgart had to face just a few minutes earlier. Unknown marauders of unknown affiliation showed up just as I was summoning the wing for patrol, near the Karlsruhe. It appeared that they had no real motives around the area, they simply wanted to assassinate me, attacking shortly after I got out of the Karlsruhe's range.

The vessels I got a reading of were two of the Border Worlds shipline, a Falcata and a Scimitar. Neither were the right choice for assassination missions as they soon realized. The designation of the marauders seemed to be based on a similar pattern, Shaulanca's Revenge was their identical callsign, divided by only the numbers afterwards. What or who Shaulanca is, or what they wanted to avenge; don't ask as I never got to know the answer.

The wing I was assembling, consistent of Flieger Paul Xaver and Hauptmann Gunter Weissman soon arrived, shortly after the assassin bomber opened fire. Weissman remained on an observer position as the Flieger and I opened our attack, swiftly dispatching the bomber, baring the number two. Apparently, this militant group had a wide range of Corsair supporters, as a pair of Corsair vessels, Fernando Zeres and Jose Carlos soon arrived to the scene, immediately engaging us upon sight.

With the arrival of two Sabres, Shaunlanca's Revenge 3 and Shattered Skies, another unknown Freelancer seemingly after our heads, and 1-1 ship worth of backup coming in the form of WRF Alpha-4 and Flieger Landers, the skirmish erupted into a bloodbath.

[Image: rm9.png]

Under the duration of an hour or so, we managed to bring down both Corsairs, as an addition to the Falcata we took down earlier, however we lost two of our Fliegers and Alpha-4 retreated. The hostiles were heavily damaged in the firefight, we drained them dry of their nanobot supply. Additional reinforcements coming in from the RFP and the WRF made them scatter before we finished the job.

The origin and objectives of the attackers remain a mystery. We have no information regarding the group's whereabouts or motives, their equipment points to Outcast origins, yet they side with Corsairs. Their accent cannot be made out, as the short fragments of sentences they spoke sounded neutral. Apparently, they were after my head at first. Why exactly? They never told. Luckily, none of our men were severely injured or dead, but the engagement cost us a pair of Wraiths. The impact we made on them was more severe, hopefully severe enough for them to consider not returning.

[Image: rm10.png]

I'll get the MND to investigate the case.


Vizeadmiral Alec Voelkel


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - lukasz_r128a - 08-27-2010

****Opening channel****
[color=#33CC00]From: Ge. Klaudia Linn
Subject: Patrol Report

Guten Tag! This is a report from my patrol maked today as was ordered. I've start my duty on planet Hamburg with orders to check all secured by Rheinland Militar routes in system (File#1). Next point in my orders was doing the same in Neu Berlin system (File#2). In Hamburg system I didn't met any suspicious or hostile activity (addicional files which can intrest Rheinlan Militar Command: File#3, File#4, File#5, File#6, File#7 ). When all objectives in Hamburg system were realized I jumped to Neu Berlin. In that system I din't met also any suspicious or hostile activity. During the patroling I met only two ships. First one was spotted in sector 5C It was a civilian pilot. After a scaning procedure I let him back to his previous activity (File#8, File#9). Next pilot was met in sector 4G. After the scanning procedure I let him back to his previous activity to (File10). When I scan all Neu Berlin system, I docked on planet to take a rest. (addicional files which can intrest Rheinlan Militar Command: File#11, File#12, File#13, File#14, File#15, File#16).

****Transmission end****

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 08-28-2010

-----Stand by----

FROM:Flieger.Otto von Marck
SUBJECT:Patrol report #1, Battle report #1

Guten Tag! This is my report of my first day in Rheinland Military.
On the day of 27.08.816 A.S I was starting my patrol of systems New Berlin, Stutgard and Munich when an distress call comed from one of our Military from Omega-7 to call for reinforcementes because Corsairs were invading the system. I did so and reinforcements went to Omega-7 and we won. After am hour we receive an report that is an mass fleet of Libery Navy in Hamburg. We gathered our forces and went to Hambur to counter the Mass fleet. When we arrived we found may Dreadnoughts and Liberty Assault Carriers and a few fighters\bombers with a few gunboats. We engaged and we lost the battle. Our casualties were 3 gunboats and may fighters/bombers. After the Liberty fleet go back to Liberty space i went in Braunschweing for supplyes and there i have trained with Paul.Bommel. After a few lessons me and Paul.Bommel formed and we start to patrol the Rheinland. We patroled New Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, we did,t find any thing suspicios. After That Paul.Bommel docked with Planet Munich and i have go back to New Berlin.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 08-28-2010

----Stand By----

FROMFlieger.Otto von Marck
[color=#33FF33]SUBJECT::Patrol report #2, Battle report #2, Training repor #1

Guten Tag!
Today 28.08.816 A.S I was starting my patrol in New Berlin, when Watcherx3 in an Gunboat called me in Aachenfeld to deal with an LWB. There i found Fw.Silth.Fuhrmann and an LWB.Leopold.Dilz. After he refuzes to surrender we opened fire and killed the pirate. Later i and Fl.Joachim.Landers start to patrol the sistems of Frankfurtt and Munich returning yo New Berlin. In new Berlin we found Chaos99 with an wrong ship, IFF and ID and we escorted him out of Rheinland. Me and Fl.Joachim.Landers then start to train, after a few lessons he recived an distress call from Omega-7 and went there. Corsairs invaded again Omega-7 so he have retreadet to Stuttgard. There we and RFP tryed to stop the Corsaires but we were outnumbered. We fought at the New Berlin Jump Gate and my ship was severily damaged in the fight so i was forced to disengage and return to New Berlin leaving the situation to RFP to handdle it. After i have repaired my ship I went to Hamburg to grpup up with others [RM]. There we encounter an Corsair gunboat and 2 hessians ships, we lost the battle there and we were forced to retreat. After 10 minutes The 2 hessians ships got in New Berlin and start engaging me and my 2 wingmesn. After they were put out of fight i remaine alone with 2 Hessians ships. After a couple of minutes of dodging another 2 pirate ships came un one hessian and an LWB. They destroyed me but i managed to eject just before that. N Rheinland Gunboat just entered the fight but it was too late because the Corsair Gunboat were there already and Rheinland Gunboate was distroyed. All this in the front of planet New Berlin.